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1、insist的用法 1. 表示“坚持说;坚决认为(多与别人的观点不同)”,接that从句(从句的动作为已发生之事),从句使用陈述语气。 (1)She insisted that he was wrong. 她坚持认为他错了 (2)He insisted that he had done right. 他坚决认为自己做对了 2. 表示“坚决主张;坚持要求”,接that从句(从句的动作为将要发生之事),谓语多为 should型的虚拟语气,即:主语+ should(可省略)+动词原形。如: He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts. 他一定要我们

2、收下这些礼物。 Jane insisted that he be present. 简坚持要他出席。 区别主要还是在于insist在句中所表达的意思。,还可用于“insist on / upon + 名词或代词或 动词-ing形式”结构中。如: He insisted on / upon my going with him. 他坚持要我跟他一起去。(= He insisted that I should go with him.) I insist on seeing it. 我一定要见到它。(= I insist that I see it.),1They insisted on _ ano

3、ther chance to try. Agiven Bgiving Cbeing given Dto be given 2I insisted he _ back the wallet to the lady, but he insisted he _it. A. handed; didnt steal B. hand; hadnt stolen C. hand; not steal C. handed; hadnt stolen 3 He insisted that the earth _ around the sun. Awent Bgoes Cgo Dshould go,4The mo

4、ther insisted that her child _still alive and that she_ to the hospital at once. A. was; was sent B. was; be sent C; should be; should be sent D. be; be sent 5 Little Tony insisted that his mother _ him to school. Asend Bsent Csends DSend in 6He insisted that his plan _ carried out at once. Awould b

5、e Bcould be Cwas Dshould be,7 I insisted that he_ at once. Aleave Bleft Cleaves Dleaving 8. She insisted that she _ somebody in the house. Ashould hear Bheard Chear Dwas heard 9My teacher insisted that we _ the phrases. Aremembered Bwould remember Cshould remember Dhad remembered,10 The doctor insis

6、ted that I _ more fruit and vegetables. Atook Bhad taken Cwould take Dtake 11. My English teacher insisted that the exercises _ very difficult and that we _ it carefully. were; must finish B. be; finish C. were; finish D. be; finished 12He insisted that he _really very tried and that he _to have a rest Awas;be allowed Bwas;must be allowed Cshould be;must be allowed Dshould be;be allow


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