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1、.:.;China files WTO complaint over U.S. import duties on Chinese paperThe Associated Press美国结合通讯社,美联社Published: September , HYPERLINK iht/articles/ap/business/EU-FIN-ECO-WTO-China-US.php l # o Click to view map GENEVA日内瓦: Facing a U.S. legal assault指控, China asserted its rights主张权益 by filing a World

2、 Trade Organization complaint against antidumping duties that the United States applies on Chinese paper imports, trade officials said Friday.The WTO case is the first initiated by Beijing against Washington in five years and comes on the heels of a series of U.S. trade complaints against China.Beij

3、ing opposes the unfair practice of the U.S. in carrying out the antidumping duties, an official at the Chinese mission in Geneva 日内瓦said, referring to Washingtons May decision to impose施加,征收 penalty tariffs惩罚性关税 ranging from . percent to . percent on imports from China of the glossy papercoated pape

4、r 铜版纸 is used in art books, textbooks and high-end magazines高端杂志.The official spoke on condition of anonymity匿名, citing Chinese government rules. The Commerce Ministry in Beijing confirmed the action.Sean Spicer, spokesman for the U.S. trade representative美国贸易代表发言人 in Washington, said he was surpris

5、ed by Chinas action because a final decision on the coated-paper duties is not expected until November. But he said the U.S. was not angered by the request because such disputes are normal among major trading powers.Today in Business with Reuters路透社Our laws are fully in compliance with按照,遵照 WTO obli

6、gations, and we are going to rigorously defend them, Spicer told The Associated Press. that is part of doing business. that is how mature trade partners act.The administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, criticized in the United States for soaring trade deficits 飞涨的贸易赤字, began investigating Ch

7、inese paper imports last year after a complaint by NewPage Corp.新页公司, which produces coated paper.NewPage contended that it faced unfair competition from Chinese companies which it allegedNewPage声称 received illegal government support(政府补贴).The decision to impose duties on Chinese paper reversed year

8、s of U.S. trade policy by treating China classified as a nonmarket economy 非市场经济即方案经济 the same way as other U.S. trading partners in disputes involving government subsidies(政府补贴).Since the s, the U.S. has declined to identify subsidies by foreign governments in nonmarket economies非市场经济体. The theory

9、has been that fair prices in such economies are impossible to measure, especially when the governments dont tell when they give companies financial aid财政补贴. In , the courts upheld支持 the Commerce Departments rightthe Department of Commerce/DOC美国商务部的权益 not to apply duties against imports from nonmarke

10、t economies.Experts say the move has worried Beijing because it may open the door for many other American companies battered冲击injured in recent years by Chinese imports flooding the United States from steel to furniture to counteract(抵消) sweetheart loans私下贷款 from banks, rent-free land and other hidd

11、en support China allegedly provides firms.Washington has brought four complaints against China to the WTO since . Last month, the global commerce body全球商务机构 launched a formal investigation into U.S. and Mexican allegations that China is providing illegal subsidies for a range of industries (一些产业), i

12、ncluding paper.A separate WTO panel is expected to be created on Sept. to examine U.S. claims that China has failed to protect intellectual property rightsIPRs知识产权, while a first decision by the trade body could come later that year in a case brought by the U.S. and the -nation EU over allegations t

13、hat China maintains an illegal tax system to block imports of foreign-made auto parts汽车零部件.The U.S. also has accused China of hindering sales of American movies, music and books, through censorship rules审批程序 that dont apply to Chinese products.The U.S. trade deficit(贸易赤字) set a record for the fifth

14、consecutive year延续五年 in at $. billion. The imbalance不平衡,这里特指美国对中国的贸易逆差 with China grew to $. billion, the highest ever with a single country.China has consistently accused the U.S. of protectionism维护主义. China was one of nine WTO members that challenged U.S. steel safeguards钢铁保证措施 in . The new case i

