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1、9A Unit 2 Reading,1. Do you know_ (任何有趣的事)about colours? 2. Did you know that colours can_(影响) our moods? 3. Colour can_ (改变我们的情绪) and make us feel happy or sad,_ (精力充沛)or_(昏昏欲睡). 4. This report_ (阐明) what colours can do and what_ (性格特征) they _ (代表). 5. _you ever_ (walk) into a room and felt_ (relax

2、)?,anything interesting,affect,chang our moods,energetic,sleepy,explains,charateristics,represent,Have,walked,relaxed,6. It could be because the walls _ (paint) blue, a calm and _ (peace) colour. 7. Blue is one of these_(colour). 8. _ (wear) blue clothes or _ (sleep) _(对有好处) our_(大脑) and body becaus

3、e this colour_(创造) a _ _(和谐的感受). 9.Blue can also_(代表悲伤). 10.You shold wear white if you are feeling_(stress),were painted,peaceful,colours,Wearing,sleeping,is good for,mind,creatives,feeling of,harmony,represent sadness,stressed,11.Many _(woman) like _ (穿白色的衣服)_ (在) their _ (wed) day. 12. These colo

4、ur can give you a happy and_(满意的)feeling. 13. People_ (live) in cold_ (气候)_(更喜欢) to use warm colours in their homes . 14. Orange_(代表快乐).It can _(带给成巧) and_(使你振作起釆) when you are feeling sad.,women,to be in white,on,wedding,satisfied,living,climates,prefer to,represents joy,bring you success,cheer you

5、 up,create,15.Yellow is_(太阳的颜),so it can_ _(使你想起温暖,阳光明媚的一天). 16.Yellow is also the colour of _ (wise). 17.They may use yellow_(文具). 18.When you feel_ (疲劳和体弱), You should_(穿活力的) colours. 19.Green can _(给你能量),as it is_(大自然的颜色) and_(代表)new life and _(成长).,the colour of the sun,remind you of a warm ,sun

6、ny day,wisdon,stationery,tired or weak,wear energetic,give you energy,the colour of nature,represents,growth,20.When we say someone is green with_(妒忌), it means he or she is very_(嫉妒的). 21. _ _ (任何需要精神力量和物质力量的人) should wear red clothes. 22.Red is the colour of_(hot) and _(代表力量和强壮的感受). 23._(wear) red

7、 can also make it _(easy) for you _(釆取行动).,envy,jealous,Anyone in need of physical or,strength,mental,heat,represents power andstrong feelings,Wearing,easier,to take action,24.This can help when you are _ _(犹豫不决). 25.I_ just_(see) a rainbow in the sky. 26.Do you know_ (有多少种颜色)? 27.In the west, peopl

8、e believe that the world _(创造) by the God . 28.Warm colours can_(创造) a warm and_(舒适的感觉). 29. There is_ (一些重要的事) in todays newspapers.,having,difficulty making a decision,have,seen,how many colours there are,were created,create,comfortable feeling,something important,30.Theres_(沒有什么错的) with pink. 31.

9、_with pink.(用30题改相同句) 32.There _with pink. (同上) 33.They prefer to ride the bike.(同义句) They_ ride the bike. 34.Jim_(prefer) milk to coffee when he was very young. 35.We are_ (satisfy) with them.,nothing wrong,Nothing is wrong,would like,isnt anything wrong,preferred,satisfied,要求:看书写作文 1. David是一个自信和有

10、条理的学生.如果他尽力,他能做任何的事,并从不忘记做他需要做的事.所以他最喜欢的颜色是绿色和红色. 2. David喜欢他们因为绿色是大自然的颜色并代表新的生命和成长.同时,绿色能给他能量.红色代表力量,能量,热和强壮的感觉.当他犹豫不决的时候,红色能帮他拿出决定. 3.David他活泼,滑稽又强壮.他认为他最喜欢的颜色与他的性格搭配.,1.David is a confident and organized student. He can do anything if he tries his best and never forgets to do the things he needs to do. His favourit colours are green and red. 2.He likes them because green is the colour of nature and represents new life and growth. At the same time it can give him lots of energy as well. Red represents strength , power ,heat and stron


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