七年级英语《Module 6 Revision》练习 人教新目标版_第1页
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1、山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学七年级英语Module 6 Revision练习(无答案) 人教新目标版I.单词及其音标A. 根据音标写单词1. ,invitein 2. pleigraund 3. sinim 4. prais 5. snm 6. wenzdei B.写出划线部分的音标1. star 2. team 3.with 4. great 5. idea 6. ask 7. show 8. place 9. theatre 10. plan 11. stay 12. playground C. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词1.Im going to s_ at home and do my

2、homework this morning.2.Is there a table tennis _ (比赛)this afternoon?3.Whats the _ (价格)of this computer?4.The _ (魔术)show is on Sunday.5.We often play _ (游戏)in the park.6.Are there any _ (体育馆)in your city?7.He often _ (看)TV on Saturday and Sunday.8.The fourth day of the week is _ (星期四).9.She often _

3、(拜访)her grandparents.10. _ (游泳)is good for our health.11.The teacher _(问) the boy his name.12.W_ comes after Tuesday.II. 读课本对话(Unit1)和短文(Unit2) Unit 1A. Phrases1.一次去电影院的邀请 2.去看电影 3.上演;上映 _ 4. 去看足球赛 5. 邀请托尼去影院 6. 要求大明去游泳_ 7. 看一部成龙的电影_ 8. 打算去看足球赛_ B. Sentences1. 你想与我一起去看电影吗?_2. 大明邀请托尼去影院。_3. 他们打算看成龙的电

4、影_4. 托尼让大明去看篮球赛。_5你想去看场足球赛吗?_6咱们去上学吧。_Unit 2A. Phrases6.在大连体育馆 7.在阳光剧院 8.在新时代电影院 9.太极拳课 10.一节钢琴课 11.一份电子邮件邀请 B. Sentences1魔术表演在晚上进行。_2. 足球赛在周三。 _3. 太极拳课在花园旅店。 _4. 狮子王在大连体育馆。 _5我在星期六做作业。_6. 我爸爸喜欢看足球比赛。_III. 错题重现1.S_ is the last day of a week.2. Lets go to watch football team at the s_.3. I would like

5、 _ (watch) a football match.4. Tony asks us _(go) to a basketball match.5.What about_ (go) to the cinema on Sunday?6. Thank you for i_ me to your house.7. Thank you for your i_ .8. Lucy with her mother _(go) to the shop every Sunday.9. We are going to have a _(游泳) lesson in the stadium.IV. 课堂达标A. 词汇

6、 1. Lets i_ Tom to go to the park with us. 2. I get my friends i_ to his birthday party. 3. My favourite football t_ is Manchester United. 4. Im going to s_ at home. 5. We often play games on the p_ after class.B短语应用(选择合适的短语,并用所给短语的适当形式填空)go to the cinema; in the evening; be on; a football match; a

7、good idea; film star1. A new film _ at Xingxing Cinema this afternoon.2. There is _ in the stadium.3. I read English in the morning and I do my homework_.4. Would you like to _ to see a film?5. -Lets go to Xinhua Bookstore.-Thats _.6. Gong Li is my favourite _.C. 用at, on 或 in 填空1. Liu Mei likes watc

8、hing TV_ the evening.2. What do you usually do _ night?3. I have a Chinese lesson _ 9:00 am.4. We have an English class_ Monday morning.5. We often go swimming _ Friday.6. What do you want to do _ 2012. D. 完成句子1. 你愿意和我一起去上学吗? _ to school with me?2.我们听音乐吧。_ to music.3. 我邀请她来我家。I _ to my house.4. 汤姆请我

9、今晚去看时装秀。Tom _ a fashion show this evening.5. 把你的照片给我看看好吗?Can you _ your photos _ me?6. 你喜欢看这场表演吗?Do you like _?7. 上午我们上四节课。We _ in the morning.8. 王鹏周五想要去拜访他的好朋友。Wang Peng _ his good friend on Friday.9. 谢谢你邀请我去剧院。Thank you for _ the theatre.10. 魔术表演在哪里举行? _ the magic _?11. 篮球比赛是什么时候?_ the basketball match?12. 这台电脑的价格是多少?_ the computer?E. 按要求转换句型1.The magic show is at London Theatre.(对划线部分提问)_ _ the magic show?2. I would like to play games with them. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ to play games with them?3The English lesson is in the afternoon.


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