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1、 毕业论文译文题目名称:网络广告院系名称:经济管理学院班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2012年3月网络广告michael mccandless网络广告时代已经到来。我们现在看到的广告标志了网络广告业务快速增长的开始。根据互联网广告局的数据,1997年,共有9.065亿美元用在美国互联网广告,根据jupiter communications llc公司的数据,2002年美国网络广告总量将上升到77亿美元。 网上广告公司的成功提供了进一步的证据。double-click公司,目前网络广告的领导者,它的网络广告覆盖了多个大型网络公司,包括altavista公司、travelocity公

2、司和dilbert公司。华尔街已经发出通知表明,1998年2月20日,double-click公司爆炸性的首次公开募股,在其首个交易日之后,它的股价就提升了57%。同样,在1998年4月8日,主要的门户网站之一的yahoo,宣布了一个难以置信的结果,那就是它们在过去的一个季度,股价疯狂飙升了15,其中广告收入贡献了巨大的力量,它几乎以一己之力促成了这次提升,更令人吃惊的是雅虎出售的广告空间居然只有其总量的14。尽管有这些令人鼓舞的数字,怀疑论者依旧坚持认为:从长远来看,网络广告依然不能够成为一个可行的模式。很显然,大型的互联网门户网站,包括netscape, yahoo, excite, al

3、tavista和lycos,,能从巨大的访问量中创造广告收入。例如,yahoo 在1998年3月平均每天能够达到惊人的9500万的页面浏览量。但是,对其他一些浏览量不够令人满意的网站来说是无法取得这样的成功的。例如,美国在线最近决定提高订阅收费率,每月提升2美元,从根本上来说是因为他们的广告收入无法弥补成本的增加。一、一个新的广告媒介网络广告从根本上同传统的电视,电台和印刷广告媒体不同,至少表现在三个重要的方面:1.每一个网络广告都可以看成是一个单独的广告,而不是一组广告。因此,广告商可以根据个人的认知程度来单独制定广告,或者通过延续以往的广告制定方式来制定广告。 2.一个网络广告能够直接收到

4、关于其有效性的反馈。比如用户点击了一个广告,然后广告商就能够通过反馈来了解到这种广告的有效性。 3.互联网的实时性使网络广告活动几乎能够瞬时反馈。每个广告在运行中都会显示出已经有多少次的广告显示和点击,从而可以指定相应的变化战略。如果一个特定的广告没有在其投放的位置上生效,广告商可以根据反馈迅速的调整广告策略,可以将广告投放在其他地方,或在一小时内就改变广告的原有形象来增加广告的效果。相比之下,传统媒体的广告交付和反馈调整则需要几周和几个月的时间。 网络具有的针对性,互动性,高度可衡量性,和实时性的特点,使得它成为了一个让广告业学习研究的新目标。这不是像直销一样已经到了极致。这些独特的元素结合

5、了人口的增长和网络使用者的不断增加,为网络广告提供了一个爆发的潜在可能。 在其他方面,网络广告与现有的广告还是相似的,都要求广告能够抓住观众的注意力。品牌知名度仍然是至关重要的。例如,亚马逊正在努力的通过传统的和网络的广告来建立它的品牌。市场营销部门总结了以往的经验,图像的魅力和吸引力在设计网络广告的时候同样适用。不管怎样,网络广告商可以更有效的运用这些经验教训,因为他们可以利用网络的实时反馈来了解,面对哪些人,他们的广告活动更加有效。 二、网络广告模式网站广告现在已经发展出了自己的一系列广告用语,政策,发行和定价模式。最常见的广告是长方形的横幅广告,在网页的侧面,顶部,或底部作为一个独特的、

