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1、文学翻译,“三之论”许渊冲,知之,好之,乐之。 鸿渐道:“我忘掉问你,你信上叫我同情兄,那是什么意思?” 辛楣笑道:“这是董斜川想出来的,他说,同跟一个先生念书的叫同师兄弟, 同在一个学校的叫 同学,同有一个情人的该叫同情。” “I forgot to ask you. In your letter you called me love mate. What do you mean by that?” Hsin-mei said with a grin, “Thats something Tung Hsieh-chuan thought up. He says people who study

2、 under the same teacher are called classmates, and people who go to the same school are called schoolmates, so people who are in love with the same girl should be called lovemates.”,“三美论”,形美,音美,意美 不爱红装爱武装 (They love) To face the powder and not to powder the face.,诗经采薇 昔我往矣, 杨柳依依。 今我来思, 雨雪霏霏。 行道迟迟, 载

3、渴载饥。 我心伤悲, 莫知我哀!,When I left here, Willows shed tear. I come back now; Snow bends the bough. Long, long the way; Hard, hard the day. My grief oerflows. Who knows? Who knows? -Translated by Xu Yuanchong,意境美,静夜思 李白 床前明月光, 疑是地上霜. 举头望明月, 低头思故乡.,In the Quiet Night Li Bo So bright a gleam on the foot of m

4、y bed, Could there have been a frost already? Lifting myself to look, I found that it was moonlight Sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. -Translated by Witter Bynner,江雪 柳宗元 千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。,River Snow A hundred mountains and no bird, A thousand paths without a footprint, A litt

5、le boat, a bamboo cloak An old man fishing in the cold river-snow. -Translated by Tr. Bynner,江雪 柳宗元 千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。,Fishing in Snow Liu Zongyuan From hill to hill no bird in flight; From path to path no man in sight. A lonely fisherman afloat Is fishing in lonely boat. -Translated by Xu

6、Yuanchong,归化异化问题,古别离 孟郊 欲别牵郎衣, 郎今到何处? 不恨归来迟, 莫向临邛去。,You wish to go, and yet your robe I hold, Where are you goingtell me, deartoday? Your late returning does not anger me, But that another steals your heart away. Translated by W.J.B. Fletcher,死生契阔,与子成说。 -诗经击鼓 My wifes my lifes companion We are bound

7、 in marital union. -Translated by Wang Peirong Meet or part, live or die, Weve made oath, you and I. -Translated by Xu Yuanchong,Most true is it that beauty is in the eye of the gazer. - from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin “情人眼里出西施”,这话真是千真万确。 -胡建华译 “情人眼里出美人”,说的千真万确。 -黄源深译,As I rose and dressed,

8、 I thought over what had happened, and wondered if it were a dream. - from Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austin 我起床穿衣服时,把所发生的一切回想了一遍,怀疑这是不是南柯一梦。-胡建华译 我穿衣起身,把发生的事想了一遍,怀疑这是不是一场梦。-黄源深译,诗歌的对话性,The Solitary Reaper Behold her, single in the field, 你看!那高原上年轻的姑娘, Yon solitary Highland lass! 独自一人正在田野上; Reaping and singing by herself; 她时而停下,又轻轻走过, Stop here, or gently pass! 一边收割一边在歌唱。 Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 她独自在那里又割又捆, An


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