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1、中考英语写作专项练习:背诵(一) Last week we had an unusual experience ,it was sunny on Friday afternoon. Our classes were over very early. On my way home with Xiaoming, we saw a boy lying on the road in front of the gate of the park, there was a bike beside him. As soon as we saw him, we rushed to help him stand

2、up. Through our talking, we knew that he fell off his bike and he said his leg hurt badly. So he was sent to the hospital quickly.While the doctor looked over him, we phoned his parents and told them what happened to him .After a while his parents showed up in the hospital and spoke highly of us.The

3、 boy was safe now both they and all of us were very happy!(二)一Xiao Ming is a 15-year-old school boy who is crazy about playing the computer games.so he does badly in his study.his father is extremely worried about his study.Last night he pretended to study in the study, his father sat beside him to

4、watch him studying .his father felt very tired and soon he fell asleep,he found his father was asleep,he played the games happily at once, he lost himself in the game,and when his father woke up,he was so angry that he beated him ,he felt very sorry. He promised that he would never do it again。What

5、an unlucky boy! From the story ,we should study hard and dont let our parents down.二It was Sunday. Tom was doing his homework at home while his father was reading the newspaper. After a while, his father fell asleep. He felt very happy.He began to play computer games. Suddenly his father woke up. Hi

6、s father was very angry and shouted at him. Tom said sorry to him. He promised that he would never do it again and work hard at his lessons.(三)1234槐荫Spring comes, one day it was sunny. a little bear took his favourate kite to the park,how happily he flew, he flew it higher and higher.suddenly it was

7、 caught in the tree. he sat on the ground and cried sadly, a giraffe saw him crying ,she asked” why are you crying?”,the bear told her the reason.the giraffe took the kite down with her mouth. when the kite was got down, he felt very happy. He thanked the giraffe very much. Form the story, we should

8、 learn from the giraffe and help others in trouble.根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。市中 提示词:燕子swallow; 鸟巢 nest; 屋檐 eaves; 梯子 ladderOne day, two little swallows flew to the eaves under Xiaominghouse and then built a nest. And their baby fell off the roof carelessly .Xiao ming caught the little swallow

9、in time .Then Xiaoming carried a ladder and put it on the nest again .The little swallows parents were very thankful and said ;Thank you for saving our baby . What a good boy he is ! We should learn from him .Love little animals. We will give them a hand when they are in trouble .(四)One day it was s

10、unny day, when Xiao Ming went to go school happily,he ate some bananas.he threw the peels of bananas on the ground.at this time a lttle boy was playing with his toy,he didnt notice the peels,he fell down an the ground.he was hurt so badly that he cried loudly. Other students saw it, they helped him

11、stand up and cheered him up,the boy was very thankful.Xiao Ming was very sorry,and picked the peels up,then threw them into the dustbin.From the story, we know that its our duty to keep the environment clean and not to throw the trash about.(五)This afternoon, I went to see a film. On the way, I saw

12、a case fall off a mans bike. I picked up the case and shouted to the man to stop. But he didnt hear me and rode away. I stopped a taxi and got into it with the case. And we caught up with the man. I gave the case back to him. The man thanked me very much and wanted to give me some money. But I refus

13、ed .(六) Last night a house was on fire.An old man was sleeping in the house.Suddenly he woke up and found that the house was on fire.He couldnt go out of the house.He began to cry,”Help me,help me!” A lot of people went to help the old man. At last, they saved the old man.The old man was pleased wit

14、h the people who saved him.(七)One day when Mr Hunter was walking in the forest,he found a monkey Cody under a big tree.Its leg was broken. Mr Hunter treated it carefully and took good care ofit.The monkey was thankful. Soon Mr Hunter and Cody became good friends.(They played with each other happily.

15、)Suddenly,it began to rain heavily,Mr Hunter had to run quickly.But he didnt notice there was a big hole in front of him. Mr Hunter fell into the hole and cried for help.Cody was very worried.They pulled Mr Hunter out of the hole.Mr Hunter was saved.How happy and thankful he was!7/12/2020(八)书面表达(10分

16、)根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。提示词:小偷 thief 偷窃 steal-stoleLast Friday Xiao Ming had an educational experience, it rained heavily, so he had to take an umbrellar to school. There were lots of people waiting for the bus at bus stop, it was very crowded. after a while, a bus came. They all began to g

17、et on the bus. suddenly Xiao Ming found a thief stealing a girls purse.Xiao Ming shouted at the thief”stop!”the thief was so terrified that he ran away quickly.all the passengers stopped to catch the thief,at last the thief was caught and then was taken to the police station. xiao ming was spoken hi

18、ghly of . From the story, we should learn from Xiao Ming.九 根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述故事内容,并谈谈个人的看法。熊:bear 牛 oxLast weekend, the little bear and little ox had an educa(十)The environment is becoming worse and worse. There are many kinds of pollution I worry about. The most serious two are water pollu