6、可点击的图片的形式出现。广告的图像可以相当多样化,从渐进式jpeg或隔行扫描的gif动画图片到复杂的可以和用户交互理解的javascript。横幅广告设计成各种规格形式,以方便用户的浏览和适应不同的界面。一个网站,可能有几个横幅广告的槽位,可以直接向一个或多个的赞助商出售广告空间,或通过一个像double-click这样的广告公司来间接出售。通过这两种方式,可以在同一个广告槽位中显示出不同的广告。当用户打开某个页面的时候,总会出现一个适合当前页面广告槽位的网页广告。 网络广告的效果可以通过不同的衡量指标来衡量。一个单一的广告投放在一个固定的浏览器窗口能够对顾客形成一个独特的印象。广告价格由每千

7、次展示所花费的千人成本(cpm)所决定,通常拥有一个最低订购标准。根据网站和题材的不同,cpm的变化很大。大型互联网门户网站的cpm收费标准通常在20美元到70美元,cpm的测量标准取决于用户是否搜索了广告中的关键字。一些雄心勃勃的广告公司,如http :/ / ,他们采取拍卖模式出售他们的广告投放次数,出价最高的才能够获得投放广告的权利。用户点击广告的次数决定了广告的点击率。点击率从2至4不等,但是有针对性的广告的点击率会更高一些。网站的设计的某些方面,如缓存的大小,cookie的支持,以及用户和ip的不确定度,使得点击率的测量变得更为复杂。因此,公司提供了工具来帮助管理跨网站的广告,对详细

8、的日志文件进行分析,以了解每个广告的表现。 并不是所有的广告都能够为网站带来利润。许多的网络广告收费都需要大量的最低流量作为保证。例如,double-click需要每月最低一百万的点击量。对于那些不符合最低要求的网站,简单的横幅广告链接非常的受欢迎。在众多的广告交换网络中,最大的网站是link exchange。当一个站点加入交换链接,它提供自己的横幅广告,将根据目标网站上的流量,以二分之一的比例在目标网站上显示出来。link exchange通过销售成员网站的广告浏览量来赚钱。这种模式能够让一些流量比例较小的网站也能够广告。你也可以提交一个网址到搜索引擎上,并通过的自主服务来增加自身的流量,

9、这些网站包括,,和http:/ 。 三、网络广告的未来 网络广告虽然正在迅速增长,但它仍然还没有意识到它的潜力有多大。大部分广告投入都用在庞大的网站,如altavista和cnn。虽然这符合广告业中的传统的“越大越好”的观点,但是在互联网上,这种观点并不是明确有效的。有许多高度专业化的涵盖了所有事项的网站,从健康的信息到数码相机到烹饪食谱到palm pilot软件,这些网站可能不会有巨大的流量,但他们针对特定受众,形成潜在的广告目标。不幸的是,因为现有的网络广告不喜欢中小型的网站

10、,这些网站只能通过赞助商的安排,低效的出售自己宝贵的广告槽位。通过销售广告产生的收入只能够使网站自给自足,这种局限性使得每个人都有机会成为一个单独的广告出版商。在未来,网络广告公司或许有可能意识到,这些规模较小的专业性的网站将能够提供巨大的价值,也许甚至超过主流网站所能提供的价值。 网络广告将能够提供出超越针对性的,甚至达到个性化制定的广告。然而,我现在看到的有趣广告的只有小型广告,这意味着,广告商们尚未利用这种潜力优势。在未来,你可以将广告与网上个人资料相结合。该属性能够准确记录和高度总结个人的信息,包括相对静态信息,如您的兴趣爱好;和动态信息,如您是否在市场购买了新车或微波炉。这些信息将会

11、进行加密保护,只有经过认证的企业在得到您的许可之后,才可以访问它。你可以上传您的个人资料,这样您会收到专门针对您的有关广告。例如,当我去市场上想买一个新的笔记本电脑,我将感激曾经为我提供的销售价格和特价广告的笔记本电脑厂商,他们帮助我进行了抉择。最近被微软购买的firefly网站已经开始通过firefly的网站护照来提供这样一个服务。 当然,这些软件必须能够保证我们上传到网上的个人资料能够得到应有的隐私保护。因为现在存在直接滥用这些资料的机会。例如,double-click公司可能已经通过许多网站提供给你大量的广告。当你看到广告的时候,出现的是哪一条广告,你看到广告的时间,你是否点击了广告都已

