八下用Unit3 Could you please clean教学设计_第1页
八下用Unit3 Could you please clean教学设计_第2页
八下用Unit3 Could you please clean教学设计_第3页
八下用Unit3 Could you please clean教学设计_第4页




1、Unit3 Could you please clean your room?Section A(la-lb)Teach i ng aims:Know I edge aim:Key words: rubbish, fold,sweep,fold, chore.Key phrases: sweep the f I oor, take out the rubb i sh, fo I d the clothes, do the di shes,cIean the Ii vi ng room, make the bed.Key sentences:Gou Id you pI ease. . . ?Ab

2、ility aim:Learn how to make pol ite requests with55 could and give responses to the requests.EmotionaI aim:Train students to stand on the i r own and he Ip parents with the housework.Teaching important and difficult points:To master the key words ,phrases,structures.Make poI ite requests using the k

3、ey sentence structure “Could you please. . . ?J,Teach i ng methods:Commun i cat i ve approach and task-based teach i ng method.Teaching procedures:Stepl Warm up:Watch a cartoon Cinderella to Iead in the Iesson.Step2 presentation.New vocabuI ary I earn i ngPresent 6 pictures about chores to teach stu

4、dents new phrases.Memory test.Divide students into 2 groups,and Iet them to have a memory test competition.The group which says out phrases quicker wi I I be the winner.Grammar I earn i ngIntroduce the key sentence structure “Could you p I ease. . . ?J, and its pos i t i ve and negat i ve answer” ye

5、s/sure/certa i nIy/OK/no prob Iem “sorry, I can, t. I have to. . . 55Fi nd i ng gameStep3 Practice and consolidation.Teaching activitylba.Ask students to I i sten to the conversation and comp Iete the form.b.Check the answers.c. Li sten agai n and fill i n the bIanks.Pa i r work.Look at the pictures

6、. Then ask and answer the questions us i ng the sentence structure uCou Id you p I ease. . . ?,J, yes/sure/certa i nIy/OK/no prob Iem “sorry, I can, t. I have to. . . n .Group work.Ask students to form groups of 4. One student i s the monitor.The monitor shouId ask the other 3 students to do some ch

7、ores.Step4. summary.In th i s cI ass, we have I earned severaI phrases about chores and I earned how to make polite requests us i ng the modaI verb could. We consol idate the targetI anguage through some I i sten i ng and speak i ng pract i ce.Step5. Homework.Wr ite an article:I can he IpLast Sunday was Mother5 s Day. I he I ped my mom do some chores. Fi rst. . . Next. . . Then. . . Finally.Blackboard designUnit 3 Could you please clean your room?Chores:Could you please do +v-原型?sweep the floor take out the rubbishYes/sur


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