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1、新高中英语教材的教学思路广州市第五中学 陈艳华2006年7月,一、对新课标与新教材的总体认识 二、课堂教学的总体设计原则和思路 三、教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析 四、教学中如何实现课程目标 五、如何进行课堂教学评价,对新课标与新教材的总体认识(1),1.关于新教材的关键词: *以学生为主体 *为用而学-学会用语言做事;学会学习;学会做人 *学中做,做中学 -体验,发现,归纳,运用, 创造,探究,发展 -自主意识,合作意识,情感意识的形成 *以话题为中心呈现听说读写的材料和学习任务,对新课标与新教材的总体认识(2),2.使用新教材必须明确以下几种关系: *教材与教学的关系 “教师要善于结合实

2、际的需要,灵活地和有创造性地使用教材,对教材内容、编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍或调整。”(新课标61页(二)教材使用建议) *教师与教学的关系 *考试与教学的关系,1.新教材的单元整体教学设计和重组 1)新教材重组的原则 通读整个单元,熟悉教学内容,领悟编写意图,结合实际(学生认知水平,心理特点等), 恰当取舍。 2)新教材重组的理念 倡导图式理论,坚持input-based instruction的教学理念,运用英语“四位一体”语言技能体系,即,W,S,L,R,- Writing ( including translation),- Speaking,- Listening,- R

3、eading,课堂教学的总体设计原则和思路(1),3) 新教材重组的方法 删减法 扩充法 简化法 调整法 替换法,4)新教材重组的方式和实例 通常每单元7课时,可这样重组:,Book I Unit One单元整体课时设计,Period 1-Words(语音); Warming-up; Talking (Page 41) 听说活动课 Period 2-Reading (Page 2) 阅读课 Period 3- Learning about Language Reading 中的词汇句型和语法(练习内容是阅读文段的延展,重组时应考虑以话题内容的相关性为线索;又如Period 4的编排) Peri

4、od 4-Listening(Page 41); Listening Task(P43) Period 5-Using Language (Page 6);Reading Task (Page 44 ) 综合活动课 Period 6-Writing(Page 7) 写作课 Period 7-Language Practice and summary(自编练习; Summing up(P8); Learning tip(P8); Checking yourself(P47)综合练习与自我评价,课堂教学的总体设计原则和思路(2),2.单节课的设计思路和原则 *Student centered; *

5、Integrating skills; *Input first; *Scaffolding ;,教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析(1) 1.Warming-up的两种处理建议: *作为Reading的热身(Book 1,Unit 2); *作为单元的热身(Book 1,Unit 1);,Warming up课堂教学设计实例,实例:必修1, Unit 1 Scoring sheet for the survey(P8) 1. A1 2. A1 3. A1 4. A3 5. A0 B3 B2 B2 B2 B6 C2 C3 C3 C1 C0 Whats your score?,Evaluation

6、 48 You are always thinking about yourself. You should care more about your friends. If you continue to be self-centered and dont consider others feelings, you wont make more friends and keep friendship for long.,913 You take things smoothly(平稳). You seldom hurt your friends with your benefit consid

7、ered. Youd better add more affection(爱) to your friends. Friendship is about feelings and we must give as much as we take.,1418 Wow! How faithful(忠诚)l and generous(慷慨) you are! Congratulations! You are always ready to help your friends. Whenever they have any difficulty, Youll try your best to do wh

8、at you can to help them without hesitation(犹豫).,?学生是否在用语言做事 ?学生是否能关注到新的语言现象(意义,形式) ?体现了课标的哪些目标,是否得以实现,教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析(2),2. Reading的处理建议Intensive reading-Students book中的两篇阅读文章;Extensive reading-Workbook中的阅读材料; 阅读课流程 引入(问题,背景)-生词呈现-快速阅读-细读-提问讨论难点-听录音自我检测-说或写的活动-课后作业(列出需要highlight的语言现象,包括短语,句子,让学生课后思

9、考,下一节课讨论),阅读课教学实例,必修 Unit 1 Annes best friend,Warming up Activity1: Suppose you have to stay indoors to hide yourself for a whole year. You can never go outdoors, otherwise you will be killed. You have no telephone, computer, or TV at home. How would you feel? What would you do? Four students a grou

10、p discuss with each other for 2 minutes.,本页制作: 广州朱琼,Predicting Students read the title of the passage and observe the pictures and the outline of it to guess: Who is Annes best friend? What will happen in the passage?,本页制作: 朱琼,Statue of Anne Frank,The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam,本页制作: 广州朱琼,New wor

11、ds for Reading,go through-经历 hide away-躲藏 set down-write down crazy-very interested in something on purpose-故意 in order to-为了 dare-敢于 thunder-雷,单词呈现原则: 数量不能过多 速度要快 兼用中英文解释,读前词汇呈现方式-Predicting using vocabulary prompts,Example 1: (Nelson Mandela) We are going to read a story about a famous man. These

12、words and phrases will occur in the story: black people, prison, equal, rights Who do you think is the story about? Make a guess.,华南师范大学 陈道明,读前词汇呈现方式-Predicting using vocabulary prompts,Example 2: (Mandela) We are going to read a story about Nelson Mandela, the first black president of South Africa.

