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1、跨文化沟通,指导老师: 小组成员:,Chapter sixteen,Techniques of Cross-Cultural Communication 跨文化沟通技巧 Upon completing this chapter, we will be able to describe the major barriers to cross-cultural Communication and how to overcome them. 完成本章后,我们将能够描述跨文化交际的主要障碍和如何克服这些障碍,To reach this goal, you should be able to,Expla

2、in why communicating clearly across culture is important to business. 解释为什么跨文化沟通对商业显然是非常重要 Define culture and explain its effects on cross-cultural communication. 定义文化和解释跨文化沟通的影响。 Describe cultural differences in body positions and movements and use this knowledge effectively in communicating. 描述了文化

3、差异,身体姿势和动作,并使用这种知识的有效沟通。 Describe cultural differences in views and practices concerning time, space, odors, and such and use this knowledge effectively in communicating. 描述了文化差异的看法和做法,关于时间,空间,和气味,并利用这一知识有效地沟通。 Explain the language equivalency problem as a cause of miscommunication 解释语言作为等价问题造成的沟通不畅

4、 . Describe what one can do to overcome the language equivalency problem 描述人可以做什么克服语言等价问题,Cross-Cultural Communication,To introduce yourself to this chapter assume the position of assistant to the president of Thatcher-Stone and Company, a small manufacturer of computer components. Your boss, gregar

5、ious old Vernon-Thatcher, invited you to join him at a luncheon would be opened. Because Thatcher-Stones domestic sales been lagging, the company badly needs these customers. The Asian guests entered the room, bowing as introductions were made. Mr. Thatcher attempted to put them at ease. “No need to

6、 do that,” he said. “Im just plain Vernon Thatcher. Just relax and make yourself at home.” You noticed that the Asians appeared bewildered. They appeared even more bewildered when early in the meeting Mr. Thatcher made this statement: “Weve only got the lunch hour, gents. I know youll appreciate get

7、ting right down to business.” Throughout the meeting Mr. Thatcher was in his best conversational mood-laughing, backslapping, telling jokes. But none of this seemed to make an impression on the guests. They seemed confused to you. They smiled and were extremely polite, but they seemed to understand

8、little of what Mr. Thatcher was saying. Although he tried again and again to move to business talk ,they did not respond. The meeting ended pleasantly, but without a sale. “Theyre a strange people,” Mr. Thatcher commented when he got back to his office. “They have a lot to learn about doing business

9、. It doesnt look theyre going to deal with us, does it?” Mr. Thatcher was right in his last comment. They did not. As you review the meeting. You cannot help but feel that Mr. Thatcher spoiled the deal, for he failed miserably in communicating with the Asians. The fact is that there is much to know

10、about communicating in cross-cultural settings.,1. Business has become more global,Technological advances in communication, travel, and transportation have business increasingly global. This trend is expected to continue in the foreseeable future. Thus, the chances are good that you will have to com

11、municate with people from other cultures. 技术进步,通信,旅游,和运输业务日益全球化。预计这一趋势将继续在可预见的未来。因此,这是一个你与不同文化的人交流的好机会。,Communicate clearly with other cultures for several reasons与其他文化的沟通有以下几个原因,A primary reason is that businesses sell their products and services both domestically and internationally一个主要的原因是,企业销售他们

12、的产品和服务在国内和国际 Another reason is that in addition to being a more effective worker, you will be more efficient both within and outside your company另一个原因是,除了是一个更有效的的工作者外,你将在公司的内部和外部更有效率 A final reason is that your attention to communicating clearly with those from other cultures will enrich your busine

13、ss and personal life 最后一个原因是,你关注同来自其他文化的的交流,这将丰富你的商业和个人的生活,Cross-cultural communication involves understanding cultural difference and overcoming language problems 跨文化沟通的通信需要了解文化差异,克服语言问题,Some Culture Definitions: 1.People learn to think, feel, believe, and act as they do because of the messages tha

14、t have been communicated to them, and those messages all bear the stamp of culture.,2.Culture is the complex whole which includes belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. (Edward Tylor ),What four components comprise a culture? v

