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1、专八听力,“interview”部分常见问题,(1)语音语调:对同(近)音异义词、连读和语调升降带来的意义差别不敏感 (2)语法结构:对虚拟语态、正话反说、逻辑联系语(信号词)不敏感 (3)思维能力:预览题目时抓不准关键词;听到关键信息时不会归纳简化 (4)语篇意识:题目一般与听到的话语顺序一致,但也有些题目需要前后推理,考生往往没有记下前面出现的语篇衔接性结构,复习方法,精听真题,摘记重点信息提示语,听到这些提示语时要高度警惕,因为这些提示语过后往往会出现关键信息,这样在听访谈时就可以分清信息的主次,如: When we discuss, a critical point is often

2、ignored. This is of course well known. What is less discussed is But the point is Well, many people think The fact is definitely not true. Well, my real objection to this idea is I mean, ,解题技巧,(1)听前迅速预览选项,选项中相同表达部分看一个就行 (2)挖掘选项之间、题目之间的逻辑关系,迅速预测题目,复原对话 (3)留意题干中的特殊词汇和结构,如all, only, always, mainly, gen

3、erally, used to (4)听时特别要关注however, but, so等信号词后面的信息,(5)与答案有关的关键信息重复率高(近义表达),注意原话与答案的同义转换 (6)辨明说话人态度,注意字面意思和实际意图是否一致,尤其要留意虚拟语态和表达态度的词汇:supportive, negative, ambiguous, critical, cautious, hesitant (7)最后一题若为主旨题,建议放到最前面做好,因为主旨一般出现在访谈开头。 (8)出到“例子用意”一定要听清例子之前的中心句(2012 2),预备练习,(1)抓关键词 找出以下题干中最为关键的一个词: The

4、 modern electronic anti-noise devices _. A. are an update version of the traditional methods. B. share similarities with the traditional methods. C. are as inefficient as the traditional methods. D. are based on an entirely new working principle.,(2)判断真实意图 Well, Im afraid I do. But I might be mistak

5、en. Id be sacked if I accepted your offer.,(3)挖掘选项之间的逻辑,答案往往在对立的选项中(两两对立选其一)。 找出对立的选项: A. Toastmasters was originally set up to train speaking skills B. Toastmasters only accepts prospective professional speakers C. Toastmasters accepts members from the general public D. Toastmasters is an exclusive

6、 club for professional speakers 2010.4.5,(4)挖掘题目与题目之间的逻辑。 2008年的对话讲的是一男一女对兴建机场的看法,其中第一题是:Mary doesnt seem to favor the idea of a new airport because _. 第三题是:Freddy has cited the following advantages for a new airport EXCEPT _. 第五题是:We learn from the conversation that Freddy is _ Marys ideas. A. stro

7、ngly in favor of B. mildly in favor of C. strongly against D. mildly against 是否可以根据这两道题目,缩小第五题答案的范围?,1. 分析真题题目 2. 模拟题(自行打印),讲座,复习方法 (1)讲座部分内容与英语专业知识课程相关,如:Writing a Research Paper (2005)(论文写作); Meaning in Literature (2006) (英美文学); What Can We Learn from Art? (2007)(欧洲文化入门); The Popularity of English

8、 (2008) (语言学)Paralinguistic Features of Language (2010)(语言学); Classifications of Cultures (2011)(跨文化交际)等。,(2)练习时,不看填空题,边听边记录要点,拟写讲座纲要,培养概括能力。如一开始有困难,建议以读带听,即快速阅读录音文稿,写出提纲,再对照所需填空的提纲,看自己归纳记录的是否是要点,从而培养对要点的敏感性。,2. 解题技巧 (1)听前:根据上下文做完形填空,有效预测讲座要点,明确空格处所填词(组)的词性。 (2)听时:“以听和理解为主,以记为辅”,一定要把握讲座的逻辑走向。明确这些问题:

9、讲座的主旨和意图是什么?分别从哪些方面加以阐述?用了什么例子来佐证哪个要点?有否与同类事物进行对比?在语言形式上,建议抓住讲话人提的问题,列举、举例、转折、强调类逻辑关系表达前后的语句。具体记录时,把中高级口译培训课上讲过的速记方法迁移过来。 (3)听后:每空限填1-3个单词;注意词性转化,单复数,大小写,虚拟语态等问题;保持提纲各级结构平行;少数几格需归纳推断。,3. 预备练习 (1)完形填空 借助常识和上下文语境,试对以下提纲中的空格进行完形填空。 In business, many places adopt a credit system, which dates back to anc

10、ient times. At present, purchases can be made by using credit cards. They fall into two categories: one has (1) _use, while the other is accepted almost everywhere. The application for the use of the latter one must be made at a (2) _.,Advantages: 1. With a card, it is not (3) _ to save up money bef

11、ore an actual purchase. 2. If the card is lost, its owner is protected. 3. A (4) _ and complete list of purchase received from the credit company helps the owner to remember the time and (5) _ of his purchase.,Major (6) _: The card owner is tempted to (7) _ his money. If this is the case, it will be

12、come increasingly difficult for the user to keep up with the required (8) _, which will result in the credit card being cancelled by the credit company.,(2)记录要点:读以下段落,分析语篇组织方法,提炼提纲中的一级要点 First of all, what is writing a research paper like? We may start by comparing it to an ordinary essay, a form of

13、 writing youre very familiar with. Writing a research paper is much like writing an essay. Both kinds of writing involve many of the same basic steps, that is, choosing a topic, asking questions to define and develop the topic, identifying the audience, getting raw material to work with, outlining t

14、he paper, writing it and finally revising it. These are the steps shared between research paper writing and essay writing. “Is there any difference?” You may ask. Yes. What makes a research paper different is that much of your raw material comes not from you own head, but from printed resources, mai

15、nly books and periodicals in the library. Collecting raw material, that is, reading books and taking notes is very much like the process of brainstorming at the pre-writing stage of an ordinary essay.,本段主要介绍研究论文的概况,采用比较论证和举例论证,一级要点如下: research paper different in raw material (printed resources vs. o

16、nes head/mind) 划线部分正是要求考生填空的关键信息。,3.修改提纲 Writing Experimental Reports I. Content of an experimental report, e.g.- study subject/ area- study purpose- (1) results II. Presentation of an experimental report- providing details- regarding readers as (2) having little knowledge,III. Structure of an exper

17、imental report- feature: highly structured and (3) discipline- sections and their content:INTRODUCTION (4) study subject; why you did itMETHOD how you did itRESULT what you found out(5) Discussion what you think it shows,IV. Sense of readership- (6) common mistake: reader is the marker- (7) In reality: reader is an idealized, hypothetical, i


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