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1、黑龙江齐齐哈尔三年(2020-2022)中考英语真题分题型分层汇编02完形填空一、完形填空(2022 黑龙江齐齐哈尔)阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最 佳选项。Have you argued with a friend or done anything you regretted? it s hard to put things right, especially when your feelings are hurt. Knowing 2 to apologize (抱歉)can help you become friends again and unde

2、rstand why you argue, 3 you 11 separate from each other forever.Why do you argue?You argue for all kinds of reasons. Your friend s idea is 4 yours about something or your sister always drives you crazy. When you are 5, you may say or do somethingto hurt others. Arguing with others is quite normal bu

3、t it s important to 6 it and learn from it.What does an apology mean?Everybody makes mistakes in his life. Apologizing is a good 7 of admitting (成认) your mistakes. In fact, it s very difficult to say sorry to others. Most of the people think saying sorry means regretting what they ve 8 done. But as

4、long as you decide to correct your mistakes, you should 9, It s believed that a good apology needs to show that youre truly sorry, you want to be responsible for what you do and get forgiveness (原谅).What if (万一).it s not your mistake?Sometimes the mistakes have 10 to do with you, but another person

5、may force you to say sorry. Be sure to try talking about why you argue at first. If 11 of you still can agree with each other, what should you do? Keep 12 and ask a parent or a teacher for help.Does apologizing always work?As far as I know, an apology itself 13 be enough, so try to ask someone else

6、how第1页共12页BACABBCBACABACB【分析】本文讲述了一位英雄一一于铁夫医生在新冠肺炎疫情期间对人们和国家所做出的贡献。.句意:他毕业于齐齐哈尔医学院。for 为了; from 从;of的。根据 graduated 及 Qiqihar Medical College,可知,此处表示“他毕业于齐齐哈尔医学院”,固定搭配:graduate from “从毕业”,所以空格处填from。应选B。.句意:从那时他就已经获得许多奖项。has三单形式;have动词原形;having动名词/现在分词。since+过去的时间,表示动作从过去的某个时 间开始一直延续到现在,并有继续下去的可能,句子用

7、现在完成时has/have done的结构,主语he是第 三人称,所以空格处填三单形式has。应选A。.句意:他如此疲惫,以至于他靠着墙睡着了。sleep睡觉;sleeping睡着的;asleep唾着的。句中sothat引导结果状语从句,根据He was so tired, 可知,他太累了以至于倚着墙就睡着了,固定搭配:fall asleep “睡着”,所以空格处填asleep。应选C。.句意:他是多么努力啊!根据句子结构,此句是一个感叹句,结构为:how+形容词/副词+主谓;what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+ 主谓;what+形容词+名词复数/不可数名词+主谓。hard-workin

8、g是形容词,所以此空填how。应选A。.句意:因为疫情,他比之前更忙了。第10页共12页 busy忙碌的,形容词原级;busier更忙碌的,形容词比拟级;busiest最忙的,形容词最高级。was是系 动词,后接形容词作表语。much修饰比拟级,所以空格处填形容词比拟级busier。应选B。.句意:在2020年4月25日,126名来自齐齐哈尔第一医院的医护人员被派往牡丹江去跟疫情作 斗争。send动词原形;sent过去分词;sending动名词/现在分词。根据句子结构,主语doctors and nurses与 谓语动词send之间是被动关系,所以要用被动语态be done的结构,故空格处填过

9、去分词sent。应选B。.句意:于铁夫就是其中之一。they他们,人称代词主格;their他们的,形容词性物主代词;them他们,人称代词宾格。among是介词, 后接人称代词宾格,所以空格处填them。应选C。.句意:尽管他的父母和兄弟住在那,但是他没有告诉他们有关这个特殊任务的事情。but但是;/不填;and和。although是引导让步状语从句的连词,在英语中不能与but一起连用,所以 空格处不填任何连词。应选B。.句意:他认真地对待自己的工作。seriously认真地,副词;serious严肃的,形容词;terrible糟糕的,形容词。根据句子结构,此空修 饰动词take,所以要用副词

