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1、unit 1 business letter writing,Principles of good communication Seven Cs Layout of business letters Parts of business letters Styles of business letters Addressing envelopes,Principles of good communication,Consideration 1.you-attitude or I/we attitude I write to send my congratulations. Congratulat

2、ions to you on your promotion. 2.positive approach or negative approach We wont be able to send you the brochure this month. We will send you the brochure next month.,Clarity I am writing to apply for admission to your university. I am writing to apply for admission to the graduate school of your un

3、iversity in the spring of 1999. The l/c must reach us for arranging shipment not later than 8 October. The l/c must reach us not later than 8 October for arranging shipment.,Courtesy (not mere politeness,be sincere and tactful) Thank you for your letter of July 23, 1999. Your letter is not clear at

4、all.I cant understand it. If I understand your letter correctly(tactful),缩写: 除了少数国际商业界确认的缩写,如CIF、FOB等外,应尽量避免使用缩写,尤其是机构或组织名称,最好写出它的全部字母。 数字: 不同国家的人对某些数字的表达方式不一样,例如:英、美两国对billion的理解不一样。所以最安全的办法是数字和文字同时使用,例如: $10575.9 (ten thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars, ninety cents.) 介词: 数字前如果要用介词必须十分

5、小心。例如: The price has been increased to $20. (到) The price has been increased by $20. (了) The price has been increased from $20. (从),Principles of good communication,conciseness (简洁) we begun to export our machine to countries abroad. In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production,as

6、k him to give consideration to the delivery schedule. If you speak to Mr. Wood about production,ask him to consider the delivery schedule. Concreteness(具体) We wish to confirm our telegram yesterday. We wish to confirm our telegram of march 29,1999. The brakes can stop a car within a short distance T

7、hese Goodson power brakes can stop a 2-ton car within 24 feet.,correctness completeness 5个“W” :who, what, when, where, why/how,parts of business letter,letterhead 商业信函的信头通常印在信笺上端中间,包括发信人的公司行号名称及地址、电话号码、电报挂号、传真、电传以及经常的业务范围。 reference No 希望对方回复信件时指明原信编号,以便查阅文件。 目的是:便于发信的编号归档 date 日期常见写法:8th march, 199

8、9 或 8 march,1999 march 8th,1999 或 march 8, 1999 inside name and address 通常包括对收信人的礼节性的称呼以及收信人的姓名、头衔和地址。地址含:a)门牌号码、街(路)名 b)城市 c)县、州名及邮政编码 d)国名,parts of business letter,attention line 写信人有时希望所发信件能够迅速递交经办人或经办部门办理,可在封内地址下一行和称呼上一行加上经办人姓名。 salutation 每个词开头首字母必须大写。 subject line 位于称呼下面两行,信笺中间部位,须简要,使人一看便知道该信

9、的基本内容或目的。事由下面一般划一横线。例如: Your application for teaching position Re: your application for teaching position Your Order No.2645 the body,parts of business letter,complimentary close yours faithfully (英) / faithfully yours (美) yours truly / truly yours yours sincerely / sincerely yours signature 一般位于结尾礼

10、词下一到两行。签名一般须写出全名,并应手签。不宜用图章代替。 enclosure 顶格写,与签名部分至少空一行。附件2件以上,须注明数目。,Styles of business letter,Indented style “缩进式”/“缩行式” Blocked style “平头式”/“齐头式” Semi-indented style / modified style “混合式”,indented style,blocked style,Modified style,Addressing envelopes,practice,假设你是浙江纺织品进出口公司(ZHEJIANG TEXTILES I

11、/E CORP.)的一名业务员,请进行以下操作: 2002年2月你从国际互联网得知美国的UNITED TEXTILES LTD.欲求购中国产的全棉床单。该公司的详细地址如下: UNITED TEXTILES LTD. 1180 CHURCH ROAD NEWYORK U.S.A. 请给对方公司发一封信函,要求格式完整、正确,内容可以自由发挥 注意:信函日期为2002年2月2日,Unit 2 establishing business relations,inquiry offer counteroffer contract contract fulfillment payment terms packing insurance terms transportation terms claims otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising as a result of your failure to do so.,translation,第268号合约项下的800辆自行车备妥待运已久,但至今尚未


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