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1、 羚糸自学考试资心尊 全国2018年4月高等教育自学考试综合英语(二)试题课程代码:00795I .诺法.诃汇。从A. B、C. DF1个选项中.选拝-个正确佇案.并熠入芥題纸相应位置(本人题共25小巍.毎小題1分,共25分)Complete each of the following sentences with the most likely answer.(25 points)1. Nowadays some mothers still play big part in the lives of their grown-upchildrenC. theD. an2. It much br

2、aver to ask questions than to suppress your questions and become deadened the world around you.A ofB inC onD. to3. The decorator suggested that he up a screen on the window to let in fresh air and keepout fliesA fixB fixedC. fixesD. fixing4. Since she was trapped in a lift for about two hours a year

3、 ago she to get back Into one.A. docsn t dareB. didn* t dareC. hasn t daredD. hadn t dared5. He has been sitting at the table for several hours. considerably more wine than is goodfor his healthA drinksB drankC. drinkingD. to dnnk6.Shall I turn on the television for you?“ No. thanks. I d rather not

4、television tonight.A. watchC watchingB. to watchD. for watching 羚糸自学考试资心尊 The eldest son an outsider when he talks about providing for his old and sick parents.A. seemslooks likesounds likeD. appearsIt is estimated that the price of a personal computer by an average of 25% a year since1990A fellB ha

5、d fallenC is fallingD. has fallenOn a quiet weekend one by the noise of the home interior decoration of one sneighbours.annoysB. is annoyedC annoyedannoyingIf you had listened to me, you in such great trouble nowA. wouldn t beC. won t bewould not have beenD. won t have beenPeter planned to convert h

6、is house into three flats, two bedrooms, aliving-room, a kitchen and a Bathroom.A every one consisted ofB all consisting inC each consisting ofD. one consisted in been so many people on a diet as today.A More than ever before have thereB In the past there have neverNever before there haveD. Formerly

7、 there had neverIn the operation two armed robbers were killed and were captured.A. restB. othersC the restD the other14 The director was told that he had finally got the to film Moment in Peking .A promiseB offerC. agreementD permission15. Wo had a marvelous holiday; only the last two days were sli

8、ghtly by the bad weather.A. damagedB. spoiledC. ruinedD. wasted16.1 kept the little girl till her parents returned home.A. the companyB. the companionC. companyD companion17. Typing all in capital letters is generally considered as impolite, because it shoutingA equals toB equatesC is equalD. is equ

9、ivalent to18 Cathy doesn t care about whal she eats, but she is very about what she wears.A. particularB.canngC. carelessD. demanding19. His offer took me completely A with surpriseB of surpriseC by surpriseD. to surprise20. Students of the Foreign Languages Department should themselves with interna

10、tionalaffairs.A. be concernedB. concernC. get involvedD. involve21 We are going to the pier to see a friend .He is sailing for EuropeA ofB oHC. awayD. out22 Shoppers have a great toward impulsive buying.A. temptationB. attractionC. desireD. tendency23. In many .parents might unintentionally wrong th

11、eir children.A examplesB occasionsC casesD. ways24. The art exhibibon was well designed the disarrangement of a few pieces of photosA. exceptB. besidesC. in addition toD. except for25.1 am afraid your paper is not closely related the topic given.A. toB. of羚糸自学考试资心尊C. withD. aboutI【.完形須空.从 A. B. C. D

12、四个选项中.选择一个正确答案.并単入答题纸相应位置“(本大题共15小题,可小題1分.共15分)Fill in each blank in the passage with the most likely answer (15 points)The Norwegian government is doing its best to keep the oil industry under control A new law limits exploration to an area 26 its long coastline. Oil companies are not allowed to em

13、ploy more than a certain 27 of foreign workers But the oil industry has a way of getting 28 such problems, and few people believe that the government will be able to hold things back 29 .Since World War II. the _3Q_ has been carrying out a programme of development in the area north of the Arctic Cir

14、cle. 31 has had a great deal of success: Tromso has been built up into a local capital with a university, a large hospital and a healthy industry. But the oil industry has already started to 32 people south# and within a few years the whole northern policy could be 33The 34 of the oil industry would

15、 not be limited to the north, however. As a result of nearly100 per cent employment, tourism and service industries 編I lose most of their workers 5 the oil industry. Some smaller industries might even 36 altogether when it becomes cheaper to buy goods from abroad.The real argument over oil is. as a

16、mater of fact, its threat to the Norwegianof lifeFarmers and fishermen do not make up the majority of the population, but they are an important 38 of it. Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with 39 as essentially Norwegian. And it is 40 who are most critical of the oil indu

17、stry. They fear it might cause damage to the countryside and to the sea.26. A. ofB. offC. onD. about27 A. figureB quantityC. numberD amount28- A. acrossB upC. backD over29. A. for longB for goodC. permanentlyD. temporarily30. A. industryB. workforceC. governmentD. trade union31. A. isB. whichC. that

