



1、淄博四中2011级 高一 Book4 M5 规范化作业 第2学期 编号11PAGE 6PAGE 4Module 5A Trip Along the Three Gorges 能 力 闯 关 .单词拼写1The gorge n_ to 350 feet as the river rushes through the twomilehigh mountain.2On a distant mountain was a sign in 20foot_(汉字)3Build the Three Gorges Dam,E_the Yangtze River.4We sailed into the c_sit

2、e of the dam.5And everywhere he goes,he sends himself a_(明信片)6At least the Italians_(敲诈)you off with a smile.7We just had to show our_(护照)and they let us get on the boat.8Men rode_(竹)rafts along the rivers e_and coal boats went past.9He always chooses a postcard with a beautiful view and s_on an int

3、eresting_(邮票)10The guard allowed the visitor to stay for the night,though it was_(禁止)答案:1.narrows2.characters3.Exploit4.construction5.postcard6.rip/ripped7.passports8bamboo;edge9.sticks;stamp10.forbidden.单项填空1Id like to bring up my child in healthy_.Asurround Bsurrounds Csurrounding Dsurroundings解析:

4、句意:“我想在一个健康的环境中把孩子抚养成人。”surroundings作“环境”讲,要用复数形式。答案:D2The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see_the next year.Acarry out Bcarrying out Ccarried out Dto carry out解析:此处考查see sth.done结构,过去分词短语carried out在句中作宾语补足语。答案:C3Liza_well not want to go on the tripshe hates traveling.Awill Bcan

5、 Cmust Dmay解析:本题考查情态动词。句意为:莉莎完全可能不想去旅游她不喜欢旅行。破折号后的部分表明对前句的推测是有充分理由的,may与well连用表示有充分理由。will表推测意为:可能,该是;can表推测常用于疑问句和否定句中;must表推测常用于肯定句中。答案:D4If you_be in time for the early bus,be sure to get up before five oclock in the morning.Aare to Bare about to Care going to Dare due to解析:句意:“如果你要按时坐上早班车,一定要在早晨

6、五点前起床。”考查“beto do”按计划安排的用法,故答案是A。答案:A5Swinging from the boat is forbidden.Which sentence has the similar meaning?AYou can swing from the boat. BYou must swing from the boat.CYou mustnt swing from the boat. DYou may swing from the boat.解析:句意:“在船上摇晃是不允许的。”答案:C6Their parents_them to drink.Aprohibit Bfo

7、rbid Cignore Dblock解析:句意:他们的双亲禁止他们酗酒。forbid下令禁止某人做某事,一般指非法定的,是普通用语,通常为个人行为,常用作forbid sb.to do;prohibit是正式的或法律上的用语,指制定正式规章或从法律上采取强制手段禁止,常用作prohibit sb.from doing;本句中指父母禁止他们酗酒,并非正式法定的,因此从结构上或词义上看不用prohibit;ignore不理,不顾,忽视;block阻碍、停止或阻挡一个运动或动作的发生。答案:B7Peter_be really difficult at times even though hes a

8、 nice person in general.Ashall Bshould Ccan Dmust解析:句意为“尽管Peter一般情况下是个很友好的人,但有时候他也可能会变得难以共处”。考查情态动词表推测,注意题干中at times表示“有时候”,是信息提示,与后面的in general(通常,一般情况下)形成对比,can用于肯定陈述句表示一时的可能性。A、B、D三项均无此用法。答案:C8He narrowed his eyes_her.Ainto Bat Cwith Dfor解析:句意:“他眯起眼看她。”此处考查narrow(v.)“使眼睛变窄,即眯起眼”,故答案是B。答案:B第二节 完形填

9、空(共20小题;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。You Did More Than Carry My Books Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark 36 do

10、wn and helped the boy pick up these articles. 37 they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark 38 the boy s name was Bill, that he 39 computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of 40 with his other subjects and that he had just broken

11、41 with his girlfriend.They arrived at Bills home first and Mark was 42 in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed 43 with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They 44 to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both

12、ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before 45 , Bill asked Mark if they 46 talk.Bill 47 him of the day years ago when they had first met. “Do you 48 wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I 49 out my locker because I didnt want to leave a mess

13、 (脏乱) 50 anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to 51 my things. But after we spent some time together 52 and laughing, I realized that 53 I had done that, I would have 54 a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together.So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books th

14、at day, you did a lot more. You 55 my life.”36. A. fell B. satC. layD. knelt37. A. Although B. SinceC. AfterD. Until38. A. discovered B. realizedC. saidD. decided39. A. played B. lovedC. triedD. made40. A. questions B. ideasC. troubleD. doubt41. A. up B. outC. offD. away42. A. called B. helpedC. inv

15、itedD. allowed43. A. peacefully B. willinglyC. freelyD. pleasantly44. A. continued B. agreedC. forcedD. offered45. A. graduation B. movementC. separationD. vacation46. A. would B. shouldC. couldD. must47. A. demanded B. remindedC. removedD. asked48. A. ever B. usuallyC. evenD. never49. A. checked B. tookC. cleanedD. put50. A. over B. intoC. withD


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