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1、.我们的宣传手册仅仅介绍了一小部分产品,我们的展台在2号展厅,欢迎您去看看我们的展品,相信一定有适合贵公司的产品。Our brochure only covers a few products. You are encouraged to go to our booth in Pavilion No.2 for more exhibits. I am sure you can find products in your interests.To be frank, our commodities have always come up to our export standard and th

2、e package are excellently designed and printed. So our products are moderately priced.说实话,我们的产品一向达到出口标准,而且包装设计精致,印刷精美,所以这个价格还是很合适的。如贵方认为是有价值的,那么我建议贵方可以将它罗列出来,给予以作价。我方在合资企业的股份,将和贵方进一步商榷后确定。If your party deems these valuable, then I propose that you run a list and evaluate all the items. The shares he

3、ld by our party in the joint venture will be determined upon further negotiation.8%? I am afraid you are asking too much. Actually, we have never given such a lower price. For friendship sake, we may exceptionally consider reducing the price by 5%. This is the highest reduction we can afford.降8%?我觉得

4、您砍得太厉害了。我们从没有给过这么低的价格。看在朋友的份上,我们可以破例降5%。不能再低了。你们的产品质量确实没的说,但是在折扣方面,我觉得过于强硬了。我希望双方都能让步,在这七上八下的价格蹊跷板上,找到彼此的平衡点。You indeed have superb product quality, but you are just uncompromising in discount. I do hope that both parties can make concessions to meet each other half way in our bargaining over price.

5、你们的产品质量确实没的说,但是在折扣方面,我觉得过于强硬了。我希望双方都能让步,在这七上八下的价格蹊跷板上,找到彼此的平衡点。至于折扣方面,我们可以将价目单上的开价再降3%,这是我方的底盘。不好意思,我们不准备接受还盘。有维多利亚轮运走/运来/承运的最后一批货将于10月1日抵达伦敦,烦请贵方获悉。Please be informed that the last bath per/ex/by S.S. Victoria will arrive in London on the 1st October. Alright, we concluded as follows:340 sets of UX

6、225 at the price of USD 31.50 pet set, and 610sets of UX228 at the price of USD 44.50 per set, both of be packed in cardboard boxes of one set each and to be shipped CIF Toronto.好,我们就如下内容达成一致:已CIF价格将340套UX225和610套UX228运至多伦多港,前者每套31.50美元,后者每套44.50美元,都用硬纸皮箱包装,每箱一套。9. 那么我们已经就价格与付款方式达成一致了,根据我们这边的物流安排,这批

7、机床将于8月17日由希望号轮运出,41天后抵达鹿特丹港。Now weve agreed upon price and terms of payment, According to our current logistics, these machine tools shall be shipped per M.V.Hope on 17th November and due to arrive at port of Rotterdam in 41days.10.I think weve reached an agreement on all the important issues and gr

8、eatly boosted our cooperation. Why dont we relax a while in the cocktail party and leave the technical details of the contract to our assistant?我们在重要事宜上达成一致,也大大推动了双方的合作。要不去就会上喝一杯,放松一下?把技术性细节交给助手就行了11.您觉得我们的价格过高,但我认为它恰恰反映了我们产品的高价值,体现了我们在生产、人力资源、企业战略、销售渠道上的投入,也保证了我们的产品质量和售后服务,正所谓一分钱一分货。You think our p

9、roduct is overpriced, but to me, it reflects the value of it, which lies in our investment in production, human resources, corporate strategy and sales channel, and which guarantees our product quality and after-sales service. As we can put it, its worth every penny of it.12. Based on the size of yo

10、ur order, we could take a cut on the price. But 25% would slash our profit margin. We suggest a compromise of minus 10%.鉴于您订单的大小,我们可以降价,但是降25%的话,我们的利润就惨不忍睹了。我方可以做出让步,降10%。13.我公司目前在华南地区共有60家专卖店,而华东和华北地区只有办事处,市场部正在做相应的市场开发计划。我们产品的最大卖点就是环保,相信一定能打入国际。Our corporation has 60 franchised stores in south Chi

11、na, but in east and north China, weve only got some offices. So the Market Department is currently devising market development plans. The best selling point for our product is environment-friendliness, which, we believe, help us penetrate the international market.14. We propose a structured deal. Fo

12、r the first six months, we get a discount of 20%, and the next six months, we get 15%.我们建议采用阶段式合约:头6个月,我们拿20%的折扣;后六个月,15%的折扣。15.去年的金融危机给我们打击很大,积压了很多库存,所以才会以这么优惠的价格销售产品,几乎赚不到什么利润,用个现在流行的说法,这就是海啸价了。The financial crisis last year hit us hard, burdening us with overstock. Thats why we are now selling pr

