七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Amazing things》Welcome to the unit教案 (新版)牛津版_第1页
七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Amazing things》Welcome to the unit教案 (新版)牛津版_第2页
七年级英语下册《Unit 5 Amazing things》Welcome to the unit教案 (新版)牛津版_第3页




1、Amazing things教 学目 标1. 让学生了解一些不寻常的现象和事件。2. 学会使用形容词来表达自己的感觉和见解。重 点难 点1.本单元词汇比较多,要会用新学的词汇描述奇妙的事情。2. 学会使用形容词来表达自己的感觉和见解。教学过程二次备课一. 预习导学。1. 你能找出P56-57的生词,注上音标,并读一读它们吗? 2.你知道下面短语及句子的意思吗?也去读一读它们吧!1. the same size 2. from birth 3. stop growing 4. in the back of 5. larger than 6. 1,300,000 times 7. Isnt tha

2、t amazing? 3. 1). Do you know which is the most dangerous snake in the world?( )3). Do you know which dog is the smallest? ( )4). Do you know which animal can live up to 150 years? ( )5). Do you know which animal is as clever as people? ( )6). Do you know which animal can live for a month without ha

3、ving water? ( )7). Do you know which animal is the biggest in the world? ( )9). Do you know which animal has the longest neck? ( )二.课堂展示(一).创设情境 Warming up by asking questions 1.Talk about UFO.(白板出示)Would you like to see a UFO? Why? Maybe the UFO would take you to travel in space and visit other pla

4、net. If it happened one day, it is an amazing thing. 2. Talk about what happened to Eddie and HoboDo you still remember the two lovely dogs? What are their names?Would you like to know what happened to them today?(设计意图:通过日常对话,引出本课内容. (二)、自主合作 活动一:Today, Eddie and Hobo met an amazing thing. They met

5、a UFO. How will they feel? Lets try to find out it. First, lets watch the video of the text. And then try to answer my questions.1. Questions:2. Read the text as the role of Eddie and Hobo.3. Act a short play with your partner. (ask two or three groups of students to do it.) 设计意图:通过表演,巩固所学内容.4. Rete

6、ll the story.One day Eddie and Hobo looked at the ?_. Eddie thought he saw a _ but ?Hobo thought it was a _.Because Hobo saw one _. Eddie ?thought there were many bright _ and ?it was too _, so it couldnt be a plane.(设计意图:呈现本课所要掌握的内容之一活动方式:独自完成组内互查、纠错个人汇报)活动二 Fun facts1. there are lots of amazing th

7、ings in the world. Here are lots of surprising things.2. show some pictures to teach the new words.(多让5,6号展示)3. Present more sentences about amazing things.4.Match the pictures with the sentences on P575.Read by themselves.(组内展示,一对一)设计意图:通过与学生的对话,呈现本课的对话. 培养学生通过对话捕捉需要的信息.(活动方式:小组活动小组汇报)6.Explain som

8、e important language points. Do some exercises.活动三: : Extension 1.Talking about amazing animals2.I know everyone of you like animals. Some of you have pets in your family. There are also something amazing about animals. Can you find out which animal is it?1). Do you know which is the most dangerous

9、snake in the world?( )3). Do you know which dog is the smallest? ( )4). Do you know which animal can live up to 150 years? ( )5). Do you know which animal is as clever as people? ( )6). Do you know which animal can live for a month without having water? ( )7). Do you know which animal is the biggest

10、 in the world? ( )9). Do you know which animal has the longest neck? ( )3. Kitty and Amy are talking about the fun facts in Part A. Listen and answer: Which picture are they talking about?4. Now lets talk about amazing things with the following pattern Do you know that.?- Oh, really?-Isnt that interesting? (amazing, funny, great, interesting, strange, wonderful, )-Yes, it is. Do you know?ask the students to prepare the dialogue and act it out.(活动方式:小组对话编对话学生展示)三、归纳总结 What have you learned in th


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