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1、中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译JSP 和 SQL Server 2000相关介绍JSP(JavaServer 是由 Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准。JSP技术有点类似ASP HTML文(*.htm,*.html)中插入 Java程序段(Scriptlet)和 JSP标记(tag) JSP文件(*.jsp)。用 JSP开发的 Web应用是跨平台的,即能在 Linux下运行,也能在其他操作系统上运行。 JSP 技术使用 Java 编程语言编写类 XML 的 tags 和scriptlets,来封装产生动态网页的处理逻辑。网页还能通过

2、tags和 scriptlets访问存在于服务端的资源的应用逻辑。JSP将网页逻辑与网页设计和显示分离,支持可重用的基于组件的设计,使基于 Web的应用程序的开发变得迅速和容易。Web服务器在遇到访问 JSP网页的请求时,首先执行其中的程序段,然后将执行结果连同 JSP文件中的 HTML代码一起返回给客户。插入的 Java程序段可以操作数据库、重新定向网页等,以实现建立动态网页所需要的功能。JSP与 Java Servlet一样,是在服务器端执行的,通常返回该客户端的就是一个 HTMLJSP的 1.0规范的最后版本是1999年 912月又推出了 1.1规范。目前较新的是JSP1.2JSP2.0

3、规范的征求意见稿也已出台。JSP页面由 HTML代码和嵌入其中的 Java代码所组成。服务器在页面被客户端请求以后对这些 Java代码进行处理,然后将生成的HTML页面返回给客户端的浏览器。Java Servlet 是 JSP的技术基础,而且大型的 Web应用程序的开发需要 Java Servlet和 JSP配合才能完成。JSP具备了 Java技术的简单易用,完全的面向对象,具有平台无关性且安全可靠,主要面向因特网的所有特点。JSP技术的强势中英文对照外文翻译文献(1)一次编写,到处运行。在这一点上Java比 PHP更出色,除了系统之外,代码不用做任何更改。(2)系统的多平台支持。基本上可以在

4、所有平台上的任意环境中开发,在任意环境中进行系统部署,在任意环境中扩展。相比 ASP/PHP的局限性是显而易见的。(3)强大的可伸缩性。从只有一个小的Jar文件就可以运行 Servlet/JSP,到由多台服务器进行集群和负载均衡,到多台Application进行事务处理,消息处理,一台服务器到无数台服务器,Java显示了一个巨大的生命力。(4)多样化和功能强大的开发工具支持。这一点与 ASP很像,Java已经有了许多非常优秀的开发工具,而且许多可以免费得到,并且其中许多已经可以顺利的运行于多种平台之下。JSP技术的弱势(1) 与 ASP一样,Java的一些优势正是它致命的问题所在。正是由于为了

5、跨平台的功能,为了极度的伸缩能力,所以极大的增加了产品的复杂性。(2) Java的运行速度是用 class的内存比起用户数量来说确实是“最低性能价格比”了。从另一方面,它还需要硬盘空间来储存一系列的.java文件和.class文件,以及对应的版本文件。JSP六种内置对象:request, response, out, session, application, config, pagecontext, page,exception.该对象封装了用户提交的信息,通过调用该对象相应的方法可以获取封装的信息,即使用该对象可以获取用户提交信息。对客户的请求做出动态的响应,向客户端发送数据。1.什么是

6、session:session对象是一个 JSP内置对象,它在第一个 JSP页面被装载时自动创建,完成会话期管理。从一个客户打开浏览器并连接到服务器开始,到客户关闭浏览器离开这个服务器结束,被称为一个会话。当一个客户访问一个服务器时,可能会在这个服务器的几中英文对照外文翻译文献个页面之间反复连接,反复刷新一个页面,服务器应当通过某种办法知道这是同一个客户,这就需要 session对象。2session对象的 ID:当一个客户首次访问服务器上的一个JSP页面时,JSP引擎产生一个 session对象,同时分配一个 String类型的 ID号,JSP引擎同时将这个 ID号发送到客户端,存放在Coo

7、kie中,这样session对象和客户之间就建立了一一对应的关系。当客户再访问连接该服务器的其他页面时,不再分配给客户新的session对象,直到客户关闭浏览器后,服务器端该客户的 session对象才取消,并且和客户的会话对应关系消失。当客户重新打开浏览器再连接到该服务器时,服务器为该客户再创建一个新的 session对象。服务器启动后就产生了这个 application对象,当客户再所访问的网站的各个页applicationsession不同的是,所有客户的application对象都是同一个,即所有客户共享这个内置的application对象。(1)public void setAttr

