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1、中考英语话题写作复习课件(全册)Topic1 Personal Background 个人情况话题一目录1话题词汇构建思维导图话题一2话题一所在课本单元基础知识梳理小话题练笔话题内容人教冀教Basic Information基本信息七上Unit 1 My names Gina.七上Unit 2 This is my sister.七上Unit 8 When is your birthday?七上 Unit 5 Family and Home (Lessons 2526)七上 Unit 7 Days and Months (Lesson 40)1. n. 名字 _ 名_姓_2. n. 生日_ 出

2、生日期_v. 出生_ 过去式_ 过去分词_ 出生于_adj.天生的_ 天生具有_ 3. n.年龄,年代_ 各个年龄阶段的人 _4. n.国籍_ 来自_ 或_5. n.性别_ 男性_女性_6. 身份证号码 _ 7n.婚姻状况_ adj.单身的_ adj.已婚的_ 与结婚_ first/given namelast/family namebirthdaydate of birthdaybear bore bornbe born onbornbe born withagepeople of all agesnationalitybe fromcome fromgendermalefemaleID n

3、umbermarriagesinglemarriedmarry sb nameA. Personal Basic Information个人基本信息词汇和短语分类整理及拓展1. n.背景_2. n.邮编_3. n.地址_4. 电子邮箱地址_ 5. 电话号码_6. 育英中学_ 7. 九年级八班_8. 小学_ 9. 中学_10. 初中_ 11. 高中_12. n.综合性大学 _13. n.大学,专科院校_14. n.同学_ n老师_ n. 学生_ n. 小学生_backgroundpostcodeaddressemail addressphone numberYuying Middle Schoo

4、lClass 8, Grade 9primary schoolmiddle schooljunior high schoolsenior high schooluniversitycollegeclassmateteacherstudentpupilB. Family Information and School Information家庭信息与学校信息1. n.父母,双亲_ 2. n.父亲_3. n.母亲_ 4. n.丈夫_ 5. n.妻子_ 6. n.孩子_ (pl.) _7. n.伯母,舅母,姑,婶,姨_8. n.叔,舅,姑父,姨父 _9. n.堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹_10. n.女

5、儿_ 11. n.兄,弟_12. n.姐,妹 _ 13. n.儿子_parentsfathermotherhusbandwifechildchildrenauntunclecousindaughterbrothersistersonC. Family Members and Other People家庭成员及其他人14. n.祖父母,外祖父母 _15. n.爷爷,外公 _16. n.奶奶,外婆 _ 17. n.(外)孙子/(外)孙女 _18. n.(外)孙子_ 19. n.(外)孙女 _ 20. n.亲属 _ 21. n.朋友_ n. 友谊;友情 _adj. 友好的_grandparentsg

6、randpagrandmagrandchildrengrandsongranddaughterrelativefriendfriendshipfriendly 月份 month1. 一月_ 2. 二月 _ 3. 三月_4. 四月 _ 5.五月_ 6. 六月 _ 7.七月_ 8.八月 _ 9.九月 _ 10.十月_ 11. 十一月_ 12.十二月_星期week1. 星期一_ 2. 星期二 _ 3. 星期三_ 4. 星期四 _ 5. 星期五_ 6. 星期六_ 7.星期日_ 8. 工作日 _ 9. 周末_JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptem

7、berOctoberNovemberDecemberMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySundayweekdayweekendD. Time 时间其他时间词汇 other words about time1. adv.& n昨天_ 2. adv.& n今天 _3. adv.& n明天_ 4. n.秒_5. n.分钟_ 6. n.小时_7. n.夜;夜间_ 8. adv.& n今晚_9. n.年_ 10. n.世纪;百年_11. n.早上_ 12. n.中午 _13. n.下午 _ 14. n.傍晚_15. 前天 _ 16. 后天 _17.

