已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读




1、金融英语课外补充资料、商务英语合同、国际商品买卖合同参考格式、合同编号:合同日期:合同地点:卖方:地址:中国北京市电话:传真:电传:买方:地址:美国LA电话:传真:电传:Salstelex : the buyer : tel :fax :TELEX:双方按以下条款销售,买方按(L)商品名称,规格:(2)数量:(3)单价:(4)总额:The seller agrees to sell and The buyeesthe terms fob 、 CFR or cif shall be subject to the international rules for the interpretation

2、 of trade terms,(6)商品生产标准:(7)包装:(10)装运港:(11)目的地港:标准生产3360包装3360发运标记时间op附加保险,Insurance : if the term of delivery is on fob or CFR basis,Insurance shall be effected by the buyer . if the term of delivery is on cif附加保险,(13)付款条款:13l信用证(L/C)付款方式买方应在装运期前/合同生效后,由银行以电传/电信方式开立以卖方为受益人的不可撤销可转让议付信用证。信用证应在装船完成后一

3、天内受益人所在地到期。terms of payment 13.1。letter of credit the buyer shall,days prior to the time of shipment/after the contract came into effect。open an irrevocable letter of credit by telex/mail in favor of the seller in bank . the l/C shall expire days after the completion of loading of,132收款(D/P或D/A);货物发

4、运后,卖方以买方为付款人的收购和汇票、汇票付款期限为后一天、立即交货(D/A日)方式,通过卖方银杏及银行,买方收购后将文件传给买方。买方按照汇票期限支付货款。13.2。收集(d/p或d/a) 13.2.1 after shipment,The seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on The buyer and deliver The documentthe buyer shall make payment on the maturity date of the bill of exchange。l4)文件:卖方必须向议付银行提交(a)通知收款

5、人/收款人的所有清洁文件(b)发票副本;(c)到岸价条件下的保险证券/保险单;(d)装箱单复印件;(五)质量证明;(f)产地来源证。Documents required 3360 the seller shall present the following Documents to the negotiating bank 3360(a)Full set of clean on board ood(B)商业发票;(c) under the term of cif,insurance policy/insurance certificate;(四)质量证书;(e)包装清单;(F)合同,(15)装

6、运条件3在15l离岸价条件下,买方负责根据合同中规定的交货日期协商舱位。卖方必须在合同规定的装运期前一天通知电传/传真买方,合同号、货物名称、数量、金额、箱子数、总重量、总体积和货物将在装运港运输的日期。买方应在装运期前一天通知卖方明确、预计装运日期、合同号,以便卖方准备装运。如果需要变更装船或抵达日期,买方或其运输代理人应及时通知卖方。如果船舶不能在买方通知的船期内到达装运港,买方应承担从第一天开始发生的货物仓库保管费用。(15)terms of shipment 3360 15.1 . on The fob basis,The buyer shall book shipping space

7、 in accordance with The date of shipment stipuuus and volume and The date from which goods is ready for loading at The port of shipment . The buyer shall days before The date of shipment stipulated in The che the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the seller in time . should the vessel fail to

8、 arrive at the port of shipment within days after the arrive L DAA 、152 FOB、CFR和CIF条件下,装运部通知必须包括合同编号、货物名称、数量、总重量、包装尺寸、发票金额、提单编号、出港期限和预计到达目的地港口日期。如果货物是危险品或易燃物,也要注明伪现号。15.2 on the fob、CFR and cif basis、the seller shall、immediately upon the completion of the loading of the goods、Give a shippletion of t

9、he goods,15.3。partial shipment and the transhipment are/are not allowed . 15.4 . with % more or less both in amount and quantity allowed(16)品质/但是,必须承担保险公司或航运公司责任的损失除外。质量不符的索赔应在买方货物到达后30天内提出。数量或重量不一致的索赔应在货物到达后15天内提出。卖方应在收到索赔请求后3O天内答复买方。,Quality/quantity discrepancy and claim 3360 in case The Quality and/or quantity/Weight of The goods found by The buyer are not it Of thos


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