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1、lesson 11,On Getting Off to Sleep by J.B.Priestley,Brainstorming,1.Listen to a song and fill in the blanks: Sleep,baby,sleep.Your father _the sheep.Your mother _ the Dream Land tree._ falls a little _ for thee.Sleep,baby,sleep 2. Do you have a sleeping problem? (insomnia) What did you usually do whe

2、n you encountered this problem?,tends shakes Down dream,Words,1. avail n. 一般用于否定句或疑问句中效用;(有效的)帮助;利益,好处; 复数(遗产或拍卖之后,扣除佣金、债务等后的)余额 no avail没有效果的;没有作用的 His efforts were to no avail. 他的努力是徒劳的。 vt. 有益于,有助于,有利于,有用于,使有利: All our efforts availed us little in trying to effect a change. 在企图实现一个变革中我们徒劳无功。 vi.有

3、益,有用,有帮助(against, to): Nothing could avail against the enemy attack. 没有什么可以挡得住敌人的进攻。,词根:avail adj. available 有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的 n. availability 可用性;有效性;实用性 2. crooked adj. 弯曲的; 歪斜的; 畸形的, 变了形的; 不诚实的;不正当的; krukt (手杖)弯柄的;有钩的 Polly gave her a crooked grin. 波莉给了她歪斜着嘴的一笑。 词根:crook n. crook 骗子,坏蛋;弯处,弯曲部分;钩状物

4、 vi. crook 弯曲,成钩形 vt. crook 使弯曲;欺骗,诈骗,3. crushing adj. 1. 压碎的;砸碎的 2. 压倒的;使人受不了的;决定性的 Of it, at least, I am certain, and how can I deny this force crushing me? 至少,我相信历史是可靠的。 我怎么能敢否认这种压倒我的力量呢? 词根:crush n. crush 粉碎;迷恋;压榨;拥挤的人群 She had a crush on you, you know. 你知道吧,她曾暗恋过你。 crusher 打击;食品 压碎机;压碎的东西;镇服人的事

5、实 v. crush 挤;被压碎,4. imperishable adj. 不会腐烂的,不坏的;不灭的,不朽的;永恒的,永存的 反义:perishable adj. 易腐坏的;易毁灭的;会枯萎的 n. 容易腐坏的东西 词根:perish v.死亡;毁灭;腐烂;枯萎 5. legion n. 众多的士兵;大军;军团; 大量;大批;众多; 常作 L- (半)军事性单位、协会(或团体) s of writers adj.大量的;大批的;众多的 The medical uses of herbs are . 草本植物的医药效用数不胜数。 adj. legionary 军队的;很多的;古罗马军团的,6.

6、 malice n. 恶意;怨恨;预谋 There was a strong current of malice in many of his portraits. 他的许多肖像画中都透出强烈的恶意。 adj. malicious 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的 malignant 医 恶性的;有害的;有恶意的 malevolent 恶毒的;有恶意的;坏心肠的 n. malignancy 恶性(肿瘤等);恶意 malevolence 恶意,怨恨;狠毒 maliciousness 恶意,7. meditate: v. think about, consider 沉思,考虑 He sat ther

7、e meditating his plan. 他坐在那儿思考着他的计划。 He meditated on the sacred mysteries. 他沉思冥想众神的神秘。 meditation: n. meditating沉思,考虑 She has been deep in meditation when I walked into the office. 我走进办公室时,她陷入了沉思。 8. oblivion n.被(公众)忘却的状态,湮没,漠视; 无意识的状态; 被彻底摧毁; 赦免,大赦 He just drank himself jovially into oblivion. 他一味痛

8、饮直到自己神志不清。,It seems that the so-called new theory is likely to sink into oblivion. 那所谓的新理论似乎可能被淡忘。 An entire poor section of town was bombed into oblivion. 城镇的整个贫民区被彻底炸毁了。 adj. oblivious 遗忘的;健忘的;不注意的;不知道的 9. phantasy (= fantasy) n. 幻想;怪念头 vi. 幻想 vt. 想象 How long have you been having this phantasy? 你有

9、这种怪想法多久了?,10. refreshed adj. 恢复精神的;神清气爽的 He awoke feeling completely refreshed. 他醒来感觉精神完全恢复了。 v. refresh refresh oneself 可以提神;清醒头脑 refresh rate 刷新率 11. remonstrate: v. make a protest 抗议 We remonstrate against his cruelty to old people. 我们抗议他虐待老人。 Remonstrance: n. protest 抗议 The people who make remon

10、strance against were arrested. 抗议政府的人被逮捕了。,12. tormenting adj. 使苦恼的;使痛苦的 The very act of concentration seemed to make me more wakeful than ever, and I would pass hours in tormenting sleeplessness. 高度集中的精力让我比任何时候都清醒,我不得不在折磨人的失眠中捱过几个钟头。 词根: torment vt. 折磨,使痛苦;纠缠,作弄 n. 痛苦,苦恼;痛苦的根源 13. vexation n. 苦恼;恼怒

11、;令人烦恼的事,Its an invention of a barbarous age which a blind and ignorant population will accept only to its own vexation, hindrance, and constraint. 它是只有蛮荒时代愚昧无知的人们才会接受,以自寻烦恼,阻碍,和限制的。 词根:vex adj. vexed 生气的,烦恼的,恼怒的;为难的;焦急的 vexing 令人烦恼的 v. vex 烦恼; 使烦恼;使困惑;使恼怒,Background Knowledge,J. B. Priestley, Britis

