



1、2013级初二英语第二次月考试题听力部分(20分)一、选择与句子内容相符的图片,有一张图片是多余的。(一题0.5分)二、听句子,选择句中所包含的信息。(一题0.5分)1. A.often B.never C.usually2. A.winter B.matter C.fever3. A.then B.when C.than4. A.rain B.wind C.train5. A.taller B.hotter C.warmer三、听下面5段对话和问题,选择最佳选项(一题1分)1. A. By bike B. By bus C. On foot2. A. At home B. At an air

2、port b. C.In a museum3. A.Because its cold outside B. Because he has a cold C.Because he doesnt like playing soccer4. A. At 3:50 B. At 4:20 C. At 4:305. A. Five minutes B. Fifteen minutes C. Thirty minutes四、听长对话,选择最佳选项(一题1分)1.Whats Sandra doing for vacation?A. Learning English B. Visiting her pen pa

3、lC. Relaxing at home2.Whats Cindy like?A. outging B. Quiet C. Funny3. How is Sandra going to London?A. By bus B. By taxi C. By train4. How many days is Sandra staying in London?A. Two B. Seven C. Fourteen5. Whats Sandra doing in London?A. Going shopping B. Going camping C. Going skateboarding.五、根据所听

4、内容完成表格,每题不可超过三个词。(一题1分) Information About Li PingEnglish name: Vince Country: 1._ Hobby: 2._Way of going to school 3._ Activity on Saturday: 4._Thing hes doing next month: 5._ 笔试部分(100分)一、选择题(15分)1.Its nice _Andy_ me with my English study.A. at; to help B. of; to help C. with; help D. of; help2.Ever

5、yone_sometimes.A. get tired B. are tired C. gets tired D. gets tiring3.Eating vegetables and fruit more_good _our heathA. are , to B .is , for C .was, for. D.are, for4.My uncle _to see me. Hell be here soon.A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. come5.Hes going to France in August,and staying_Septembe

6、r.A. at B. until C. in D. for6.-How far is it from the zoo to the park? -Its about _walk.A. ten minutes B.ten-minutes C.ten minutes D. ten minutes7.Sometimes walking is even_than driving during the busy traffic time.A. fast B. faster C. slow D. slower8.-Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor?-No,

7、you _.You can go back home tomorrow.A. mustt B. neednt C. must D.cant9.I think the blue shirt looks _better on you than the red one.A.quite B.more C. much D. very10.Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby_A. to stop crying B. stop crying C. to stop to cry D. stop to cry11.The garden is becomi

8、ng_A.more beautiful and more B.more beautifulC.more and more beautiful D. more beautiful and more beautiful12.Shanghai is one of _cities_ China.A. largest;of B. the most large ;in C. the largest;in D. the largest;of13. - Can you go fishing with me?- Sorry. I have _ homework to do, I cant go with you

9、.A. little B. a little C. a few D. few14. - Who are going to take a vacation?- My _ family.A. all B. with C. whole D. and15. I dont like green apples. I like red_.A. this B. that C. one D. ones二、完形填空(20分)AWhat do you do at weekends? Some people like to _1_ at home, but others like to go for a walk _

10、2_ have a picnic. My friend Jack works hard in a factory during the _3_. At weekends he always _4_ the same thing. On Saturday he _5_ his car and on _6_ he takes his family to a nearby village. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isnt a _7_ one, but theres always _8_ to do. The children help wi

11、th the animals and give them their _9_, Jack and his wife help in the fields. At the end of the day, they are all _10_ and Jacks aunt gives them a big meal.1. A. play B. live C. stay D. like 2. A. and B. or C. but D. so3. A. day B. time C. autumn D. week 4. A. does B. makes C. borrows D. has5. A. wa

12、tches B. drives C. sells D. washes6. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday D. Wednesday7. A. small B. big C. hard D. short 8. A. much B. little C. fast D. far9. A. clothes B. places C. food D. water10.A. clean B. late C. hungry D. friendlyBLofton (洛夫顿) is a little village not far from Manchester (曼彻斯特). L

13、ike many _1_ villages near towns or cities,it is clean and quiet. Not many families _2_ there, so the people all know _3_ . Most of them are friendly and helpful. 4 their homes are in Lofton,many people have jobs in Manchester. Some work in the big factories. 5 work in shops or offices. Most of thes

14、e people go to work by train. It usually takes them about 6 to get from Lofton to Manchester.In the evening a lot of people like 7 TV. If they want to see a film or to listen to a concert (音乐会) , they 8 go to Manchester. There are no cinemas in Lofton.Life in Lofton may not be so exciting as life in

15、 the _9_ cities, but it can be just as 10 as there. That is why people in Lofton love their little village.1. A. another B. others C. the other D. other2. A. lives B. have lived C. live D. lived3. A. each another B. each other C. other one D. the other4. A. Though B. But C. So D. Because5. A. Little

