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1、外贸开发信What are the basic contents included in a sales letter?What is the appropriate tone applied in a sales letter? Could you sum up some tips to attract the readers (potential customers) attention when designing and writing a sales letter?一起思考下:What is the function of a sales letter?开发信的作用1目 录开发信的组

2、成 主题 正文 落款2开发信的模板3 外贸开发信作用The purpose & function of a sales letter is to expand business, to persuade the potential customer to buy what the sellers are able to supply (goods or service) 外贸开发信组成一、headline 主题/标题二、content 正文 salutation 称呼 headline or banner (optional) 内容提要 text 正文三、sign-off 落款吸引力:以特殊含

3、义词诱导客户打开信件;如:The secret of raising 40% market share (提高40%市场份额的秘密) 外贸开发信主题关联性:以客户自己的思维思考;如:How to expand 30% market share in 30 days (如何在30天内扩大30%市场份额) 外贸开发信主题老客户引荐:如果在当地市场已有比较知名的重要客户,可在标题中引用;如:A recommendation from xxx Co. 直接传送:如已知客户负责人姓名 可直接在标题中引导阅如:To Mike (from xxx Co.) 括号中的公司, 可写客户自己的公司,也可写自己的公

4、司 外贸开发信主题写标题的注意事项不要全部用大写字母:全部大写显得过于正式,并且因为各国阅读习惯的不同,有些区域会对于全部大写阅读困难不要用敏感词:如 free, promotion, supply, sales, introduce, introduction, cooperation等让人一看就知道是推销信的, 会直接被客户删除不要使用特殊符号:并不是不能用,而是要尽量少用,特殊符号有时候会因为服务器无法识别或客户的邮箱设置而直接进入垃圾箱善用Re: 善用Re这个前缀,一般在第二封邮件时就可用上,并且邮件是以连续接上的方式发送,让客户看到之前的邮件 外贸开发信主题 目的 语言 Clarit

5、yCorrectnessConciseness Has the sales letter been targeted to the goal clearly?内容 语气 格式 CompletenessCourteousness Is the layout in conformity with the procedure and visually appealing to the reader? Have you kept the description and proof brief and to the point? Have you kept the description and pro

6、of brief and to the point? Have you paid attention to the politeness and the personal tone all through the writing? 外贸开发信正文 “5C”Be the customer as you writeOrganize your letterMake it easy to readCapture your readers attentionGet your readers interestedMake your readers want your product or serviceA

7、sk your readers to take action 外贸开发信正文“7 Rules”Be the customer as you write. 1. 站在客户的立场去写信。 这是在写信的时候最重要的一点。当你在写这封信的时候,把自己当成客户来读。在老外的邮件中,很少会充满We, I这样的人称。大多用的是被动语态或者You。例: 我们会明天寄样品给你 我们常用的是“We will send the samples to you tomorrow.” 但老外一般会说The samples will be sent to you tomorrow. Organize your letter

8、. 2. 组织好你的语言邮件本身和面对面或电话交谈是完全不同的,所以不同语言、语气、用词效果也不一样 。例:“请今天答复”我们通常会说:Pls give me reply today.但老外一般会说: Could you help to give me reply today?要常用 please, help, kindly, could, thank you, appreciate 但正文里不要出现过多敏感词,如:free, promotion等,因为邮件群发,容易被当做垃圾邮件小贴士:在开发信模板写好后,先往自己的私人邮箱里尝试发送,如果直接被私人邮箱判断为垃圾邮件,则说明邮件会被客户邮箱

9、识别为垃圾邮件的机率很大,需要找出问题并进行修改。Make it easy to read. 3. 精炼语句开发信要做到简洁易懂,句子的精炼是非常重要的。客户在浏览邮件时留给每封邮件的时间只有几秒。很多信件客户根本不想看或者不想看完,很重要的原因是:看起来太累了,要么句子太长,要么语法很晦涩难懂。这里有几条建议:以交谈的方式写信,就像在跟客户聊天一样来写信,不要使用正式的生意腔调;尽量使用短句,让句子容易看容易懂;如果短句使用太频繁,也会让句子读起来不通顺,这时候就需要使用连接词或者标点符号,进行隔开;避免错误的拼写和语法,有些词句的拼写错误是致命的,语法不对也会造成误解,在完成信件后,要检查

10、一遍。Capture your readers attention4. 吸引读信者的注意这里说的只是先从第一感觉上抓住客户的眼球,那么信件中需要引起注意的地方,可以适当用些粗体,下划线,大写字母等表示醒目,让客户在第一眼看的时候就能够先突出优势,然后吸引他继续详细阅读了解剩下的部分。但是不要为了醒目而用夸张的字体,五彩的颜色,放大加粗斜体,甚至全篇大写等常用字体:Arial,Verdana,Calibri,Times new roman颜色:一般以黑色,蓝色为主。Get your readers interested5. 抓住客户的兴趣这一点必须建立在对客户要有一个基本的了解,我们可以使用一些

11、他们的口号或标语或企业文化,把客户的阅读兴趣勾引起来,这是达到进一步沟通所必须的条件。在这些句子当中穿插一些客户真正关心的问题,以便进行下一步。Make your readers want your product or service6. 让客户对你的产品和服务产生欲望这是信件内容中最重要也是最困难的一点。客户每天或许会收到几十上百封商业信件,如何让他在你的信件中找到共鸣?如何让自己的信件脱颖而出让客户眼前一亮?产品与服务不同,可能方法也会有很多。但是有一条的不变的:客户买的不是产品或服务,他是要从买卖的过程中获得利益和好处。卖利益,不要卖特点。打个比方:如果你做餐桌,那么你卖的不是餐桌本身