8、一整天 _或_ 18.日期_yesterdaytodaytomorrowsecondminutehournighttonightyearcenturymorningnoonafternoonduskthe day before yesterdaythe day after tomorrowthe whole day all day date1. 第一_ 2. 第二_ 3. 第三_4. 第四 _ 5. 第五_ 6. 第九_7. 第十二_ 8. 第十五_9. 第十九_ 10. 第二十_11. 第二十一_ 12. 第二十九_13. 第四十_ 14. 第一百_15. 第一千_firstsecondth

9、irdfourthfifthninthtwelfthfifteenthnineteenthtwentiethtwentyfirsttwentyninthfortiethhundredththousandthE. Ordinal Numeral 序数词话题常用句式构建与整合1. Whats your name ? My names Jim Green. Im Jim Green. (七上R Unit 1)2. Whats your first / given name? My first / given names Jim. 3. Whats your last / family name? M

10、y last / family names Green. 4. When is your birthday? Its on January 21st. (七上 R Unit 8;七上JJ L40)When were you born? I was born on /in5. Whats your telephone (phone)number ?My telephone (phone)number is / Its6. How many people are there in your family?There are people in my family. They are7. This

11、is my He /She is years old. 8. His / Her birthday isSo he/she loves9. He /She is fromHe/ She comes from He is an American. 10. Now he is in Class 7, Grade 9 of Yuying Middle School. 11. Whos this/that?Its12. Who are these/those?Theyre13. What does she do?She is a bus driver. (七上JJ L25)假设你是林涛,请根据下面的信

12、息卡,写一写个人基本情况介绍吧!姓名:林涛 性别:男国籍:中国出生日期:2002年8月4日身份证号在学校和班级:育英中学九年级六班住址:石家庄市长安区中山路22号邮编:050011电话号码My name is LinTao. Im a Chinese boy. I was born on August 4th,2002.And Im fifteen years old now. I study in Class 6, Grade 9 of Yuying Middle School. My ID number is 1301022

13、00208046521.I live at No.22 of Zhongshan Road, Changan District in Shijiazhuang. My postcode is 050011. My telephone number isThank youTopic1 Personal Background 个人情况话题二目录基础知识梳理23小话题练笔1所在课本单元话题内容人教冀教Appearance and Personalities外貌与性格七下Unit 9 What does he look like?八上Unit 3 Im more outgoi

14、ng than my sister. (A)九Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.七上Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings(Lesson13,15,18)1. n. 身体_ (pl. )_2. n. 牙_ (pl. )_3. n. 脚_ (pl. )_4. n. 头,头部_ n. 大脑_区分:思想,头脑,主意_5. n. 眼睛 _ n. 口,嘴_ n. 耳朵_n. 鼻子 _ n. 脖子_ n. 舌头_6. n. 背部_ n. 手;指针_n. 手指_n. 手臂_ n. 肘,肘部_A. Appearance Description

15、外貌描写词汇和短语分类整理及拓展bodybodiestoothteethfootfeetheadbrainmindeyemouthearnosenecktonguebackhandfingerarmelbow7. n. 腿_ n. 大腿 _(拓展)n. 笔记本电脑 _ n. 膝盖 _n. 脚踝_ n. 脚趾_ n. 脚尖_8. n. 胃,腹部_ n. 胸腔_n. 心脏_ n. 肺部_9. n. 皮肤_ adj. 光滑的_ adj. 白皙的_adj. 黝黑的_ adj. 古铜色的_10. n. 特征,相貌,特写_(pl. )_ 11. n. 身高 _ n. 体重_ n. 外貌_12. adj.

16、年长的 _ adj. 年轻的,幼小的_leglaplaptopkneeankletoetiptoestomachchestheartlungskinsmoothfairdark bronzefeaturefeaturesheightweightappearanceoldyoung13. adj. 美的,美丽的,漂亮的 _ adj. 英俊的_ adj. 逗人喜爱的;漂流的 _14. adj. 难看的,丑陋的 _15. adj. 高的_ adj. 矮的_ adj. 胖的 _ adj. 瘦的_ adj. 苗条的 _ 中等身材_16. 长得像 _ 长得像或性格像 _ 像一样,如同_17. adj. 坚

17、强的;强壮的;猛烈的_adj. 软弱的;虚弱的_beautiful handsomecuteuglytallshortfatthinslimmedium heightlook likebe likelikestrongweak1. n. 性格;品质;角色 _2. n. 精神 _3. n. 勇气;胆略 _ v. 鼓励 _4. n. 安静;沉默 _adj. 沉默的 _5. n. 精力;能量_adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的_6. n. 优点;有利条件 _n. 缺点;不利条件_ 7. adj. 勤奋的;努力的_adj. 懒惰的 _8. adj. 聪明的_adj. 笨的,蠢的_ 9. adj. 明智的

18、 _adv. 明智地_10. adj. 不明事理的;没头脑的_ B. Personalities个性特征characterspiritcourageencouragesilencesilentenergyenergeticadvantagedisadvantagediligentlazybrightsillysmart smartlymindless11. adj. 耐心的 _adj. 焦躁的,不耐烦的_ 12. adj. 细心的_adv. 细心地,认真地_adj. 体贴的,贴心的_13. adj. 粗心的_adv. 粗心地_14. adj. 礼貌的_adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的 _15. adj