15、alues 价值观 beliefs 信念 behaviors 行为 Norms 规范,Characteristics of Culture,Culture is learned 学问 Culture is unconscious潜意识 Culture is shared 分享 Culture is integrated集合 Culture is Symbolic 象征 Culture is a way of life Culture is Dynamic(动态的) Culture is Relative相对的,Cross-cultural Values,Freedom自由 Independen

16、ce 独立 Self-reliance 自立 Equality 平等 Individualism 个人主义 Competition 竞争 Efficiency 有效 Time 准时 Directness 率直 Openness 心胸宽大,Belonging Group harmony Collectiveness Age/seniority Group consciousness Cooperation 合作 Quality 质量 Patience 耐心 Indirectness 直接,Americans,Japanese,Cultural differences in body positi

17、ons,Challenging norms of society, challenging authority, expressing free speech. do you know some Cultural differences in body positions?,Views and Practices Concerning Factors of Human Relationships,seven major factor,time,space,odors,frankness,intimacy of relationship,values,expression of emotions

18、,A Classic Defense of Cultural Difference,The classic“ ugly American was traveling a faraway land .He had been critical of much of what he experienced the food ,the hotels, the costoms in general .One day he came up a funeral. he observed that the mourners placed food on the grave-and left it there.

19、 What a stupid practice! “ he exclaimed to his native host !Do your people actually think that the dead person will eat the food? At this point, the host had taken all the insults for one day .So he replied, Our dead will eat the food as soon as your dead smell the flowers you place on their grave.,

20、Time,In our culture , people tend to be monochroic . In some other culture ,people are poly chronic, viewing time in a more relaxed way.,Space,People from different cultures often vary in their attitudes toward space . Even people from the same culture may have different space preferences.,Odors,Peo

21、ple from different cultures may have different attituides toward dody odors.,Frankness,High-context cultures are more frank and explicit than low-context cultures.,EG: North Americans , Germans and Israelis,Intimacy of Relationships,In many cultures ,strict social classes exist,and class status dete

22、rmines how intimately people are addressed and treated in communication. How people view superior-subordinate relations can vary by culture. The role of women varies widely by culture.,Values,Each culture has different values concerning such matters as attitude toward work. Employee-employer relatio

23、ns. How employers view authority is yet another question that cultures view differently.,Expression of Emotions,Social behavior varies by culture ,such as practices concerning affection ,langhter, and emotion. Include is the degree of animation displayed. Many more such practices exist. We must reco

24、gnize them, look for them, and understand them.,Effect on Communication Techniques,Culture differences affect communication. Our communication techniques are not universally acceptable. The Indians and even the British have practices different from ours. You must modify your communications to fit th

25、e culture of your recipient.,Explain the language equivalency problem as a cause of miscommunication(语言等价问题是引起误解的一个原因),Communication problems are caused by the existence of many languages 交流问题是由存在多种语言造成的 the people on earth use more than 3000 languages. Because few of us can learn more than one or t

26、wo other languages well, problems of miscommunication are bound to occur in international communication.,Wide differences among among languages make precisely equivalent translations difficult. 语言之间的广泛差异使精确等效翻译困难 One reason is: languages are based on the concepts, experiences, views ,and such of the

27、 cultures that developed them. For example: however, Italians have nearly 500 words for types of pasta(面食).,Another explanation is : Grammer and syntax(语法、语句) differences add to the difficulty. Not all languages deal with verb(动词),mood(语气),voice(语态),and tense(时态) even the best translators often cann

28、ot find literal equivalents (字面等值)between languages Adding to the problems is : The multiple meanings of word(多重意义的词) Run“ :to move fast; to compete for office ;a score in baseball;a break in a stocking ;a fading of colors and many more The Oxford English Dictionary uses over 15,000 words to difine

29、what, Certain of our expressions dont mean what their dictionary and grammatical structures say they mean. 我们的某些表达方式并不意味着他们的字典和语法结构,去说他们的意思 “Business couldnt be better ” We could never be too nice to our customers Even words with the same meaning can differ in usage by culture.即使意思相同的单词也可以用于不同的文化。 Y

