七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?复习教材设计(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?复习教材设计(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?复习教材设计(新版)人教新目标版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?复习教材设计(新版)人教新目标版_第4页
七年级英语上册 Starter Unit 2 What’s this in English?复习教材设计(新版)人教新目标版_第5页
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1、Starter Unit 2 Whats this in English?词汇复习复习内容:词汇游戏活动设计意图:通过游戏,激发兴趣,引出复习内容。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step1布置猜物游戏:在一个盒子里放些实物(例如尺子、橡皮、铅笔等),让学生猜里面有什么,目的是引出复习的内容。Ask students to play the guessing game.Play the guessing game.做猜测游戏。复习中活动词汇测评复习内容:教材Self Check中的Activity 1、Activity 2、Activity 3、Activity 4活动设计意图:通过练习,检测学生本单

2、元基础知识掌握情况。Step2布置Activity 1任务,要求学生勾出认识的字母和单词,并写出其中单词的中文意思。Ask students to check the letters and words they know and write the meanings of the words.布置Activity 2任务,要求学生记下一些新单词。Ask students to write some new words in their notebooks.Check the letters and words they know and write the meanings of the w

3、ords.勾出认识的字母和单词,并写出其中单词的中文意思。Write some new words in their notebooks and share them with their partners.记下一些新单词。Step3带读Activity 1中的字母和单词。Ask students to read the letters and words inActivity 1after the teacher.Read after the teacher.跟读。Step4要求学生用声调朗读。Ask students to read the letters and words in the

4、 rising tone.Read the letters and words in the rising tone.用升调朗读字母和单词。Step5要求学生用降调朗读。Ask students to read the letters and words again in the falling tone.Read the letters and words again in the falling tone.用降调朗读字母和单词。Step6布置Activity 3任务。利用PPT资源核对答案。Askstudentsto number the words inActivity3inthe co

5、rrect alphabetical order.(9) jacket(1)Alice(11) map(10) key (12) orange(4) Dale(8) Helen (7) Grace (3) Cindy(2) Bob(13) pen (6) Frank(14) quilt(5) Eric(15) rulerNumber the words and check the answers.按字母顺序给单词编号然后核对答案。Step7布置Activity 4任务,要求学生读出字母和单词,并注意总结读音规律。Ask students read the letters and words.R

6、ead the letters and words.读字母和单词。Step8教师带读。Ask students to read following the teacher.Read following the teacher.跟读。Step9组织学生小组合作进行单元小结活动。Askstudentsto sum up what they have learned in this unit.字母:IiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRr词汇:what, is, this, in, English, a, an, it, map, orange, jacket, key, pen, ruler, s

7、pell, please句型:Whats this in English?Its a key.Spell it, please.K-E-Y.Sum up in groups.小组合作进行单元小结。Step10对以下词汇进行适当讲解。Explain the following words and phrases.1.不定冠词a(n)表示“一个”。a用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an用于以元音音素开头的词前。例如:a pen一枝笔a car一辆汽车a dollar一美元a dozen pens一打笔an egg一个鸡蛋2. this这个,这例如:Who is this?这人是谁?Whats this

8、?这是什么?3. in English用英语例如:Whats this in English?这个用英语怎么说?in Chinese用汉语in Japanese用日语with意思是“使用工具”。例如:I write with a pencil.我用铅笔写字。4. mapn.地图例如:Its a map of the world.这是一张世界地图。5. orangen.橙子例如:This is an orange.这是一个橙子。orangeadj.橘黄色的An orange is orange.橙子是橘黄色的。6. keyn.钥匙例如:We have a key for the door of

9、the house and a key for starting the car.我们有房门的钥匙和发动汽车的钥匙。key还有“键”的意思。例如:the keys of a piano钢琴琴键the keys of a typewriter打字机键key还有“解答;答案”的意思。例如:a key to the grammar exercises语法练习答案7. spellv.拼写;用字母组成单词例如:These letters spell animal.这些字母拼成animal。Spell the word, please.请拼出这个单词。8. please(礼貌用语)请例如:Come and

10、 stay as long as you please.来吧!你喜欢住多久就住多久。A cup of tea, please.请来一杯茶。Please bring your book to me.请把你的书带给我。有时用来使请求更有力,意为“对不起”。例如:Please, sir, I dont understand.对不起,先生,我不懂。Listen and take notes.听,并记笔记。复习后活动一复习内容:见Self Check学习评价。活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元重点知识的检测。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step11CCTV _cm _SOS _三、汉译英。1这个用英语说是什么?