19、. 严肃的;认真的;严重的_对认真的_16. adj. 严格的;严厉的_(短语)对某人严厉_17. adj. 幽默的_n. 幽默_18. adj. 滑稽的;好笑的_n. 嬉戏,享乐,乐趣;adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的,好玩的_patientimpatientcarefulcarefullyconsideratecarelesscarelessly politerude/ impoliteseriousbe serious about strictbe strict with sb. humoroushumorfunnyfun19. adj. 友好的_ adj. 不友好的,不友善的_ 20. a

20、dj. 甜的;亲切的_21. adj. 可爱的_adj. 慈爱的,充满爱的_22. adj. 害羞的_ n. 羞涩_ n. 羞愧,羞耻_adj. 可耻的,丢脸的_23. adj. 外向的_ adj. 好相处的_24. adj. 卓越的,极好的_adj. 杰出的_25. adj. 积极的_ 积极参与_26. adj. 勇敢的_ adv. 勇敢地_27. adj. 诚实的 _ adj. 不诚实的 _ friendlyunfriendly sweetlovelylovingshyshynessshameshamefuloutgoingeasygoingexcellentoutstandingacti

21、vetake an active part inbravebravelyhonestdishonest 28. adj. 活泼的_29. adj. 创造性的_ v. 创造 _n. 创造者_30. adj. 安静的_31. adj. 善良的,亲切的,和蔼的 _32. adj. 有帮助的,乐于助人的 _livelycreativecreatecreatorquietkindhelpful话题常用句式构建与整合1. What does he/she look like?He isand strong./ He is meters tall./ He is much taller than me./

22、He is the tallest in my class. /He is taller than any other student in my class./ He is taller than the other students in my class. /He has hair/eyes/face. / He is of medium build/ height. / He looks like his mother. /He looks the same as his brother. (七下R Unit 9;七上JJ L18)2. What is he/she like?He i

23、s and helpful. /He is more outgoing than me. /He takes after his father. (八上R Unit 3)3. What did he use to look like/be like?He used to have short hair/ be shy. (九R Unit 4)4. What were you afraid of 3 years ago?/ What did you use to be afraid of 3 years ago?I was afraid of playing games with my frie

24、nds. /I used to be afraid of playing games with my friends. 三年的初中生活即将结束,你这三年变化一定不小吧。请联系自己的实际情况,写写初中以来你在外貌和性格以及其他方面的变化吧。_Its been three years since I entered Yuying Middle School. I have changed so much. I used to be short and thin. Now I am a little heavier and much taller than before. I didnt wear

25、glasses when I entered middle school, but now I need to wear glasses to see words on the blackboard clearly. I used to be really shy and quiet. I was always silent in class. I was never brave enough to ask and answer questions. With the help of my teachers and classmates, I can get good grades in al

26、l the subjects now. I used to play the piano when I was free. Now Im more interested in reading books. Reading is really helpful. Ive learnt a lot from good books. Im so happy and lucky to have these changes!Thank youTopic1 Personal Background 个人情况话题三目录基础知识梳理23小话题练笔1所在课本单元话题内容人教冀教Interestsand Hobbie

27、s兴趣与爱好七上Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. (A)七下Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?七下Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?(A)七下Unit 10 Id like some noodles. (A)八上Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?(B)八上Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby (Lessons 3742)1. n. 习惯_ 饮食习惯_2. n. 感觉,意识_ n. 感情,感觉_3. n. 业余爱好;嗜好_ (pl. )_4.

28、v. 喜欢;喜爱_ v. 不喜欢;讨厌;厌恶_5. v. 更喜欢_ (不用于进行时) 过去式_ 过去分词_ 6. n. & v. 爱;热爱;很喜欢_7. v. 收集;集合_ 8. v. 欣赏;享受之乐趣;喜欢_(短语)玩得愉快_(短语)享受/喜欢做某事_词汇和短语分类整理及拓展habiteating habitsensefeelinghobbyhobbieslikedislike/hateprefer preferred preferredlovecollectenjoyenjoy oneself/have a good time/have funenjoy doing sth. 9. v.

