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1、1,2,What do the pictures tell us?,3,What harmful effects do you know about smoking?,It will do great harm to lungs, hearts, pancreas(胰脏), bones, senital system(生殖系统),etc of the smokers. To smoking couples, it is hard for them to be pregnant, and their babies will have smaller weights and even be abn

2、ormal. To non-smokers, it will also do great harm to their health.,4,Currently, the mainland has more than 300 million smokers, statistics from the World Health Organization show, and about 1.2 million people die from smoking-related diseases every year, accounting for one-fifth of the worlds total.

3、 Meanwhile, an estimated 740 million people are exposed to secondhand smoke, mostly in places like restaurants, bars and workplaces, statistics from the Ministry of Health show.,5,Does anybody smoke in your family? Have you ever advised him/her to quit smoking? How did you advise him/her?,Free talk,

4、6,Reading,Advice from Grandad,7,How many parts does the reading text consist of? Who wrote the letter? To whom? 3. Why did he write the letter?,James,Grandad,to persuade his grandson to stop smoking and give him some advice,Skimming,An internet page,A letter,8,Scan the letter and get the main idea o

5、f each paragraph.,Para 1 Para2 Para3 Para4 Para5,Reason for grandads long and active life. Reason for grandads letter. Three ways to be addicted to smoking. Harmful effects of smoking. Grandads advice and hope.,the first or the last sentence of each paragraph might be helpful,Tip:,Scanning,9,Para 1,

6、Detailed reading,How old is Grandad? What does he do recently? What picture did he want to describe? Circle the adjectives. beautiful big long amazing long active healthy 4. What idea did he want to convey? His active and long life is due to his healthy life he lives.,10,Normally, the first part of

7、a suggestion letter is stating the purpose of writing the letter. Why did Grandad describe his active and long life to begin his letter? What was his purpose?,Thinking,To make a comparison?,11,Para 2,Did he scold(责备) James when he knew his grandson smoked? What did he say? Believe me, I know how eas

8、y it is to begin smoking and how tough it is to stop. You se, during my adolescence, I also smoked and became addicted to cigarettes. 3. Why did he say that? He once had the same situation with James. And he knew his feeling very well, so as to shorten the distance between them.,12,become _ addicted

9、 to nicotine. become addicted through _. become _ addicted.,physically,habit,mentally,habitually,Answer Questions,Para 3,_ ways to become addicted,1. What did Gradad feel when he get withdrawal symptoms? bad-tempered, in pain 2. How did Grandad addicted ? How did he know? In all three ways. He was h

10、appier and more relaxed after having a cigarette. He could only feel good when he smoked.,13,3. How does he organize this paragraph? First, you can, which . This means Secondly, Lastly,While writing, you can use first, ; secondly; lastly, to make your composition more orderly.,Tip,1. Why did the gra

11、ndad use you” instead of “he” or “one” ? To make his grandson believe that smoking is the case which has something to do with him. 2. Whats the function of saying “But I did finally manage.”? To give James hope that he could also quit smoking as his grandad did.,14,Para 4,Harmful effects of smoking,

12、To smokers themselves,Do terrible damage to _ and _ Be difficult for _ to become _. _ and _ smell terrible The ends of fingers _ Become _ Not enjoy _,To non-smokers,hearts,lungs,smoking couples,pregnant,breath,clothes,are turning yellow,breathless quickly,sports as much,The babies of smoking couples

13、 _ _,may have smaller birth weight or even be abnormal in some way.,15,What harmful effects didnt Grandad know? What did he know? When did he know it was time to quit smoking?,When he was taken off the school football team. When his girl friend told him she wouldnt go out with him again unless he st

14、opped?,When I was young, I didnt know. I didnt know I certainly didnt know. However, what I did know was that ,16,When I was young, I didnt know. I didnt know I certainly didnt know. However, what I did know was that ,What was Grandads feeling by saying so?,If he had known the bad effects of smoking

15、 , he _. He felt very regretful.,What kind of picture did Grandad want to describe in this part? Circle the adjectives. harmful terrible difficult abnormal breathlessunfit, beautiful big long amazing long active healthy,would not have started smoking,17,Why did Grandad write about his own experience

16、s in this letter?,to shorten the distance between him and his grandson to arise his grandsons resonance(共鸣) to make his letter more persuasive,What was his tone of writing the letter? A. a friends B. a grandfathers C. a teachers,18,About the internet page,The advice for quitting smoking,Prepare your

17、self. Be determined. Break the habit. Relax. Get help if you need it. Keep trying.,19,_a day that is not _to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _ of stopping smoking, and _ it when you _ smoking. Develop some other habits to keep yourself_ . If you feel _ or _, try some _ exercises like deep breat

18、hing . When you feel really bad, ask for a doctor or _for help. Dont feel _ if you weaken, and try many times and never _, you will succeed eventually.,Decided on,stressful,benefits,reread,feel like,busy,nervous,stressed,relaxation,chemist,disappointed,give up,Read the advice and fill in the blanks,

19、20,Why did the grandad use an internet page to give his grandson advice? To shorten the distance between them. To make his advice more persuasive. 2. What kind of person is Grandad? up-to-date, energetic, active, perseverant, never give up ,Thinking,21,Discussion,Do you think James will quit smoking after reading the letter? Why or why not? How did Grandad advise his grandson?,22,Shorten the distan


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