



1、湖南小板5年级下册英语复习资料。(a)字母月份the Year months of the Year贾老爷February火柴艾普丽尔梅准(消歧义)朱莉(消歧义)奥古斯特SeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember26个英文字母手写体5个元音(b)单词短语标题文章Unit1 Were going to read stories我们要读故事。存储库故事听Listen to太好了,太好了Interesting的有趣之处在于play电视剧Talk about的对话写入Write aboutPut on上演;演出unit 2 we re going to do some resea

2、rch我们将做一些茄子研究。研究调查Find找到了报告报告(report report)Study学习Think事故关于InformationDo some research做了一些茄子调查Study and think学习与思考Write a report,创建报告收集Collect pictures照片Find information找到了信息让我们制作Unit3 lets make a kite风筝。凯特燕观看节目波普尔纸Tie系切割栗宝竹Make a kite做风筝剪下paper纸张绘制Draw a图片Look at,看一张A piece of paper纸剪切the bamboo竹削

3、Unit4 Dont talk here禁止在此说话。Library图书馆公园公园公园呵呵,这里Mrs夫人掷箭Waste废弃Floor地板公路公路Take.到.拿着.拿着.Pick flowers采花In the library图书馆On the book在书里On the floor在地板上On the wall墙上阅览室中的in the reading roomUnit5 Whens your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?In March正在三月On the fifth of March在三月五日International Childrens Day国际儿童节Unit6 Ill

4、make a beautiful card我会制作漂亮的卡片。Favourite最喜欢的Chocolate巧克力罗西玫瑰花Celebrate庆祝Restaurant餐厅A box of.一箱.制作Make a beautiful card漂亮的卡片A delicious dinner美味的晚餐A small gift一件小礼物a好idea好主意unit 7 there s a post office near my school我们学校附近有一位邮局。There在哪里?串列距离酒店酒店商店银行银杏电影院电影院Post office邮局nayar在.附近Around里面。周围主场城(消歧义)故乡

5、Shopping centre购物中心超出(over there)那边At the end of .结束.See a movie看一部电影Take a walk散步unit 8 can you show me the way to the Xinhua hotel?你能告诉我去神话酒店的路吗?威伊公路;路线Straight笔直地。Along是Crossing十字路口塔克上船(汽车/船/飞机等)停车停车场医院(医院)空港机场Get on上车Get off下车Railway站火车站Take bus坐公共汽车Excuse me对不起。打扰一下Turn left向左拐turn right向右转At t

6、he second crossing位于第二个交点Unit9 Hes kind to me他对我们很亲切。金德很亲切村庄特奇智能智能智能活动活动活动Friendly很友好。Serious是严肃的。Interested感兴趣的Peters grandpa彼得的爷爷Teach English教育英语In the classroom位于教室中Be kind to右侧.很亲切Be interested in表示.对感兴趣A primary school一套小学Unit10 Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪里?锡克病了。彼得更好At home在家Was (is,am的科举时态

7、)At work在工作在床上嵌入bed上周的last weekWere (are的科举时态)All right是的,很好。In hospital住院,医院Give me your homework给我你的作业。Unit11 Who was first?谁是第一个?第一名第二名第三次third第四个Fourth第五名Sixth第六个sevens第7名Eighth第八第九个。第十名蕾丝体育日运动日Be last最后一个管路fast跑得快Cheer for欢呼王东远:我想做点什么。A one-hundred- meter race 100米跑Unit12 Where did you go?你去了哪里

8、?森林Museum博物馆附注注释Ask问Question问题School outing学校郊游拍摄Take pictures照片Ask questions问题听Listen to music音乐Make notes注释去Go to the forest森林Go to the museum去博物馆Go to the mountains去山上(c)文章模式1.-What are we going to do?-Were going to read some stories .我们会做什么?我们将听几张故事。2.-Are we going to talk about them?-yes,weare。

9、/no,wearen t .我们会物语谈论他们吗?是的。/否。3.First、(首先)。then,(和)。and then,(和)。下一步,(下一步)。lastly、(最后一个)。4.In月-Whens your birthday?-My birthday is in May .你的生日是什么时候?我的生日在五月。Its on the序数字of warrance-Whens Childrens Day?-Its on the first of June .儿童节什么时候?儿童节六月一日。5.-can you show me the way to the Xinhua hotel?-Just g

10、o straight along this road .-then turn left at the second crossing .-You may take Bus No.206 to the hotel .你能告诉我去神话酒店的路吗?沿着牙齿路一直走。然后在第二个十字路口左转。你可以坐206路公共汽车去酒店。6.He is kind to children .他对孩子们很亲切。He looks kind。他看起来很亲切。7.-Where were you yesterday?-I was in bed at home .昨天去了哪里?我在家躺在床上休息。8.-Are you bette

11、r now?-是。Im fine now .Thank you .你现在好点了吗?是的,我很好。谢谢。9.-Who was first?-I was first .谁是第一个?我第一个。10.-Where did you go?-We went to the forest .你去了哪里?我们去了树林。11.-What did you do?-wetook pictures and listened to music .你做了什么?我们照相,上音乐。12.-Did you enjoy your school outing?-yes -Yes,I did。/No,I didnt t .你喜欢你的学

12、校野餐吗?是的。/否。(d)语法1.通常是未来:be going to动员:计划/计划/待办事项威尔动员:我要做点什么。e . g .he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be)going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(play)football。we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be)going to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(read)stories。I ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _(make)a kite。2.通常是现在:如果主语是第三人称单数(He/She/It,单数名词),动词就应该使用3个单数(V s/es)。e . g .Peter s father

13、 usually _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(take)bus to work。missli _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(teach)us English。3.一般科举:如果句子中出现yestday、last、did、was、were,动词就要使用过去式。e . g .he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be)at the cinema yesterday。I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(get)red packets last year。-What did you do?-I _ _ _ _ _ _ _(take)pictures for my family。-Where

14、were you yesterday?-We _ _ _ _ _ _ _(go)to the forest。动词科举时态的变化规律(1)直接在后缀中添加-ed: -ed: look-looked work-worked(2)以不发音的e结尾的动词,直接-d: like -d:like-liked live-lived(3)将以辅音字母y结尾的y替换为I,然后连接-ed: study-studied(4)双写最后一个以重读音节结束的辅音字母,并加上- ed: stop-stopped(5)不规则变化的动词的科举时态。(见书P80的第一个表)Go- went去了see-saw,看到say-said

15、在做do-didEat-ate吃take-took,获取run-ran,然后运行have-had4.正在进行:be当前喷射(V-ing)e . g . linglingis _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(read)in the reading room。5.祈祷文:Lets动员员:让某人做某事动员吉他否定的祈祷文:Dont动员员:禁止做某事e . g . 1 let s _ _ _ _ _ _ _(make)a beautiful card ._ _ _ _ _ _ _(标准)提升,please。don t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(pick)flowers in the park。6.There be文章模式:某个地方有东西。there是单数名词.There are复数名词.e . g .there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(be)a pen on the desk。there _ _


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