8、ibute(String key,Object obj): 将参数 Object指定的对象 obj添加到 application对象中,并为添加的对象指定一个索引关键字。(2)public Object getAttribute(String key): 获取 application对象中含有关键字的对象。五out对象outout对象用于各种数据的输出。六CookieCookie是 Web服务器保存在用户硬盘上的一段文本。Cookie允许一个 Web站点在用户的电脑上保存信息并且随后再取回它。举例来说,一个 Web站点可能会为每一个访问者产生一个唯一的 ID,然后以Cookie文件的形式保存在

9、每个用户的机器上。中英文对照外文翻译文献如果您使用IE浏览器访问Web,您会看到所有保存在您的硬盘上的Cookie。它们最常存放的地方是:c:windowscookies(在Window2000中则是C:Documentsand Settings您的用户名Cookies )Cookie是以“关键字key=值value“的格式来保存纪录的.2CookieCookie对象的构造函数可以创建CookieCookie对象的构造函数有两个字符串参数:Cookie名字和Cookie值。Cookie c=new Cookie(“username”,”john”);3 JSP中如果要将封装好的Cookie对象

10、传送到客户端,使用response的addCookie()方法。4读取保存到客户端的Cookie,使用request对象的getCookies()方法,执行时将所有客户端传来的Cookie对象以数组的形式排列,如果要取出符合需要的Cookie对象,就需要循环比较数组内每个对象的关键字。Struts 是 ApacheASF Jakarta项目中的一个子项目,并在2004年3月成为ASF的顶级项目。它通过采用 JavaServlet/JSP JavaEEWeb应用的 Model-View-ControllerMVC设计模式的应用框架WebFramework,是MVC经典设计模式中的一个经典产品。在

11、 Java EE的Web应用发展的初期,除了使用 Servlet 技术以外,普遍是在JavaServer Pages (JSP)的源代码中,采用 HTML 与 Java 代码混合的方式进行开发。因为这两种方式不可避免的要把表现与业务逻辑代码混合在一起,都给前期开发与后期维护带来巨大的复杂度。为了摆脱上述的约束与局限,把业务逻辑代码从2000CraigMcClanahan 采用了 MVC 的设计模式开发Struts JAVA 的 WEB 应用框架。SQL Server关系数据库简介1SQLServer是由MicrosoftDBMS),它最初是由MicrosoftSybase和Ashton-Tat

12、e1988年推出了第一个OS/2版本。2、关系数据库(RDBMS)管理系统功能:维护数据库数据之间的关系;中英文对照外文翻译文献保证数据存储的正确性;当出现系统故障的时候,将所有数据恢复到能够保证一致行的某种状态3、RDBMS:SQL Server,Oracle,DB/2,Sybase,Informix4、Non-RDBMS(File-based):Foxpro,Access企业版(Enterprise Edition)支持所有 SQL Server 2000的功能。该版本多用于大中型产品数据库服务器,并且可以支持大型网站,企业(联机事务处理)和大型数据仓库系统OLAP(联机分析处理)所要求的

13、性能。个人版(Personal Edition)。与因特网的集成:SQL Server 2000的数据库引擎全面支持XML(Extensive Markup ,扩展标记语言),能使用户很容易地将数据库中的数据发布到 Web页面上。可伸缩性与可用性:可跨越从运行 Windows 95/98的膝上型电脑到运行 Windows 2000的大型多处理器SQLServer2000企业版可以升级到最大 Web站点所需的性能级别。企业级数据库功能:SQL Server 2000分布式查询可以引用来自不同数据库的数据,而且这些对于用户来说是完全透明的;分布式数据库将保证任何分布式数据更新时的完整性;复制可以使

14、我们能够维护多个数据复本,这些用户能够自主地进行工作,然后再将所做的修改合并到发布数据库;SQL Server 2000关系数据库引擎能够充分保护数据完整性,还可以将管理并发修改数据库开销到最小。易于安装,部署和使用:SQL Server 2000由一系列的管理和开发工具组成,这些工具使得在多个站点上进行 SQL Server的安装,部署,管理和使用变得更加容易。开发人员可以更加快速中英文对照外文翻译文献地交付 SQL Server应用程序,而且只需要进行最少的安装和管理就可以实现这些应用程序。数据仓库:数据仓库是 SQL Server 2000中包含的用于分析取和分析汇总数据以进行联机分析处

15、理的工具。这个功能只在 Oracle和其他更昂贵的 DBMS中才有。1.1.1 SQL Server 2000新特性全面扩展了 SQL Server 7.0的性能,可靠性和易用性。增加了一系列的功能,具体如下:在关系数据库方面的增强图形管理增强增强的联合数据库服务器1、企业管理器 2、服务管理器 3、查询分析器 4、事件探查器5、导入和导出数据 6、服务器网络使用工具 7、客户端网络使用工具 8、联机帮助文档企业管理器是基于一种新的被称为微软管理控制台(Microsoft ManagementConsole)的公共服务器管理环境,它是SQLServer2000中最重要的一个管理工具。企业管理器

