



1、第二十八课 自我理想:超责备和认可部分Reviewing: We have been discussing concepts assoted with the newlyroducedstructure, the superego. This structure is part of the ego, but an “upper partbecause it is based onrojection of the censuring and idealized parents, who arebiggern the child, above the child. Thus the “voice

2、 of conscience seems to comefrom above, and one lives “up to ones ideals. The superego contains the ideals,censuring for, and approval.回顾:已经新引入的结构超我相关的概念。这个结构是自一部分,但是是“上位”部分,因为是基于内摄责备和理想化的父母,父母大于儿童、高于儿童。因此“道德的声音”看上去像来自上面,一个人想要“向上”达到自己的理想。超我包括理想、责备和认可。 The Ego Ideal自我理想One of the basic psychological

3、conceptssuperego developmentas he did to all oft Freud appd to his new theory ofhis theories wast development isdetermined not only by external forbut also by a certain readiness of the psychicapparatus for specific new developments. An exle is the childs readiness andwillingnessrathern toertain per

4、iod of development to attribute omnipotence to the parentshimselfa phase of increased “educabilityhe child.应用到他的新的超我发展理论的一个心理学观念就如他对待他的所有理论那样是发展不仅仅取决于外在力量,也取决于心灵的某个新的发展倾向。一个例子是儿童在某个发展阶段倾向于把全能归于父母而不是自己一个增加“可教育性”的阶段In both the earr period of self-omnipotence (the “ideal ego) and the lateriodof omnipot

5、ence projected to the parents (the “ideal parents), the main ie for thechild is how to deal with his libidinal and aggressive drives. During the earrperiod the omnipotence is oriented toward immediate and complete satisfaction of drives, whereas later the emphasis is on controlling the driveseach pr

6、esumably having survival value for children during those differing periods of development. The childprojects omnipotence to his parents as the ones who are able to control drives. Stilllater, when his idealized image of the perfect parents is lost, the chilpts tothis further frustration by the mecha

7、nism of rerojecting his previously projectedomnipotencehe form of an ego ideal. The ego ideals qualities oferfulness andmoral perfection retain and reflect the omnipotent aspect of the individuals original infantile narcissism. The development of neutralized superego structure is dependent on the pa

8、ssage of the childs narcissism through the parents.在更早的自我全能阶段(“理想自我”)和后来的全能投射给父母(“理想化父母”)阶段,儿童的主要是如何处理自己的力比多和性驱力。期的全能阶段是被导向立即和完全的驱力满足,而在后期强调的是控制驱力每种对儿童来说在不同发展阶段都具有生存价值。儿童投射全能给自己的父母作为能控制驱力的人。再后来,当他的理想化的“完美父母”影像失去后,儿童通过将他之前投射的全能再内摄形成自我理想的机制来适应进一步的挫败。自我理想的力量和道德“完美”的品质保持了反应了最初的婴儿自恋的全能方面。中和的超我结构的发展依赖于这条儿

9、童通过父母的自恋。If the parents demands are reasonable, the childs rerojected narcissism willreturn in a more neutralized and reasonable formn id before. If a parents ownego ideal is made up largely of unneutralized structure, however, then the passage ofthe childs narcissism throught parent will not produc

10、e as much neutralization. Thechilds narcissism will be rerojected in a relatively unmodified form, betraying itsinfantile character by its impatience and by anrighteous mising attitude of self-如果父母的要求是合理的,儿童再内摄的自恋会以一种比之前更中和和合理的形式返回。如果父母的自我理想是主要中和结构的,那儿童这条通过父母的自恋会以一种相对未调和的形式,在无耐心和固执的自我正

11、确的完美性的态度中出它的幼儿特征。The Censuring Part of the Superego超责备部分Development of the censuring part of the superego exhibits certain parallels with theaforementioned phases of ego ideal development. The three phaseshe development ofthe ego ideal are primary narcissism and omnipotence (the ideal ego), projecte

12、dnarcissism (the ideal parents), and rerojected narcissism (the ego ideal, astructuret retains some features of the precedino phases). The correspondingphaseshe development of the censuring superego are:超责备部分的发展是并行于上面的自我理想的发展阶段的。自我理想的三个阶段是原始自恋和全能(“理想自我”)、投射的自恋(理想父母)和再内摄自恋(自我理想,一个保留了前两个阶段部分特征的结构)。责备性

13、超相应发展阶段是:1. Primary masochismthe initial disition of potentially hostile-aggressiveimpulses, prior to their being focused on an object. As the child begins torecognize the role of the outsideaaining drive balance (wish-fulfillment), the primary masochism is transformedo primary hostility towardthe o