15、s the first Beijing has initiated by itself against Washington.China urges U.S. to correct measures on coated paperGENEVA, Oct. (Xinhua) - China urged the United States on Friday to correct its anti-dumping and anti-subsidy measures反倾销、反补贴措施 targeting针对 Chinese coated paper, reiterating重申 that these

16、 measures violate World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. In consultations held in Geneva在日内瓦举行的磋商会议, Chinese officials questioned the consistency一致性 of the U.S. measures with WTO regulations, and urged the United States to consider Chinas concerns seriously and correct its measures, said a statement

17、from the Chinese WTO mission. The two sides also clarified some matters in the dispute分歧、争端 and agreed to continue their contact on the issue, the statement said. Fridays consultations were held under the WTOs dispute settlement mechanismDSM,WTO争端处理机制. China brought the case to the WTOs Dispute Sett

18、lement Body世贸组织争端处理机构on Sept. . According to Chinese trade officials, from November to July , the United States launched five anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations into Chinese coated paper and steel tubes, which involved Chinese enterprises with , employees and goods worth million U.S. dolla

19、rs. Five dual investigations双反调查,指反倾销、反补贴 against Chinese products in less than a year was unprecedented in the history of world trade在世界贸易史上史无前例的, the officials said. According to the Chinese Ministry of Commerce中国商务部, the U.S. decision 裁定not only violated WTO rules违犯了WTO规那么, but also went against

20、a -year-old U.S. bipartisan policy议会政策,两党政策.USAITCsaysnotodutiesoncoatedfreesheetpaper ITC says no to duties on coated freesheet免费赠阅 paper 新闻纸,用于海报的纸from China, Indonesia, and Korea WASHINGTON, Nov. , (Press Release) - The United States International Trade Commission (ITC)美国国际贸易委员会 today determined

21、that a U.S. industry is neither materially injured nor threatened with material injury by reason of in terms of/in (the )light of/with respect to/having regard toimports of coated free sheet paper from China, Indonesia, and Korea that the U.S. Department of Commerce has determined are subsidized and

22、 sold in the United States at less than fair value. Chairman Daniel R. Pearson, Vice Chairman Shara L. Aranoff, and Commissioners Deanna Tanner Okun, Irving A. Williamson, and Dean A. Pinkert voted in the negative(投反对票). Commissioner Charlotte R. Lane voted in the affirmative投赞成票. As a result of the

23、 Commissions negative determinations, no antidumping or countervailing反补贴 duties will be imposed on imports of that product from these countries. The Commissions public report Coated Free Sheet Paper from China, Indonesia, and Korea (Investigation Nos. -TA- and -TA- (Final), USITC Publication , Nove

24、mber ) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigations. Copies may be obtained after December , , by calling - or from the Office of the Secretary, E Street SW, Washington, DC . Requests may also be made by fax to -.中美铜版纸双反案谁是真赢家?铭万网 年月日:信息来源: 中国经济新闻网-中国经

25、济时报编 者 按 :被当作美国对华“双反制裁第一案的铜版纸诉讼官司,日前以美方态度的忽然大转向而戏剧性终了。中美“双反第一案铜版纸案曾经闭幕,但中美之间围绕“反补贴的博弈才刚刚拉开序幕,年将有更猛烈交锋。被当作美国对华“双反制裁第一案的铜版纸诉讼官司,日前以美方态度的忽然大转向而戏剧性终了。美国国际贸易委员会ITC最终裁定,美国商务部对中国铜版纸企业的反倾销和反补贴制裁要求化为乌有。铜版纸诉讼之所以引发外界普遍关注,并被视为中美贸易摩擦中交火最猛烈的冲突地带,其中的一个重要缘由就在于铜版纸是美国对中国适用反补贴制裁的第一种商品。 铜版纸“双反案触动中美经贸关系神经 年月日,美国商务部宣布对中国