12、,而是家庭聚会的感动,是朋友聚餐的开心,这种体验是超出了产品本身的卖点。Ask your readers to take action7. 要求客户采取行动潜在的客户是不知道你想要什么的,除非你告诉他要怎么做。如果你想要他们给你打电话,就告诉他们你的号码并让他们打给你;如果想要他们来访问工厂,就邀请他们随时过来;如果想促销某种产品,就要告诉他们促销的时限和数量,要求他们立刻行动。所以不要有以下例句:Do you want our products?Do you interested in our products?Are you sourcing for *? How is your busi

13、ness recently? Would you like to cooperate with us? 落款的注意事项第一次不要留那么多信息,以后熟悉了在留也不迟:业务员生怕客户联系不到自己所以会在落款处写全部的联系方式,过于繁琐。 不要有http:/的URL超链接的网址:非常容易被当做垃圾邮件拦截。落款不建议以图片的形式表现:有些外贸员会把电子名片作为落款,认为这样有照片、抬头、公司名、联系方式等比较齐全,又显得专业,其实首封开发信不建议这样,容易对方收到X,无法显示 外贸开发信落款例:Sincerely,MaySales ManagerShanghai ABC Co. Ltd.Http:/

14、 MSN:aaahotmail.oomSkype: abcsalesTel: 86-21-588888Fax: 86-21-688888Mobil: 1888888888 外贸开发信模板由于群发邮件,建议隔时更换开发信的模板,可以降低被国内外邮箱服务商误判为垃圾邮件的可能,减少退信率开发信模板也仅仅是参考,通过多试验适合自己企业、产品的是最好的外贸开发信模板一 行业优势Dear manager,We specialize in fashion bags for 20 years, with mature one-stop.Also we have our own professional de

15、signers to meet any of your requirements. For more Should you have any questions, call me, lets talk details.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板二 种类优势Dear Sir,We, ABC Company specialized in fashion bags for 10 years, including backpacks, waist bag, pet bag, women stylish bags, camera bags, cell phone bag etc. meet

16、 all design requirements on the market.More items, please visit A quotation will be followed upon receipt of your detailed requirements.Look forward to hearing from you soon.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板三 样品优势Dear purchasing manager,Hello, May from ABC Company, professional bag manufacturer. Product diversif

17、ication including backpacks, waist bag, pet bag, women stylish bags, camera bags, cell phone bag and so on meet all design requirements.Kindly visit our web By the way, free sample are available. Thank you.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板四 简单优势Hey guy,ABC trading here, exporting fashion bags with all types of v

18、arious design requirements.Call me, lets talk details.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板五 发货优势Dear Mr. Smith,Glad to get your info from Tradekey.We supply fashion bags with good quality & competitive price meeting your purchase requirements. Shipment can be effected within 5 days after receiving the payment.Catal

19、og & price sheet will be provided after receipt of your requirements.Email or just call me directly. Thank you.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板六 销售优势Dear friend,Please find the pictures with models. An American guy purchased this model in big quantity last month and had a flourishing business. I would like to t

20、ry now, if its suitable for South American. .Samples can be sent on request. For more, please visit Hope to hear good news from you. Thank you.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板七 新产品优势Hi, purchasing managerGood day!We are professional bag supplier. We have researched & designed some new product including waist ba

21、g, cell phone bag.Welcome visit . Thanks for your valuable time.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板八 客户优势Hi Kelvin,This is May from ABC Co. professional bag manufacturer. We specialized in bags for 10 years, with the customers of Wal-Mart, Big Tree. Glad to write to you for sharing the most popular cell phone. .Sa

22、mples can be sent on request. Call me, lets talk more!Thanks and best regards, May外贸开发信模板九 同行优势Hi Chris,Glad to hear that you are on the same market as us of fashion bag.We, ABC Co. also export backpacks, waist bag, pet bag, women stylish bags, camera bags, cell phone bag etc. meet all design requir

23、ements.More items, please visit Any comments, thatll be appreciated. Thanks.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板十 成本优势Dear Mary /James,Are you interested in saving some money on importing any of the following:backpackswaist bag pet bagcamera bagscell phone bagAll of our products are very affordable as a result of b

24、eing produced in special economic development regions of China and we are more than happy to help you with the import/export process too.Glad to hear from you.Sincerely,May外贸开发信模板十一价格优势Dear friend,ABC Company is proud to offer an environmental friendly cell phone bag that has impressive quality. Thi

25、s comes at a very reasonable rate of US$5. In addition, sample design or self-design is welcome.If you looking for a fashionable cell phone bag that is also environmental friendly then these bags are perfect for you. Please contact us.Yours truly, May外贸开发信模板十二 销量优势Hi,Im manufacturer of fashion bags

26、with annual export more than 6.8 million. Same best-selling products & high-end services to you. Please contact us. Sincerely, May外贸开发信模板十三 反问优势Dear Thomas,What we gonna do when we got crazy with quality and delivery time? Nothing but keep chasing. It always be a big problem when doing overseas purc

27、hasing.However, we always get more choices. But finding another partner would cause trouble and risk. What are you going to do? Waiting?I dont think so. It is not difficult to give someone a try. What about we start right now? You would save money and time by now!Call me for details!Sincerely,May外贸开

28、发信模板十四 承诺优势Dear Sr. Silva,Whats the main problem you facing when you do overseas purchasing? Id say delivery time and quality problem had made you annoyed.The price is important but you need the best price not the lowest price. If so, that makes us stand out.10 years experience in professional fashi

29、on bags, capable production, promised delivery time and high level quality!Try me, you wont disappoint! Thanks.Sincerely, May外贸开发信模板十五 折扣优势Dear James,Best greet to you, also with a good news. We have refreshed our online catalogue at , it covers the latest new products available from stock. Please find some attractive additions to our product line. Once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. We would be very happy to send samples to you for close inspection. E


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