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1、留学申请文书写作,留学申请文书名称辨析,一、同样 文件: 1、Statement of Purpose 2、Personal Statement 3、Statement of Objectives 4、Personal Letter 5、Planning on Study 6、Studying Plan 有别 : 1、Resume 2、Curriculum Vitae,老实讲,看到上述八个名词,只能说 八种“ 同” 东西! 先从中文 分辨一下“自传”及“读书计划” 内容: (一)自传应该包括:个人资料,学习及工作经历,论文及著作,个人专长等。 (二)读书计划含:学习动机,教育背景,经历影响,前

2、程规划,如何选校等。 乍看过去, 确实差不多 ! 分别叙述一下: 1、纯自传resume:多 叙述 前 自己身上发生的事情,都已成事实。 2、纯研究力说明curriculum vitae:旨在说明自己以前在某研究领域 的成就,并表明自己会在某些领域做更高深的研究。 3、statement 宣示, 有plan 意义,“自己”和“自己计划”,都详加说明。 4、purpose及objective 明确地希望大家表明目的及计划, 两个较无争议。 ,只要有statement或plan 该按照“读书计划” 方法写。 5、personal letter, letter(同recommendation let

3、ter),应该解释文件比较好。 三、U of Texas at Austin 申请文件中要求有Request for Reference. 下面的名词均可称推荐函(称介绍信有点勉强): 1、Recommendation 2、Reference 3、Evaluation 4、Appraisal评定;评价 5、Request for Reference,Part I: Statement of Purpose (Objectives )/ Personal Statement (PS),1. What is PS about? Something about yourself. Knowing y

4、ourself is important because you have to write something about yourself for school application, scholarship application, job hunting, professional title evaluation and so on. 6 characteristics of PS: To a large degree, the particular graduate program you are applying to will dictate the content of a

5、 successful application essay. However, certain qualities of these essays apply equally to all fields. Admissions committeemembers are looking for interesting, insightful, revealing, and non-generic (非普通的;非通用的 ) essays that suggest you have successfully gone through a process of careful reflection a

6、nd self-examination. Your essay should offer a very thorough, probing, and analytical look at yourself and your objectives.,1、Insight Into Your Character ( 洞察你的个性特征) When we say non-generic (一般的, 普通的 ) above, we mean a personal statement that only you could have written, one that does not closely re

7、semble what other applicants are likely writing. You achieve this type of statement by being personal and analytical. Dont waste space on superficial generalizations about your life. Instead, give the reader specific, personal details so that he or she will be able to understand your character and m

8、otivation.Then analyze those details in a way that drives home clear, illuminating (serving to inform or clarify; instructive ) points.,2、Sincerity (真实) Dont focus too heavily on what you think admissions officers want to see, at the expense of conveying your own message in your unique way. Be yours

9、elf rather than pretending to be the “ideal” applicant. Inundated (泛滥的) with countless clich-ridden essays, admissions committees respond very favorably to honesty. Dont be afraid to reveal yourself. Admissions officers are interested in finding out about who you are, and theyappreciate candor (fran

10、kness).Sincerity is important to stress because its hard for most of us to achieve, despite the fact that it seems so simple. The pressures and anxieties of the situation have locked us into a mindset that prevents us from writing honestly.Further, because we are not used to writing about ourselves

11、and being so close to the subject, we cannot assess the sincerity of our own writing.,Thousands of students every year will read this same advice, whether in a guidebook or even in the application instructions themselves, but they simply will not be able to put it into practice. If you can be one of

12、 the few who truly understand what it means to be sincere, then you will already have separated yourself from the pack in a crucial way.You might question how a reader who doesnt know you can judge your statements sincerity. The basis for judgment usually lies in the context your reader has develope

13、d from reading hundreds or thousands of otheressays. Assessing your essay against others is one essential area in which we can offer a more critical eye than your friends, relatives, or teachers who have not accumulated the expertise (专门知识或技能 ) specific to the personal statement.,3、Background and Mo

