005 Nanjing Tower2008-06-19 Design Research_第1页
005 Nanjing Tower2008-06-19 Design Research_第2页
005 Nanjing Tower2008-06-19 Design Research_第3页
005 Nanjing Tower2008-06-19 Design Research_第4页
005 Nanjing Tower2008-06-19 Design Research_第5页
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1、Aedas,Suning Nanjing Tower,Box Scheme,1,Towers in todays city,We are increasingly spending a lot of our waking moments inside man-made structures,Cities in the sky,Boring city towers without identity,Interesting square of traditional spaces,How can be keep the old human qualities and still move forw

2、ard?,Forbidden City,Vertical City,Outdoor spaces,Working spaces,Living spaces,Creating meaningful spaces inside a vertical tower.,Glass planes,Boxes & drawers inside,Villages in the sky,Vertical City,Vertical City,Vertical City,Vertical City,Section,Scroll Scheme,2,A tower need not shout out loud. I

3、t can be quiet, centered and dignified, like a scroll speaking softly from the inside,Sweet wrappers,The skin is the most important element of the Scroll scheme, hiding and revealing the tower at the same time wanting the viewer to taste it.,1. Skin changing colours,Faade Ideas,The buildings skin al

4、so works with colour of environment it is in,Scroll at night,Spring & Summer,Glass effect on tower,Scroll at night,Autumn,Scroll at night,Winter,2. Changing suns angle creates different colours on surfaces,Faade Ideas,3. Inner core using metal mesh as curtains to create textures,Faade Ideas,Abstract

5、ion of pattern on skin,swirls & wraps around the tower,Surfaces changes colour,Sun light peeking through the clouds,bursting forth,Faade Ideas,Glass reflection & pattern,Circular space on land and in sky,Sky lobby,Podium in circular forms as villages,Surfaces changes colour,The sphere and related sh

6、apes also give heightened sense of visual change in space as the viewer moves through it: like a baroque stairs.,Interior idea,Section,Examples of round buildings,Swiss Re, London Foster and Partners,Torre Agbar Tower, Barcelona Jean Nouvel,Examples of round buildings,Examples of round buildings,Pri

7、sm Scheme,3,Ideas & Sketches,RAC Regional HQ, UK Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners,Examples of prism buildings,Examples of prism buildings,connecting planes for office,Turbine zone,connecting planes for office,connecting bridge for hotels & apartment,Turbines,connecting bridge for office,connecting plane

8、s for office,Turbine zone,connecting planes for office,Glass planes of different Reflectivity (mirror finish, etc),Mini-courtyard at entrance links to basement shopping & commercial zone,A slice in the middle to add drama and to compliment split tower form,Bridges at cascading levels rise up to the

9、towers inside void. The visual experience from these bridges will be very dramatic at pedestrian level.,One tower sits here on the ground at this end,Horizontal podium floats above base.,Podium turns here to acknowledge mini-courtyard entrance,Tower plane slices through podium,The Podium,Podium as t

10、wo split horizontal forms, one of which is higher than the other.,The Podium,Podium slices through taller tower to mark the entrance for office area,Each tower will have one reflective or special side,Glass planes of different Reflectivity (mirror finish, etc),Evolving Tower form,Section,Waterfall S

11、cheme,4,Example,飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天。,该设计理念的来源与传统建筑由下而上的 生长概念相反,建筑的塔楼就像天上洒下 的瀑布一样,撞击到像岩石一样的商业体 快上,从而将人流自然疏散。,商业体快就像岩石一样把人流分散开, 同时使商业体有了更大的互动量。,塔楼中间设有缝隙,可以为某层提供休息的灰色空间。 另外,可以利用风能转化电能也是现代的环保理念。,The Lover Scheme,5,安全感、温度、性感、曲线美、这一切的美感都来自于热情的 相拥 你一定也拥抱过或者被人给拥抱过,是对那种踮起脚尖迎接情人一个深深熊抱而让你不能忘怀,还是情人强有力的双手把你像“尸体”一样抱到床上让你而


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