14、utside (the phase of the Purified Pleasure Ego, in which the psyche attemptsto project everything unpleasant to the outer world).1.“原始受虐“最初的潜在敌意-冲动倾向,先于被聚焦于一个客体之前。当儿童开始认识在管理驱力平衡(愿望满足)的”外在“角色后,原始受虐被转化为朝向外的“原始敌意”(“纯粹自我”阶段,在其中心灵试图把每个不都投射给外在世界)。2. As the role of the outsidees more distinct, and as the m

15、aenance ofnarcissistic balancees increasingly dependent on being at peace with the nowomnipotent parents, the hostility directed toward themes untenable. Whenprojected to them, the childs hostility reinforhis perception and experience ofparental anger, which greyensifies his fear of committing trans

16、gress.2.当“外在”角色变得更区分,当自恋平衡更依赖于与现在的全能父母和平共处,指向父母的敌意变得不能维持。当再把敌意投射给他们时,儿童的敌意会强化他的的害怕。3. At the height of the drive-retaliationduring the oedipal period, theprojectivelyensified image of the threatening parents is rerojected andesthe censuring part of the superego. The censuring part of the superego th

17、us containsresidues of the primary masochism, the hostilityt was projected to the parents, andthe actual hostiehavior of the parents toward the child.3.在期的驱力反击的顶点,投射的强化的性父母影像被重新内摄而成为超责备部分。驱力的责备部分因此包含原始受虐的残留被投射给父母的敌意和父母实际的敌意行为。Aslehe case of the ego ideal, the self-directed hostility of the superego

18、is more oreutralized, depending on the fate of the projected and rerojected hostility inits passage through the parents. Latent, unneutralized hostilityhe parents appearstoensify the hostile force of the childs censuring superego. Open hostility by theparents, on the other hand, allowseast some rebe

19、llion by the childs ego, sothenot all of the childs hostile feelings are turned inward. Neutralized firmnessparents attitudes towards the childs drives leads to the development of a neutralizedand firm superego.就如在自我理想中,超指向自敌意的被中和化程度依赖于在通过父母过程中投射和再力。另一方内摄的敌意运。父母身上的潜伏的、未中和的敌意会强化儿童的责备性超面,父母意开放、允许儿童自某种

20、程度的从,因此儿童的敌意感受没有被完全返回。父母对孩子驱力的中和化的坚决态度导致儿童的一个中和化和坚决的超发展。The Approving Part of the Superego超认可部分Even parental approval toward the child occurs largelyhe service of curbing drivesand, ach, produfrustration.his case, however, what is rerojected fromthe “parental passage is aitive, approving structure f

21、or controlling drives, incontrast to a negative, punitive structure. Not all approval by parents leads tosmoothly functioning,-free, neutralized structure, however. Approval byparents can run the gamut from poorly neutralized to effectively neutralized response.An exle of relatively unneutralized ap

22、proval by a parent would be an eroticallyseductive attitude toward the child.虽然父母对孩子的认可主要用来抑制驱力,同样产生挫败。但在这种情况下,从“父母”内摄的是一个控制驱力的积极和认可的结构,而不是一个和惩罚性的结构。但不是所有的父母的认可都导致顺畅的、无的中和结构。父母的认可导致的中和是个光谱,从不充分的中和到有效的中和。相对未中和的认可的例子是父母的一个情欲引诱的态度。The superego, although part of the ego, iually closer to the id in its p

23、rimitiveness,ensity, and emphasis on narcissism and omnipotence. Just as the ego sets up defensivebarriers against id drives, it also erects defenses against superego demands. The latterare often important ies inysisfor exle, the patient who defends himselfagainst experiencing guilt by denying any c

24、onnection bet“accidentally injuring himself afterward.n a transgresand超我,虽然是自一部分,实际上是更接近于本我,在其原始性、强度和对自恋和全能的强调上。就如自我建起屏障防御本我驱力,它也对超我要求竖起了防御。后者在分析中经常是重要议题例如,患者通过否认一个和事后“意外”的自己之间的联系来防御自己体验内疚Q uestion: Where among these structures does therutic work in psychoysis takeplace? And if the superego is perma

25、nent and unchangeable, how can treatment beeffective?问题:在精神分析中治疗工作发展在这些结构的哪里?如果超我是效?和不能改变的,治疗如何起A nswer: The changes brought about by psychoananlysis are minute but may be decisive.What is free assotion, after all, but the ideal of a “smoothly functioning psyche,free of repressive and other defensive barriers? The “tra


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