14、tivation (综合背景和学习动机) Detail your interest in and exposure to your particular discipline in a thoughtful way. You are aspiring to become a professional in your field; therefore, you should express an interest in contributing something novel (新颖的 ) to it. Make clear that you have a realistic perceptio

15、n of what this field entails (needs). Refer to experiences (work, research, etc.), classes, conversations with people in the field, books youve read, seminars youve attended, or any other sources of specific information about the career you want and why youre suited for it. Remember not to make this

16、 a laundry list in which you rattle off (talk rapidly) impressive names or theories. Any specific people or ideas you mention should be thoughtfully addressed and seamlessly interwoven into the essay as a whole.,4、Objective(目标) When you were applying to colleges, no one expected you to be certain ab

17、out your future. At the graduate level, however, you need to demonstrate a more mature sense of what you want to do, and how the program youre applying to fits in with that intended path. Although admissions officers are well aware that peoples goals will change, they at least want to see some sense

18、 of direction so they can evaluate your self-awareness and commitment.I seek a sense of commitment, a sense of discipline, and a sense specifically of what the student wants to do. I dont think its advisable for anyone to write that he or she just loves English literature and wants to read and write

19、.People have to know what field they want or are most likely to work in, or what specific kinds of projects they want to pursue in a field. -Graduate English Department, UCLA I think the main thing is to see whether the student is aware of and has thought about the field to which he or she is applyi

20、ng. -Graduate Engineering Program, California Institute of Technology,5、Attributes of the Program (专业特征) Explain why the particular schools unique features attract you. Again, graduate study is much more focused than undergraduate work; its not a time for unbounded exploration. For your own sake, yo

21、u need to determine whether a specific program meets your needs, and sharing what you discover with the schools can show them why youre a good fit. Do the research necessary to find out what sets your choice apart from other universities or programs.Do not, however, waste space on empty praise. For

22、example, dont cite the world-renowned faculty and diverse student body as your main reasons, because these are trite (老生常谈的 ), obviously prepackaged points that youcould say about any school. Instead, refer to specific courses or unique aspects of the curriculum, and show an interest in specific clu

23、bs or organizations.,You really have to let the admissions committee know what it is about this program in particular that interests you.-The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton UniversityIt helps for the student to have done some research on the university being app

24、lied to. It is easy to differentiate an applicant who really wants to come here because of our special resources from someone whose knowledge of the program comes simply by way of the brochure we send to all interested applicants.-Graduate English Department, UCLA,6、Writing Ability (写作能力)Again, the

25、importance of writing ability varies according to different programs. A great flair (talent ) for language will not get you admitted into a biochemistry program, but its still essential to demonstrate strong written communication skills. On the other hand, you should also keep in mind that a well-wr

26、itten essay makes its points clearly and forcefully, so your content benefits as well.Good writing means more than the ability to construct grammatical sentences. You also must create a coherent structure and ensure proper flow as the piece progresses. Because the process of developing ideas and put

27、ting them down on paper is so intimate and personal, all writers end up needing editors to assess the effectiveness of their product. You should consult people whose writing you respect for advice or even more hands-on help.,Sample essay: Growing Up,Im short. Im five foot five-well, five foot six if

28、 I want to impress someone. If the average height of American men is five foot ten, that means Im nearly half a foot shorter than the average Joe out there. And then there are the basketball players. My height has always been something thats set me apart; Its helped define me. Its just that as long

29、as I can remember, I havent liked the definition very much. Every Sunday in grade school (primary school) my dad and I would watch ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.全球最大的体育电视网) Primetime Football. Playing with friends at home, I always imagined the booming ESPN voice of Chris Berman

30、 giving the play-by-play of our street football games. But no matter how well I performed at home with friends, during school recess the stigma of “short kid” stuck with (follow ) me while choosing teams. Still concerned as senior year rolled along, I visited a growth specialist. Pacing the exam roo

31、m in a shaky, elliptical (椭圆的) orbit (轨道) worried,“What if Ive stopped growing? Will my social status forever be marked by my shortness?” In a grade school dream, I imagined Chris “ESPN” Bermans voice as he analyzed the fantastic catch I had made for a touchdown (触地得分 ) whenwith a startthe doctor st

