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1、2020/7/25,1,American Flag,American Flag,20082913化工学院 过控2班 周旭,2020/7/25,2,Structure of the United States flag History of the United States flag The production of the United States flag The United States flag hanging manner of release Americans oath the U.S. Flag around us,About the U.S. Flag,2020/7/2

2、5,3,Structure of the United States flag,美国国旗是星条旗(the Star-Spangled Banner),旗面左上角为蓝色星区,区内共有9排50颗白色五角星,以一排6颗、一排5颗交错。星区以外是13道红白相间的条纹。50颗星代表美国50个州,13道代表最初北美13块殖民地。据华盛顿说:红色条纹象征英国,白色条纹象征脱离它而获得自由。更普遍的说法认为,红色象征勇气,白色象征自由,蓝色则象征忠诚和正义。,2020/7/25,4,History of the United States flag-1,National flags are not merel

3、y symbols of a country. Their colors and designs convey past history and future goals. Flags have powerful connotations(内涵). They speak to the people and politicians. People of one country will burn the flag of another with whose politics they do not agree. To show their anger, students display thei

4、r own nations flags with the design altered or cut out completely. Dictators fly flags; dissidents(持不同政见者) rip them down. In every country of the world, the treatment of a flag displays an opinion or statement.,2020/7/25,5,History of the United States flag-2,Americans take the treatment of their fla

5、g seriously and in the 20th century this has become an important issue. Included in the code of ethics are such rules as the national flag cannot be used for advertising. It cannot cover a monument or any ceilings. It must not be folded while being displayed. No one should write on an American flag.

6、 Ships can lower their flags slightly in greeting each other, but otherwise should not be dipped for any other object or person.,2020/7/25,6,History of the United States flag-3,In the late 1960s, American students wore small flags sewn to the back of their jeans, symbolically insulting the American

7、government and protesting its involvement in the Vietnam War. They burned the American flag in front of the Capitol Building(国会大厦)in Washington as a statement of protest. In the early 1990s, senators suggested an amendment to the Constitution(宪法)that would make this treatment of the flag illegal. Th

8、e proposition(提议、议案)was opposed because many others felt that this change would be a violation of Americans constitutional rights to express their opinions freely.,2020/7/25,7,History of the United States flag-4,For all the controversy it is interesting to point out that the United States did not ev

9、en have a standardized flag until 1912! Called the Stars and Stripes, or Old Glory, the flag is one of the most complicated in the world. No other flag needs 64 pieces of fabric to make. The current flag has 13 red and white alternating(交互的)stripes (representing the original 13 states) and 50 stars

10、(each star represents one of the states of the Union) on a blue background.,2020/7/25,8,History of the United States flag-5,The American flag has also changed designs more than any other flag in the world. The first flag, called the Grand Union, was first flown at the headquarters of the Continent A

11、rmy on January 1, 1776. Betsy Ross, a seamstress(女裁缝), is said to have contributed to this design. She had an upholstery(室内装潢)business which made flags for navy ships in Pennsylvania. A legend still persists that she showed George Washington how to make a five-pointed star and suggested thirteen sta

12、rs in a circle for the first flag. Her descendants claimed that she offered the design. Actually, she and George Washington never met! George Washington did design the Grand Union.,2020/7/25,9,History of the United States flag-6,On June 14, 1777, the Continental Congress proposed that the United Sta

13、tes have a national flag instead of the British Union Jack. The 13 stars of the flag represented the 13 new states. There were few public ceremonies honoring the Stars and Stripes until 1877, when on, June 14, it was flown from every government building in honor of the centennial(百年纪念)of the adoptio

14、n of a national flag. Schools had unfurled(展示)American flags over their doors or outside the buildings long before this; but in 1890, North Dakota and New Jersey made a law that required their schools to fly the flag daily. The first official Flag Day was observed in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 18

15、93. New York also proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day 1897. Other states were slow to follow. Some people thought that the day was too close to Memorial Day and Independence Day.,2020/7/25,10,History of the United States flag-7,In August 1949, President Harry S. Truman proclaimed June 14 as Flag Day. Sin

16、ce then the President proclaims the commemoration(纪念会)yearly, and encourages all Americans in the country to display the Stars and Stripes outside their homes and businesses. Individual states determine how they will observe the day. In Pennsylvania and American Samoa it is a public holiday. Usually

17、 the flag is flown from all public buildings, speeches are made in public places and ceremonies take place in towns or cities.,2020/7/25,11,The production of the United States flag,The Annin flag company makes most American flags. They have more business than they can do now. You dont have to go to

18、Annin to buy a flag though. Flag sales are a street corner cottage industry. Furtive operatives set up shops, to them the buck means more than the banner. 安宁国旗公司出产全美大部分的国旗。现在他们的生意是应接不暇。但要买国旗并不非得到安宁公司。街角也有出售国旗的摊子。对于那些偷偷售卖国旗的街贩,钱比国旗更重要。,2020/7/25,12,The United States flag hanging manner of release,国旗象


20、6.会场上,国旗应位于第一排的右端;,2020/7/25,15,7.国旗与其他旗帜一起悬挂时,应位于中间,并高于其他旗帜;8.国旗悬挂在街道上空时,星区应朝北或者朝东;9.在讲坛上,国旗应位于发言者的右侧; 10.国旗铺放在灵柩上时,星区应位于死者的左肩上方;11.国旗挂在汽车上时,应牢固地固定于车身。,2020/7/25,16,Americans oath,美国还规定,任何物体和徽章都不得置于国旗之上,也不得将国旗挂放在肮脏之处。有时美国人还要对国旗宣誓。誓词系1892年由美国青年伴侣杂志社的编辑弗朗西斯贝拉米写成。誓词全文是:“我宣誓忠实于美国利坚合众国国旗,忠实于她所代表的合众国苍天之下

21、一个不可分割的国家,在这里,人人享有自由和正义。”1942年制定的法令规定,美国人对国旗宣誓时,应取立正姿势,右手郑重地放在左胸前,以示对国旗的崇敬。,2020/7/25,17,the U.S. Flag around us,2020/7/25,18,You see the flag everywhere now, what so proudly we hail.” It means the World Trade Center happened to all of us. Were proud to be Americans, say flags on front porches in small towns across the country. Some homes seem to have been built to fly the flag. This wouldnt be complete without it; just perfect. Were American too say the flags inelegant glued to the city apartment windows. The declaration of patriotic intent is everywhere, the simplest as persuasive as the d


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