七年级英语上册 Module 2-4导学案(新版)外研版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Module 2-4导学案(新版)外研版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Module 2-4导学案(新版)外研版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Module 2-4导学案(新版)外研版_第4页




1、Module 2-4 教师寄语:Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成一、学习目标:1、知识能力:重点词组句型1.This is a photo of 2.These are3. Is this ? Yes, it is . / No , it isnt .4. Are these? Yes , they are . / No, they arent .5. Who is/ are ?6. What a big family! 7. Whats your fathers job? / What is your father?/what does

2、 your father do?He is a / an 2、过程方法:在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语表达与交流。3、情感态度价值观:培养学生对父母、家人的尊敬和爱戴之情。二、学习重点:1指示代词(this/these与that/those);名词的所有格;人称代词和物主代词。难点:能用英语写一篇介绍你或朋友家庭的短文。三、学习过程:(25分钟)(一)自主学习(时间:10分钟):Have a dictation.1. 在左边/右边 2. 在的前部 3.在旁边 4.在的前面 5. 在学校 6. 在警察局 7. 在公共汽车站 8.托尼的爸爸 9. 一位英语老师 10.一位演员 11.一位公交司

3、机 12.在同一家医院 13.在医院(住院) 13.在她旁边 14.你爸爸的名字 15.农场工人 16.来自不同国家 17.例如 1.This is a photo of 2.These are3. Is this ? Yes, it is . / No , it isnt .4. Are these? Yes , they are . / No, they arent .5. Who is/ are ?6. What a big family! 7. Whats your fathers job? / What is your father?/what does your father do

4、?He is a / an (二)合作探究(时间:8分钟)1:Please_ them to our school .A: speak B: welcome C: play D:put2: These are my_.A: teacher B: worker C: students D:friend3: I like playing _ piano .A: the B: an C:a D:4: This is _ computer . A: Mr. Lis and Mr .Zhang B: Mr. Lis and Mr .Zhang s name uncle they he but you b

5、e have parent Tony he but C: Mr.Li and Mr.Zhang D: Mr. Li and Mr .Zhangs5: _you play football ?A: Can B: Are C: Is D:Do6: He can play_ football ,but he cant play _piano .A: the ,the B: the ,an C:a,a D: 不填,the7: My father is a _at a school . His students like him .A: teacher B: worker C: secretary D:

6、 driver 8: This is a photo _ my English teacher .A:at B: of C: in D: on9: These are my _.My father is fat ,my mother is short . A: parent B: parents C: friends D: parents10: This is my _ friend . _name is Lucy .A:sister is ,She B: sisters ,Her C: sisters ,Shes11: - _ - He is from England .A: Where i

7、s Tony from ? B: How is Tony ? C: Where is Tony ? D:where is Tony come from?12: - Can I write it on the blackboard ? -_.A: Yes, you can B: No ,you arent C:No,you can D:Yes,you are13; - Is your father a doctor ? -_.A: Yes ,she is B: Yes ,he is C: Yes ,he can自学检测:(时间:5分钟)1.Is this _family photo? Yes,

8、it is.2.He _got four grandparents.3.My father has two brothers, so I have got two _.4.My sisters_are Linda and Lucy.5.His mother and his father are his_ .6.There_five people in his family.7.He has got a brother, _he hasnt got any sisters.8.There are three people in _family.9.The man and the woman be

9、hind Tony and Lucy are _parents.10.Daming is my friend._ mum is a doctor.father parent secretaryshe work play be his you student1.lily is an American girl , but_mother is Chinese.2.His two sisters are _.3.Mike and Liu Tao_at school.4.My _name is John Smith.5.How many_are there in your class?6.He can

10、 _football.7.Is _English name Betty?8.Those are Bettys_9._is my Chinese teacher.10.They are_in a bike factory.完型填空 Im your friend. Do you want to know my family ? Lets have a look!I have a happy family. There 1 five people in my family. They 2 my grandfather, grandmother, my 3 and I .My grandfather

11、and grandmother live in Shanghai. They work very hard. I love 4 very much. My name 5 Wang Pingping. Im in 6 now. Im a student in No. 1 Middle School.My parents are 7 . They love their students a lot . My father 8 films(电影). My mother likes 9 TV and cooking. I like playing computer games and 10 some

12、books. I love my family very much!( ) 1. A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 2. A. am B. are C. is D. be( ) 3. A. parents B. parent C. parentes D. brother( ) 4. A. them B. they C. their D. her( ) 5. A. is B. am C. are D. be( ) 6. A. Class Eight, Grade 5 B. Class 8, Grade 5 C. class 8, grade 5 D. Class eight

13、, Grade Five(拓展延伸:单词拼写。根据汉语意思或者首字母写出单词的正确形式1. Tom is on the l_ and Jerry is on the right.2. They go to the s_ school every morning.3. My mother is a nurse at the h_.4. Jim is n_ to Lingling.5. This is a good hotel. Toms father is a m_ in the hotel. 6. There are many apples in the fruit (水果) s_. 7. T

14、his is a photo of my f_. 8. Mr Green has two s_ and a daughter.9. His fathers father is his g_.10. Your mothers mother is your g_.11. Toms fathers brother is his u_.12.“What is your brothers job?”“He is a d_ at a hospital in Lanzhou.”his her my your 1. This is my sister. _ name is Alice. 2. “Wheres

15、Jims pen?”“_ pen is on the desk.” 3. _ name is Peter. I am from America. 4. “Hello! Whats _ name?”“My name is Jenny.”完形填空 There are three people in my family, my parents and me. My name is Liu Ming. I am a middle school _1_. I am thirteen years old. I am _2_ China, so I can speak _3_. I can speak a

16、little (一点点) English, too. My father is a teacher in a _4_. He can speak Chinese, English _5_Japanese (日语). He teaches (教) Japanese. He likes _6_. He can swim and play table tennis. My _7_ is a nurse. _8_works in a hospital. She _9_ only speak Chinese. She likes music and she can sing and play the _10_. ( ) 1. A. teacher B. doctor C. student ( ) 2. A. from B. for C. of ( ) 3. A. Chinese B. Ja


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