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1、16. Anyhow, they didnt trust me. (line 41) anyhow adv. 反正,不管怎样 e.g. He told me not to buy it, but I bought it anyhow. 他告诉我不要买它, 但不管怎样, 我还 是买了。 anyway ?,K15,17. They dont deserve an explanation. (line 42) deserve v. 值得,应得,应受 e.g. He deserves a reward for his efforts. 他积极努力,值得奖赏。 What have I done to d

2、eserve this? 我做了什么事让我应该得到这呢? They didnt deserve to win.,Do you think these proposals deserve _? to be considered considering consideration all the above deserve doing/deserve to be done,18. Do you think we were too hard on Daniel? (line 51) be hard on 对苛刻/严厉 be harsh on =be strict with sb. / in sth.

3、 e.g. She was very hard on me. Professor Li is hard on his students, he is strict in his research work as well.,K03,19. Perhaps there is a reason why the house is a mess (lines 51-52) the reason why 的原因/理由 e.g. I want to know the reason why he failed the exams. 我想知道他没考好的原因。 The reason why he was lat

4、e for work was that he had to send his son to school. 他上班迟到的原因是他要送孩子上学。,区分:the reason why/ the reason for the reason why后接定语从句,而the reason for 后接一个名词性的结构。 e.g. That was the reason for his being late for school. 这就是他上学迟到的原因。 相当于:That was the reason why he was late for school.,The reason that he expla

5、ined to us was not reasonable. 他解释给我们的原因不合理。 句型:The reason why is that,拓展: for no reason 没有理由,无缘无故 e.g. Yue Fei was killed for no good reason. 岳飞以莫须有的罪名被处死。 for some reason 由于某种原因 e.g. The airport was built years ago, but for some reason it could not be used then.,20. Maybe, but now that he has been

6、 so rude to us, I feel like we have to punish him or he wont respect us. (lines 54-55) now that 既然 e.g. Now that you have known the matter, I think it unnecessary to discuss it again. 既然你知道这件事,就没必要再讨论了。,in that: 因为,由于 He was late again in that there had been a traffic jam.,难句分析,1) Eric runs in after

7、 it, following by a big dog 又如: There is a loud noise following a sudden burst of light. The soldier found him followed by a spy.,v-ing 表示主动关系,v-ed表示被动关系,对比: The doctor came into the room, followed by several nurses. Several nurses came into the room, following the doctor.,2) Mom and Dad arrive back

8、 from vacation a day earlier than expected. than expected 比预期的,比预料的。 是一种省略结构。 e.g. You did better in the exam than (you had been) expected. The project was finished later than expected.,拓展: Do you expect it will rain? Yes, I expect so. /No, I expect not. expect 期待,预料,指望 常用结构:expect + n./pron./to do

9、sth/that The expected to finish the work by Friday. 也常用于复合结构 expect sb. to do sth. / there to be,e.g. We cant expect one to change the habit of lifetime in a short time. They expected there to be some chances. 3). The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone 此处were to 表示一种义务、责任。表示“必须、应该”。意思

10、接近于should, must, ought to, have to。如:,You were to finish the project before Sunday but you didnt. No one is to leave the building. 谁也不得离开这楼房。 You are not to smoke in this room. =You are not supposed to smoke in this room. You are to be back by 10 oclock.,此外, be to +动词不定式 还可以表示 “计划”、“安排”、“可能”、“命运”等。

11、e.g. He is to have a holiday. The committee is to meet today.,表示将来,表示计划、安排,Not a single sound was to be heard. They said goodbye, knowing they were never to meet again.,表示命中注定的事,表示可能性,4). Daniel and Erics bedroom, .who has his arms crossed and looks angry. 此处是 have something done的结构,表使处于状态。=get some

12、thing done。 有某种遭遇或经历 The lady had her wallet stolen/picked at the cinema last night.,请/让做某事 She had her long hair cut short yesterday. 完成 I must have my work finished by Sunday. 拓展:“让某人做某事”有几种表达方法: have sb do sth make sb do sth let sb do sth get sb to go sth e.g. Ill get your father to help you.,Pra

13、ctice,Complete the following sentences,No one goes to the school during the v_. 2. Youre in a nice m_ now because youve been caught stealing. 3. The hotel c_ me $50 for a room for the night the other day.,acation,ess,harged,4. I dont mean to praise myself because I have my f_. 5. His feet left dirty

14、 m_ all over the floor. 6. I was very u_ to see how hurt she was. 7. The first s_ in the second act contains a very long speech.,aults,arks,pset,cene,8. How many points did he s_ in that basketball game? 9. The books title sounded s_ but it was really a serious study. 10. I paid him $ 60 for the pai

15、nting but its real v_ must be about $ 600.,core,illy,alue,11. He was nearly driven m_ by the terrible noise near the airport. 12. We got into an a_ about whether to go by sea or by air. 13. A s_ person puts his own interests first. 14. Martin won a prize for good _ (行为) at school.,ad,elfish,rgument,

16、behavior,Translate the following sentences. 1. 这些计划预计很快将被实施。(expect) 2. 一群学生跟在老师身后进来了。 (follow),These plans are expected to be put into practice soon. A group of Students came in following the teacher.,3. 人们指望他当一名科学家,他却选择当了医生。 (be supposed to) 4. 中国人用洋油的日子一去不复返了。(gone),He was supposed to become a sc

17、ientist but he chose to be a doctor. Gone are the days when the Chinese people used foreign oil.,5. 这些货物不能不包装。(go) 6. 你最好请医生给你女儿检查一下。(have sb. done),These goods cant go unpacked. (go without being packed.) Youd better have your daughter examined.,7. 这问题值得进一步讨论。(deserve) 8. 既然你长大了,你必须停止这样幼稚的行为。 (now that),This question deserves a further discussion= deserves to be discussed further. Now that yo


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