13、oducts at this favorable price, which barely leaves us any profits. Its indeed an extremely low price.16. Please inform us when the goods that we just ordered are properly prepared so that we can send you the shipping instruction. Also, we would be expecting your shipping advice when all goods are l

14、ocated on to the container vessel.请在我方订购货物备妥之前通知我方,以便向贵方提供装运须知。此外,请在所有货物装船之后将装运通知发至我方。17、美对华贸易逆差继续扩大,中美贸易摩擦加剧,美国国内贸易保护主义升温,国内部分议员不断就贸易逆差、人民币汇率、知识产权问题提出涉华经贸议案,经贸问题政治化趋势明显。We are seeing greater U.S. trade deficit against China, aggravating Sino-US trade conflicts and rising trade protectionism in Amer

15、ica. Some congressmen continuously proposed motions on economy and trade against China in respects of trade deficit, exchange rate of RMB and IPR, which clearly politicized issue of economy and trade.18、Weve already sent the samples you gave us to our Headquarters in Germany. I think it wont take lo

16、ng for the lab researchers to give you the feedback on product quality. I am, however, interested in your compliance with CSR, since all our vendors have to be certified in that regard.我们已将贵方提供的样品寄至德国总部,相信没多久实验室的研究人员就会把产品质量报告反馈给我们。我对贵公司的企业社会责任合规很感兴趣,因为我们的所有供货商都要取得这方面的认证。19、首先非常感谢贵公司对我们的产品的关心,而你们提出的问

17、题呢,我们总经理也非常重视,所以我们马上会和他连线,以电话会议的形式进行下一步的会谈,您看没问题吧?First of all, thank you for your interest in our products. Our general manager highly values your questions. So I am now connecting him in the tele-conference as our next negotiating round. Is that OK?20、The burgeoning Chona boasts such a huge market

18、 that no one can afford to neglect. My company is willing to establish business relations with all interested Chinese parties.迅速腾飞的中国拥有巨大市场,没人敢视而不见的。我公司愿意与所有感兴趣的中国客商建立业务关系。Dialogue 1 At the Canton Fair 在广交会展台Australian Buyer: Nice to see you again, Mr. Chen. Hope you still remember me, Kenneth Smith

19、, sourcing director of Alphalink in Australia.澳大利亚买家:陈先生,很高兴再次见到你。还记得我吧,澳大利亚Alphalink公司的采购经理肯尼斯史密斯。XX厂商: 您好,您好,当然记得。欢迎之至。Suzhou Exporter: Nice to meet you. Sure I remember you. Welcome to our booth.Australian Buyer: Thats great. I am here to confirm the deal that we talked about yesterday. I think w

20、e still need to reach some consensus on certain details, right?那好,我今天来是想和你确认昨天谈过的那笔交易。我们在有些细节上还要达成一致,是吧?XX厂商:是的是的。上次已经给您看过了我们的样品,相信质量一定是没有问题的。这几天有好几个海外公司都和我们签订了购买合同,过往的产品销售和使用记录也能证明这点。Suzhou Exporter: Indeed. I showed you our sample last time and I believe its quality is beyond reproach. We just sig

21、ned some purchasing contracts with several overseas companies these days. Our past sales and usage records could also prove its high quality.Australian Buyer: I have no doubt about that. Actually one of my colleagues recommended you before I traveled here and sure I did some homework. What I am inte

22、rested in today is to see whether you can provide me a more competitive price. You know the financial tsunami and things like that.这点我并不怀疑。实际上,我来广交会前就有同事向我们推荐了贵公司,我也做了些调研。今天希望贵方能给我一个更有竞争力的价格。你也知道,金融海啸了嘛。XX厂商:这个我们自然明白。金融危机搞得大家都不好过,我们的价格已经是很有竞争力的,您肯定也看过其他公司的同类产品。我们的嘛,算不上最低,但是性价比肯定最高,关键还是质量过硬。Suzhou Ex

23、porter: We sure know. This crisis gives everyone a hard day.Our price is already very competitive. You must have received similar products from other companies. I cannot say our price is the lowest, but its price-performance ratio is definitely the highest. Quality values more than price.Australian

24、Buyer: Well, considering the fact that our order is pretty big, we are thinking whether there is any possibility of downward adjustment in your quoted price. We do hope to strike this bargain and take it as a good beginning of our future cooperation. Our growing business in Australia will need more