29、关心;在乎_(短语)关心、在意某人/某物_10. v. 介意,在乎_(短语) 介意/在乎某人/某事_介意做某事_ 介意某人做某事_你介意我打开窗户吗?_11. v. 忍受_(短语)无法忍受(做)某事_12. v. & n. 使感兴趣;兴趣_adj. 感兴趣的_(短语)对感兴趣的_adj. 有趣的_carecare about sb. /sth. mindmind sb. /sth. mind doing sth.mind sb. s/ sb. doingDo you mind my/me opening the window?standcant stand (doing) sth. inter

30、estinterestedbe interested ininteresting13. v. 使高兴_ n. 愉悦,愉快_adj. 高兴的_adj. 令人高兴的_或_(短语)对感到满意的_14. v. 使兴奋_ adj. 兴奋的,激动的_ adj. 令人激动的_(短语)对感到激动的,兴奋的_15. v. 使满意_ adj. 满意的_adj. 令人满意的_对感到满意的_16. v. 使放松_ adj. 放松的_adj. 令人放松的_ (短语)对感到放松_pleasepleasurepleasedpleasing pleasantbe pleased withexciteexcitedexciti

31、ngbe excited aboutsatisfysatisfiedsatisfyingbe satisfied withrelaxrelaxedrelaxingbe relaxed about17. v. 担心,为发愁; 使担心_adj. 担心的,担忧的,发愁的_(短语) 为担心,发愁_18. n. 音乐会_19. v. 使厌烦_ adj. 厌倦的,烦闷的_ (短语) 对感到厌烦_adj. 无聊的,令人厌烦的_20. v. & n. 睡觉;睡眠_ adj. 困倦的_ adj. 睡着的_worryworriedbe worried aboutconcertboreboredbe bored w

32、ithboringsleepsleepyasleep21. v. 愿意,想要,喜欢,决心 n. 意志,毅力,自制力_adj. 愿意的,乐意的_(短语)乐意、愿意做某事_22. v. 从事园艺;种植 n. 花园;果园_23. n. 运气_adj. 幸运的_adj. 不幸的_adv. 幸运地_ adv. 不幸地_24. adj. & adv. 单独的;独自地_adj. 孤独的,寂寞的_25. n. 滑稽,乐趣 adj. 有趣的_adj. 滑稽的,好笑的_比较级_ 最高级_(短语)取笑某人_willwillingbe willing to do sth. gardenluckluckyunlucky

33、luckilyunluckilyalonelonelyfunfunnyfunnierfunniestmake fun of sb.26. v. & n. 用进行交换_27. adj. 简单的,容易的,舒适的_过安逸的生活_ 28. adj. 最喜爱的_ 29. adj. 受欢迎的,流行的_30. adj. 紧张不安的_ 31. adj. 特殊的_32. (短语)像一样,如同 _33. (短语) 而不是_或_34. v. 游泳_ 去游泳_35. v. 画, 描绘_ (短语)画画_36. v. & n. 支持;拥护;鼓励_tradeeasylive an easy lifefavoritepopu

34、larnervousspecialthe same asrather than instead ofswim go swimmingdrawdraw picturessupport 37. v. 刷油漆;用颜料画 n. 油漆;颜料_n. 绘画,油画_ 38. v. 跳舞_39. 说英语_ 40. 讲故事_41. 下象棋_ 42. 弹吉他_43. 拉小提琴_ 44. 敲鼓_45. 打篮球_ 46. 玩游戏_ paintpaintingdancespeak Englishtell storiesplay chessplay the guitarplay the violinplay the dru

35、msplay basketballplay games(下列词汇的具体分类整理见其他相关话题)1. n. 蔬菜_2. n. 水果_3. n. 食物_4. n. 饮料_5. n. 戏剧_6. n. 运动_7. n. 颜色_8. n. 电影_9. n. 音乐_10. n. 学科_ 11. n. 节日_ 12. n. 季节_vegetablefruitfooddrinkdramasport colorfilm/moviemusicsubjectfestivalseason话题常用句式构建与整合1. What food/fruit/vegetable/drinkdo you like?I like b

36、ecause/ I dont like becauseWhat do you like/dislike?I like oranges, but I dont like bananas or pears. 2. Do you like carrots /salad?Yes, I do. I think theyre/ its delicious and healthy. /No, I dont. I think theyre/ its awful.3. What kind of vegetables /noodles would you like? Id like tomato/ beef no

37、odles. 4. Whats your favorite subject?My favorite subject is English. 5. Why do you like it?I like it because its interesting and relaxing. 6. Whos your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher is Mrs. Smith. 7. Why do you like her?Because she makes her class lively and interesting./ Because she is fri

38、endly to us. 8. Can you play the guitar?Yes, I can. /No, I cant. Can she play the guitar? Yes, she can. /No, she cant. 9. What club do you want to join?I want to join the swimming club.10. You are very good at telling stories.11. Are you good with old people?12. Soccer is difficult. I like pingpong.