26、铜版纸反倾销和反补贴案的终裁结果,决议对中国铜版纸消费商和出口商征收的反倾销税,以及的反补贴税,远高于对印尼和韩国两国消费商征收的税率。作为此次终裁结果,美国商务部将通知美国海关和边境暂缓铜版纸进口清算,以便收取保证金或根据最终税率裁定的反补贴与反倾销组合税金。根据美国贸易法,美国商务部此项终裁,还需求美国国际贸易委员会ITC在年月日对能否存在产业损伤作出一定性判决时,才干视为最终结果。 早在年月,美国商务部作出反倾销初裁,确定中国企业存在低价倾销。同时,在反补贴领域,美国国际贸易法庭作出判决,以为美方可对中国厂商实施反补贴制裁。随后美国商务部“及时作出初裁,将对中国适用反补贴法。此前,美国国

27、际贸易委员会于年月的初裁也认定,中国铜版纸使美国企业遭到损害。由此,中国产品被“双反制裁,只差美国国际贸易委员会最终判决一步。 美国在铜版纸问题上磨刀霍霍,引起外界广泛关注,尤其是征收反补贴税,更被以为是美国对华贸易艰苦政策的转变,由于年来美国官员不断以为“无法对非市场经济体实施反补贴法制裁。美国商务部长古铁雷斯的解释是,中国经济今非昔比,如今已到了可对中国运用反补助税这类贸易调理手段的时候了。既对该产品实施反倾销,又要实施反补贴,这在国际贸易壁垒中被称为“双重计税。用美国一位资深媒体人的话说,这是一种非常不公正的做法。 以铜版纸案例而言,美国在反倾销方面,将中国作为非市场经济体,由此根本不思

28、索中国的实践消费本钱,而作出有利于美国企业的判决;而在反补贴方面,又实践上把中国作为了市场经济体,以此对中国进展新的制裁。而且,美国的闸门一开,对中国“双反措施将会源源不断。继铜版纸后,美国又针对环形钢管、矩形钢管、复合编织袋、备用轮胎、未加工橡胶磁和轻质热敏纸种中国产品发起“双反调查。 国家商务部公平贸易局局长李玲以为,很多情况下,美国往往先入为主,误解中国的相关产业政策和金融政策,甚至明知理由站不住脚,也先发制人提出调查等他去自我分辩,“假设不去争不去斗,不仅白白吃亏,还会被以为胆怯。现实上,中方也采取了一系列应对措施。年月,中国商务部下令,将对几种用料完全采用进口纸浆的出口纸品,恢复增值

29、税退税。月,中国政府更就美国“双反制裁诉诸世贸组织,这也是年中国参与世贸组织以来,中国初次单独在该组织起诉美国。 富有戏剧性的是,就在中美就铜版纸案剑拔弩张之时,年月日,美国国际贸易委员会最终裁定,中国铜版纸产品未对美国相关行业构成损害要挟,美国商务部此前的“双反制裁被一笔勾销。中美反补贴第一案以中方的胜利而告终。 美国首起针对中国铜版纸发起的“两反调查以中方胜诉结案。就该案一年来的调查进程来看,这一结果多少有点出人预料,美国国际贸易委员会ITC以:的表决结果,裁定中国铜版纸产品未对美国相关行业呵斥“本质损害或“损害要挟。根据美方调查程序,美国商务部DOC月日的终裁认定也就不再有效。但是,此案

30、虽以中方胜诉告终,但并不像某些媒体所说,ITC的判决“推翻了DOC终裁认定的涉案产品存在的倾销和补贴。ITC终裁认定的涉案产品不存在“行业损害,与DOC作出的涉案企业存在倾销和补贴的终裁认定是两回事。也就是说,虽然不征收反倾销和反补贴税,但DOC终裁中断定的对中国企业进展反倾销幅度计算的非市场经济方法和补贴工程依然存在,其关键在于对今后的影响。 确实,有言论以为美国贸易委员会的最后转向,实践上躲避了能否对中国适用反补贴法的规定。美国商务部官员已公开表示,该判决只是美国的一个“暂时性挫败,商务部仍会继续向其他调查之中的中国商品征收惩罚性关税。中美在“双反问题上的争斗无疑还将继续。 美对华铜版纸“