10、,并且此空表示“他认真地对待自己的工作”,所以空格处填seriously。故 选Ao.句意:每天他与许多得了新冠肺炎病毒的患者密切接触,并询问他们的感觉。much许多,修饰不可数名词;a lot许多,副词;a lot of许多,修饰可数名词。persons是可数名词复 数,结合所给选项,只有C选项a lot of可以修饰可数名词,所以空格处填a lot of。应选C。.句意:一些病人担忧这个病毒,他让他们感到放松并鼓励他们振作起来。relaxed感到放松的,形容词;relax放松,动词;relaxing令人放松的,形容词。feel是感官系动词, 后接形容词作表语,排除B选项。relaxed主语

11、是人,relaxing修饰物,原句中them是指代前文的patients, 所以空格处填relaxed。应选A。.句意:但是他没有直接回家看他的妻子和五岁的女儿。根据句子结构,此处修饰名词daughter,所以用形容词作定语。结合所给选项,由连字符连在一起的复合 形容词中的名词要用单数形式,所以空格处填five-year-old。应选B。.句意:不幸的是,因为过度疲劳,他于6月1日永远离开了我们和他热爱的工作。unluckily不幸的是;luckily幸运的是;happily高兴地。根据he left us a是his beloved (热爱的) job forever on June 1st

12、,可知,他永远离开了我们,这是一件不幸的事,所以空格处填unluckily。故 选Ao.句意:他为女儿准备了一份礼物,但是他不能自己把礼物给她了。第11页共12页to至!J; in在里;for为了。根据prepared a present及his daughter,可知,他为女儿准备了一份礼物,固定搭配:prepare sth for sb ”为某人准备某物”,所以空格处填for。应选C。.句意:他为女儿准备了一份礼物,但是他不能自己给她了。herself她自己;himself他自己;itself它自己。反身代词在句中要与主语在人称上保持一致,原句主 语是he,所以空格处填himself。应选

13、B。第12页共12页he felt while you were arguing. Explain your side too, and make 14 clear that you11 try to avoid making the same mistake again. An apology isn t a magic stick. It may 15people time to understandand forgive.1. A. PerhapsB. RecentlyC.Instead2. A. whatB. whereC.how3. A. andB. orC.so4. A. diff

14、erent fromB. similar toC.as well as5. A. happyB. boredC.angry6. A. solveB. refuseC.complain7. A. hobbyB. wayC.reason8. A. neverB. nearlyC.ever9. A. go awayB. try your bestC.talk back10. A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing11. A. allB. neitherC. either12. A. coolB. relaxedC. crazy13. A. mustn tB. may no

15、tC. needn, t14. A. thatB. thisC. it15. A. spendB. takeC. cost(2021 黑龙江齐齐哈尔)Have you ever noticed that your fingers are wrinkled (有皱纹的)when you ve just finished swimming or 16 cloths? It seems 17 your hands have aged 30 years in a short time. But is this an accident? Or is it something that nature ha

16、s built into our bodies?The wrinkles looked a bit 18 the patterns on the bottom of the running shoes. So 19 made a guess that wrinkles on fingers might be able to help the hanks hold things better.To test this, researchers asked 20 people to pick up marbles (弹珠)from water 20 their hands. But 21 they

17、 started to pick up the marbles, half the people had to keep their hands in water for half an hour.The researchers discovered the people who had wrinkled fingers completed the task faster that those whose hands were dry. But when they 22 to move dry marbles, all the people performed the same, no mat

18、ter whether 23 had the wrinkled fingers or not.第2页共12页Our ancestors might not play with marbles, but wrinkled fingers could make 24 easier for them to climb around in the wet forests and catch fish from 25.Similarly, our feet 26 get wrinkled in water. This may develop from our ancestors, need to run

19、 27 the wet ground.But the question is, if wrinkled fingers are so helpful, 58 don t our hands just stay that way all the time? In fact, there 29 several disadvantages about wrinkled fingers.They make us feel30.And wrinkled fingersdon t have enough sense of touch16.A. makingB. washingC. folding17.A.