39、 Its easy for me.13. Our classmates often play soccer/football after school. 14. My good friend likes playing basketball.15. Do you want to watch the news?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. (八上R Unit 5)16. What do you plan to watch tonight?I plan to watch Days of Our Past.17. What do you think of the talk sho

40、ws?18. What kind of music do you like?I like music that I can sing along with. (九R Unit 9)19. What kind of groups does Xu Fei like?He prefers groups that/ which play quiet and slow songs.20. What kind of movies do you like?I prefer movies that/which give me something to think about.21. What kind of

41、musicians does Carmen like? She likes musicians who play different kinds of music.22. The loud music makes me nervous. (九R Unit 11) 23. Soft and quiet music makes me relax. 24. She said that sad movies made her cry. 25. What were you interested in 3 years ago?/ What did you use to be interested in 3

42、 years ago?I was interested in playing games with my friends. /I used to be interested in playing games with my friends. 26. Its never too late to learn something new. (八上JJ L38) 27. Exercising is fun, and it also helps to keep us healthy.28. Im interested in collecting all kinds of concert tickets.

43、 (八上JJ L37)同学们,我校第一届“我最好的朋友”征文活动开始啦!下面是你好朋友的个人信息,请根据学过的知识写一篇不少于60词的短文介绍一下他的情况吧!姓名Jim Green年龄14班级Class 1, Grade 7最喜欢的课程English 原因interesting最喜欢的老师English teacher原因beautiful and nice喜欢的运动baseball原因easy and fun每天吃的食物eggs and vegetables 原因healthyMy best friend_This is my best friend Jim Green. He is an

44、English boy. He is 14 years old. He is in Class One, Grade Seven. He has many subjects at school. Of all the subjects, he likes English best. His English teacher, Mrs. Wang, is beautiful and nice. Jim likes playing sports. His favorite sport is baseball because it is easy and fun. He has good eating

45、 habits. He has eggs, milk and vegetables every day. They are healthy and good for him. What a good boy! If you want to make friends with him, you can call him at Thank youTopic1 Personal Background 个人情况话题四目录基础知识梳理23小话题练笔1所在课本单元话题内容人教冀教Dreams and Future理想与未来八上Unit 6 Im going to study co

46、mputer science. 八上Unit 5 My Future (Lessons 2530)八上 Unit 8 Celebrating Me!(Lesson 46)九Unit 10 Get Ready for the Future (Lessons 5560)1. v. & n. 梦想 ,理想_ 梦想成为_梦想去做_2. n. 工作(可数)_ (不可数)_3. n. 政府 _ 4. n. 统治者 _5. n. 领袖;领导人_ 6. n. 总统;主席_7. n. 总理_ 8. n. 国王_9. n. 王后,女王_ 10. n. 秘书_11. n. 官员;军官_ 12. n. 演讲人;演说家

47、_13. n. 士兵;战士_ 14. n. 警察(通称,集合名词)_ 词汇和短语分类整理及拓展 A. Jobs and Dreams职业与梦想dreamdream of beingdream of doingjobworkgovernmentrulerleaderpresidentprime ministerkingqueensecretaryofficerspeakersoldierpolice15. n. 警察_ 16. n. 女警察_17. n. (男)侍者,服务员_ 18. n. 女侍者,女服务员_19. n. 男售货员_ 20. n. 女售货员_21. n. 商人_ 22. n. 女

48、商人_23. n. (男)演员_ 24. n. 女演员_ 25. n. 保卫,警戒_ 26. 警官_27. n. 法官_ 28. n. 律师_29. n. 科学家_ 30. n. 专家_31. n. 工程师_ 32. n. 飞行员,飞机驾驶员_33. n. 老师_ 34. n. 医生_policemanpolicewomanwaiterwaitresssalesmansaleswomanbusinessmanbusinesswomanactoractressguardpolice officer judgelawyerscientistexpertengineerpilotteacherdoc