16、 B. A little C. Few D.A few6. A. a half hour B. half hour C. half an hour D. half a hour7. A. to watching B. watching C. to be watched D. watch8. A. have to B. had to C. need D. ought9. A. more larger B. larger C. larger than other D. larger that10. A. interested B. more interesting C. interesting D

17、. more interested三、阅读理解(30分)ADear Carolyn,Id love to see you next week, but Im very busy. Im stressed out! I have to study for my English test on Monday night. Im going to the dentist on Tuesday, and you have to see the dentist on Wednesday. My mothers having a party on Friday, so I have to help her

18、 with that. What are you doing on Thursday? Im not busy that day. Are you working in the afternoon? Can we talk on the phone or listen to CDs? Call me!阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)1. David cant see Carolyn on Monday night.2. David has to see the doctor on Wednesday.3. Daves mother is free on friday.4. Dave is fre

19、e on Thursday.5. David wants to listen to CDs with Carolyn.BAnswering machine(机器): Hi. This is Jim. I cant come to the phone now. Please leave me a message after the beep. Beep!Bob: Hi, Jim. this is Bob. My friend Alex is visiting me, and were going to see a movie tomorrow. Do you want to see it wit

20、h us? Please give me a call today, if you can.Jim: Hi, Bob. Thanks for the call. Too bad I miss(错过) it. Im sorry, but I cant go to the movie with you tomorrow. Susan is in town, and Im going to go out with her. Guess what! I asked her to marry(嫁) me, and she said yes! We want to talk to her parents,

21、 so were going to have dinner with them. But say hello to Alex for me. I remember you well.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。1. _ called _ first.A. Bob, Jim B. Jim, Bob C. Jim, Alex D. Bob, Alex2. Bob and Alex are going to _.A.make telephone calls B. have dinner C. call Jim D. see a movie3. _ isnt at home when the tele

22、phone rings.A. Bob B. Jim C. Alex D. Nobody4. Jim will _ tomorrow.A. go out with Susan B. marry Susan C. visit Alex D. call Alex5. Why cant Jim anwser the phone at the beginning?A. Because he is at work. B. The passage doesnt tell us C.Because he goes to the movie. D. Because he goes out with SuanCM

23、r Browns house was less than two miles from his office, so he could drive home every day for lunch. Every time he drove home at noon. He found many cars outside his house and there was no room for his own car. He had to drive somewhere else to park his car. Then he walked back home. This made him ve

24、ry angry.He put up(挂) a board in the garden facing the road. The board said, No parking. But nobody noticed(注意)it. People seemed to obey only a notice with white letters on a blue board:POLICE NOTICENO PARKINGMr Brown asked his husband to steal(偷) a police notice but he was afaid to do so. Then she

25、asked him to make one just like a police notice. Mr Brown said he was not the police and couldnt use the wordpolice. Several days later,Mr Brown made a blue board with white letters.POLITE NOTICENO PARKING“Oh!” Mrs Brown said, You told me you couldt use the word police,but why do you use it now? Rea

26、lly?he asked. Look again.She started to laugh, “You are really clever.”1.Mr Browns office was_his home.A. next to B. not far fromC.2 hours drive from D.5 miles from2.Mr Brown was angry because_.A.he found no room to park his car outside his houseB.he had nothing to eat for lunch at homeC.he lost the

27、 way when he drove back home one dayD.he couldt make a police notice outside his house3.Mr Brown made_notice board(s) altogether(总共)A.one B。two C. three D. no4.In the end(最后),Mr Brown made a notice board and it_A.was just the same as a police noticeB.was different in color from a police noticeC.just

28、 looked like a police noticeD.said“POLITE NOTICE,NO PARKING”5.We can infer(推断) that _after he put up the blue board.A.more people will park their cars outside his houseB.more policemen will park their cars outside his houseC.fewer people will park their cars outside his houseD.fewer people will visi

29、t him at noon later on(以后)DMany people go to school for education.They learn languages,History,physics,maths and so on. Others go to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful.Yet,noone learn everthing from school. A teacher cant teach his students ev

30、erything. The teachers job is to show students how to learn. The teacher teaches them how to read and how to think. So the students themselves shall learn much more outside school.根据短文内容,填上正确的单词或句子1.As a student,we go to school for_.2.Jim wants to find a job, at first, hed better(最好) go to school_.

31、3.If we want to know the development of our country,we must learn_well.4.In class, the role(角色) of a teacher is_.5.The students who_is the best student.四、选词填空other stay hard whole train but ask early for she come wholeHi Jim,You ask me to go swimming next Sunday. Thanks a lot for 1 me. Id like to go with you very much, 2 I am sorry to say th


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