11、_2它是一把尺子。这个用英语说是什么? _3它是一支钢笔。_Finish the quiz individually.独立完成测试。Check the answers in pairs.同伴间核对答案。Step12布置学生讨论答案,纠正错误。Askstudentsto discuss the answers first and correct the mistakes.Discuss the answers with their partners, correct the mistakes, self-assess their own work, peer-assess each others

12、 work, and make sure they have learned what is taught in this unit well.讨论答案,纠正错误,互评,自评,掌握本单元的学习内容。Ask the teacher or their classmates if they have any questions.如有问题可以问老师或其他同学。复习后活动二复习内容:见Self Check附件2活动设计意图:通过练习进行单元达标检测。教学步骤教师行为学生行为Step13布置学生完成单元知识达标测试(见Self Check附件2),然后让学生与同伴互换答卷,利用PPT演示的答案,进行核对。

13、Askstudentsto finish the test individually.Finish the test individually.独立完成测试。 学习评价(一)一、按照首字母顺序排列下面的人名。Grace,Tom,Helen,Kate,Cindy,Steve,Mary,Peter,Frank,Bob,Dale,Lily,Emma ,JackKey:Bob, Cindy, Dale, Emma, Frank, Grace, Helen, Jack, Kate, Lily, Mary, Peter, Steve, Tom二、写出下面缩写词的中文意思。PkgCCTVcmSOSKey:P

14、停车kg千克CCTV中央电视台cm厘米SOS紧急求救信号三、汉译英。1这个用英语说是什么?_2它是一把尺子。这个用英语说是什么?_3它是一支钢笔。_Key:1.Whatsthis in English?2.Itsa ruler. Whats this in English?3.Itsa pen. 学习评价(二)一、按顺序写出字母AR的大、小写形式。_二、写出五个元音字母的大、小写形式。_三、英汉互译。1一把尺子2一个橘子3一把钥匙4一件夹克衫5用英语6Good afternoon.7a quilt8How are you?9spell 10amap四、把下面的5段对话与图匹配。 1. ()2.

15、()3. ()4.()5.()A.Whats that in English?Its a pencil.No, you are wrong. Its apen.B.Whats this in English? Its a ball.Youre wrong. Its amap.C.Is this an orange?No, it isnt. Its anapple.You are right.D.Is that a quilt?No. Its a cat.Its not a cat. Its a dog.E.Is that a key?No, it is not a key. Its arule

16、r.五、补全对话。1.Good morning._.2._.Its a key.3._.Im fine, thanks.4.Can you spell quilt?_.5._.Good evening.六、连词组句。1.are,Dale,how,you,hi _?2.this,what,in,is,English _?3.fine,I,thanks,am _.4.Alice,afternoon,good_.5.is,map,a,it_.6.it,please,spell _.学习评价2参考答案:一、按顺序写出字母AR的大、小写形式。A-a,B-b,C-c,D-d,E-e,F-f,G-g,H-h

17、,I-i,J-j,K-k,L-l,M-m,N-n,O-o,P-p,Q-q,R-r二、写出五个元音字母的大、小写形式。A-a,E-e,I-i,O-o,U-u三、英汉互译。1. a ruler2. an orange3. a key4. a jacket5. in English6.下午好。7.一床被子8.你(身体)好吗?9.拼写10.一张地图四、把下面的5段对话与图匹配。1-5 CABED五、补全对话。1. Good morning.2. Whats this in English?3. How are you?4. Yes. Q-U-I-L-T.5. Good evening.六、连词组句。1

18、. Hi, Dale. How are you?2. What is this in English?3. I am fine, thanks.4. Good afternoon,Alice.5. It is a map. 6. Spell it, please.单元学习小结一、掌握以下字母的大小写写法和读法: IiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRr二、学会使用以下词汇:what, is, this, in, English, a, an, it, map, orange, jacket, key, pen, ruler, spell, please1按字母表顺序写出所缺的字母。acfhil

19、mnprKey:abcdefghijklmnopqr2补全下面的单词。1) or_nge2) m_p3) j_ck_t4) s_ _ll5) _ngl_sh6) n_m_7) l_ _t8) h_ll_9) r_l_ _10) pl_ _se11) _mKey:1) orange2) map3) jacket4) spell5) English6) name7) list8) hello9) ruler10) please11) am三、学会使用以下句型:Whats this in English?Its a key.Spell it, please.K-E-Y.从B栏中找出A栏中每个问题的相

20、应答语。() 1. Good evening.A. Yes. R-U-L-E-R.() 2. Whats this in English?B. My name is Tony.() 3. Can you spell it?C. Good morning.() 4. Whats your name?D. Its an orange.() 5. Good morning.E. Yes, it is.() 6. How are you?F. Good evening.() 7. Is this a ruler?G. Im fine, thanks.Key:1-5FDA BC6-7 GE四、基础知识:

21、1掌握以下字母的大小写写法和读法:IiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRr2学唱歌谣,帮助学生学习字母。I, i, ice. J, j, jam.Ice, ice, 1, 2.Jam is red. Jam is blue.K, k, kite. L, l, light.Theres a beautiful kite, flying toward the light.M, m, mouse. N, n, nest.A mouse on my bed. A nest on my head.O, o, ocean. P, p, puppy.The ocean is blue and the pup

22、py is tool.Q, q, queen. R, r, robot.The queen eats a lot. The queen is a robot.3学会使用以下句型:Whats this in English?Its a key.Spell it, please.K-E-Y.4看录像,帮助学生学句型。Jenny! Jenny!Hello, Jenny!Hello, Gogo!Look, Gogo!Whats this? Its a box.Open it, please. Gogo.Whats this? Its a plate.Whats this? Its a bowl.This is a knife. T


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