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1、八年级下Unit7I.听小对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片:(5分)ABCDE1 .II.听下面一段对话,回答6-10题(5分)()6. Where is the Nile ?A. In AfricaB. In AsiaC. In Europe()7. How long is it ?A. More than 6761 kilometers long B. More than 6671 kilometers longC. More than 7671 kilometers long()8. How many countries does it pass through ?A. Fi

2、veB. NineC. Eight()9. Which country does it go through ?A. AmericaB. IndiaC. Egypt()10. What can we get from the conversation ?The Nile is very important to Egypt.The Nile goes through Egypt from the east to the west.The Nile is less than 4, 100 miles.III .听下面一段文章,选择最佳答案(5分)()11. How far is it from

3、Wolong Panda Base to Chengdu ?A. More than 100 kilometers.B. Less than 100 kilometers.C. More than 200 kilometers()12. How did the speaker get to Wolong Panda Base ?A. By busB. By carC. By bike()13. Pandas can eat in zoos .A. Bamboo, bananas and apples. B. Bamboo , apples and carrots.C. Bamboo, carr

4、ots and bananas()14. Pandas in zoos can live about years longer than those in the wild.A. 10B. 20C. 30()15. Why are pandas losing their homes ?A. People are cutting down forests. B. The weather is changing greatly.C. The other animals are using their land.IV.听完下面的短文,完成句子。(5分).Li Ming went to Hunan P

5、rovince with.The Wall is 10kilometers away from Fenghuang.The Wall was built in 1554 in the.The Wall is about kilometers long and about high. The Wall is one of projects in Chinese history.V.单项选择(10分)()21. Nanjing isn so large Shanghai , however it the secondcity in East China.A. like; largest B. as

6、 ; largest C. like ; large D. as; large ()22. The Saharais about 29 the Taklamakan 塔克拉玛干 the largestdesert in China.A. times as large as B. times as larger as C. time as larger as D. times larger ()23. -Why do you look so tired ?-1 didnt sleep well last night. I was still until 3 oclock.A. awakeB. b

7、oredC. interested D. special)24. There are three hundred people over there.A.aboutB. aroundC. and soD. or so)25. The zoo keepers are the milk the baby pandalunch.A. prepare; to B. preparing ; for C. preparing ; with D. prepare; for)26. Dont worry ! I ll do what I can you when you are in trouble.A to

8、 helpB. helpC. helpingD. Helped)27. The swimming pool is about and there is also an playground.A. fifty meters long; eighty-meter-long B. fifty meters long; eight meters longC. fifty-meter-long; eighty-meter-long D. fifty meters long; eighty-meters long ()28.The mountain I visited last Sunday isnt v

9、ery . Few gosightseeing.A. tourist; tourists B. touristy; tourist C. touristy; tourists D. tourist; tourist 29. -Everyone knows Canada is the second largest country in the world.That is , it is larger than country in Asia.A. anyB. any other C. otherD. anotherwork in the library . My duties cleaning

10、desks and tidying books.A. to include B. includedC. include D. includingVI.选词完成句子(10分)A. even though B. remained silent C. in the face of D walk into E.researchF. stopfrom G protect.fromH take in I. up to J. artworkWe are powerless 比能为力_ such forces.I had said sorry to my brother, but he still.My fa

11、ther spends much money on books he not rich.Dont run in the classroom, or you will your classmatesMany doctors continue to the cause of Ebola Virus.埃博拉病毒).Our history textbooks only go the World War II.Most of the children love to read the stories with.I ll try my best to my son making the same mist

12、ake.Fire fighters wear special coats and helmet或盔)to themselves heat.People near the factory too much polluted air every day.VII、完形填空(15分)Greenland is the largest island in the world. It is in the northeast of North America. Near Greenland is 41 island. It is small. Its 42- is Iceland. Do youthink t

13、hat Greenland is 43 and warm? Do you think that Iceland is white44 ice? If you do, you are45. Not many people live on the big island ofGreenland. There 46 more people in your hometown than in all ofGreenland. That is 47 Greenland is not green. Greenland is 48-.Most of the island is covered with lots

14、 of 49 The ice covering Greenlandis 50 than the worlds tallest building. What 51 Iceland? Is it 52 than Greenland? No, it is not. Iceland has ice, but not so muchice 53 Greenland. Iceland has a lot of hot springs(泉).They give out hot water and steamK 蒸汽).The climate(气候)is not as 54 as Greenland. And

15、 there are a lot 55 people who live in Iceland.()41 A. otherB. others C. another D. the other()42.A. villageB. nameC. farmD. towni()43.A. redB. greenC. whiteD. black(=)44.A. forB. andC. orD. with()45.A. wrongB. cleverC. rightD. bright()46. A. mustB. areC. isD. be()47. A. soB. whyC. becauseD. what()4

16、8. A. yellowB. brownC. blueD. white()49. A. waterB. grassC. iceD. air()50.A. more highB. highC. highestD. higher()51.A. ofB. inC. aboutD. on()52. A. colderB. warmerC. hotterD. bigger()53. A. asB. likeC. thanD. then()54 A. warmB. coldC. notD. cool()55 A. ManyB. muchC. moreD. mos;tVIII.选择适当的词填空,注意适当的形