20、 thatB. whichC. what18.A. afterB. likeC. into19.A. scienceB. scientificC. scientists20.A. withB. byC. from21.A. afterB. beforeC. while22.A. askB. are askedC. were asked23.A. weB. theyC. you24.A. thisB. thatC. it25.A. riversB. roadsC. skies26.A. alsoB. tooC. either27.A. underB. onC. in28.A. howB. whi

21、chC. why29.A. areB. haveC. is30.A. powerfulB. enjoyableC. uncomfortable(2020 黑龙江黑龙江)In 2020, there are a number of people and their heroic deeds (英雄 事迹)moving us. Yu Tiefu is an excellent and kind doctor. He was born in Mudanjiang, a small city in Heilongjiang Province in 1978. He graduated 31 Qiqih

22、ar Medical College. In 2008, he became a doctor in Qiqihar No. 1 Hospital. He 32 won many prizes since then.第3页共12页A picture made him popular on the Internet in 2016. He had just finished an operation andthen he would do the next operation immediately (立艮He was so tired that he fell 33 against the w

23、all. He was always working for a long time without rest.34 hard-working hewas!Because of the epidemic (疫情)he was much 35 than before. On April 25th, 2020, 126 doctors and nurses from Qiqihar No. 1 Hospital were 36 to Mudanjiang to fight against the epidemic. Yu Tiefu was among 37. Although his paren

24、ts and brother lived there, 38 he didn,ttell them about this special task. He took his job 39. He came into contact with (与接触) 40 persons with COVID-19 virus (病毒)closely and asked them about their feelings every day. He also helped the nurses disinfect (消毒)the wards. He got on well with the patients

25、. Some patients were afraid of the virus, he made them feel 41 and encouraged them to cheer up.On May 27th, they finished the work successfully and went back to Qiqihar. But he couldnt return home directly to see his wife and his 42 daughter. He had to be in isolation (隔 离)in Hemei Hotel. 43 he left

26、 us and his beloved (热爱的)job forever on Junebecause he was overtired. He was only 42 years old when he died. He prepared a present 44 his daughter, but he couldn,t give it to her by 45 . He had no chance to hug his wife and daughter again. He is a common man, but he did the most unusual things. Yu T

27、iefu is a real hero. We should learn from him.A. forA. hasB. fromB. haveC. ofC. having33. A. sleepB. sleepingC. asleep34. A. HowB. What aC. What35. A. busyB. busierC. busiest36. A. sendB. sentC. sending37. A. theyB. theirC. them38. A. butB. /C. and第4页共12页39.A.seriouslyB. seriousC. terrible40.A.muchB

28、. a lotC. a lot of41.A.relaxedB. relaxC. relaxing42.A.five years oldB. five-year-oldC. five-year-olds43.A.UnluckilyB. LuckilyC. Happily44.A.toB. inC. for45.A.herselfB. himselfC. itself第5页共12页参考答案:ACBACABCBCBABCB【导语】本文介绍了如何抱歉可以帮助你再次成为朋友。.句意:也许很难把事情纠正过来,尤其是当你的感情受到伤害的时候。Perhaps 或许;Recently 最近;Instead 相

29、反。 根据 “it s hard to put things right, especially when your feelings are hurt”可知,此处表示“也许”,是一种不确定的表达,应选A。.句意:知道如何抱歉可以帮助你们重新成为朋友,并理解你们为什么争吵,否那么你们将永远分开。 what什么;where哪里;how怎样。根据to apologize (抱歉) can help you become friends again” 可知,知道怎样抱歉可以帮助你们重新成为朋友,应选C。.句意:知道如何抱歉可以帮助你们重新成为朋友,并理解你们为什么争吵,否那么你们将永远分开。 and

30、和;or否那么;so因此。空格前后是转折关系,此处用or连接,应选B。.句意:你朋友的想法和你的不一样。different from 与不同;similar to 与相似;as well as 也。根据“You argue for all kindsof reasons.”可知,因为两人的想法不同,所以会争吵,应选A。.句意:当你生气时,你可能会说或做一些伤害他人的事。happy 开心的;bored 厌烦的;angry 生气的。根据 “you may say or do something to hurt othersv 可第6页共12页 知,生气的时候会说一些伤害人的话,应选C。.句意:与他

