七年级英语 7A Unit 3-4 学案 牛津版_第1页
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1、7A Unit3I. 重点词组与句子:1. 装扮成/穿衣服/给某人穿衣服/装扮dress up as/get dressed/dress sb./ dress up2. 在七点/在 早餐时/在进餐时/在中秋节/在春节at 7:00/breakfast /the mealtime/the Mid-Autumn Festival/ the Spring Festival3. 在元旦/五一节/儿童节/教师节/国庆节/圣诞节/春节on New Years Day / May Day / Childrens Day Teachers Day / National Day at Christmas/Chi

2、nese New Year4. 圣诞快乐/新年快乐Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 5. 在一个寒冷的春天的早晨on a cold spring morning(on+具体某一天)在的早/下午/晚上on the /morning/evening of 在一个下雨/下雪的早晨 on a rainy/snowy morining6. 在星期日/星期一/星期二/星期三/星期四/星期五/星期六on S_/M_/T_/W_/T_/F_/S_7. 在一月/二月/三月/四月/五月/六月/七月/八月/九月/十月/十一月/十二月in January/F_/M_/A_/May/J_/

3、July/A_/S_/October/N_/D_8. 在春季/夏季/秋季/冬季in spring /s_ /a_ /winter(in+月份/季节/年)9. 去度假 go on holiday / for a holiday 在度假 be on holiday10. 切出 cut out 11. 做一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏play a game called “trick or treat” 12. 热/冷饮料 hot/cold drinks 13.透过照射 shine through14. 给某人某物作为招待 give sb.sth. as a treat=give sb. a tre

4、at of15. 捉弄某人 play a trick on sb. 16. 穿服装戴面具 wear costumes with masks17. 将某人的脸涂上 paint ones face(s) 18. 谢谢你. Thank you for doing sth19. 做南瓜灯 make pumpkin lanterns =make lanterns out of pumpkins20. 敲门,撞翻,撞倒knock on/at the door, knock over, knock down, 有很大的敲门声 There is a loud knock on the door .21. 粽子

5、 rice dumplings22. 笔袋 pencil case 23. 收到卡片和礼物 get cards and presents24. 看病 see a doctor 25. 在阅读俱乐部 in the Reading Club26. 火车/飞机模型 a model train/plane 27. 红包 red packets28. 发生 take place/happen 29. 舞龙 dragon dance30. 在夜间 at night 31. 激动的 be/feel excited32. 如此喜欢 like so much 33. 西方人 people _ the West3

6、4. 在许多方面 in many ways 35. 给某人买一件礼物 buy sb. a present =buy a present _ sb.1. 哪个节日你最喜欢?Which is your favourite festival ? =Which festival do you _ _?2. -你为什么喜欢中秋节呢?-因为我喜欢吃月饼。Why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival ? Because I like to eat mooncakes . 3. 我们如何庆祝万圣节?What do we do for Halloween?4. 如果他们不招待我

7、们,我们就捉弄他们。If they dont give us a treat, we can play a trick on them . 5. -你有钱吗? -没有。Do you have any money? No, I dont any money . 6 . 你在做什么? What are you doing? 7. 中秋节就要到了。 The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. 8. 这些礼物谁给你的? Who gives you the presents? 9. 这是我第一次看见(舞狮子)。 Its my first time to see it . 10.

8、 你怎样称呼你父亲的兄弟? What do you call your fathers brother? II. 练习一、根据首字母或中文提示补全句子, 每空一句.1. Do you like Halloween? Its very _(有趣的).2. When is C_ ? Its on Dec.25.3. The film is _(极好的), and Id like to see it again.4. Tomorrow is S_10th. Lets celebrate T_ Day together with our teachers.5. People can have a lo

9、ng _(假日) in May because of May Day.6. W_ comes after Tuesday and before Thursday.7. I want to buy a present for my friend, but I have no _(钱)with me.8. There are twelve _ (蜡烛)on the cake. Do you know how old Kate is?9. Spring comes, but the weather is still cold. Youd better have some hot d_(sth.to