18、D. this32. A. drawB. driveC. forceD. allow33. A. in ruinsB. in damageC. in successD under way羚糸自学考试资心尊 34. A. startB. developmentC. riseD. effects35. A. withinB. toC. fromD. against36. A. emergeB. boomC. disappearD. work out37. A. standardB. daysC. wayD. spirit38 A. partB roleC. figureD proportion39

19、. A. arroganceB prideC. regretD. pity40. A. theyB themC. thoseD. theseITT .句子料义。从A. 8. CD凶个迎项中.近畀一个正廉答案.并壊入答题纸相应位置,(本大玆共10小臥每小题1分,共10分)Choose the closest paraphrased version of each of the following sentences or the italicizedpart (10 points)Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in

20、 engagement calendars.Most Americans can t do without engagement calendars.Most Americans value time and love engagement calendars.Most Americans have learned to spend their time efficiently.Most Americans spend their time in a planned way.It (my first week s earnings was given to me because I had b

21、een of some use in the world!And I became a contributing member of my family .A I could now bring money home.B I could now contribute Io societyI became a useful person in the world.I was now able to do more for my family.The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name.A The hero was tall and st

22、rong.B The hero was brave and courageousC The hero was an outstanding man with fine qualities.D. The hero was a brave man with tremendous strengthIt was in her mind to share their refuge.The thought that they should share the refuge was constantly troubling her.She was wondering if they should share

23、 their shelter with their neighbours.In her opinion, they should share their shelter with their neighbours.To her mind the shelter should be regarded as a sort of public place.The old woman did not want to become a burden, and so she bore her burden.The old woman had to support herself.B The old wom

24、an was too proud to ask for help.C The old woman did nol want to bother other people.D The old woman earned the heavy load herself.46.1 was to close the file and write the obituary for the school. The almost bare sheets in the file mocked the effort.I felt that my efforts were laughed at.B I find it

25、 a tough job to write the obituary.C The sheets were full of unfavorable remarksD There was hardly anything important to write about47. Nothing was too good for that child Laura.Laura deserved whatever her parents did for her.B Laura was never satisfied with whatever her parents did for her.C Laura

26、was grateful to her parents for what her parents had done for herD Laura was too greedy a child to appreciate what her parents had done for her.There is a great deal to be said for the suburb.A The suburb is much talked about.The suburb has a lot of adntages.The suburb is an ideal place to live in.T

27、he suburb has more advantages than disadvantages.Love is freeing. Love i$ freely given, not doled out on demandA Love is liberatingB Love is willingly given.Love means choosing the person you marry.Love means that both sides arc independentJohn Bullyer and I met for the first time in 1956 when wc we

28、re both in our early sixties, but itis true to say that he did more to shape my life than any other person .Chiefly because of his existence. I have become what I am.I owe him a lot for the kind of person I am today.He, more than anyone else, was responsible for what I am.He was the person that urge

29、d me to strive for success.IV .阅泳理解。认頁阅读下列两篇短文,毎篇短文后冇5个冋匯,根据短文的内容从A、B、C, D四个选项中,选择,个正确答突,并壊入答霆纸相应位置;(本大也共10小題,每小題1分,共10分)Read the two passages and answer the questions. (10 points)Passage 1Some years ago, I was caught in a sudden, blinding snowstorm near Indiana, Pennsylvania.My car stalled at the e

30、dge of town I walked into town and into the nearest store The shop ownerphoned for help to get my car out of the deep snow.In a short lime, a tall blond man showed up with a learn of horses and pulled my car out of thesnow into town. I asked him how much I owed him for his trouble. He refused any pa

31、y, saying,will charge you nothing but the promise that you will help th next man you find in trouble, thanked him and made the promise.After he left, the storekeeper explained that the guy who had helped ma was a Mennonite ( 孟诺派教徒)who considered it wrong to charge anyone for a service made necessary

32、 by an act ofGod.Four years later, a friend and I were driving over flooded land south of St. Louis. Missouri. Wecrossed through water a foot deep without difficulty, but through my rearview mirror. I could seethat the small car ghind us was in trouble. I walked back with difficulty in the water whi

33、le my companion turned the car around a I could hook up onto his car with chains.We pulled the car out and waited until he got his engine started Then he offered to pay me Itold him of my experience in Indiana. Pennsylvania, then repeated the Mennonite s words: 111 willcharge you nothing but the pro

34、mise that you will help lhe nexl man you find in trouble Hb promised, and we parted.About a year later, my family and I were camping about a hundred miles from Aurora,Missouri. We put up our tents near the James River. We* d been told that il never flooded at thattime of the year. However, the river

35、 evidently misread the calendar. I woke up in the middle of the night with a very cold back from water deep enough to cover the canvas bed. We loaded our wet equipment into our car, but we were unable to drive it to higher ground. I walked to an inn some distance from our camping spot and asked the

36、innkeeper if he could get help to pull us out.Shortly afterwards, a farmer showed up with a tractor ana a long rope ana pulled us to safe ground. When I offered to pay him, he told me of a man who had helped him get his Iractor out of the mud and then said: I will charge you nothing but the promise

