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1、千古风流人物,Unit 2,There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.,Module 3,Heroes,Norman Bethune 诺尔曼 白求恩 (1890-1939),1.1924年,发明了“人工气胸疗法” 2.1931年夏,以“白求恩器械”命名的外科手术器械共有22种之多,在当时处于极为领先的地位。 3.1936年至1937年投身西班牙内战。并且他发明了世界上第一种运输血液的方法。,Bethune came to China and join the 8th Route Army in the Shan

2、xi-Hobei border region. He was a tireless surgeon then.,In 1939, he died because of septicemia(败血症) when he was only 49.,Task 2,Read the passage again and underline the years. Then number the events about Norman Bethune in the order they happened.,a) came to China b) wrote books about ways of treati

3、ng the sick in China c) was born in 1890 d) invented medical tools to use outside hospitals e) died f) went to treat the wounded soldiers in Spain,1,2,3,4,5,6,Norman Bethune is one of Chinas most famous heroes in China. He was a Canadian doctor. He came to china to help the Chinese people and 1 them

4、. Norman Bethunewasborn in 1890. He became a2in 1916, and he went to Spain in 1936 to treat the 3 soldiers during the war there. He soon realised that many people were dying 4 they didnt get to hospital quickly enough .Dr Bethune developed new ways of taking care of 5 .He invented special medical to

5、ols to use outside hospitals and close to fighting areas 6 doctors could treat the wounded more quickly. His inventions saved many lives. In 1938, Norman Bethunecame to China and helped 7 the wounded during the Anti-Japanese War.At that time , There were8doctors, so he had to work very hard 9 .His e

6、xperience of treating people in Spain was useful in China. He developed training courses for local doctors and nurses ,and wrote books so that they could learn about 10 he treated the sick. ( )1.A .died for B .died C.died of D.died from ( )2.A. doctor B. nurse C. teacher D. worker ( )3.A. wound B. w

7、ounded C.hurt D.injure ( )4.A.so B. though C.because . D. but ( )5.A.the rich B. the poor C.the healthy D.the sick ( )6.A.because B.though C.so that D.but ( )7.A.treat B.treats C.treating D.treated ( )8.A. little B. few C. much D. many ( )9.A.of his own B.by themselves C.on his own D.lonely ( )10.A.

8、when B .why C.what D.how,完形填空,Language points,1. taking care of the sick.,1) 意为“照顾,照料”,相当于look after。take good care of和look afterwell意义相同,都是“好好照料,好好照顾”的意思。如:,I am old enough, so I can take good care of myself.,2) 本句中the sick的结构是形容词前面加上定冠词,表示复数概念,泛指某一类人,这类结构作主语时谓语动词要用复数形式。例如:,The young have plenty of

9、 opportunities here. 年轻人在这里有大量的机会。 The blind learn skills in special schools. 盲人在特殊学校学习技能。,。,so that 可以引导一个状语从句, 表目的, 意思是“为的是;目的是”。,I got up early so that I could catch the first bus. 为了能赶上头班车, 我很早就起床了。,3. so he had to work very hard on his own. 因此,他不得不很辛苦地独自工作。,on ones own 表示 “独立地;单独地; 独自地” 。如:,I m

10、ade this bookshelf all on my own. 这个书架是我自己做的。 Shes been living on her own for ten years. 她独自生活已有10年了。,任务型阅读,Dr Bethune often worked very hard without resting or taking care of himselfOnce, he even worked for sixty-nine hours without stopping and managed to save over a hundred lives. One day in 1939.

11、 he cut his finger during an operation. but he continued his work without treating it. In the end, he died of his wound. Dr Bethunes work for the Chinese people made him a hero in China. There are many books and films about him. and he is still remembered in both China and Canada today. Module 4 Hom

12、e alone Unit 1 I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me. 1. Did he often worked hard to save the soldiers without taking care of himself? 2.When he cut his finger? . 3.What did he died of? 4. Dr Bethune is a hero in Chineses mind?,4. Dr Bethune often worked very hard without resting

13、or taking care of himself. 白求恩医生经常不顾自己,不眠不休的工作。,without是介词,意为“无,没有”,后接名词、代词或动名词,用来表示位置、条件、状况、假设的否定等。如:,They sat looking at each other without speaking. 他们坐着,相对无语。,5. and managed to save over a hundred lives. 努力挽救了一百多人的生命。,managetodo表示“设法做(成某事)”,相当于succeedindoing。如:,虽然任务艰巨,我们还是设法按时完成了。 Wethe task on

14、time even though it was very hard.,managed to finish,巩固练习,1._ the heavy rain, we were late for the film. A. BecauseB. Because of C. For D. With,3. _ Rita _her mother know my address . They often drop by my home . A. Not, but B. Both, and C. Either, or D. Not only, but also,4. They all wanted to know

15、 _. A. what was happen to Tom B. what happened to Tom C. whats wrong with Tom D. whats happening to Tom,Writing: when and where he was born his studies the result of his work the things he did and the prize he won what he is doing now,莫言诺贝尔文学奖,1955年2月 生于山东高密,童年时在家乡小学读书,后因文革辍学,在农村劳动多年。 1976年 加入解放军,历任

16、班长、保密员、图书管理员、教员、干事等职1981年 开始创作生涯。长篇小说红高梁家族。 1986年 毕业于解放军艺术学院文学系 1991年 毕业于北京师范大学鲁迅文学院创作研究生班 1997年 长篇小说丰乳肥臀夺得中国有史以来最高额的“大家文学奖1997年 脱离军界,转至地方报社检察日报工作,并为报社的影视部 撰写连续剧剧本 2012年, 以小说蛙获得诺贝尔文学奖。,BornGuanMoye,theauthorwritesunderthepennameMoYan,whichmeansdontspeakinChinese.HebeganwritingwhileasoldierinthePeopl

17、e sLiberationArmyandreceivedinternationalfamein1987withRedSorghum:ANovelofChina,whichwasmadeintoafilm. MoYan(Chinese:莫 言 pinyin:MYn)(bornFebruary17,1955)isaChineseauthor,describedasoneofthemostfamous,oft-bannedandwidelypiratedofallChinesewriters.HeisknownintheWestfortwoofhisnovelswhichwerethebasisof

18、thefilmRedSorghum.HehasbeenreferredtoastheChineseanswertoFranzKafkaorJosephHeller. MoYanwasbornintheShandongprovincetoafamilyoffarmers.HeleftschoolduringtheCulturalRevolutiontoworkinafactorythatproducedoil.HejoinedthePeoplesLiberationArmyatagetwenty,andbeganwritingwhilehewasstillasoldier,in1981.Threeyearslater,hewasgivenateachingpositionattheDepartmentofLiteratureintheArmysCulturalAcademy. In 2012,he got the Literature of Nobel Prize,the firse chinese geting it.,本课时主要短语和句型,1. die for/of 2. take care of 3. on ones own 4.so 、because 5. and wrote books so that they could le


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