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1、Unit 5 The silver screenTeaching proceduresRevisionWord studyPractice Multiple choiceTranslationWritingPhrasesDictationSentence structures.Revision1.我们应该使这些资料变得很有价值。2.孩子们应该懂得节省时间的重要性。3.据报道一艘油船撞在一块岩石上,呵斥大量污染。Children should be made to understand the importance of saving time. We should make these mat

2、erials of most value/valuable.It was reported that an oil tanker struck a rock and caused a lot of pollution.4.那位遭到惊吓的姑娘害怕一个人呆在暗处。5.她拼命挣扎着,却无法站稳。6.她拼死一搏,终于挺身站住了。The frightened girl feared staying to stay in the dark alone.She struggled and struggled, but could not get on her feet.She thought for her

3、 life, and finally pulled herself up. Without doubt Steven Spielberg is perhaps Hollywoods best known director and one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world. In 1993 he directed Jurassic Park, which did not have the universal appeal of his previous efforts. With all of the money he has, he proba

4、bly can do anything he wants to. And recently Steven graduated from a university with a degree in filmmaking. His possibilities are still limitless. Dictation.Word study 1. owe v. 欠钱,负债; 欠情;赞赏;把归于owe sb.money money to sb. owe sth to sb. owing to (because of) 把。归功于欠某人.They asked him to pay _(欠他们的债务).

5、 You owe it to your staff to be honest with them.He owed it to himself to explain how it all happened. He owes it to his doctors care that he is quite well again. The fire _ (是由于他们的大意引起的). _ (由于下雨), they could not come.what he owed them 与下属坦诚相待,这是他对他们应有的态度。 多亏医生的照料,他的病才好了。 他以为他应该解释事情发生的情况。 was owing

6、 to their carelessness Owing to the rain, .2. determine vt. & vi. 决议;决心 determined adj. determination n.determine sth. to do wh-+to do clausebe determined to do that S. should do determine sb. to do.Lets determine _(晚会的日期). He determined _(立刻回家). Have you determined _(下星期天要去哪里了吗)? He was determined

7、_(不让任何人知道此事). What determined _(她嫁给他)? a date for the party to go home at once where to go next Sunday that he (should) not tell anyone about it her to marry him that he would go home not to tell anyone about it.3. livelaiv adj. 实况广播的,现场传播的;活的a live tiger a live show/broadcast/TV program a lively ch

8、ild / description a way of making ones classes lively The fish is still alive/living. Keep him alive, please. He is the only man alive in the accident. a living plant The living will go on with the work of the dead. .1.take ones place take sbs /sths place=take the place of sb/sth. take place in plac

9、e of in place out of place in the first placePhrasesinstead of 在正确位置;预备妥当位置不妥当;不得体,不适当at first ; first.Please make your room tidy and put everything_.It would be difficult to find a man _the present manager.The contest _yesterday.Who is here_ the manager?When his secretary went on holiday, Mary_for

10、a week.Your remarks were a bit_.in the right placeto take the place oftook placein place oftook her placeout of place.2. bring back bring about bring down bring forward bring in bring out return sth; make sb. remember sth.cause reduce; lower; make sth.fall down; defeatput forward; advancemake or ear

11、n money; introducetake out; publish; clarify;make sth appear.I dont know what _(导致)the change in his thinking. He_ (提示)the significant aspects of the problem. Finally he _(提出)his plan for the experiment. Measures are taken to _(降温) the workshop. This story _(回想起) my unhappy childhood. brought aboutb

12、rought outbrought forwardbring downbrought back.They decided to _ the meeting _ from Friday to Tuesday.This will _ 1000 yuan.bring forwardbring them in.Jackie Chan is a popular and very famous Chinese actor who has made movies both in Asian and in the United states. His early movies, made in 1980sar

13、e classic, because they made before the time computers became widely used to tricky Kung-fuFighting. His films made in Hongkong are famous in China, and have never been as successful in the US. On the other hand, some of his movies made in America have been very successfully in the US but not in Asi

14、a. In the article where students can read about Chans ideas about his own movies and what he has to say about differences among Western and Asian movie-making. We also read about Chans ambitions and his dream for the future.Proofreading1._2._3._4._5._6._7._8._9._10._Asiatheweretrickbutsuccessfulwher

15、ebetweenThey.Writing Jack is a young actor who has made appearances in some famous films. Many directors think highly of his acting skills. Before his career really took off, everything seemed to go wrong against him, but he didnt lose heart. In the live interview on the air, he says to the listeners, “I think


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