37、that you will help the next manthat you find in trouble.I had never imagined that a man s act of kirxlness could have taivststhnde.What is the message of this story?A. Kindness can spread from person to person.B Experiences of the author in different placesC How kind American people are.D How much t

38、he author liked stghbseeing when he was young.From wh om did the author first leam the statement“ I will charge you nothing but the promisethat you will help the next man you find in trouble* ?A. A tractor driver in Indiana.B A car driver in Missouri.C A shopkeeper in PennsylvaniaD A man in Pennsylv

39、ania.What doos the word “ stalled ” (in the first paragraph) probably mean?A. Parked.B. TrappedC. Damaged.D. Ran short of gas.What can you infer about the character of the author?A Humorous.BWickedC Honest.D.Suspicious.Wh at s the tone of this essay?A. Humorous.B.Ironic.C. Pessimistic.D.Positive.Pas

40、sage 2On January 13, 1982. a severe storm hit Washington. D.C. The temperature fell to the 羚糸自学考试资心尊 羚糸自学考试资心尊 mid- teens. Driving snow made it hard to see. Flights out of Washington ational Airport wbrs N delayed while snowplows cleared the runways. Air Florida Flight 90, with its 79 passengers, wa

41、s no exception. It was originally scheduled to depart at 2:15 P.M. Clearing The runways, however.took over an hour. At 3:37. the pilot was finally allowed to move the plane into position fortakeoff, but 15 other planes were lined up ahead of it Another 20 minutes went by before Flight90 could roll o

42、ut onto the runwayWhile Flight 90 was waiting for the runways to be plowed, the ice that had formed on itswings was removed. But new ice began to form immediately. As the pilot waited for the 15 other planes to take off, the ice grew heavier, ke buildup on a plane s wings is dangerous. It makesplane

43、 heavier and disturbs the normal flow of air over the wings. Despite the fresh layer of ice,Flight 90 roared down the runway when its turn came at 3:59 P M.As the jet took off. il trembled violently. Something was wrong 11 was not gaining altitude asit should One of the passengers, who was also a pi

44、lot, said,“ Wd re not going to make it.Meanwhile, traffic on the Fourteenth Street Bridge over the Potomac River was heavy. It wasrush hour, and the workers who lived outside the city were headed home. Suddenly the blue.green, and white form of an Air Florida 727 appeared out of the clouds Flight 90

45、 was going down,and it was heading straight for the crowded bridge. The motorists on the bridge could do nothingbut watch in horror as the airplane fell from the sky and smashed across the road. Several carswere badly hit Four motorists were killed before lhe plane plunged into the icy PotomacRescue

46、 workers arrived on the scene instantly. Their searchlights revealed a frightening sight.Many of the passengers could be seen still strapped in their seats at the bottom of the river. Onlysix passengers survived the accident They clung to a piece of the tail section that was above water.One of the s

47、urvivors was a balding man with a large mustache. He seemed to be more alert andless severely injured than any of lhe othersSpeed was essential if the six people were to be saved A person can survive only a fewminutes in such cold waler The rescue was made difficult by the fact that there was only r

48、oombarely enough for one helicopter to get between the Fourteenth Street Bridge and another bridge nearby.A helicopter arrived and quickly lowered its lifeline and flotation ring (救圏)to the baldingman. He grabbed it. but instead of using it himself, he passed it on to one of the other passengers.As

49、that person was lifted out of the freezing water, the balding man fought to keep his grip on the tail section. His body temperature was dropping, and his strength was going. When the rescue helicopter returned, the lifeline was again dropped to him. People on the bank watched in amazement as the man

50、 once again passed the lifeline on to someone else. For the second time, he gave up the chance so that another person could be saved.Ten minutes later, the three other passengershad been taken safely to the shore. Only the balding man was left in the river. But when the helicopter returned, he was g

51、one He had been in the icy water too long.No onebecameFor several days, the selfless man was known simply as“ the man in the water,who he was. But when the passenger list was compared wrth the description of the man, it was determined that he was Arland Williams, a 46 year-old bank examiner from Atl

52、anta. Georgia.When Arland Williams boarded Flight 90. he was an ordinary person on an ordinary flight.There was nothing special about him But at 4:01 P.M on a stormy January day. when his plane crashed, Williams chose to nsk his life to save the lives of others. The“ man in the watera national hero.

53、What delayed Air Florida Flight 90 from taking off earlier9A The runways had to be cleared of snowB The plane had to be refueled.C The plane needed some engine repairD The wings of the plane had to be cleared of iceFlight 90 crashed into the Potomac River .as it was landingas it was flyingC 5 minute

54、s after takeoffD as it was taking offThe rescue was made more difficult because there .weren t enough rescue workerswere no rescue boats availablewas only enough room for one rescue helicopterwas hardly any room for a rescue helicopterArland Williams died because he .had suffered head injuries in the crashhad been in the icy water too longdid not know how to swimD wanted to become a heroWhich of the following best stales the main idea of 1he selection9A Arland Williams bec


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