13、 Which of the following words do you think may be used in the story? prison, rights, violence, lawyer, youth, league, position, matter, fact, president; vote, accept; continue black, equal, poor, young, wrong, worried Make a guess.,华南师范大学 陈道明,Fast reading Read the passage in 2 minutes to get the mai

14、n idea.,It tells us why Anne made a _ her best friend and shows us one page in her _.,diary,diary,Read the text carefully and fill the following form.,Blue sky, songs of birds, moonlight, flowers,Never felt spellbound,Darkness, rain, wind,thundering clouds,Grew crazy,本页制作: 广州朱琼,Students work in grou

15、ps of four to discuss the following questions: 1.Why did the windows stay closed? 2.How did Anne feel as she was looking out into the night sky? 3.What do you think of Anne? 4.Guess the meanings of “spellbound”, “ hold me entirely in their power” from the discourse(语篇,上下文). 5.Which sentences attract

16、 you in the passage?,本页制作: 广州朱琼,More discussion-Do you understandthe sentences here?,1.Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? 2.I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown crazy about everything to do

17、with nature. 3.there was a time when a deep blue sky, could never have kept me spellbound.,Say sth. About Annes life according to the form.,Blue sky, songs of birds, moonlight, flowers,Never felt spellbound,Darkness, rain, wind,thundering clouds,Grew crazy,本页制作: 广州朱琼,Wang Wei and Wang Kun have dream

18、ed about taking a great bike trip. Wei has planned the trip for two years. She bought an expensive bike herself and persuaded Kun to buy one. Then she got their cousins interested in cycling too. When Wei and Kun graduated from college, they got the chance to do it. Wei is a stubborn and determined

19、person and once she makes up her mind, it is not easy to change her mind. She insisted they begin the journey from the source of the river and didnt care about details. Although Kun didnt quite agree with her, he finally gave in. Several months before their trip, they went to the library to do resea

20、rch on the river. Then ,必修一 Unit 2 阅读任务完成后的课文复述,Activity Four students a group to discuss the situation: Suppose you four have to hide yourselves for 3 months. During the three months, you will be offered the basic food, water and clothes. Your group can take 5 things with you. * What will you take?

21、 Why? * How will you spend the 3 months? * How will you treat each other and make friends ?,本页制作: 广州朱琼,Assignment 1.Go over the Reading and finish Ex1,2 on Page3 and Ex1,2,3 on Page 4. 2. Write down your feelings after reading the passage with 50-80 words. You can get some suggestions from Ex.3 on P

22、age 4.,教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析(3),3. 关于听力技能的训练和听力材料处理 听力训练流程 引入(背景,预测)-呈现词汇-一听大意-二听并记录-整理记录-合作讨论-三听并对照正确答案-说或写的任务,听力课堂教学设计实例1必修 Unit 1Listening on Page 41,Predicting: Do you keep a diary? What do you write in your diary? (Something special.) Will you share your diary with others? (No, because its personal.

23、),听力课堂教学设计实例2必修 Unit 1 Listening on Page 43,careful,alone,happy,often,continue,go downstairs,wrong,Speaking的训练与相关材料的处理建议-口语训练中应注意根据学生的认知特点和水平给予足够的支持,同时充分利用小组合作的方式帮助学生树立信心,减少焦虑。,教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析(4),Speaking课堂教学设计实例1,Discussion What kind of person do you think a good friend should be? I think a good f

24、riend should be _. * honest; kind; helpful; polite; cool; active; interesting;honest;generous(慷慨);faithful(忠实); humorous(幽默); * understand me; * share my sorrows and happiness; * have a lot in common(志趣相投); * give me courage and support me;,必修一 Unit 1 口语练习,Speaking课堂教学设计实例2,Sample Your friend borrow

25、ed 100 Yuan from you last week and hasnt returned it. You will _. A. ask him/her to pay back as soon as possible; or youll end the friendship. B. ask him/her to pay back if he/she has. C. tell him/her there is no need to return the money.,必修一 Unit 1 口语练习 P45,教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析(5),写作教学的流程(Process Writi

