七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Welcom to the unit导学案(新版)牛津版_第1页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Welcom to the unit导学案(新版)牛津版_第2页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Welcom to the unit导学案(新版)牛津版_第3页
七年级英语上册 Unit 1 This is me Welcom to the unit导学案(新版)牛津版_第4页




1、Unit 1 This is me Welcom to the unit班级 姓名 备课组长 教师“个备”或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1,学会介绍自己。2,学会使用适当的问候语3, 认识两个卡通角色和阳光中学的六名学生教学重点: 理解和运用Greetings的句型及回答教学难点:Are you my master? Yes, I am./No, Im not.Whats your name? My name is/I am 【课前预习】汉译英 1. 喜爱一只电子狗_2. 第一天_我的主人_4. 一些新学生_ 看书_ 6. 照顾你的妹妹 _ 如何照顾小树苗_8.在北京阳光中学_逐渐认识_10.见到你

2、很开心_【学习过程】Step1: PresentationLook! I have two new friends. Its an e-dog. Do you want to know his name?I have an e-dog. I look after my e-dog every day.Who is his master? Do you know?1. Eddie and Hobo are good friends. Listen carefully and answer my questions. Whats the e-dogs name? Whos his master?2

3、. Answer: The e-dogs name is Hobo. His master is Eddie.3. Read after the tape.Step2: Act1. Work in pairs and read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. You add your own words.2. OK. I will ask some of you to come here and role-play the dialogue for us. Volunteer, please.Step3: Presentation1. tell

4、 the differences between Mr, Mrs, Ms.2. Good morning. Im Miss/Mr Whats your name? Look at the blackboard and read after me.Boys and girls, its time for you to practice now. Please greet your partner. Ask for yourpartners name. Dont forget to say Good morning before you ask.Step4:GameAt this time of

5、day, how do you greet your teacher or your partner? Use some paper to make some cards to say different time.Step5: Presentation教师“个备”或学生笔记栏Today we are going to meet some friends at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. Open your books at Page7 and read aloud what the students say.Some grammar points:1

6、. introduce 介绍 introduce A to B2. introduce her to him把她介绍给他3. introduce myself to them 我向他们作自我介绍4. introduce themselves to each other 他们彼此作介绍5. This is their the first lesson (X)6. This is me.7. Whos it?(不知性别时用it)8. Whos the cats m ?(主人) Were m of the country.9. meet new friends 遇见 /会见10. I dont kn

7、ow how to look after my e-dog. He doesnt know where to go. They dont know what (do). He knows when (start出发). They dont know which book (buy). 疑问词+to do(疑问词后的动词填空to do) eg: Can you tell me how (answer) the questions?11. What does Lucy to you? A.speak B.talk C.say D.tell speak to sb talk to / with sb

8、 say to sb(强调说话的内容) tell to sb(X)eg: He “Dont do that”.12. -Is your name ? -Yes, it is.【当堂训练】选择 ( ) 1. Good morning _ you. A. with B. to C. for D. at ( ) 2. Kate, _ the dog, please.A. see B. look at C. Read D. talk( ) 3 I have _ brothers or sisters. Im the only child in my family.A. not B. no C. don

9、t D. doesnt( )4. After _“Goodbye”, he left(离开).A. speaking B. talking C. saying D. telling( ) 5. -_. Whats the time ? -_, I dont know A. Sorry, Sorry B. Excuse me. Excuse meC. Sorry, Excuse me D. Excuse me, Sorry( ) 6.He was born _ Shanghai _ 1990. A. in, in B. at, in C, in, at D. at, at( ) 7. I wan

10、t to know how _ English well.A. learn B. learning C. learns D. to learn( )8. Where _ my glasses ?I cant find _. A. is, it B. are, them C. is, they D. are, they教师“个备”或学生笔记栏( )9.There isnt _ water in the bottle. Give me _, please.A. any, some B. some, any C. some, some D. any, any( )10. Everyone _ the

11、 lovely baby.A. loves B. love C. to love D. loving( )11.Eddie has _ e-dog, and _ e-dog is very good. A. an; anB. the; anC. a; theD. an; the( )12. Whats her name? -_ A. Its SimonB. Her is MaryC. Shes MaryD. His name is Sandy【课后提升】一:改错 1. I often have a supper with my family. _2. Does she get up early

12、 everyday? _3. I have a dog. Its name is Eddie. _4. Im not good to sports. _5. My cousin with his friends love playing football. _6. This is my the first day in this new school. _7. What do you often say your father? _8. Boys and girls, welcome my class. _二:首字母填空1. Tom is p_ and helpful.2. The child

13、ren often s_ in the river.3. Dont t_.! Listen to me carefully.4. Li Hua likes r_ books.5. The old man is the birds m_. It is his bird.6. Her bike is broken.( 坏了 ). She has to w_ home 三:完成对话Andy: _ morning. Im Andy. Whats your _?Jacky: Im Jacky. _ you in my class, too ?Andy: Yes. _ you like this scho

14、ol ?Jacky: Yes. Very _. Its very beautiful. What _ yours ?Andy :Its the best school here, I think.Jacky: And our class is the best class, too.Andy: Do you know _ our English teacher is ?Jacky: Mr li _ us English . He is a nice teacher.Andy: Im h_to be a student here.Jacky: Me, _. Well. What _ is it

15、now ?Andy: Its _ past eleven now .Jacky :Eleven thirty ? Lets go to the dining room to have_. 四:句型转换,每空一词 1. This is my book. (对划线部分提问)_ _ this? 2. Im Hobo. (同义句) _ _ is Hobo. 3. Are these your oranges? (作否定回答)No, _ _.4. They are English girls. (改为单数形式)_ _ English _.5. My name is Millie. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ name?五: 翻译句子,每空一词 1. 你是我们的英语老师吗?是的,我是。 _ you _ English teacher? Yes, _ _.2. 这是他们的第一节英语课。_ _ _ _ English lesson.3. Millie 有一只电子狗,它的名字叫Hobo.Millie _ _ _ and _ name is Hobo.中考链接( ) 1. We _ students. We _ our teachers. A. all are, are all


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