10、drink).10. Too much chocolate is bad for your _(牙齿).11. Octomber 1st is the N_ D_ of China.12. F_14th is Valentines Day(情人节).13. Most leaves turn yellow in _(秋天).14. What does the _(会议) begin?15. It is spring and the weather is becoming w_.三完成句子。1你最喜欢哪一个节日?儿童节。(favourite) 2谢谢你跟我谈有关国庆节的情况。(Thank you

11、for)3孩子们经常玩一个叫不招待就使坏的游戏。(trick or treat)4如果他们不招待我们 ,我们可以捉弄他们。(give us a treat)5你会做橘子灯笼吗?当然会。(out of)6在十月一日的晚上,他们举办了一个盛大的聚会。(have a big party)7李先生喜欢吃早饭时看报纸。(at breakfast) 8人们通过赠送礼物来庆祝圣诞节。(celebrate)9你想来点茶吗?不,谢谢。(would like)10他正在美国度假。那儿的人们用许多方法来庆祝元旦。(be on holiday)选词填空。cow drink put much time in and u

12、s give whyWhich animals do we need the most? Dogs? Cats? Horses? No! The answer to the question is_!Why cows? Cows give us milk. And milk is one of our_ important foods.Suppose that all the milk cows make in one year _into bottles. And suppose these bottles were set side by side. The line of bottles

13、 would go all around the world 400 _! That is a lot of milk. Less than half of it is used for _ and cooking. Most of it is used to make butter, cheese, ice cream and many other things.It takes many cows to give _that much milk. But not as many as it used to .A cow used _ only about 1500 quarts (加仑)

14、of milk a year . Now a fine cow may give more than 3000 quarts _ a year!_do cows give more milk today ? Because farmers have better cows now, and the cows get better care _ better food. 7A Unit 4I 重点词组与句子1. 一天许多次/一周一次/两次 many times a day /once / twice a week2. 身体健康 be in good health(n.) 保持健康 keep fi

15、t /stay healthy(adj.) 健康饮食 eat healthily(adv.) healthy eating a healthy diet 3. 累的 get/feel tired 4. 需要许多能量来跳舞 need a lot of energy to dance5. 要成为一名舞蹈演员 want to be a dancer 6. 一个尖子生 a top student7. 有一个健康的饮食或生活方式 have a healthy diet or lifestyle 8. 快餐 fast food9. 吃一顿健康的晚餐 have a healthy meal for dinn

16、er 10. 在英特网上 on the Internet11. 做体育活动 do sports activities 12. 吃甜食比如 eat sweet snacks like 13. 在两餐/你我之间 between meals /you and me 14. 太多的糖份 too much sugar15. 晚餐吃肉和蔬菜 eat/have meat and vegetables for dinner 16. 跑得快 run fast17. 正餐/早餐/午餐/晚餐之后 after dinner /breakfast /lunch /supper 课后/放学后 after class/sc

17、hool18. 喜欢和朋友在网上聊天 like chatting with friends on the Internet 19. 做锻炼/做眼保健操/早操 do exercise(n.) do eye/morning exercises(n.) 锻炼一小时 exercise(v.) for half an hour20. 计划做某事 plan to do sth./make a plan to do sth.21. 一周去游泳两次 go swimming twice a week22. 花费做某事 spenddoing sth. 23. 对某人是有益/有害的 be good/bad for

18、sb.24. 不再 notany more /no more /not any longer /no longer25. some glasses /watches /boxes /potatoes /tomatoes Best wishes to you!(给你最良好的祝愿)a knifetwo knives on the shelf /shelves(在架子上)a bowl of rice a cup of tea a kilo of meat a packet of salttwo bowls of rice two kilos of meat 26. 每周三次以上/每周不到三次 mor

19、e /less than three times a week 27. 每天三到六次 three to six times a day27. 看两小时的电视 watch two hours of TV=watch TV for two hours少看电视 watch less TV28. nevers_sometimesoftenu_ always29. 祝某人好运/祝某事顺利 Good luck to sb. /with sth.祝你新的饮食顺利! Good luck with your new diet!30. 给某人提供能量来开始一天 give sb. energy for /to st