17、式变化(10分)though interested visit we daytime at smile quick tickets saveThe London Eye is a tourist attraction in London, the UK. There you can get into a capsule 给圭仓)to enjoy a great view of the city of London.I 56 the London Eye last summer with a friend. My friend didnt knowwhere we were going. I j

18、ust told him we would go somewhere very special. As we arrived 57 Waterloo Station, he had worked out where we were going. He58 happily. When we reached the London Eye, there was a very longwaiting line, so in order to 59time, he stayed in the line while I went to buythe 60.The capsule doesnt comple

19、tely stop when people get on, so you have to get into it 61. Then the door of the capsule shuts. The view was wonderful. We took many photos of the view and of 62. It took about half an hour for the capsule to go around .If you are 63 ingoing there, Id like to give you some advice. To enjoy the view

20、, go in the64. There are night rides, but you wont see a lot. Sometimes the top of the wheel can be quite cool even 65 its sunny. So ladies, dont forget totake a scarf56 57 58 59 6061 62 63 64 65IX.阅读(20分)AAWhere to go?Guilin is one of Chinas top tourist destinations(目的 地)where visitors can explore

21、the beautiful scenery along the attractive Li River and countryside of Yangshuo as well as the best of Cuilin City.4 Days Guilin and Yangshuo From US $ 394 per adult Destination Guilin (3 nights) , Yangshuo Duration (持续时间):4 Days& 3 NightsTour Type: Multi-City Tour Tour Code: GLCP-3Chengdu is full o

22、f history and culture. Dujiang Yan, a 2500-year water conservation system that works as wel today as it did when it was set up, the mystical(神秘 的) temples which housed some of Chinas great philosophers and of course the panda, alljust waiting to be explored.4 Days Chengdu and Giant Pandas From US $4

23、15 per adultDestination: Chengdu (3 Nights)Duration:4 Days & 3 NightsTour Type: Multi-City Tour Tour Code: CDCP-2Lhasa, the capital city of Tibet, belongs to the highest citiesin the world at an ajtitude of 3490 meters.5 Days Holy Tibet From US $ 848 per adultDestination Lhasa (4 Nights)Duration : 5

24、 Days & 4 NightsTour Type: Multi-City TourTour Code: LSCP-1()66 .If Anns parents go on a visit to Guilin. the tickets will cost them $ 830B. $ 788C. $ 1696D. $ 394()67 Tom is searching for the information about the tour code on the Intemet.The tour code of Chengdu isCDCP-2B. CLCP-3C. LSCP-lD. CDCP-3

25、( )68.Steve is interested in history and culture, he had better go to according to the instructions above.A. LhasaB. CuiLinC. ChengduD. Yangshuo()69. If David goes to Lhasa for a visit, the whole jouney will last _ .A. 5 Days & 5 NightsB.4 Days & 3 NightsC. 3 Days & 2 NightsD.5 Days & 4 Nights()70.

26、Which of the following is Not true?A. In Guilin, you can enjoy the best city attractions.In Chengdu, anyone can live in the mystical temples.Lhasa is the capital of Tibet.Dujiang Yan has worked well since it was set up.BWorld Wildlife Fund (WWF)and Greenpeace are two famous organizations in the worl

27、d.They both aim at making our planet a better place to live.World Wildlife Fund works to protect wild animals and plants.It began in Switzerland .瑞士; on September 11,1961.Now,it has offices in 100 countries and nearly 5 millions mem bers all over the world.The members are from different groups ,incl

28、uding governments,business,scientists and farmers.They have played an active role in saving animals and rainforests.One recent WWF project is protecting the Amazon rainforest.WWF has done plenty of research to find creative ways that meet the need of both people and nature.Greenpeace was set up in 1

29、971,with an idea of working for world peace at the very beginning.Now it is active in protecting oceans,forests,and animals as well.It also calls for the use of clean energy,like wind power and solar power.Greenpeace has offices in 45 countries such as America and Canada.Its head office is in Nether

30、lands.荷兰 Greenpeace has about 3 million members at present.Small steps lead to big changes.It encourages more and more people to take action.()71.WFF has nearly million members.A.3B.5C.45D.100()72.The head office of Greenpeace is in.A.Canada B.America C.Netherlands D.Switzerland( )73.According to th

31、e passage,both WWF and Greenpeace.A.protect animalsB.do plenty of researchC.work for world peace D.use more clean energy ()74. What does WWF” mean in Cinese?A.濒危动物保护协会B.慈善机构C.红十字会D.世界自然基金会( )75.is very small, it is the land of watch and it is very rich.A. SwitzerlandB. Netherlands C. German D. Franc

32、e-CHaving a cheetah as a pet in the house? Does it sound scary to you? But for a family in South Africa, one cheetah is treated as a VIP (Very Important Person ) in the house.The big cheetah is named Jolie, after the film star Angelina Jolie.76She can often be found eating from the kitchen table, ta

