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1、,荆轲刺秦王,表演人员:,太子丹:杨冠男 李莫愁:余佳荣,阿三:陈柳 旁白:周玲,荆轲:潘斌 路人甲:冯士康,妻子:刘茜 中国古典美女:罗培,幕后人员:杨诚 李婷君,Introduction: Long ago there was a 介绍:在很久以前,有一个疯狂的国家。 crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, 在这个疯狂的国家里有着一些疯狂的人。 trying to show the crazy history by 并试图经过疯狂的方式来展现疯狂的历史。 crazy ways. Mr. Jing

2、Ke was the most 荆轲,最有名的剑客,被送到秦国刺杀嬴政。但是最后失败了。 famous swordsman(剑客)and was sent to kill king of Qing, “Ying Zheng”. But finally 你想知道他在这段时期发生的事吗,好的,接下来的场景将告诉你事实的真相。 he failed. Do you want to know what happened at that time? Okay, next show, will tell you the truth,Action 1,太子丹:Mirror, mirror, tell me,

3、who is the most pretty man in the world? (Its you, Prince Dan! ) Thank u mirror! Im Prince Dan, the magic mirror said I am the most attractive(吸引人的 ) man in the world. But Ying Zheng is a jealous(妒忌的) guy(家伙) I feel he will kill me if mirror told him the truth. I am so scared. So what can I do? Wher

4、e is my minister(大臣 )? 阿三 : Honey, I am coming. 太子丹:Ive told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful、graceful(优雅的) 、handsome、charming(迷人的) 、cute、smart and dearest Prince Dan”! 阿三:Sure, honey! I have a good idea. We can find a hero to kill YingZheng 太子:Oh yeah. What is the most

5、 expensive commodity in this century(世纪) ? Talent!(二十一世纪最需要的是什么,人才!) Good idea! But who is the right candidate(候选人) ? 阿三:After screening(筛选) I have two promising(有希望的) persons on hand. One is Miss LiMoChou, the other is Mr JinKe. Tomorrow they will PK for the NO.1 killer of the world. 太子:Well, show

6、me the winner as soon as possible, OK? 阿三:Yes.,Action 2,Action II 荆轲:Are you Li mochou? 李莫愁:Yes. 荆轲:OK. Im Jingke, you know, I will let you know I am the king of the killers world. 李莫愁:Are you challenging(挑战的) me? 荆轲:Off course! 李莫愁:Come on! “人在江湖漂啊,哪有不挨刀啊,一刀砍不死啊,两刀砍死你啊。” 李莫愁:What happened? Why aren

7、t you hurt(使受伤 )? 荆轲: We dont need any reason to win a person. Dont we? Do we? (赢一个人需要理由么,不需要么,需要么?) 李莫愁:Momma always said: “Life is like a box of chocolates, Mochou. You never know what youre gonna(将要 ) get. I got it, Momma is right.,太子丹:How are you? 荆柯:Fine, thank you, and you? 太子丹:Oh my God! Coul

8、d you give me an unusual answer to “How are you”? 我的天呀,你可以给我一个“你还好么”有创新的回答吗? 荆柯:Sure! 太子丹:How are you? 荆柯:Fine, thank you, and your wife?很好,谢谢,你的妻子怎么样? 太子丹晕倒 荆柯:Hey, man, Im kidding! 太子丹:Oh, Im kidding too! May I have your name card, please? 荆轲从兜里掏出一卷纸,上面写着: To be or not to be, thats a question.成功或不

9、成功,那是一个很严肃的问题。 阿三:Hero,we need your help. 英雄,我们需要你的帮助。 荆柯:I am busy now! 我现在很忙。 太子丹:You can get a lot of money. 你会得到很多的钱。 荆柯:I am very busy now! 我现在真的很忙。 阿三:IC, ID, IQ card? 公交卡 身份证 智商证 荆柯:I am very very busy now! 我现在真的非常非常的忙。 阿三: Look! She is the most beautiful girl in the world. If you say O.K., s

10、he is yours. 看,她是世界上最美丽的女人,如果你答应了,她就是你的了。,荆柯:I have to say she is a very sexy and beautiful girl, but TCM is my only love! 但是传说中的TCM才是我的最爱。我不得不说她是非常的性感和美丽的女人。 阿三:What? Whats the TCM? 荆柯; Hey, guy! You look so smart but why you didnt know TCM? Any of them can give you the answer.嘿,伙计,你看来如此聪明。但是为什么不真的

11、TCM,只有他们能给你答案。 阿三:Excuse me? Whats the TCM? 观众甲:TCM - Traditional Chinese MM . TCM-传说的中国美眉。 太子丹:I must show you the trump card . Ladies and gent lemen , this is Lipton Slimming tea . It is a brand new product of Unilever China.我必须要向你现出我的王牌了,女生们,男生们,这是利普顿食疗法茶这是中国单分子的一个新产品牌子。 荆柯 : Slimming 减食疗法 tea !

12、I have dreamed of it for thousands of times .My wife always threatens to leave me if I couldt reduce my weight . 阿三 : You want ? Speak up if you want ! Why do you keep silent ? Why are you looking at me ?Although your eyes are full of sincerity ,I m very glad .you still have to speak up .Take it ! Do you really like ? Reall


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