19、tion and air pollution, because people cant live healthily with dirty water and polluted air, nor can animals. More and more diseases are caused by polluted air.I think factories should not pour dirty water into the river directly or produce more waste gas. Wed better go on foot or by like instead o

20、f by car, because more cars mean more waste gas. We should make our world more and more beautiful.Now pollution is becoming more and more serious. In the pictures, we can see many factories are giving out harmful gases and pour the polluted water into the river. Its very bad for us to breathe in so

21、much harmful air and drink the polluted water. Besides, people are cutting down a lot of trees every year. More and more animals are dying out each day. I think we should try to take some steps to protect our environment, or we wont have a better place to live any more in the future.It was March the

22、 eighth that day, Womens Day. Li Hua had a good idea and told his father that he was going to do something to celebrate it. He asked his father to help him. First they decided to do some housework, which was always done by his mother. Li Hua cleaned the house completely while his father did some was

23、hing. Then they made a good meal, cooking fish, pork, chicken, soup and some other delicious dishes. Li Hua laid the table and set a vase full of flowers in the middle of the table. After that they hid themselves behind the door, waiting for Mother so as to give her a happy surprise. When his mother

24、 came back and saw delicious dishes and drinks on the table, she felt very curious and happy. The family had a pleasant festival.Yesterday when school was over, I went home on foot as usual. On my way home, suddenly I saw a boy fall off his bike and hurt himself. He lay on the road. I ran up to him

25、quickly and took him to the nearest hospital at once. The doctor looked over the boy carefully and said there was nothing serious. The boy told us he must be careful next time. We both thanked the doctor and left. I was tired but happy though I got home late.Tom is middle school student ,He is very

26、kind and helpful. He is always ready tohelp others. Last Sunday, the weather was very fine. He came to the beach for relaxing as usual. He was lying on the beach and listening to the radio when suddenly he heard someone shouting for help. He jumped up quickly, looked out toward the sea and saw a lit

27、tle boy waving his hands in the air. He took off his clothes and jumped into the water. He swam to the little boy and carried him back to the beach. What a good student John is! We should learn from him.Last Sunday was Tree Planting Day. Some students decided to plant some trees in the mountains. In

28、 the morning they met at the school gate. Then they went there by bus. When they got there, they began to plant trees. Some dug holes, some planted trees, and others watered the trees. They worked very hard until they came back home in the very late afternoon. They were very tired but they felt very

29、 happy.Last Sunday was a sunny day. I went to the park to play basketball with my friends. We were playing happily when suddenly Peter fell over and hurt his leg. We carried him to the hospital at once. The doctor looked over his leg carefully, and said his leg was broken. He needed to stay in bed f

30、or some time. We felt very sorry for him. Next time we should be more careful when we play basketball. Now we take turns to go to help him with his lessons in the hospital. He feels very happy and gets much better now.Tom is a middle school student. He studies in No.3 Middle School. He is very kind

31、and warmhearted. He is always ready to help others. Last Sunday afternoon, it was raining heavily. Tom was on the way to his grandparents home for a big dinner under his umbrella. While he was walking in the rain, he saw an old man walking slowly without an umbrella and he was wet . Tom ran up to hi

32、m quickly and shared his umbrella with the old man. Tom sent him back home. The old man was very thankful to him. Tom was very happy though he was late for his grandpas dinner.It was raining. On the way home from school, Peter saw an old man walking in the rain. Peter hurried to him with an umbrella

33、. He tried to hold the umbrella for the old man. But he was too short to hold it high enough. Suddenly, he had (came up with) a good idea when he saw the old mans stick. He tied the stick to the handle of the umbrella and made it tall enough. The umbrella stopped both of them from getting wet . The

34、old man thanked Peter and they went away together. How kind and smart Peter was ! We should learn from him.Last month Peter failed in the math exam. He was very sad and cried. The teacher encouraged him to work hard at his lessons. After that, he made up his mind to study hard. He listened carefully

35、 in class and the teacher helped him with his math. Last week he had another test in math and he got 90 marks. He felt happy and his teacher said “Congratulations” to him. Take a look at the road conditions of today. Quite a few pedestrians and cyclists behave as if there were no traffic rules at al

36、l. They cross roads anywhere as they like, even though there are zebra-crossings just a few yards away. Some even put themselves at risk taking short cuts by climbing dividers in the middle of roads. Many drivers act like F1 racers on the highways. They drive at a high speed without care.Why do such

37、 things happen? In my opinion, it is just due to their lack of moral duty and some people often break the traffic rules. I think that something must be done to improve the whole situation. Tom is a good student. He studies very hard and he is never late for school. He did his Homework too late last