25、products like this in the near future.鉴于这是个大单,我想请贵方再考虑下调报价的可能性。我们是非常希望能做成这笔交易,为我们今后的合作开个好头。我们在澳大利亚的业务不断发展,近期肯定需要更多的同类产品。XX厂商:这样的话,请让我考虑一下,毕竟我们也有成本方面的考虑。您希望价格能够调整多少?此外,贵公司还有没有其他方面的要求,比如交货时间?If so, let me think it over, since, after all, we have to cover our cost. Whats your proposed adjustment? Do yo

26、u have other requirements, such as delivery time?Australian Buyer: Id prefer to have your price cut down by 25 USD per unit on an FBO basis. You mentioned last time, if I remember it correctly, that your lead time is 35 days. So, plus the shipping, Id expect a delivery period of 55 days. 我希望贵方能将FOB单

27、价下降25 美元。如果我没记错的话,上次你说制造周期是35天,那么加上运输, 55天能拿到货就行。XX厂商:交货时间没有问题,稍微提前点也可以,因为我们仓库里还有一些库存,但是价格实在不能接受,已经低于我们的成本价了,我们的利本来就很薄。Fine for the delivery time; we can actually shorten it in that we still have some inventory. But your proposed price is unacceptable. Its lower than our cost price and we already ha

28、ve a very thin margin.Australian Buyer: Thats too bad. I dont think I have the authority to brake that price ceiling set by my superior. If that should be the case, then I think I have to report to him for further direction.很遗憾,这个最高单价是我们的头儿定的,我可没权上调。如果这样的话,我得先向他请示。XX厂商:好的,希望我们能有机会合作,就像中国人常说,生意不成情谊在嘛

29、。Its alright. Hope we can close the deal in future. Just like we Chinese often say, our friendship lasts, though our deal fails.Dialogue2 At the Company Conference Room 在公司会议室XX买家:威廉姆斯先生,您好。我就不拐弯抹角了,我们向贵公司订的货至今未收到,请问,您对此如何解释?Hi Mr. Williams. Ill just go straight to the point. We have not received th

30、e ordered goods from you. Whats your explanation?American Company: Nice to see you again, Mr. Zhang. I feel really for that and was just about to drop you a line to explain the situation. The problem is that our products have been stuck in the customs. 张先生,很高兴又见面了。我很抱歉,刚准备打电话和你解释一下。海关扣下了我们的货。XX买家:您知

31、道是什么原因被海关扣下吗?Guangzhou buyer: Whats the reason for that?American Company: We have already sent a representative to the customs to inquire after and negotiate the problem. Hes not reported yet, but it is assumed that the issue arises from non-standard labeling on some of the containerized goods.美国公司:

32、我们已经派了代表去海关打听情况并处理问题,还没收到他的消息,不过应该是因为部分集装箱货物贴标不合标准。XX买家:这倒不是特别严重的问题,但关键是需要多久才能完成海关的手续,你们还要重新给这批产品贴标签,我们可能等不及了。Its not a serious matter, but our main concern is how much extra time is needed for you to clear the custom. You have to re-label this batch and I dont think we could wait that long.American

33、 Company:Those products will have to be sent back to our factory to re-label and then to re-ship. Optimally it will take an extra 25 days. 美国公司:这批货要发回工厂重新贴标,然后再发货。顺利的话,25天就够了。XX买家:现在已经过了交货期三天了,我们不可能再等25天才收货,您要知道,马上是国庆销售黄金周,我们急等着货上柜的。Its already three days beyond delivery deadline. We just cannot wai

34、t another 25 days. I think you know the coming Golden Week of National Day and we need badly those goods to be marketed.American Company:We also feel sorry about that and are trying our best to get the problem sorted out ASAP. But, you know, customs always follow procedures and indeed its very costl

35、y in time. I really hope you can understand, particularly considering our past history of successful cooperation.我们也很遗憾,希望能尽快解决问题。不过你也知道,海关必须要按程序来,很耗时间。我也希望得到你们的谅解,尤其是看在过去成功合作的份上。XX买家:我们明白,所以这次我们没准时拿到货,还特意等了两天,就是相信你们会及时发货。出了问题我们自然可以理解,但是现在的情况让我们也很难办,恐怕只能按照合同追究你们了。Guangzhou Buyer: Thats true, so we w

36、aited for another two days beyond the deadline because we trust you in timely delivery. We can accept this in fact, but the problem is that now we are in a dilemma, too. Im afraid we have to resort to pur contact and bring you to account.American Company: Well, I think turning to the contrast for any compensation issue might just be the last resort. In light of goodwill, I do hope we can


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