20、art the day31. 喝水而不发胖 drink water without getting fat 32. 一小包/公斤/盒 a packet of/ a kilo of/a carton of33. 去溜旱冰 go roller skating34. 一点也不 not. at all35. 感觉好/身体好/好些/好多了 feel well/better/much better36. 改变饮食 change the diet37. 躺在沙发上 lie on the couch38. 有关于.的一个报告 a report on 39. 去上一堂舞蹈课 go to a dancing le

21、sson 40. 还不错 not bad41. 就着鱼吃饭 have rice with fish42. 在清单上/一列 on the list/ a list of43. -How _ do you watch films? -Seldom.44. -How _ do you sleep every day? -Less than eight hours.45. 做某事对于某人来说是 Its +adj.+ for sb. to do sth. e.g. 健康对于一个舞蹈演员来说是重要的。Its important for a dancer to be healthy.46. 是某人做某事的时

22、候了。 Its time for sb. to do sth. e.g. 现在是我改变我的饮食和生活方式的时候了。Its time for me to change my diet and lifestyle now.1. 你从不锻炼。 You never exercise. 2. 我每天跳舞两小时。 Every day I dance for two hours .3. 健康饮食对于一个舞蹈演员来说很重要。 A healthy diet is very important for a dancer . 5. 你到哪里去吃晚饭? Where are you going for dinner?

23、6. 你可以喝(水)而不会发胖。You can drink it without getting fat. 7. 这餐饭为我打排球提供了能量。This meal gives me energy for playing volleyball. 8. 每天多喝水也很重要。It is also important to drink lots of water every day .9 每天你看多长时间电视?How much TVdo you watch every day?How long do you watch TV every day?10. 祝贺你! Congratulations (to

24、you)! II 练习根据首字母及释义或中文提示补全句子, 每空一句.1. -Are you h_? Would you like a hamburger? -No, thank you. I have just had some bread.2.If you want to be healthier, you should eat more fruit and _(蔬菜).3.I dont think its good for our health to eat snacks between m_.4. Mr. Li is much too fat because he eats too m

25、uch fat food and never _(锻炼).5. -How often do you visit your grandparents? - _ (两次)a week.6. Yang Liping is famous d_, and she is good at dancing.7. _(巧克力) is childrens favorite. But eating too much of it will make you fat and unhealthy.8. -Do you often go swimming? -No, n_. And I cant swim at all.9

26、. We usually use k_ to cut things because they are very sharp.10.-What food do you like best? - I like _(土豆) and _(西红柿) best.11.I _(很少)watch TV because I have poor eyesight.12.The _(累的) boy fell asleep at once.13.We are _(计划) a tour to Italy this summer.14.You have an unhealthy diet, you need to c_

27、it into a healthy one.15.Be c_ not to make any mistakes. 选择 ( )1. There is _ “u” in the word “bus”.A. an B. a C. the D. ( )2. There are twenty four hours in _ day .A. an B. a C. the D. /( )3. It _ snows (下雪) in Guangzhou in autumn .A. never B. often C. usually D. sometimes( )4. Whats the second day

28、of the week ? - _ .A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Sunday D. Saturday ( )5. Welcome _ our school .A. for B. to C. in D. at ( )6. Tom goes to school _ every day .A. by me bike B. by his bike C. by the bike D. by bike ( )7. Do you often _ music at home ?A. hear to B. listen to C. hear D. listen ( )8.There are

29、 four _ .A. kilos meat B. kilo of meat C. kilos of meat D. kilos of meats ( )9.The cake is _ for me .A. sweet enough B. enough sweet C. sweets enough D. enough sweets( )10.You need _ some vegetables .A. buy B. buying C. to buy D. to buying( )11.Can I have _ milk ?A. some B. any C. no D. much( )12.Fish cant live _ water .A. with B. without C. in D. out完成句子。1. 鸡肉是我最喜欢的食物,你的呢?(favourite)2. 健康对于我们来讲是很重要的。(Itsfor sb. to do sth.)3. 我常吃牛奶和鸡蛋当早餐。(havefor)4. 课后,她喜欢在网上玩游戏以及和朋友聊天。(on the Internet)5. 你每天锻炼多长时间?我每天锻炼30分钟。(exercise) 5. 刘明是


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