七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 1导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas Period 1导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第2页




1、Why do you like pandas【学习目标】 课标要求:1)学会各国的 代表动物2)你为什么喜欢这些动物目标达成:1)Why do you want to see the lions ?2)Because they are cute.学习流程: 【课前展示】1.让学生回忆以前学过的动物的英语单词。(1)狗 _(2)猫_(3)鸡_(4)猴子_(5)猪_(6)鸭_2.让小组成员到板块展示上面单词评出优良。【创境激趣】汉译英1.两只考拉_ 2.一只可爱的熊_ 3. 四只老虎_ 4. 八头大象_5.两只害羞的熊猫_ 6.五只海豚_ 7. 五头丑陋的狮子_8.一只漂亮的企鹅_【自学导航】 1

2、.在课件上展示新课内容,学新的动物名称。提出任务,让各小组研究动物的 名称,找出各组科代表展示读音。再提出任务让各小组记会新的动物名称。评出优良。2.提出A:Why do you want to see the lions? B:Because they are cute.让各小组练习对话,然后评出优良。【合作探究】 1.用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)How many_ (zoo) are there in your city ?(2)She wants _ (go) to school.(3)Why do you like _( panda).2.句型转换.(1)Bob likes pand

3、as.(改为一般疑问句)_Bob_ panda?(2)Mr Wang likes living in the village.(对画线部分提问) _ _Mr Wang like living ? (3)are ,they because interesting .(连词成句)【展示提升】 典例分析 知识迁移Why do you want to see the lions?Because theyre cute.Why 是疑问副词:“为什么”,用来询问原因。回答why问句时, 须使用连词 “because(因为、由于)+ 句子”来解释原因。如:你为什么喜欢纪录片?因为我可以从中学到历史。-Why

4、 do you like documentaries ? -Because I can learn history from it.注意:在英语中用because 不用so,或用so不用because 如:Because English is very interesting, I like it. = English is very interesting, so I like it. Because English is very interesting, so I like it. ( )【强化训练】 一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. Lets _ (look) at the pictur

5、es. 2. There _ (be) a tiger and two pandas in the zoo. 3. Jim wants _ ( see ) the tigers. 只4. Mary _ ( like ) dogs. But her mother _ ( not like ) them. 5. Why _ Mary _ ( like ) pandas ? 二、连词成句;1. lets, the, lion, see. (.)2. do, why , to, see, the, want ,you, lions (?)3. they, are, because, cute.三、句型变换:1. Tony wants to go to the zoo. (改为否定句) Tony _ _ to go to the zoo. 2. I like dogs because they are our friends. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you like dogs ? 【归纳总结 】1、 本节课的语法是_词组,句子有:_2、我的收获:_【板书设计】 Unit 5 Why do you lik


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