38、night, so he didnt get up until 9:00 oclock this morning. “Oh!My God! Its too late”. He shouted as soon as he woke up. There was no time for him to have breakfast. He said “good-bye” to hismother and left for school in a hurry. He rode a bike to school as fast as he could. But when he got to school,

39、 he found nobody was there and the school gate was still locked. Then he realized it was Sunday today. Lily and Lucy are good friends. They often play together. They are warm-hearted and helpful. And they often help others. It was Sunday yesterday, the weather was fine. Theyhad no school, so they we

40、nt to the park to enjoy the beautiful scenery. They were walking across the bridge when they saw a boy fall into the river. The boy shouted “Help! Help! I cant swim! ”They tried their best to pull the boy out of the water and helped him put on a dry coat. The boy was very thankful to them, and they

41、were very happy though they feel a little tired. What kind girls they are!We should learn from them. Wei Fang is my friend. She studies in the same class with me in No.5 Middle School. She is so kind and helpful that all of the teachers and classmates like her very much.She was ill in hospital last

42、week. We went to see her with our teacher after school. Our teacher asked her not to worry about her lessons. Three days later she was well and came back to school. Mary, a classmates of ours, helped her study maths, I helped her with her Chinese and our teachers also helped her with the rest of the

43、 subjects. Both she and her parents were thankful to us. Now she has caught up with us again. All of us are very happy. Li Ming is a middle school student. He studies very hard. He likes bike-riding very much, so he often goes to school by bike. This morning by the time he woke up, it was a quarter

44、past seven. He got up a little late because he watched an exciting football match on TV. He had a quick breakfast androde to school in a hurry. He was riding too fast to stop himself at the crossing when the traffic light turned red. His bike hit a car and fell down heavily to the ground. He was hur

45、t so badly that he couldnt move. A few minutes later he was carried to the nearest hospital. He had to stay in hospital for some time. How poor he was. We should all remember to be careful.Today is Saturday. I had no classes.I went to the movie with my friend. On our way to the cinema, we found a wa

46、llet lying on the ground. I picked it up but we couldnt find any information about the owner. We wondered what we should do. Finally we decided to go to the police station and gave it to a policeman. After that we hurried to the cinema. Luckily, we were just in time for the film. We were very happy

47、we did a good deed.One morning, my friend and I were walking in the street when suddenly a boy before us fell off his bike. He lay on the ground and couldnt get up. My friend and I ran up to him and tried to help him rise. He sat up and couldnt stand up, because his right leg was broken. We decided

48、to send him to the nearest hospital on his bike. In the hospital, he was well examined at once. Then I called his parents and told them what had happened to their son. His parents came to the hospital in no time. They thanked us over and over again. We said we just did something that we should do. W

49、e felt very happy because we had done a good deed. Lily is a student. She studies in No.1 Middle School. She takes care of everything carefully in her class. Her home is not far from her school. She goes to school on foot every day. It was cloudy and blowing hard last night when she was ready to go

50、to bed. Suddenly she remembered that the windows of the classroom were not closed. She put on her coat and ran to school to close them. When she got back home, it was already 11:00 in the night. She was very happy thought she felt a little tired.It was raining hard. Liu Mei was riding back home. Sud

51、denly she fell off her bike and hurt her leg badly. She lay on the ground and couldnt move. A police officer stopped a taxi and sent her to the nearest hospital at once. While the doctor was looking her over carefully, the police officer left the hospital quietly. The doctor said that she needed to

52、have a rest in bed for a few days and she would become better very soon. After a while, Liu Mei wanted to thank the kind police officer, but she found that he had left. How warm-hearted the police officer was!Last Tuesday, we had a class meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. We came

53、up with a few choices, such as going boating, climbing a mountain, and going to an amusement park. Finally we decided to go mountain clibming. The next day, we set off earl in the morning. While climbing the mountai, we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view. However, when we reached the t

54、op, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. One day, a woman went to the bus stop after she did some shopping. She had a basket on her left arm. The basket was full of fruit and vegetables. A car was running over quickly when she crossed the road. The car knoc

55、kedher down on the ground. She aws badly hurtby the car. A policeman arrived and called 120 at once. Soon the ambulance came and the woman was quickly taken to the hospital. Wemust obey the traffic rules and be careful when crossing the street.Today is Sunday; Mary doesnt have to go toschool. So she

56、 and her mother went to thesupermarket. There were many interesting goods in the supermarket and Mary was very excited. Suddenly, Mary saw a lovely Barbietoy and left her mother to look at it. Her mother was buying some vegetables and didnt notice that. She couldnt control herself from going and hol

57、ding it. After a while, she decided to askher mother to buy the Barbie for her. But shefound her mother was not there any more. She looked for her everywhere but couldnt find her.She was so worried that she couldnt her crying.A policeman saw her and helped her find her mother. She was very happy again. Her motherthanked the policeman again and again.Last S


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