中国的区域划分和区域统计- 幻灯片1.ppt_第1页
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1、Regional Division and Statistics in China 中国的区域划分和区域统计,By Zhang Peng National Bureau of Statistics of China 2007年10月8日,I . Regional Division of China natural division:natural features and ambiguous boundary. administrative division: belonging to superstructure, has clear legal boundary line. economi

2、c regional division:belongs to economic activity region, the boundary line may change with the development of economy. 一、中国的区域划分 自然区域划分:自然活动领域,边界较为模糊。 行政区域划分:上层建筑范畴,有明确的法定边界线。 经济区域划分:经济活动的范畴,界线可随经济发展的变化而变化。,i. Natural division of China (一)中国的自然区域划分,1. The northern monsoon region: occupies about 46%

3、of the total area of China; plains; distinct monsoon influence; mainly covered by forest; the utmost agricultural region in China. 1、东部季风区:约占全国面积的46%;平原;季风影响显著;天然植被以森林为主;是我国最主要的农业区域。,2. The Northwest arid region: occupying about 27.3% of the total area; in the inland of China, high plains ; little a

4、queous vapor from sea; covered by desert; saltwater lakes; serious soil desertification and salination; the influence of human beings here is far less broad than the Eastern Monsoon Region. 2、西北干旱区:约占全国面积的27.3%;内陆,高平原;夏季风难以到达;植被大部分为荒漠;多咸水湖;土壤沙化、盐碱化严重;人类对于该地区自然界的影响远不如东部季风区广泛、深刻。,3. Qinghai-Tibet Plat

5、eau area : occupies about 26.7% of the total area ; high plateaus ; mainly covered by desert, mesophorbium shrub ; major glaciers and lakes; mainly animal husbandry. 3、青藏高原区:约占全国面积的26.7%;高原;植被以荒漠、高山草甸灌丛为主;多冰川、湖泊;以畜牧业为主。,ii. Administrative division of China (二)中国的行政区域划分,Provinces: 23 Autonomous Regio

6、ns: 5 Municipalities Directly: 4 Special Administrative Regions: 2 Cities:333 Counties: 2862 Townships: 41636 省:23; 自治区:5; 直辖市 :4; 特别行政区 :2 市 :333 县 :2862 乡 :41636,1. Economic regional division History of China (三)中国的经济区域划分 1、中国经济区域划分的历史沿革,iii. Economic regional division of China,2. Status quo of Ch

7、inese Economic Regional Division 2、中国经济区域划分的现状,3. Basic Features of Four Economic Regions (1) East Economic Region East Economic Region includes ten provinces and cities. In this region, the coastal economy is developed, economic strength is powerful, and the population density and economic density

8、rank the first in the four economic regions. The gross regional product of the ten eastern provinces (cities) is RMB 12.75 trillion Yuan in 2006, accounting for 55.6% of GDP. The geographical position of East Economic Region is superior, the transportation system is developed, and the advantages in

9、respect of technology, talents, funds, resources and information are very obvious. The industry foundation is powerful and opening degree is very high. 3、四大经济区域的基本特征 (1)东部经济区,(2) Middle Economic Region Middle Economic Region is located at the inland China, including six provinces. The six provinces

10、have obvious location advantages, with the functions of introduction from four directions and influencing on the adjacent regions; they play an important role in the national territorial division. Middle Economic Region is the largest commercial grain base, important industrial base of energy and ra

11、w materials, important transportation region, and transport and distribution center of both travelers and goods. About 1/4 railways, roads and rivers of China lie at this region. However, as the starting points of development and environment are different, the economic development level of Middle Re

12、gion gets behind the developed east area, and its speed of growth is lower than West China. (2)中部经济区,(3) West Economic Region West Economic Region includes 12 provinces and regions. The region is wide, but the regional distribution of population and economy is unbalanced. Generally, the population a

13、nd economic development level are close to Middle Economic Region to the east of the east longitude 100; to the west, the area is mostly of high mountain, desert and arid grassland with few people, laggard economy and poor natural conditions. West Economic Region is the main gathering place of ethni

14、c minorities. There are abundant natural resources and mineral resources in this region. The development of characteristic agriculture and animal husbandry is sure to haves prosperous future. (3)西部经济区,(4) Northwest Economic Region Northwest Economic Region includes three provinces and eastern region

15、 of Inner Mongolia (land area:1.45 million square kilometers, total population: 0.12 billion). It is the traditional industrial base of China. In the era of planned economy, Northwest Economic Region played an important role in Chinese economy. The natural condition and resource endowment structure

16、of the three northwest provinces are similar, and the historical links are very close. Currently, they face many common problems, such as resource depletion, single ownership structure, and the update of industrial structure. (4)东北经济区,II. Regional Statistics of China i. Government Statistical System

17、 of China Comprehensive statistical system of the government: for regional management Statistical system of the government department: for industrial management 二、中国的区域统计 (一)中国的政府统计体制 政府综合统计系统:为区域管理服务 政府部门统计系统:为行业管理服务,ii. Regional Statistics under Existing Statistical System 1. Regional Statistics C

18、arried out by the Statistical Department of a Local Government The regional statistics is the statistical institution of local government takes statistics of all types of economic institutions within the administrative area, without reference to their relationship of administrative subordination, the nature of ownership and modes of business operation, according to the existing administrative division, and the regional statistics is realized in the scope of administrative divisions. (二)现行统计体制下的区域统计 1、地方政府统计部门开展的区域统计,2. Special R


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