12、经被double-click公司的内部记录系统记录下来。double-click公司的隐私政策表示,通过你自己的主页采集到的信息,保证不会被用来对付你。多个公司都在我们知情的情况下通过直接准确地保持我们的配置文件来收集我们的信息,这样也有利于我们管理控制我们的私人信息。 web的独特属性已经呈现出了良好的广告机会,不仅为广告商和出版商,也为我们这些浏览网页的用户。这些机遇正在通过众多的网络广告传播渠道:包括自助服务,横幅广告槽位交换等,来创造价值。然而,网络提供了更多的机会。随着网络广告的发展,我们也许有一天会发现网络上都是根据我们的喜好,经过精心挑选的广告。来源:michael mccand

13、less. web advertising j. internet services, 1998, (6):8-9web advertisingmichael mccandless advertising on the web has arrived. the ads we see now mark the beginning of a rapidly growing business. according to the internet advertising bureau, $906.5 million was spent on internet advertising in the us

14、 in 1997, and according to jupiter communications llc, internet advertising will rise to $7.7 billion by 2002.the recent success of online advertising companies provides further evidence. double-click, the current leader in online advertising, maintains a banner-ad network of heavy traffic sites, in

15、cluding altavista, travelocity, and dilbert. wall street has taken notice. on february 20, 1998, demonstrating an explosive initial public offering, double-clicks stock price closed 57% higher on its first day of trading. similarly, on april 8,1998,yahoo, one of the primary internet portals, announc

16、ed incredible results for the past quarter, and their stock soared 15%. advertising revenue almost completely initiated this rise, even though yahoo was selling only 14% of their available advertising space. despite these inspiring figures, skeptics insist that in the long run, advertising will not

17、be a viable model for the web. its clear that the internet portals, including netscape, yahoo, excite, altavista, and lycos, can derive advertising dollars from tremendous traffic. for example, yahoo averaged an amazing 95 million page views per day in march 1998. but, advertising on other sites who

18、se primary lure is content might not garner the same success. for example, america online recently decided to raise subscription rates by $2 per month, in part because their advertising revenue cannot cover increasing costs.a new advertising mediumthe web differs fundamentally from the traditional a

19、dvertising media of television, radio, and print in at least three important ways: every ad served on the web goes to an individual who can be characterized personally, rather than to a group that must be characterized statistically. advertisers can therefore carefully target or even custom-generate

20、 ads, according to their degree of knowledge about an individual. a web ad receives direct feedback concerning its effectiveness. if a user clicks on an ad, then advertisers consider it an effective ad. the real-time nature of the internet lets ad campaigns adapt to nearly instantaneous feedback. ea

21、ch ad run can measure exactly how many times an ad has been shown and clicked, allowing for a quick change of strategy. if a particular ad is not effective on a certain site, an advertiser can show it elsewhere or change the image in a matter of hours. traditional media, in contrast, have advertisin

22、g lead times measured in weeks and months. the individually targeted, interactive, highly measurable, and real-time nature of the web makes it an entirely new medium about which the advertising industry will have to learn. its not unlike direct marketing pushed to an extreme. combining these unique

23、elements with the appealing demographics of internet users and exponentially growing internet use provides an explosive potential for web other respects, the web shares similarities with existing advertising, requiring ads to grab the viewers attention. brand-name recognition remains

24、crucial. for example, amazon is working hard to establish its name, through traditional and web based advertising. the lessons learned in marketing departments about what makes an image appealing and attractive still apply when designing web images. however, advertisers can apply these lessons more

