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1、* 韩语TOPIK考试词汇策略 * 韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读,韩语TOPIK考试词汇策略,所有外语考试中, 词汇都占据举足轻重的地位。 韩语也不能例外, TOPIK考试成败的关键之一也是词汇量。 那么我们应该如何为TOPIK考试背单词呢?1、在真题中记忆单词背单词对大多数人都是痛苦的过程, 许多人手里都有一本厚厚的词汇书。 我在学习英语的时候也买过很多本词汇书, 但往往无法从头背到尾。 即便在词汇书里记住了,做题的时候又想不起来。 因此,强烈建议大家在文章中记单词。 韩语单词变化多端,就更应该在文章中去记忆和理解。,韩语TOPIK考试词汇策略,2、不同级别的单词侧重点初级考试的单词

2、重点是名词、形容词和动词。 而副词则一般不会考到。 而中级和高级则侧重于形容词、动词、副词 还有成语和俗语的考察。因此,考初级的人需要多留意真题中的名词、形容词和动词。 中高级则要侧重于形容词、动词的使用和副词的意思。 形容词和动词有很多变形的可能性, 比如动词后接各种助词表示不同的含义。 而副词则一般没有此类变化, 因此副词考察的是词义。 动词则倾向于考察用法。,韩语TOPIK考试词汇策略,3、中级和高级词汇中高级除了考词义, 还会考察词汇的用法。 并且俗语和成语也会涉及到。 中高级对词汇量的要求不仅在于精, 而且还在于广; 也就是说除了考用法之外, 还会在阅读中出现大量生词。 我们不需要掌

3、握所有的生词, 但如果这个词是理解文章含义的关键词, 那么就要记住。 这样的词汇是需要记住的。4、多查词典经常查询在线词典或纸质的词典。 这是很有效的学习方法, 因为任何一个词汇, 你如果查了3次, 那么基本上就会记住。,韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读, in clusters; in full bearing 1, 2, : :hesitating(ly) : ,韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读,: with tearful eyes : . :1, 2, 3, 4, : ,韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读,: (蠢蠢欲动) : (急急忙忙) : (疼爱有加) : ,韩语TOP

4、IK考试高级单词和谚语必读,: (数不胜数) : : (掐头去尾): 4 : (摇摇晃晃)1, 2, : ,韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读,:1, 2, : (定期) 10 (点头): 东问西答 : 外柔内刚: 以心传心 : ,韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读,: 异地思之 趁热打铁 .殊途同归,同归殊途,韩语TOPIK考试高级单词和谚语必读, 3 .狗住书房三年,也会吟风弄月。挨着铁匠会打钉,挨着木匠会拉锯。 。玉不琢,不成器。 .三岁习惯八十依旧。树小扶直易,树大扳直难。 : . :( ) ., 1) combine with /, 2) harmony; concord; un

5、ity (悲劇) (a) tragedy; a tragic drama. (葛藤) discord; disagreement ,201017 , (be) steady; constant; ; (淡淡) (be) clear; (be) bright; (be) plain; light. (be) flat; plain; lig ht. (be) unconcerned; indif-ferent (); disinterested (); calm (); serene (); tranquil ().,201017 ,(嚴肅) (be) grave; seri-ous; sole

6、mn; somber ( ) (宛然) (be) clear; obvious; evident; patent. Spring has fairly set in. (對應) facing face confront. a homologous corre-sponding angle.,201017 , ; deliberately after a long time ,201017 , with difficulty ; sparsely; thinly; scatteredly; ; crawling; creeping; sprawl-ing. ,201017 , picking h

7、em up one by one. pick up / / rapidly; perceptibly; well. thickly; densely. - it is possible to; it is worth. ,201017 , - as; like habitual practice. () () . , .,201017 , , . , Groaning, moan ; all; wholly; ,201017 , (a) bore; make a hole; dig; drill ( ); go pass, thrust through; cut through; pierce

8、; penetrate. (b) open up; open a path through a wood; pass run through. (a) weath-er; find see ones way out of the difficulty; cut fight ones way through the enemy; get over a barrier; get out of trouble. (b) evade; avoid; get around. find (a way). attain; get at; master. ,201017 ,- . ./ . - . - .as

9、 well as; besides ,201017 ,- -, -, - , . . ? - - . . . .,201017 , be sorry for troubling a person worse off than oneself. - though; although; and indeed; if; but . ,201017 ,- 1)- . 2)- . . . . . . - . .,201017 ,- -, - - . . and indeed; if; but . . (物情) the state of things/affairs; public feeling; ,2

10、01017 , hurry; turn fall on a person; fly at; hide; conceal; choose; discriminate; (是非) pile up; . do accounts; untangle (ones hair). ,201017 ,- , -, -, - () , . -02 - . ./ ./ . , . ./ .,201017 ,- - . ./ . , . . . .,201017 ,- , -, - - . -. ?/ ?/ ? on the contrary . ./ ,201017 , at ones convenienc .

11、. raise quickly; 1.() , . 2. . / - wonder about , (be) unexpected; sudden; abrupt;,201017 , , in person; with ones own hands. just right; just; flustered; con-fused; .,2009 15 , over and over again; one after another; bulge out here and the re; all over. bulge out here and ther. . . vaguely; indisti

12、nctly; , . flustered; con-fused; .,2009 15 , , in person; with ones own hands. just right; just; just; only. . . .,2009 15 ,- ( ) . . . . - . . . - . .,2009 15 ,- . . . . - - - . . - . . .,2009 15 ,- ( ) . . . . - . . . - . .,2009 15 ,-/ at all; rather; sooner. than . - -, - . . .,2009 15 ,- though;

13、 however; if only; even. 。 - conspicuously; remark-ably; (恒常), , (應當) .,2009 15 , be shy afraid of doing hesitate to do; be diffident about doing; have a dislike to, for; abstain refrain - , , , - . (莫上莫下)- . .,2009 15 ,- , , - ( ) . - . . - - ( ) , . , . ,2009 15 ,- , , - , . . - . - - . . - . ,200

14、9 15 , not only but also , , - . - , , , - - . -01 14 . . 予所憎兒 先抱之懷( ) .,2009 15 ,- -03 . ./ / .,2009 15 , pit-a-pat; palpitating; throb-bing. . . / . . . . / . . . . .,20032009 ,- . . . . trickling; bubbling; mur-muring; babbling. follow a per-son - . .,20032009 , . . - . . - . . . - , . .,20032009

15、 ,- . ./ ./ . (be) quick-tempered, hot-tempered, hotheaded, - . . ,20032009 ,- . ./ ./ . trickling; bubbling; mur-muring; babbling. follow a per-son (be) quick-tempered, hot-tempered, hotheaded, - . . . ,20032009 ,-(違和感) . . (利他心) (利己心) -(疑懼心) . . . awkwardly; clumsily; tactlessly; thoughtlessly; he

16、edlessly; rashly; indiscreetly. . . , , .,20032009 , naturally; certainly; undoubt-edly; surely; , coarsely; roughly; loosely; poorly; a little; a few; some; as much . . . rapidly; quickly; remarkably; markedly. ,20032009 , to some extent; . . () , . / , .,20032009 , . (be) naive; sim-ple; unsophisticated; innocent; un-spoiled. (be) ignorant of; do not know much about the world. (be) pert; perky; fresh; frisky; (be) dazed; stupefied; stunned; bewildered; embarrassed; ,20


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