七年级英语《Module 6 Around town Unit3 Language in use》学案 人教新目标版_第1页
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1、山东省冠县东古城镇中学七年级英语Module 6 Around town Unit3 Language in use学案(无答案) 人教新目标版课型课型复习课授课时间年 月 日执笔人审稿人总第 18 课时相关标准陈述能够向他人介绍自己的家乡;能够学会看地图、使用地图;熟练运用地点和方位介词。学习目标通过练习,熟练掌握本模块的词汇和地点、方位介词。总结问路和指路的句型。评价活动方案设置练习,纸笔形式检测问路和指路句型的熟练程度。教 学 活 动 方 案随记【自主复习】单词拼写1.Go _(沿着) Wangfujing Dajie.2. The bookshop is _(在的对面) the par

2、k3. Jackie Chen is a_(著名) movie star.4. Look at the _(晴朗的) sky5. Turn left,youll see a big _(桥)单项选择1. _ I get to the museum?A. What do B. How canC. How to D. Where do2. Excuse me! Is there _ hospital near here? Yes, there is _ over there.A. a,one B. the,a C. a,the D. the,one3. When will you _ Shangh

3、ai?A. get B. arrive at C. arrive in D. arrive4. I like soprts and I _ like music.A. too B. also C. both D. all5. My mom often _ us not to play in the street.A. speaks B. tells C. says D. talks用所给词的正确形式填空:1.Its easy _(learn) to sing the Englishsong.2. You need _(stay) at home on Saturday.3.The childr

4、en _(be) good at _ (swim) a lot.4._ (dumpling) are our traditional food.翻译下列句子:1我怎么到达故宫?一直往前走,天安门的对面就是. 2.毛主席纪念堂在哪里?在人民大会堂和博物馆之间. 3.你能告诉我到公园的路吗? 4.我在哪里可以购物? 【典型例析】单项选择1. (2010河南23)Excuse me,sir. The shoes are a bit small for me.Dont worry.Ill change them for a _ size.A. smaller B. smallest C. larger

5、 D. largest2. (2010河北29)The Internet is very useful for us. We can _ find information.A. easy B. easily C. hard D. hardly3. (2010广州20)Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.A. as cold as B. much colder than C. not so cold as D. not colder than【有效训练】根据汉语提示完成句子:1. 你能告诉

6、我如何去公园吗?_you tell me_ _ get to the park.?2. 大桥旁边就是伦敦塔_ _ the bridge is the Tower of London.3. 对我来说学英语很难。Its difficult _ me _ _ English well.4. 邮局就在电影院的对面。The post office _ _ the cinema.5. 沿着大街走,然后向右转。_ _ the street, and then _ _短语填空:arrive in, be good at,the way to, famous for1. Gui Lin is _ its bea

7、utiful sights.2. Her students _ playing basketball.3. Peter _ Dalian in ten minutes.4. Could you tell me _ the bank?阅读理解People all over the world like football. Now more and more young people play football,especially(尤其) the boys. There are FIFA World Cup games every four years. When the game begins

8、,all the football fans become excited (兴奋)If you are a football fan,you will know the following names:Zidane,Ronaldo,Ronaldinho and Beckham. They are all famous football stars in the world. In those stars,two won(赢得)the FIFA World Player(世界足球先生) for three times. One is Zidane. He is from France,the

9、winner(赢家) of the World Cup in 1998. The other(另一个)is Ronaldo and he is from Brazil. But now who is popular with most football fans in the world? I think that is Ronaldinho. When people began to know him,they called him the second Ronaldo. But now,nobody calls him like that. On December 20th,2005,he

10、 became the FIFA World Player for the second time since 2004. He is the fourth Brazilian to win the title(头衔) and he is also the fourth player to win it twice.The 18th World Cup began in Germany in June,2006. All the national teams wanted to take the World Cup home. Most people thought that Brazil w

11、ould win the game,but Brazil let them down. Italy was the winner at last. We hope China will hold the World Cup in the near future.1. There are FIFA World Cup games _.A. every 2 years B. every 3 yearsC. every 4 years D. every 5 years2. Which player doesnt the writer mention(提及)?A. Ronaldinho. B. Hen

12、ry.C. Ronaldo. D. Zidane.3. Who is the FIFA World Player in 2004?A. Ronaldinho from Portugal. B. Ronaldo from Brazil.C. Ronaldinho from Brazil. D. Ronaldo from Portugal.4. Ronaldinho became the FIFA World Player _ in 2005.A. on Dec. 21st B. five days before ChristmasC. November 20th D. five days bef

13、ore the New Year5. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT?A. Zidane comes from Germany.B. Nobody knew the name of Ronaldinho before 2004.C. Italy won the World Cup in 2006.D. The 18th World Cup began in France in 2006.【反馈矫正】根据对话内容,从右边方框中选出适当的选项补全对话。A: What are you doing for the summer vacation,David?B: _1_A: Oh,Ive never gone to camp. Whatre you doing there?B: Were doing a lot. Were going swimming and boating in the morning. In the afternoon,we are playing basketball or tennis. _2_ Well sing or tell stories.A: Th


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