32、rode in. Damp (使沮丧 ) with nervous sweat, I sat quietly with my mom as he showed us the X-ray taken of my hand. The bones in my seventeen-year-old body had matured. I would not grow any more. Whoa. I clenched the steering wheel in frustration as I drove home. What good were my grades and “college tra

33、nscript (学生成绩报告单 )” achievements when even my friends poked (戏弄 ) fun of the short kid? What good was it to pray or to genuinely live a life of love? No matter how many Taekwondo (跆拳道) medals I had won, could I ever be considered truly athletic in a wiry (slim), five foot five frame? I could be dark

34、 and handsome, but could I ever be the “tall” in “tall, dark and handsome”? All I wanted was someone special to look up into my eyes; all I wanted was someone to ask, “Could you reach that for me?”,Its been hard to deal with. I havent answered all those questions, but I have learned that height isnt

35、 all its made out to be. Id rather be a shorter, compassionate (有同情心的 ) person than a tall tyrant (专制统治者 ). I can be a giant in so many other ways: intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. Ive ironically grown taller from being short. Its enriched my life. Being short has certainly had its advan

36、tages. During elementary school in earthquake-prone California for example, my teachers constantly praised my “duck and cover” skills. The school budget was tight and the desks were so small an occasional limb could always be seen sticking out. Yet Chris Shim, “blessed” in height, always managed to

37、squeeze himself into a compact and safe fetal (胎儿的 ) position. The same quality has paid off in hide-and-go-seek. “Im the unofficial champion on my block.) Lincoln once debated with Senator Stephen A. Douglasa magnificent orator, nationally recognized a the leader of the Democratic Party of 1858and

38、barely five feet four inches tall. It seems silly, but standing on the floor of the Senate last year I remembered Senator Douglas and imagined that I would one day debate with a future president. (It helped to have a tall, lanky (过分瘦长 ), bearded man with a stove-top hat talk with me that afternoon.)

39、 But I could just as easily become an astronaut, if not maybe in the hope of growing a few inches (the spine (脊椎 ) spontaneously expands in the absence of gravity).,Even at five feet, six inches, the actor Dustin Hoffman held his own against Tom Cruise in the movie Rainman and went on to win his sec

40、ond Academy Award for Best Actor. Michael J. Fox (55) constantly uses taller actors to his comedic (喜剧的 ) advantage. Height has enhanced the athleticism of “Muggsy” Bogues, the shortest player In the history of the NBA at five foot three. Hes used that edge (优势 ) to lead his basketball team in steal

41、s (they dont call him “Muggsy” for nothing). Their height has put no limits to their work in the arts or athletics. Neither will mine. Im five foot five. Ive struggled with it at times, but Ive realized that being five-five cant stop me from joining the Senate. It wont stem my dream of becoming an a

42、stronaut (I even have the application from NASA). My height cant prevent me from directing a movie and excelling (擅长 ) in Taekwondo (or even basketball). At five foot five I can laugh, jump, run, dance, write, paint, help, volunteer, pray, love and cry. I can break 100 in bowling. I can sing along t

43、o Nat King Cole. I can recite Audrey Hepburns lines from Breakfast at Tiffanys. I can run the mile in under six minutes, dance like a wild donkey and be hopelessly wrapped up in a good book (though I have yet to master the ability to do it all at once). Ive learned that my height, even as a defining

44、 characteristic, is only a part of the whole. It wont limit me. Besides, this way Ill never outgrow my favorite sweater.,Analysis “Growing up” follows the form of discussing a physical or character trait (特征 ), and exploring its impact on ones life. Shims strategy is for the reader to understand his

45、 frustrations with his height, a physical characteristic that has played a great role in the way he sees himself among his family, friends, and peers. This piece works because it is to the point, honest, and straight-forward. The opening, “Im short,” delivers a clear message to the reader of the ess

46、ays main idea. As the essay progresses, Shim reveals his personal feelings and aspirations (志向, 抱负 ). He gives us a window into the very moment of discovery that he would no longer be able to grow. We are taken on a tour of what makes Shim tick (非正式)某人的行为(或思想)动机是 ). Being short has shaped and influe