25、effectively on the web, because they know much more about those to whom they are advertising and can alter an ad campaign in response to real-time feedback.web advertising modelsthe web has now evolved its own collection of advertising terminology, policies, distribution, and pricing models. the mos

26、t common ad is the rectangular-shaped banner ad, appearing on the side, top, or bottom of a page as a distinct, clickable image. the ad image can be quite diverse, from progressive jpeg or interlaced and animated gif images, to complex user-interactive javascript. banner ads come in various standard

27、ized sizes to facilitate interchangeability. a site, which might have several slots for banner ads, can sell ad space either directly to one or more sponsors, or indirectly through an advertising company such as double-click. in either case, different ads rotate through the same banner-ad slot. when

28、 a user loads a certain page, an appropriate banner ad is selected and presented.various metrics measure web advertising. a unique impression is a single ad served to one browser in a fixed time window. ads are priced by the thousand impressionsmeasured in cost per thousand (cpm) impressionstypicall

29、y with a certain minimum order. the cpm varies greatly, depending on the site and subject matter. large internet portals typically charge a cpm between $20 and $70, depending on whether the ad is activated by keywords used in a search. some ambitious ad companies, such as, adopt

30、an auction model, whereby they sell each impression to the advertiser that bids the highest price.the click-through rate is the percentage of impressions activated by user clicking. typical ctrs range from 2% to 4%, but can be higher for targeted ads. certain aspects of the webs design, such as unce

31、rtain degrees of caching, cookie support, and user and ip correlation, complicate the measurement of unique impressions and ctrs. so, companies are providing tools to help manage collections of ads across sites and analyze detailed log files to understand each ads performance.not all advertising inv

32、olves exchanging money. most of the for-pay advertising networks require substantial minimum traffic. for example, double-click requires a minimum of a million hits per month. for those sites that dont meet the minimum, the simpler banner-exchange networks are extremely popular. among the many banne

33、r exchanges, the largest is link exchange. when a site joins link exchange, it provides its own banner ad, which will be shown on other member sites in a two-for- one proportion, according to how much traffic the site generates. link exchange makes money by selling advertising for the extra impressi

34、ons on each of its members sites . such a model allows smaller sites to advertise in proportion to their own traffic. you can also submit a url to many search engines and get tips for increasing traffic through numerous do-it-yourself services, including , http:/www.webpromote.

35、com, and.what the future holdsweb advertising is growing rapidly, but it still has not realized much of its potential. most advertising dollars are spent on mammoth sites such as altavista and cnn. although this supports the traditional “bigger is better” view in advertising, its n

36、ot clear that this view is valid on the internet. there are many highly specialized sites spanning all subject matters, from health information and digital cameras to cooking recipes and palm pilot software. these sites might not have tremendous traffic, but they address specific audiences, forming

37、potential targets for advertisers. unfortunately, because existing for-pay ad networks do not cater to small and medium sites, these sites can only sell their precious real estate through sponsorship arrangements, which consumes time and seems inefficient compared to belonging to an ad network. by s

38、elling advertising, the resulting revenue stream would allow the sites to be self-sufficient, furthering the webs power to enable anyone to become his or her own publisher. in the future, online ad companies will realize that these smaller, specialized sites offer substantial value, maybe even more

39、value than mainstream sites offer.beyond targeting, the web enables highly personalized advertising. however, i find only a small percentage of the ads that i see to be interesting, which suggests that advertisers have not yet taken advantage of this potential. in the future, you could link advertis

40、ing directly to a self-maintained, online personal profile. the profile would record accurate and highly personal information, including relatively static information such as your interests or hobbies, but also dynamic information, such as whether you are in the market for a new car or microwave ove

41、n. the information would be cryptographically protected so that only certified companies, with your permission, could access it. you would want to keep your profile up to date so that you receive pertinent advertisements. for example, im in the market for a new laptop, and i would appreciate sales and specials advertisements from laptop vendors. firefly, recently purchased by microsoft, offers the beginnings of such a prof


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