16、不仅能够配置系统环境和管理 SQLServer,而且由于它能够以层叠列表的形式来显示所有的 SQL Server对象,因而所有 SQL Server对象的建立与管理都可以通过它来完成。1.2.2服务管理器(Service Manager)SQL Server服务管理器是在服务器端实际工作时最有用的实用程序,服务管理器用来启动、暂停、继续和停止数据库服务器的实时服务,其提供的服务类型包括:SQL Server、SQL Server代理、Microsoft搜索和分布式事务协调器等。中英文对照外文翻译文献 2The introduceof JSP and SQL Server 2000JSP (Ja

17、vaServer Pages) is initiated by Sun Microsystems, Inc., withmany companies to participate in the establishment of a dynamic web pagetechnical standards.JSP technologysomewhat similar toASP technology, itis in the traditional HTML web page document (*. htm, *. html) to insertthe Java programming para

18、graph (Scriptlet) and JSP tag (tag), thus JSPdocuments (*. jsp). Using JSP development of the Web application iscross-platformthatcanrunonLinux,isalsoavailableforotheroperatingsystems. JSP technology to use the Java programming language prepared bythe category of XML tags and scriptlets, to produce

19、dynamic pages packageprocessing logic. Page also visit by tags and scriptlets exist in theservices sideof theresourcesof logic.JSPpage logic and web page designanddisplayseparation,supportreusablecomponent-baseddesign,Web-basedapplicationdevelopmentisrapidandeasy.WebserverinthefaceofvisitsJSP page r

20、equest, the first implementation of the procedures of, and thentogether with the results of the implementation of JSP documents in HTMLcodewiththereturntothecustomer.InserttheJavaprogrammingoperationof the database can be re-oriented websites, in order to achieve theestablishment of dynamic pages ne

21、eded to function.JSP and Java Servlet, is in the implementation of the server, usuallyreturned to the client is an HTML text, as long as the client browser willbe able to visit. JSP 1.0 specification of the final version is launchedin September 1999, December has introduced 1.1 specifications. At pr

22、esentrelatively new is JSP1.2 norms, JSP2.0 norms of the draft has also beenintroduced. JSP pages from HTML code and Java code embedded in one of thecomponents. The server was in the pages of client requests after the Javacode andthen willgenerate theHTML pagesto return tothe clientbrowser.JavaServl

23、etJSPisthetechnicalfoundationandlarge-scaleWebapplication中英文对照外文翻译文献developmentneedsofJavaServletandJSPsupporttocomplete.JSPwiththeJava technology easy to use, fully object-oriented, and aplatform-independentand secure, mainlyforall the characteristicsof theInternet.JSP technology strength(1) time t

24、o prepare, run everywhere. At this point Java better than PHP,in addition to systems, the code not to make any changes.(2) the multi-platform support. Basically on all platforms of anydevelopment environment, in any environment for deployment in anyenvironment in the expansion. Compared ASP / PHP li

25、mitations are obvious.(3) a strong scalability. From only a small Jar documents can run Servlet/ JSP, to the multiple servers clustering and load balancing, to multipleApplication for transaction processing, information processing, a serverto numerous servers, Java shows a tremendous Vitality.(4)div

26、ersificationandpowerfuldevelopmenttoolssupport.Thisissimilarto the ASP, Java already have many very good development tools, and manycanbefree,andmanyofthemhavebeenabletorunonavarietyofplatformsunder.(1) and the same ASP, Java is the advantage of some of its fatal problem.It is precisely because in o

27、rder to cross-platform functionality, in orderto extreme stretching capacity, greatly increasing the complexity of theproduct.(2)Javasspeedisclasstocompletethepermanentmemory,soinsomecasesby the use of memory compared to the number of users is indeed a minimumcost performance. On the other hand, it

28、also needs disk space to store aseriesof.Javadocumentsand.Class,aswellasthecorrespondingversionsof documents.JSP six built-in objects:中英文对照外文翻译文献request, response, out, session, application, config, pagecontext, page,exception.The object of the package of information submitted by users, bycalling th

29、e object corresponding way to access the information package,namely the use of the target users can access the information.2. Response object:The customers request dynamic response to the client sent the data.三. session object1. What is the session: session object is a built-in objects JSP, it in th

30、efirst JSP pages loaded automatically create, complete the conversation ofmanagement.From a customer to open a browser and connect to the server, to close thebrowser, leaving the end of this server, known as a conversation. When acustomer visits a server, the server may be a few pages link betweenre

31、peatedly, repeatedly refresh a page, the server should be through somekind ofway toknow thisis the sameclient, whichrequires sessionobject.2. session object ID: When a customers first visit to a server on the JSPpages, JSP engines produce a session object, and assigned a String type ofID number, JSP