12、h novelist, playwright, and essayist, noted for his varied output and his ability for shrewd characterization, who wrote prolifically in fiction, drama, biography, the essay and literary and social criticism. Most of his early books were poetry, literary biography and literary criticism. His first b

13、ook was Brief Diversions.,In 1929, Priestley published The Good Companions. This was the first of many fiction best sellers. Others were: Angel Pavement and Bright Day. Among his most highly regarded theatrical credits were Dangerous Comer, Laburnum Grove, Time and the Conways, I Have Been Here Befo

14、re, An Inspector Calls and The Linden Tree.,Main idea of the text,This lesson is on sleeplessness. Adults without exception suffer from sleeplessness. It is well - known that sleep is vital to ones mental and physical health. Sleep and sleeplessness are not medically and scientifically dwelt on. Ins

15、tead, sleeplessness is used as an example to illustrate the contrariness of things and the contradictions a man is confronted with. According to the author, a man is a bundle of contradictions and only humour is the saving grace of us. Those who fall asleep as soon as they get into bed are satirized

16、 in a,humorous tone. In his opinion, those who are equipped with an iron will lack human feelings. He points out that there is no lack of human feelings, sympathy or depth in a man who has difficulty in falling asleep. The author thinks he belongs to the latter.,短语 (Expressions),1. get off: (cause s

17、b to) fall asleep (使某人)入睡 I had great difficulty getting off to sleep last night. 昨天晚上我翻来覆去无法入睡。 She got the baby off to sleep at last. 她终于把婴儿哄睡着了。 2. cast up: add up; direct upward 加起来;使向上 Ill cast up these figures and tell you the total. 我要把这些数字加起来,然后把总数告诉你。 She cast her eyes up proudly. 她神气活现地把两眼

18、往上一抬。,3. of no avail: not helpful, not effective Their efforts were of no avail. 他们的努力不起作用。 Their attempts to explain were of no avail; she refused to believe them. 他们试着进行解释,但是毫无用处,她不相信他们。 4. come upon: meet by chance 偶然遇到,偶然碰到 I came upon him in town last week. 上星期我在城里碰见他。 In reading the Bible, I c

19、ame upon this verse. 在读圣经时我无意中发现了这一句。,5. act upon: have an effect on 对起作用;对有效 The music acted stirringly on the emotions of the audience. 音乐使观众情绪激动。 This medicine acts on the heart. 这药对心脏有功效。 6. thanks to: owing to; as the result to 由于,因为 He passed the exam thanks to the help of the teacher and stud

20、ents. 由于老师合同学的帮助,他通过了考试。 We finished the task ahead of schedule thanks to our hard work. 由于努力工作,我们提前完成了任务。,悬垂结构 Dangling Element,分词短语在句子中作状语时,其逻辑主语(亦称隐含主语)通常应是整个句子的主语;如果不是,而且其本身也不带自己的主语(如在独立主格结构中),就被认为是一个语言失误。这个分词就叫做“悬垂分词”(dangling participle)或“无依附分词 ”(unattached participle)。例如: (1)Getting down from

21、 the bus,my ankle was sprained (2)Driving to Chicago that night,a sudden thought struck me (1)悬垂分词 Being Sunday, they went for a picnic.,(2)悬垂不定式 To swim properly, a course of instruction was necessary. (3)悬垂简式从句 When a middle school student, his parents were very strict with him.,词语辨析 (Word analysi

22、s),1.contrariness, contradiction contrariness: 形容词contrary的名词形式,用作不可数名词。 contradiction: direct opposition between things compared (不可数名词)矛盾,对立; a statement, action, or fact that contradicts (可数名词)对立的事物 There is no contradiction between my behavior and my principles. 我的行为和我的原则不矛盾。 Thats a flat contra

23、diction of what you said before. 这可和你以前说得恰恰相反。,2.dark, dim dark: with no or very little light 黑暗的 Its getting too dark to take photographs. 天色太暗,不能照相。 dim: not bright, not clearly to be seen 不亮的,朦胧的 We can only see the dim outline of buildings on dark night. 在黑夜里我们只能看到建筑物朦胧的轮廓。 3.abuse, torment abus

24、e: tread badly, ill-treat 虐待 The woman was abused by her husband. 那个女人受到丈夫的虐待。,torment: cause severe suffering to; annoy 使受折磨, Stop tormenting your father by asking silly questions. 别在问一些愚蠢的问题折磨你父亲了。 4.induce, tempt induce: persuade or influence; bring about 劝诱,导致 We couldnt induce the old lady to t

25、ravel by air. 我们无法劝服老太太乘飞机旅行。 Your illness was induced by overwork. 你的病是工作过度引起的。 tempt: persuade sb to do sth wrong or foolish He was tempted into making a false step. 他被引诱做了一件傻事。,5.wonder, meditate wonder: feel curiously; ask oneself 想知道,自忖 I was wondering how to get there quickly. 我想知道怎么才能很快到达那里。 meditate: think about; consider 想,考虑 He sat there meditating u


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