33、king ashort sleep on the sofa, or even sleeping on Lucy and Jeff s bed, The big cat alsosleeps and plays with the Brown s other pet, the more-usaal one sheepdog. 77Having a cheetah as a pet is unusual. At first,Mrs Brown wasn tlwng to keep a cheetah as a pet. She said 78But we are now happy that we

34、did it-she is part of the family.”Just like her name, four-yearold Jolie has achieved a celebrity status in the Brownhometown, Fans often come to their home to take pictures of her 79However, a cheetah is always a cheetah.80 She makes a lot of messin the house, urinating everywhere and chewing every

35、thing. It s her wild instincts .said Mrs Brown. There might be some problems of having a cheetah as a pet in the house, but some unusual fun must also be waiting ahead.Interestingly, Jolie enjoys all the special attention that is paid to her.I was really pleased to have a cheetah as a pet at the beg

36、inning.Though Jolie is now a pet in the home, she still has some wild habits.She is surely the VIP at Lucy and Jeff Brown s home.I was really against the idea of getting a cheetah as a pet.An impossible friendship has happened between these two animals.XI.补全对话(5分)Guide : Welcome to the Great Wall. I

37、t is one of the eight wonders in the world. You are free to ask me anything about it.Tony : It s amazing. 81?Guide : If we are talking about the parts from Ming Dynasty, its about 8,850 kilometers long. This makes it the longest wall in the world.Tony:Wow! I cant imagine 82.to build such a huge wall

38、.Guide : Yes, it was really hard because there were no any modern machines at that time.Tony :83?Guide : One of the most important reasons for the ancient emperors to build it was to protect the country. It helped to stop their enemies (敌人)from going inside their country.Tony : Oh, I see. 84 to walk

39、 up to the top, it is worth it . Itlooks more charming when I stand on it .Guide : Yes. There is an old Chinese saying /He who has never been to the Great Wall isnt a true man :Tony : I am a true man now . When I get back to my country, 1ll tell my friends about it. 85.Guide : I think so. And I woul

40、d be very happy to be their guide , too. I always feel proud to introduce份绍)it to foreign friends.XI写作(10分)你的家乡江西省南昌市,请以my hometown”为题写一篇文章。.地处于中国的东南,南昌市江西的省会,人口 4542.2万人.一座历史悠久的城市-Hero City 一个鱼米之乡.春季多雨,夏季炎热,。 秋天是观光的好季节.南昌人聪敏,勤劳友善;米粉是江西的特产。.南昌的城市建设越来越好。人民生活越来越辛福。lies in the southeast of China; the c

41、apital of ; with a population of.;I feel proud of my hometown; not only.but also smart and diligentIf you. They can make you feel at home. Tengwang Pavilion 滕王阁 go to the fairThe land of fish and rice . A Symbol ofUnit7 答案W: Huihui, when did you get to the Chengdu Research Base?M: At half past eight

42、. When we got there, we saw baby pandas drinking milk.W: Only milk ? Didn t they eat bamboo or drink water ?W: Mike , do you know something about the Sahara?M: Yes, it is the biggest one of all the desert.W: Feel free to ask me anything on today s London tour.M; Where are standing , Ms White ?W: We

43、are standing in the middle of London.W: Paul, do you know this woman in the picture ?M: No, I don t . Who s she ? Do you know ?W: Yeah ! She is Junko Tabei from Japan, the first woman to get to the top of Qomolangma.W: What is the second longest river in the world?M: The Amazon. It is about 6,440 ki

44、lometers long.15DBEACII . 听下面一段对话, 回答6-10题( 5分)W: Can you tell me something about the longest river in the world ?M: Sure. Its the Nile.W: Where is it ? M; It s in Africa . W: How long is it ? M: It s more than 6,671 kilometers long. It passes through nine countries. W: does it pass through Egypt ?M

45、: Yes. It goes through Egypt from the south to the north.W: It must be very important to Egypt.M: Yes. Without the Nile, Egypt would be deserts.W: Thank you .6-10 ABBCAIII . 听下面一段文章, 选择最佳答案( 5 分)Wolong Panda Base is over one hundred kilometers from Chengdu. We spent more than five hours getting to t

46、he base by bike. There we met Mr. Zhang . After lunch , he showed us around the base and told us something about pandas. Pandas live high up in the mountains of Center and Western China . Pandas in the wild usually eat bamboo. In zoos, their menu includes bamboo, apples and carrots. A panda can eat

47、39 kilos of bamboo a day. Pandas live for about 20 years in the wild, but in zoos, they can live for up to 30 years. Pandas are big and heavy, but it is not difficult for them to climb trees. They are strong enough to protect themselves. But now some people are cutting down forests, so pandas are lo

48、sing their homes. 11-15.ACBAAI V. 听完下面的短文, 完成句子。 ( 5 分)Hello, I m Li Ming. The Great Wall is famous in China. But do you know the Southern Great Wall in China ? Last year, I went to visit Fenghuang Ancient City in Hunan Province with my sister. We took a tour of the Southern Great Wall. The Southern great Wall is


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