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1、 爱因斯坦经典语录 阿尔伯特爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日1955年4月18日),伟大的理论物理学家。爱因斯坦(Albert Einstrin)是一个富有宗教情怀的人。他认为奥秘感是科学和艺术的共通泉源,此奥秘感从面对浩瀚的宇宙及其和谐的结构和规律,油然而生的敬畏惊奇(Awe)和谦卑(Humility)之情。敬畏因为体认到和谐秩序所显示的高超精神(Spirit)和智慧(Intelligence);谦卑,由于人对宇宙奥秘的认识实在微不足道。 崇高的信仰也决定了爱因斯坦的行为方式。在爱因斯坦眼里,真理是朴素的;在世人眼里,掌握真理的爱因斯坦也是朴素的,这不仅体现在他

2、的日常生活非常简朴,更体现在他毫无虚荣心、毫不冷漠、毫无恶意、毫无优越感。下面是总结的一些:1、把你的手放在滚热的炉子上一分钟,感觉起来像一小时。坐在一个漂亮姑娘身边整整一小时,感觉起来像一分钟。这就是相对论。Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. Thats relativity.2、没有宗教的科学是跛的,没有科学的宗教是瞎的。3、只要我还能有所选择,我就只想生活在这

3、样的国家里,这个国家中所实行的是:公民、自由、宽容,以及在法律面前公民一律平等。公民自由意味着人们有用言语和文字表示其政治信念的自由;宽容意味着尊重别人的无论哪种可能有的信念。这些条件目前在德国都不存在。那些对国际谅解事业有特别重大贡献的人,在那里正受到迫害,其中就有一些是一流的艺术家。4、测量一个物体的质量就是测量其中的能量。原文:The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content.5、物理学家们说我是数学家,数学家们又把我归为物理工作者。我是一个完全孤立的人,虽然所有人都认识我,却没有多少人真正了解我。原文:The physicist

4、s say that I am a mathematician, and the mathematicians say that I am a physicist. I am a completely isolated man and though everybody knows me, there are very few people who really know me.6、那我只能对亲爱的主表示遗憾。相对论是正确的。原文:Then I would have felt sorry for the dear Lord. The theory is correct. - When asked

5、 by a student what he would have done if Sir Arthur Eddingtons famous 1919 gravitational lensing experiment, which confirmed relativity, had instead disproved it.7、一个聪明的笨蛋可以把事情做得更大,把事情做得更复杂,也更暴力。这个过程需要一点天才很多的信念只是朝着相反的方向。原文:Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent.

6、It takes a touch of genius and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.8、一个人从未犯错是因为他不曾尝试新鲜事物。原文:Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.9、当知识的圆周扩大之时,黑暗的圆周也一样。原文:As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.10、在上帝面前我们都一样聪

7、明也都一样愚蠢。原文:Before God we are all equally wise and equally foolish.11、常识就是人到十八岁为止所累积的各种偏见。原文:Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.12、不要担心数学问题;我保证我的问题要大得多。原文:Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.13、教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全

8、部忘光之後剩下的东西。原文:Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school.14、公式对我更重要,因为政治是为了现在,而公式是永恒的。原文:Equations are more important to me, because politics is for the present, but an equation is something for eternity.15、上帝并不在乎我们的数学困难。他以经验来管理大局。原文:God does not care about our

9、 mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.16、万有引力并不是那些陷入爱河的人找人算帐时的目标。原文:Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.17、我无法知道第三次世界大战会有什么武器登场,但第四次世界大战中人们肯定用的是木棍和石块。原文:I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with st

10、icks and stones.19、我并不假装理解宇宙它比我大得多。原文:I dont pretend to understand the universe its much bigger than I am.20、我喜欢旅行,但我不喜欢到达。原文:I love to travel, but hate to arrive.21、我从不展望未来。它来得够快的了。原文:I never think of the future. It comes soon enough.22、我认为只有大胆的投机,而不是信息的积累才能把我们往前推。原文:I think that only daring specul

11、ation can lead us further and not accumulation of facts.23、我想知道上帝的构思;其他的都是细节。原文:I want to know Gods thoughts; the rest are details.24、如果A代表一个人的成功,那么A等于x加y加z。勤奋工作是x;y是娱乐,而z是把嘴闭上。If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.25、如果我再次成为

12、一个展望人生的年轻人,我不会选择成为一个科学家、学者或是教师。我宁可去做一个水管工或是小商贩,只期盼能当今社会还有一定程度上的自由。原文:If I would be a young man again and had to decide how to make my living, I would not try to become a scientist or scholar or teacher. I would rather choose to be a plumber or a peddler in the hope to find that modest degree of inde

13、pendence still available under present circumstances.26、如果我的相对论被证明是正确的,德国人就会说我是德国人,法国佬会说我是一个世界公民。如果我的相对论被否定了,法国佬就会骂我德国鬼子而德国人就会把我归为犹太人。原文:If my theory of relativity is proven correct, Germany will claim me as a German and France will say I am a man of the world. If its proven wrong, France will say I

14、 am a German and Germany will say I am a Jew.27、如果我们知道我们在做什么,那么这就不叫科学研究了;不是吗?原文:If we knew what we were doing, it wouldnt be called research, would it28、创新不是由逻辑思维带来的,尽管最後的成果需要一个符合逻辑的结构。原文:Innovation is not the product of logical thought, even though the final product is tied to a logical structure.2

15、9、精神错乱:一遍又一遍地重复同一件事而期待不同的结果。原文:Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.30、有一个现象的明显程度已经让我毛骨悚然,这便是我们的人性已经远远落後我们的科学技术了。原文:It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.31、掰开人身上的偏见比掰开一个原子难的多。原文:It is harder to crack a prejudice

16、 than an atom.32、法律本身并不能保证言论自由;要做到这一点必须使整个人群中都弥漫着容忍的勇气。原文:Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.33、人生就像骑单车。想保持平衡就得往前走。原文:Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance

17、 you must keep moving.34、只有无私的生命才值得活。原文:Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.36、武力不能维持和平。只有互相理解才可以。原文:Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.37、真相其实只是一个幻象,虽然这个幻象相当顽固。原文:Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.38、科学是好东西,只要它不跟任何人的饭碗挂钩就行。原文:Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have


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