30、ES,chinese yes maybe understood in English as the opposite. American-I see you dont agree with this clause Chinese-yes,meaningYes,you are right I dont agree with the clause(条款),overcome By knowing languages well and by questioning,aware that translation problems exist to ask questions to probe to de

31、termine what the other person understand,Cross-cultural communication involves understanding cultural difference and overcoming language problems 跨文化沟通的通信需要了解文化差异,克服语言问题,A GENERAL SUGGESTION FOR COMMUNICATING ACROSS CULTURES 关于跨文化沟通的一些建议,In addition to the specific suggestions for improving your com

32、munication in English with nonnative English speakers, you should follow one general suggestion: Write or talk simply and clearly.,简单而清楚地写或谈 语速缓慢,阐述每个字,(1).Remember that because most nonnative speakers learned English in school, they are acquainted mainly with primary dictionary meanings and are not

33、 likely to understand slang words or shades of difference in the meanings we give words.,大多数外国人在学校学习英语,不容易理解我们具体 某句话中词汇的含义,更不容易理解俚语。,They will understand you better if you avoid these pitfalls. In the words of two highly regarded scholars in the field, you should “educate yourself in the use of Simp

34、lified English.”,避免以上的错误,尽量用简单的英语与初学者交流,(2)You also will communicate better if you carefully word your questions.,避免提出“双问题” 避免回答“是否”的问题 避免提出“负面问题” 使用开放性的问题,careful,1 Be sure your questions are not double questions. 2 avoid the yes/no question that some cultures may have difficulty answering directly

35、. 3avoid negative questions 4Use more open-ended questions,Be,Do you want to go to dinner now or wait until after the rush hour is over? () Arent you going to dinner? () When should you like to go to dinner? (),(3) try to check and clarify your communication through continuous confirmation. 试着不断检查和阐

36、明你的沟通方式。,Summarizing in writing also is a good idea, and todays technology enables parties to do this on the spot. It allows you to be certain you have conveyed your message and received theirs accurately.,书面总结是一个好主意,也是在今天的技术水平下很容易做到的。这可以使我们准确地传达和收到信息而不至于造成误解。,即使同根同源的英美文化,语言也有所不同,Example:,a billion

37、1000000000 100000000000 (U.S.A) (U.K),Continually checking for meaning and using written summaries can help ensure the accuracy of the communication process.,不断检查含义和使用书面摘要可确保沟通中的准确性。,1. Explain why communicating clearly across culture is important to business解释为什么跨文化苟同在商务活动中是重要的,business are becomin

38、g increasingly global in their operations。务正变得日益全球化的业务。 being able to communicate across cultures is necessary in these operations。能够跨文化交际是必要的,这些行动 specifically ,it helps in gaining additional business ,in hiring good people具体来说,它有助于获得更多的业务,雇用的人,2.Define culture and explain its effects on crosscultu

39、re communication 跨文化沟通的定义和解释,culture may be defined as “the way of life of a group of a people ” 文化可以定义为:一群人的生活方式 Cultures differ 文化差异 People tend to view the practices of their culture as their culture as right and those of other cultures as peculiar or wrong. 人们往往认为他们的文化中的一些做法是正确的,而其他人的文化中的一些做法是奇怪

40、的或是错误的 These views cause miscommunication . 这些意见引起误解。,3.describe culture differences body positions and movements and use this knowledge effectively in communicating描述文化差异的身体姿势和动作和使用这种知识的有效沟通,Variations in how people of different cultures use body positions and body movements is a cause of miscommun

41、ication 不同的身体语言和动作是如何在不同的文化间引起误解的 How people walk ,gesture smile and such varies from culture to culture 不同文化间,人们是如何走路,微笑有如何的不同 When people from different culture attempt to communicate ,each may not understand the others body movements 当不同种群的人们努力的进行文化交流的时候,你可能并不了解对方的身体语言,4.Describe culture differen

42、ces in views and practices concerning time space ,orders and such and use this knowledge effectively in communicating,people in different cultures differ in their ways of relating to people 不同文化种群的人和别人联系的方式也不一样 Specially, they differ in their practices and thinking concerning time ,space ,odors fran


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