26、ng) 引入(背景)-口头讨论(收集点子)-列提纲-写作-组内交流-全班分享-课后修改-老师批改,写作课课堂教学设计实例1 为了让学生及时巩固和运用被动语态,可以就必修Unit3的教学内容设计以下控制性的命题作文 如下(两题任选): in 1642 in 1822 in the 1960s since the 1970s now in the future,1.Computers,2. My home town,in 1980 since 1980 now in the next 5 years,?为什么要设计为optional task,如何评价学生的作文?,怎么改才能使学生认识自己的优点,

27、了解自己的问题,而又节省时间(合理、恰当)? *面批 *全改(详细评语“老外式批改”) *全改(以与学生协商的统一符号批改) *学生先自评 (能评什么? ) *小组互评 (能评什么?) *抽样全班示范改,先由学生自评,给出理由,再由其他学生评价,要求正面评.,教材中各部分的处理思路与实例分析(6) 6. Project的使用 Project能充分体现化静为动,学做合一; 体 现了个性化与合作学习相结合的学习模式;学生真正体验用英语做事,其成果为他们带来学习的成就感和推动力。建议结合教学实际每个模块至少安排1-2次Project的任务.,教学中如何实现课程目标(1),1. 如何在新课标指引下实施

28、语言基础知识教学 语法 词汇 语音,新课标对语言知识教学的理念 目标: 改变过分重视语法和词汇知识的讲解与传授,忽视对学生实际语言运用能力的培养的倾向 实施: 课改绝不是反对词汇和语法教学.但“语法教学必须从形式主义中走出来要引导学生从表达需要出发,从观察语言形式入手,关注语言形式的表意功能和在实际语境中的作用”. 提倡“单词学习要结合表达需求、话题范围和语境进行。简单地用中英文对照方法学习和记忆单词或者孤立地死记硬背单词不利于对英语单词的理解、掌握和积累 单词学习应和学习策略的培养和应用相结合” (详见英语课程标准解读,2004:153-163,),GRAMMAR LEARNING:-lea

29、rn by observing, experiencing, discovering, using, summarizing, exploring -focus on meaning, function, use-highlight grammar form in/after task activities,以定语从句的学习为例: Using attributive clause to describe our new school Expressing what you like Describing a list of place and time/dates Introducing yo

30、ur own city,教材实例:Book 1 Unit 5 P37 Play this game. Get into groups of four. The first person begins with a sentence and each person in the group adds extra and different information using the attributive clause.,语法教学流程,观察现象-发现规律-模仿练习(口头,笔头)-情境练习(口头,笔头)-小结(形式,功能)-探究,语法教学实例一,必修 Unit 4 定语从句 第一步:用英文歌曲Th

31、ats why 作导入, 要求学生完成4句带定语从句的歌词: 1. Youre the one who set it up 2. Every little thing you said 3. Im not the man your heart is missing 4. I wont forget the way youre kissing 第二步:让学生跟唱 Thats why,设计制作:广州王德强,第三步:讨论带定语从句的谚语: 1. God helps those who help themselves. 2. All that glitters is not gold . 3. He

32、who laughs last laughs best . 4. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man . 第四步:从学过的Reading 中找出类似的句子(P28 Ex. 1),设计制作:广州王德强,第五步:猜词游戏(带定语从句): A machine that can fly in the sky . What is it ? 第六步:完成句子竞赛(带定语从句的句子): A student is a person (who ) 第七步:完成书面习题练习(P28 Ex. 2) 第八步:小组讨论归纳相关规则并对照教材的语法说明

33、部分(P90-91),设计制作:广州王德强,语法教学实例:Find how many attributive clauses there are in the text.,1.The time when I first met Nelson Mandela 2.The school where I studied only two years 3.a time when one had got to have a passbook to live in Johannesburg. 4.The day when Mandela told me what to do and help me 5.a

34、 stage where we have almost no rights at all. 6.That parts of town where they lived 7.get jobs they wanted. 8.The places where they were sent to live. 9.a position in which we had either to accept we were less important, or fight the Government. 10.in a way which was peaceful. (华南师范大学附属中学教案),1 said:

35、 “ we were put in a position in which we had either to accept we were 2reading to help you. Work out the year in which he was born and then fit in the 3Island made us afraid. It was a prison from which no one escaped. There I sp 4whether I would be out of work. The daywhen Nelson Mandela told me wha

36、t to do 5ring the lunch breaks and the eveningswhen we should have been asleep. We re 6t a job in a gold mine. This was a timewhen one had got to have a passbook 7 black worker in South Africa. The timewhen I first met Nelson Mandela was a 8ld not get jobs they wanted. The placeswhere they were sent