31、双反伤人不利己 中美“双反第一案铜版纸案曾经闭幕,但中美之间围绕“反补贴的博弈才刚刚拉开序幕,年将有更猛烈交锋。中方虽然初战得胜,但中美还有件案子,年月美方将启动个案件的复核程序,中美之间的争夺将会更加猛烈。实践上,美方的“双反制裁往往更多是政治驱动。铜版纸“双反案“动力并不只美国造纸行业,而在很大程度上与美国国际贸易政策有关。据泄漏,对于新页公司提起的这个诉讼,美国印刷协会持剧烈反对态度,并积极游说美国政府,不要对中国产品进展“双反制裁。他们以为,假设制裁成为现实,将呵斥美国国内铜版纸价钱上涨,损害协会成员整体利益。 早在年美国总统选战繁华开场之际,力图角逐白宫的各派权利就纷纷拿“敲打中国作

32、为“卖点。年月,美国商务部宣布对华输美铜版纸发起反倾销反补贴调查,而美国对华反补贴之争到了年愚人节前到达了高潮。月日,美国商务部长古铁雷斯宣布开场对中国出口美国的铜版纸产品征收暂时反补贴税,这标志着美国不对“非市场经济国家出口商品征收反补贴税的判例正式终结。 美方此番对中国出口的铜版纸产品征收暂时反补贴税案,无疑为美国对华贸易维护扯开了一道新口子,实践上是国际贸易的“双重歧视。暴显露美国政客希望用此工具遏制中国出口和制造业增长的心态,也给国内铜版纸产品出口企业带来本质性损害。如按照美国商务部年月日公布的反补贴调查初裁结果,江苏省就有两家企业卷入其中,这两家企业是金东纸业江苏和金华盛纸业苏州工业

33、园区,涉案金额到达万美圆。 应该说,对美铜版纸贸易本身而言,“双反案的负面影响不可小觑。根据中国海关统计,年中国出口“纸及纸板;纸浆、纸或纸板制品亿美圆,其中对美国出口亿美圆,即中国纸品出口面向美国市场。虽然纸品贸易在中国出口总额中所占比例不大,铜版纸又是其中的一小部分,年中国出口美国铜版纸总额亿美圆。但问题是这次初裁很能够翻开“双重歧视的潘多拉盒子。美国发起反倾销时将中国列为“非市场经济国家,而在反补贴案中又挥起了针对“市场经济国家的贸易维护主义大棒,改动了自年以来坚持不对“非市场经济国家实施反补贴法的贸易政策。 美方自年起就确定了不对所谓“非市场经济国家适用反补贴法的做法,这一做法在美司法

34、诉讼中被确以为判例,且一直未予改动。此次美商务部在铜版纸案中的决议明显与美国目前依然生效的法院判例和美商务部的一向做法不符。尤其是美商务部在终裁中仍以为中国应诉企业获得的一切银行贷款均为优惠贷款,而将其认定为补贴,并认定中国不存在商业化运作的银行体系,进而对基准利率采用替代做法。不仅如此,美方在其他补贴工程认定、补贴幅度计算等方面的一系列错误决议,以及由此导致的双重救援等问题,无疑极大地损害了中国业界的利益。 美国对华“双反制裁第一案的铜版纸诉讼官司最终化干戈为玉帛也有其必然性。从客观方面来看,有几项要素制约着美国对华反补贴争端晋级激化。一方面,中美经贸互补性很强,早已构成他中有我、我中有他的格局。通用、波音和沃尔玛等众多企业巨头要么很大比例的消费在中国国内进展,要么很大部分货源中国,要么很大一部分利润中国业务,美国挑起贸易争端难免自伤;另一方面,即使在非货物贸易领域,美国也对中国市场极具依赖性。如美国金融效力业就不希望中美贸易争端妨碍其进入飞速开展的中国金融效力市场。 有鉴于此,从经贸角度来看,对美国来说,最明智的方法就是防止争端过度激化,将其控制在一定程


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