49、tor35. n. 护士_ 36. n. 牙医_37. n. 教练_(严格的_ )38. n. 运动员_ 39. n. 农夫,农场主_ 40. n. 村民,乡村居民_41. n. 渔民,渔夫_42. n. 老板,雇主_ 43. n. 经理_44. n. 工人,工作者_ 45. n. 员工_46. n. 邮递员_47. 售货员,店员_48. 店主_ 49. n. 画家_nursedentistcoach strictathlete/player/sportsmanfarmervillagerfishermanbossmanagerworkerstaffpostmanshop assistants

50、hop ownerpainter50. n. 小提琴家_51. n. 舞蹈家,舞蹈演员,舞者_52. n. 歌唱家_53. n. 艺术家_(有创造力的_)54. n. 演奏者,运动员_ 55. n. 钢琴家_56. n. 记者_ 57. n . 摄影师_58. n. 指导者;导演_ 59. n. 作家_violinistdancersingerartist creativeplayerpianistreporterphotographerdirectorwriter B. Future Plan未来规划1. 坚持写文章_2. 上表演课_3. 学习计算机科学_ 4. 每天练习篮球_5. 学习如何

51、教小孩_ 6. 学会弹钢琴_7. 组建足球队_ 8. 取得好成绩 _keep on writing articlestake acting lessonsstudy computer sciencepractice basketball every daylearn how to teach childrenlearn to play the pianomake the soccer teamget good grades话题常用句式构建与整合1. What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be an engineer. /I thin

52、k Id like to be a pilot. 2. How are you going to do that? Im going to study math really hard. 3. Where are you going to work?Im going to move to Shanghai. 4. When are you going to start?Im going to start when I finish high school and college.5. My friend and I want to be singers. Were going to take

53、singing lessons. 6. My cousin wants to be a cook. Hes going to go to a cooking school. 7. He wants to be a race car driver. Hes going to buy a fast car. 8. Those boys want to be soccer players. Theyre going to practice every day.9. I want to be a reporter. Im going to write articles and send them to

54、 magazines and newspapers. 10. I want a job thats fun. 11. What will I be in the future?I will be an astronaut. I will fly rockets to the moon. 12. I will live on a space station. 13. Making a good plan is half the work itself. 14. If you can pick yourself up after you fail, and learn from the exper

55、ience, youll be a better person. 发明创造改变了世界,长大后你想当一名发明家吗?作为一名中学生你应该怎样做?请根据以下提示,以“How to Be an Inventor?”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。提示:1. 努力学习是基础; 2. 兴趣是最好的老师; 3. 需要创新(creativity)精神; 4. 持之以恒,永不放弃。How to Be an Inventor?_Becoming an inventor is many peoples dream. Would you like to be an inventor? As a student, we

56、need to do these things. We must study hard. Knowledge is the basis. If you dont master enough knowledge, its impossible for you to invent anything. Interest is the best teacher. When we are interested in something, we will do it well. Creativity is very important, too. We need to come up with new i

57、deas. Finally, we should keep on studying hard and never give up. Dont be afraid to fail.Thank you话题写作提升Topic1 Personal Background 个人情况请你来审题2目录4精彩范文1中考作文真题仿真模拟训练5经典句式诵读与仿写3英语课上,同学们正在准备举行以“真实的自我”为主题的演讲活动。请你以李华的名义,写一篇演讲词,向同学们介绍一下自己。(2017河北)提示:1. What are your strong points?2. How do you improve yourse

58、lf?3. What is your dream for the future?注意:1. 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名;3. 词数:80个左右。(开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数)1把握文体、时态与人称文体:_ 时态: _ 人称: _ 2确定主题、结构与层次 (1)根据题目,可知文章的主题是: _ ;(2)根据所给的三个提示问题,可以看出本文正文部分应主要说明三点: _、_、_ ;(3)文章可采用总分总结构,开篇综述已给出,三个要点按所给顺序写,结尾总结一下全文即可。说明文一般现在时第一人称单数自我介绍优点如何自我提升未来梦想考点 2 文章结构

59、导图考点 2 Functions(功能)Structures(结构)Wonderful examples(典句诵读)Excellent imitations (仿句演练)Strong pointslike to do/ doingI like reading because its interesting and relaxing.make sb.do/adj.The soft music makes me relax.be good atIm good at English.How to improvethe secret to doingWorking hard is the secret

60、 to getting good grades.Dreamswould like/want to do dream of being/doingI would like to be a designer when I grow up.hope thatI hope that I can be successful.Hello, everyone!Im Li Hua and Im very happy to stand here to talk about myself. I have many hobbies, but drawing is my strong point. To improv


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