31、人争论是很正常的,但解决它并从中学习是很重要的。solve 解决;refuse 拒绝;complain 抱怨。根据“Arguing with others is quite normal but its important to. . . it and learn from it”可知,解决问题才是重要的,应选A。.句意:抱歉是成认错误的好方法。hobby 爱好;way 方式;reason 原因。根据“Apologizing is a good. . of admitting (成认)your mistakes” 可知,抱歉是成认错误的好方法,应选B。.句意:大多数人认为抱歉意味着对他们曾经做

32、过的事情感到后悔。never 从不;nearly 几乎;ever 曾经。 根据 saying sorry means regretting what they ve. . done 可知,抱歉意味着对他们曾经做过的事情感到后悔,应选C。.句意:但只要你决定改正错误,你就应该尽最大努力。go away 走开;try your best 尽最大努力;talk back 顶嘴。根据as long as you decide to correct your mistakes”可知,只要决定改正错误,就应该尽最大努力,应选B。.句意:有时错误与你无关,但另一个人可能会迫使你说对不起。something

33、一些事情;anything 任何事情;nothing 没有事情。根据 but another person may force you to say sorry”可知,错误与你无关,应选C。.句意:如果你们都不能同意对方的意见,你该怎么办?all 全都;neither 两者都不;either 两者之一。根据 “of you still can agree with each other, what should you do? Keep. . . and ask a parent or a teacher for help. ” 可知,此处指的是两个人,说的 是两个人都不同意彼此的意见,应选B

34、。.句意:保持冷静,向家长或老师寻求帮助。cool 冷静的;relaxed 放松的;crazy 疯狂的。根据 “of you still can agree with each other, what should you do?”可知,如果两人彼此不同意对方的意见时,要保持冷静,应选A。.句意:据我所知,一个抱歉本身可能还不够,所以试着问问别人在你们争吵时他的感受。mustn t 禁止;may not 可能不;needn t 不需要。根据 “be enough, so try to ask someone else how he felt while you were arguing”可知,

35、一个抱歉可能不够,应选B。.句意:同时解释你的观点,并明确表示你将尽量防止再犯同样的错误。that 那个;this 这个;it 它。 根据 “make. clear that you 11 try to avoid making the same mistake again.”可知,此处是make it clear that “弄清楚”,应选C。.句意:人们可能需要时间来理解和原谅。spend花费,主语是人;take花费,常用It takes sb some time to do sth的结构;cost花费,主语是第7页共12页物。根据 It may. . . people time to u

36、nderstand and forgivev 可知,此处是 It takes sb some time todo sth的结构,应选B。. B. A. B. C. A. B. C. B. C. A. A. B. C. A. C【分析】本文介绍了手在水里会出现褶皱的优缺点。.句意:你曾注意到你的手指在刚游完泳或者洗完衣服的时候有皱纹吗?making 做,使;washing 洗;folding 折叠。根据Have you ever noticed that your fingers are wrinkled . 和常识可知,洗过衣服后手有皱纹。应选B。.句意:你的手看起来短时间内老了 30年。th

37、at那个;which哪个;what什么。It seems that.表示“看起来”,固定句型。应选A。.句意:皱纹有点像运动鞋鞋底的图案。after在之后;like像;喜欢;into到里面。look like表示看起来像应选B。.句意:因此科学家猜想手指上的皱纹可能是帮助手更好的拿东西。science科学,名词;scientific科学的,形容词;scientists科学家,名词。根据made a guess that. j 可知此处指某人猜想。应选C。.句意:为了测试这件事,研究者让20个人用手从水中捡弹珠。with和;by通过;from从。此空表示“用手”,用身体某个部位,用介词with。应选A。第8页共12页.句意:但是在他们开始捡弹珠之前,一半人必须把手放到水里半个小时。after 在之后;before 在前面;while 当时。根据“So scientists made a guess th


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