



1、Little tadpoles look for mummy教学设计Teaching objectives:Can understand the story with the story map.Can read the story correctly and enjoy the fun of reading.Can role play the story and think about another ending if here comes a crocodile.Can understand and think about their mother s love and teacher

2、sNew words:spring, missing, look for, tadpoles, mummy, bellyTeaching aids:picture cards, new word cards, previewing paper of this story 预习纸),PPt of this story, Flash of this storyTeaching time:40 minutesTeaching Procedure:Step I Warming upA card of SOS设计目的:用不知名的卡片(封面是国际求救信号”SOS ,内页是一段简单的求救文字: We can

3、 t find our mummy. Please helpHelp!)弓 I出将要讲述的故事。对于灾区的学生而言,了解 SOS求救信号对他 们有更为实际的意义)于是我问学生: Who give me this card?引出故 事主角。Step II leading in.Who give me this card, can you guess?.Guess out this riddle.(Give the riddle of tadpoles to students)(It is very small. It is black. It can swim. It has a big hea

4、d and a small tail.It is in the same family with frogs)设计目的: 在齐读谜语的过程中一步步点出谜面, 让学生边读边思考有着这种特征的动物是什么?引出“蝌蚪”这个谜底。从而引出本课的主要角色,强调蝌蚪和青蛙是同一个家庭的成员。. What do tadpoles say? Let( sMluismtemny. , mummy, where are you)?Where is their mummy? Do you know?Today let s learn a story: Tadpoles look for her mummy( 设计目

5、的:通过听小蝌蚪的说话,有趣地引出本课的标题。Step III First readingDid you read the story at home ?(前一天已经发放与阅读材料相关的预习纸,让学生对故事的大概有一个基本的了解)Do you have any difficult words in the story?Talk about them in your group and write them down on the paper .(小组合作学习,解决难词,把小组都不会的词写在纸 上)Now please put your difficult words in the“ word

6、box ”Now, let s make friends with them.(通过把难词不懂得词放到单词盒子里,和单词交朋友的方式提高孩子解决难词的兴趣。 老师将这些单词展示在黑板上, 通过“phonic ”的方法共同学习单词的发音, 通过相关图片和学生用肢体语言表达等方法学习单词的意思并进行检查)Step IV. Second reading.Watch the story and answer the two questions.Here are two questions. Let s watch the story and try to answer them.Can you ans

7、wer the questions now?Step V. Third reading.Read the story. (whole class/ in groups)Now, let s read the story .Please read after the flash.Then, let s read in groups. Which group wants to be?Step VI. Act the story.Act the story.( some students/in groups)d like some students to act theOK, do you want

8、 to act the story? OK, Istory with me. Look, Im a tadpole. Who wants to脸上相应的?头饰)Well, let s act in groups. Which group wants to be?. Think about it ,talk about it and try to act it out:Give a picture to students that they only can see the big eyes , green skinand a small tail. Ask them : Is this tad

9、poles mummy? Is it a frog?能看到的部分都是故事中提到过的青蛙的外在特点, 所以不认真观察的孩子很容易误以为这就是青蛙。 在孩子猜测后点开原图原来是一条鳄鱼。引导孩子认真观察)A crocodile is coming. Tadpoles(引出鳄鱼这个新角色,充分发挥孩子的想象能力和表演能力, 让孩子体会阅读的乐趣同时思考: 在遇到危险情况时妈妈是奋不顾身保护孩子还是自顾逃命?)If a crocodile is coming. What do the tadpoles do? How about their mummy frog? Will the frog run

10、away? Please talk about it in groups and act it out.Step VIII. Enjoy mummy s loveShow the PPts about mother s love to students with music, let them enjoy the greatest love .See which flower( Different flowers are different groups) is the closest to the picture of red heart on the board. Let the group leader come to the board and turn back the red heart. They can see their English teacher on the heart. Arouse them to feel their teacher s love.Step VII. HomeworkShow your love to your mummy tonight.(向妈妈展示你的


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