47、nced his outlook on the world, yet it has not diminished his goals. It is personal, yet remains positive. He recognizes both the benefits and negatives of his short stature (身高, 身材 ) and is able to convey them in a thoughtful manner. Furthermore, the essay not only lets us into Shims thoughts on bei

48、ng small but tells us his varied interests in politics, space exploration, sports, and the arts. Shim hasnt just told us how his height “doesnt limit him” he has shown us why.,我很矮,只有5英尺5英寸高为了更好地表现自己,给别人留下稍好一点的印象,我会说我有5英尺6英寸高。如果美国男子平均身高是5英尺10英寸,那么我的身高差不多比那些哥们儿少了半英尺。更别提与篮球队运动员相比了。身高总是一个把我区别于他人的因素,身高定义

49、了我这个人。自从记事以来,我从未喜欢过这种别人用来定义我的方式。记得还在上小学时,每逢星期六,我和父亲总是爱看ESPN台黄金时间的橄榄球比赛。在和其他小朋友一起玩耍的时候,我总是想象着克里斯波尔曼用他那低沉的声音现场解说橄榄球比赛的情景。然而不论我在家和小朋友打篮球的技术有多好,学校挑选运动员时,“矮子”的耻辱总是跟随着我,使我无法如愿以偿。 上高二时,我仍然担心着自己的身高,就去看了一名增高专家。我一边在检查室里的那个晃动着的椭圆形轨道上踱步,一边焦虑地想:如果我停止长高怎么办?我的社会地位将永远被标着一个“矮子”的记号吗?我回想起一个上小学时常做的梦,梦里回荡的全是ESPN台克里斯波尔曼的





54、已经有了申请NASA宇航学院的申请表)我的身高也不会限制我导演一部,电影并在空手道竞赛中又出色表现(或者甚至是篮球赛中)。身高5尺5,我能笑、能跳、能跑、能舞、能写、能画、能帮助别人、能成为志愿者、能祈祷、能爱、也能哭。我能打破保龄球100分的记录,能和Nat King Cole一起唱歌,能一句不落地背诵电影蒂芬尼的早餐中奥黛丽赫本的台词,能在6分钟内跑完1海里,能象一只野猴一样狂舞或全神贯注、不可救药地被一本书深深吸引(虽然我还没有本事同时将所有这些事一起做完)。我已经懂得身高虽然是我的标志,但只是我生命中的一部分,它不能限制我。而且,这样的身高,我永远都不用担心有一天我会穿不下我心爱的格呢

55、衬衫!,Part II: Recommendation Letter,How to write a Recommendation Letterfor Studying Abroad OK. Youve written a dynamite (具有爆炸性的事物 ) personal statement and filled out the applications. Youre coping with school, work, research, volunteer commitments, and applications when all of a sudden you get an un

56、expected curve ball. One of your recommenders says. I really want to help you get into grad school. Why dont you write the letter of rec, and Ill sign it. That way it will emphasize exactly what you think is most important. You of course graciously (通情达理的 ) acknowledge the recommenders good intentio

57、ns and thank him or her for the outstanding idea. Inwardly you panic, curse, and think, I cant write one more word. When am I going to find the time to do it? And what on earth am I supposed to say? Relax. Ill tell you what a recommender should say. In fact, you can pass these tips on to your recomm

58、enders in case they dont know what to say and dont ask you to say it.,Actually, in America, a recommendation letter is needed for school application, job hunting, and even for house rent. Generally speaking, the recommender is somebody who knows you and make some comments on you as a 3rd party. So,

59、by contrast with the personal statement, it is more objective. America is a country that places a great emphasis on individual credit. That is to say, the recommender acts as a guarantee with his/her own credit. Therefore, the recommendation letter plays a quite important role. And a job offer could be obtained, a applicant could get the admission, and the scholarship could be offered, only due to one recommendation letter. Many bodies require the recommender send the letter straight to them in USA. So nobody knows what the recommendation letter is about. Years ago, a


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