32、 engine at the same time, the ID number sent to the client,stored in Cookie, this session objects, and customers on the establishmentof a one-to-one relationship. When a customer to connect to the server ofthe other pages, customers no longer allocated to the new session object,until, close your bro

33、wser, the client-server object to cancel the session,andtheconversation,andcustomerrelationshipdisappeared.Whenacustomerre-open the browser to connect to the server, the server for the customerto create a new session object.四. aplication target1. What is the application:中英文对照外文翻译文献Servershavelaunche

34、daftertheapplicationobject,whenacustomertovisitthe site between the various pages here, this application objects are thesame, untilthe serveris down.But with the session that allcustomers of the application objects are the same, that is, all customersshare this built-in application objects.(1) publi

35、c void setAttribute (String key, Object obj): Object specifiedparameters will be the object obj added to the application object, and toadd the subject of the designation of a keyword index.(2) publicObject getAttribute(String key): accessto application objectscontaining keywords for.out as a target

36、output flow, used to client output data. out targets forthe output data.CookieisstoredinWebserverontheusersharddrivesectionofthetext.Cookie allow a Web site on the users computer to store information on andthen get back to it.For example, a Web site may be generated for each visitor a unique ID, and

37、then to Cookie in the form of documents stored in each users machine.If you use IE browser to visit Web, you will see all stored on your harddrive on the Cookie. They are most often stored in places: c: windows cookies (in Window2000 is in the C: Documents and Settings your username Cookies)Cookie i

38、skeyword key= valuevalue to preserve the therecord.2. Targets the creation of a Cookie, Cookie object called the constructorcan create a Cookie. Cookie object constructor has two string parameters:Cookie Cookie name and value.Cookie c = new Cookie ( username, john);中英文对照外文翻译文献3. If the JSP in the pa

39、ckage good Cookie object to send to the client, theuse of the response addCookie () method.Format: response.addCookie (c)4.SavetoreadtheclientsCookie,theuseoftheobjectrequestgetCookies()methodwillbeimplementedinallclientcametoanarrayofCookieobjectsin the form of order, to meet the need to remove the

40、 Cookie object, it isnecessary to compare an array cycle Each target keywords.Apache Struts is an open-source web application framework fordeveloping Java EE web applications. It uses and extends the Java ServletAPI to encourage developers to adopt a model-view-controller (MVC)architecture. It was o

41、riginally created by Craig McClanahan and donated totheApacheFoundationinMay,2000.FormerlylocatedundertheApacheJakartaProject and known as Jakarta Struts, it became a top level Apache projectThe WebWork framework spun off from Apache Struts several years ago,aiming to offer enhancements and refineme

42、nts while retaining the samegeneral architecture of the original Struts framework. However, it wasannounced in December 2005 that Struts would re-merge with WebWork.A relational database, SQL Server1, by Microsoft SQL Server is the development and popularization ofrelational database system (DBMS),

43、which was originally by Microsoft, andAshtonSybaseTate-threecompaniesandjointdevelopment,launchedin1988,the first OS / 2 version.2 and relational database management system (RDBMS) function:Maintaining the relationship between database data,Ensure the correctness of the data storage,When a system fa

44、ult, all data recovery to ensure consistent done somecondition3, RDBMS: SQL Server, Oracle, DB / 2, Sybase Informix,4 and amplified RDBMS (File - based) : Foxpro, Access中英文对照外文翻译文献Second, SQL Server 2000 version1 and SQL Server 2000 common version:1)Enterprise Edition 2)Standard version3)Personal Ed

45、ition4)Developer Edition1.1 SQL Server featuresWith the integration of the Internet:SQLServer2000databaseenginecomprehensivesupportXMLLanguage,creatingtake(extensibleMarkupLanguage),thattheusercaneasilybedatabasedatareleased to the Web page.Scalability and usability:Can span from running Windows 95,

46、 98 / the laptop to run Windows 2000large-scale multiple processors etc. Various platforms. In addition, tojointlyServer,etc,thesupportindexviewthatSQLServer2000enterpriseedition can upgrade to the largest Web site desired performance level.Enterprise databases functions:SQL Server 2000 distributed

47、query can quote from different database data,and these are completely transparent to users, Distributed database willensure that any distributed data update integrity, Copy can enable us tomaintainmultipledataavailable,theusercanworkindependently,andthenwillbedonebymodifiedmergedintothedatabase,SQLS

48、erver2000relationaldatabase engine can fully protect data integrity, still can be modifieddatabase management concurrent cost to a minimum.Easy to install, deployment and use:SQLServer2000byaseriesofmanagementanddevelopmenttools,thesetoolsat multiple sites on SQL Server installation, deploy, manage and use moreeasily. Developers can more quickly deli


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