



1、高中英语必修 2 Unit 4 Wildlife protection 教学设计 教材版本:教材版本:人民教育出版社 年级:年级:高一 必修 2 Unit 4 Reading 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 随着经济的发展,环境问题越来越突出。现今,野生动物的灭绝问题越来越受到人类的关 注,本课主要围绕 Wildlife Protection 这一话题展开学习,让学生了解有关野生动物的一些常 识、生活现状和保护方法。 二、学生主体分析:二、学生主体分析: 学生为高一学生,具有较好的英语水平,感知能力较强。本课具有较强的自主性,因为 Wildlife Protection 这一话题对学生来说有较强

2、的吸引力,而且学生有较强的表现欲。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 【知识与技能目标】【知识与技能目标】 1. 学习并掌握本课单词,把所学知识运用于实际情景中。 2. 能用自己的观点表达对野生动物保护的看法,锻炼学生的交际能力和与他人合作的能力。 【过程与方法目标】【过程与方法目标】 1. 通过快速阅读、精读,达到提高学生阅读能力的目标。 2. 通过分组讨论,达到培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力的目标。 【情感、态度与价值观目标】【情感、态度与价值观目标】 1. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣和热情,树立一种保护野生动物的意识。 2. 培养学生爱护动物的习惯。 四、教学重点和难点四、教学重点和难点 重点:培养

3、学生的阅读能力,如略读、细读、归纳大意的能力等。 难点: 提高学生的口语交际能力 五、教学方法和手段五、教学方法和手段 1. 改变传统的死记硬背的学习模式,倡导自主合作学习。 2. 使用实用教具和应用现代化教学手段多媒体辅助教学,丰富了课堂教学的内容,增强 了教学的直观性、趣味性,提高了课堂教学效果。 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Lead-in Play a game: show Ss the pictures of some rare animals and ask Ss to guess their names. And then ask them two questions: 1

4、) Why do wildlife need help? 2) What are the reasons for their being in danger? 设计意图:设计意图:通过“展示图片设问回答”这一教学方法,让学生对野生动物有所了解, 激起对濒临灭绝动物的兴趣,可以带有好奇心的进入下一步的阅读。 Step 2 Fast reading Read the passage quickly and put these sentences in the right order. a. Daisy found her being watched by an elephant. b. Daisy

5、 woke up and found a flying carpet. c. As Daisy landed, things began to disappear, including the monkey. d. Daisy and her flying carpet were in a thick rainforest. e. Daisy looked at an antelope which was looking sad. Correct order: b-e-a-d-c 设计意图:设计意图:通过排序形式考查学生对文章整体的把握,了解文章的结构。 Step 3 Careful read

6、ing Task 1 任务一任务一 Listen to the tape and then fill in the form. Animals Where What did she find? How Tibet Kill antelopes for fur As a result, they were dying out. Sad Zimbabwe Farmers used to hunt them. Now farmers like them. Happy Rain forest No rain forest, no animals and no drugs. amazed 设计意图:设计

7、意图:1. 听录音可以训练学生的听力,让学生模仿标准英语的发音和语调。 2. 让学生快速浏览课文并回答问题,考查学生查找信息的能力。 Task 2 Read the passage aloud and decide whether each of the following statements is T or F. 1. Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet. ( F ) 2. Daisys sweater was made of sheep wool. ( F ) 3. In three years the antelope may die out. ( T

8、) Climate changed Why? Lack of food Killed by man Bad environment: water pollution, over-cutting, loss of habitat 4. The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe. ( F ) 5. In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see the rhinos and elephants. ( T ) 6. The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephant

9、s and rhinos now. ( F ) 7. This is a real story in Daisys life. ( F ) 设计意图:设计意图:1. 通过朗读句子,可以检验学生的口语发音。 2. 通过判断正误考查学生对课文细节的理解, 也给那些基础薄弱的学生提供表现 的机会,提高他们学习的积极性。 Task 3: making choices 1) How many kinds of living creatures are mentioned in this text? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 2) What can we learn from this te

10、xt? A. Elephants used to be killed for their fur. B. Antelopes are being killed for their fur and meat. C. There are no animals or no drugs without rainforest. D. A powerful drug made by a millipede insect can kill mosquitoes. 3) In the sentence “It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes”

11、, “affect” means _. A. touch B. like C. have an influence on D. attack 4) It can be inferred that _. A. the fur of some animals can be used to make clothes. B. no animals can be hunted in the Natural Protection Zone. C. a new drug that affects mosquitoes will be produced. D. it is important to keep

12、the balance of nature. 设计意图:设计意图:对课文进行深度挖掘,拓宽学生的视野,让学生了解爱护野生动物就是爱护我们 自己(Love the wildlife is to love ourselves.)! Step 4 Post reading: retell the story(复述)(复述) One day , She flew in a wonderful_ to talk with an _in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _which can be used to

13、make _like hers. In three years they may all be gone. Later, she _to Zimbabwe where she talked with an _and got to know the farmers there no longer _them. Thats because the_ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of _.At last she _at the thick _where a monkey told her “No rainforest, no

14、_and no _.”Although finally everything had _, she had _so much! 设计意图:设计意图:通过填空让学生复习文章内容,再现 Daisy 乘坐飞毯之旅,让学生明白保护野生动 物的重要性。 Step 5 Discussion If you were a member of WWF , what would you do to protect the endangered animals ? Put forward your reasons about what you would do. 设计意图:设计意图:在学生充分理解文章的基础上,提出

15、这个问题,可以激发学生的想象,让学生想 方设法来帮助濒临灭绝的野生动物。 Step 6 Summary Sum up the main idea of the text and call on the students to try their best to protect the wildlife. Step 7 Homework Write a short passage about life and future of the endangered animals, youd better use the key words and phrases that appear in the

16、 passage today. 设计意图:设计意图:把刚才在课堂上讲解的内容用笔写出来,是对语言精确的要求,是加深记忆和理 解的需要,是对课堂内容的补充,也是对课程资源的循环再利用。从而使本节课在 听、说、读、写四个方面都对学生进行了训练。 教 学 反 思教 学 反 思 一、教学设计的成功之笔一、教学设计的成功之笔 1. 充分发挥了学生的主体作用充分发挥了学生的主体作用 因为我们学生的特殊的英语基础,每次我给学生们上英语课时,就特别重视培养他们的学 习能力和学习习惯,课上设计了很多的活动,让学生一直处于动的状态(思考和活动)。教 师的角色是导演,学生是演员,我把课堂的三分之二的时间交给了学生,充分发挥了学生的 主体作用。 2. 衔接紧凑有效衔接紧凑有效 通过一个个教学活动,让学生从整体上把握了文章的结构,了解了文章的细节内容,拓宽 了学生的视野。所引入的问题,环环相扣,不仅锻炼了学生的略读、细读、归纳大意的能力, 还锻炼了学生的交际能力和与他人合作的能力。 3. 渗透德育理念 3. 渗透德育理念 教师的职责不仅是教书,更重要的是育人。通过欣赏那些美丽的濒临灭绝的野生动物图


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