37、 to live were th 9as very large. S4:The schoolwhere I was so unhappy was very large. 10 I began school at six. The school where I studied only two years was three 11as very large. S2:The schoolwhere I learned judo was very large. 12as very large. S3:The schoolwhere I studied for six years was very u

38、ntil today we have reached a stagewhere we have almost no rights at all. hoose who ruled them. The parts of townwhere they lived were places decided by 15 tape and find out the reasonwhy Elias joined the ANC Youth League. 16 to the tape and find out the reasonwhy Elias why Elias joined the ANC Yout

39、17 Nelson Mandela. Here are some reasonswhy I think he should be freed. Th,Concordances of when,where,why,prep.+ which (从华南师大英语教材语料库提取),-来自一线教师们的词汇教学经验,任何一个单词都不是在一节课里学会 在多种语境刺激下的对音型相结合的意义理解 拼写是高层次的学习活动 感兴趣的信息+相关词汇记得住 各种词汇学习策略的练习设计,Vocabulary Learning,Do you agree?,教材词汇学习实例 (Book 1 Unit 5),Grouping t

40、hem according to theme/topic such as 国家、政权、法律republic,nationalism, law, principle, advise, vote, 犯罪 law, put in prison, guard, criminal, be sentenced to , 人品 hero, great, famous, quality, willing, active, not lose heart when being in trouble , 战争与和平 invader, fight, violence, blow up, terror, fear, b

41、e worry about, cruelty, peaceful (meaningful association),1)Listen for the stressed words in the conversation. 2)Write the next numbers in words: 2,4,6, 3)Put the words into three lists 4)Read the three stories and try to guess what the last words are 5)Add some words from (a) to make 5 negative sen

42、tences 6)What phrases go with best, what words come after best? 7)Which word fit all the spaces? 8)Can you hear the words that missed out of the oral transcript? 9)Which words could be used to replace the words that are underlined? 10)Look at the text, find out 13 more words ends in s and put them i

43、n categories. 11)This story happens in America, read it and find what words are missing. 12)What other words can you think of to put into this spider (词汇联想图)? 13)What words or phrases would you change or add to make it more welcoming? 14)How many words for time/colour/ do you have in your own langua

44、ge? 15)Try to work out the meaning of these words beginning with over-. 16)What words would you say for my goodness in your own language?,国外教材词汇学习活动指令语摘抄,帮助学生学习词汇的一些做法,1. 帮助学生学会使用基本的语音规则拼读记忆单词; 2. 在课堂上增加单词的复现率,不断强化记忆效果; 3. 在单元测试和考试中加大单词拼写的占分比率,迫使学生重视; 4. 课堂上不鼓励使用电子词典。 ?您的学生会犯类似的错误吗? 为什么? Concen; tee

45、nage,模块一每个单元开始的读单词竞赛,必答题 1. cheat 2. reason 3. list 4. share 5. feeling 6.crazy,抢答题 teenager concern questionnaire situation communicate purpose,把握词汇学习的量与度,以Book 1 Unit 1 为例 四会(读,写,意义,用法): add; share; suffer; have got to; be concerned about; in order to; according to; get along with; join in; 三会(读,写

46、,意义) : upset; point; nature; thunder; 二会(读,意义) : survey; Nazi; Jewish; ,语言点的处理,1. 引导学生明确语言重点并识记 2. 帮助学生拓展语言的常见用法,语言点的用法拓展,1. add up 把加起来 (译)把你的分数加起来。Add up your score. add up to总计达 eg.All the money in my pocket adds up to 100 yuan. (译)我们班的学生总共有57人。 The students in our class add up to 57. 2. get sth.

47、 done=have sth. done使被做;请人做 (译)你最好让人修修你的自行车。 Youd better get your bicycle repaired. 3. be concerned about sb./sth.为担心,关心,关注 eg. I am concerned about my students study. (问题)What are you concerned about most?,Eg:A snake is approaching the rabbits.,approach=get close to,本页设计制作: Guangzhou Li Hongqi,Look

48、! Whats the old woman doing? She is _the computer.,approaching,本页设计制作: Guangzhou, Li Hongqi,Pair work: Make as many sentences as possible with your partner using “approach”:when student A makes a sentence,Student B makes a new sentence immediately. For example: Student A:A cat is approaching a bird. Student B:Im approaching your pen.,本页制作: Guangzhou, Li Hongqi,The train The thief My classmate Tom The cat ,approach,the tiger station the money pencil mouse ,本页设计制作: Guangzhou, Li Hongqi,语音教学,高中阶段的语音教学重点是什么? 在具体语境中关注语音语调的特点和规律


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