



1、unit 1 can you play the guitar第四课时section b (2a2c)【学习目标】1学会also,people,home,be good with,center,weekend,make friends,help (sb.) with sth.等。2能熟练朗读课文,能够写招聘广告。3了解各种招聘用语,能表达自己的需求。【学习重点】通过阅读广告,理解如何编写广告内容,再联系写海报。【学习难点】如何编写海报。【学习提示】play games:1lets spell.2quick questions.task 1【学习提示】1review the words phras

2、es and sentences on p5.students mark the new words and chinese meanings in the text.2finish the exercises.情景导入生成问题ask students to talk about their abilities and what they like to do.like:i can ,but i canti like to and自学互研生成能力task 1lets read new words and phrases.1i can read.(我会读)on the weekend,teach

3、,musician,today,make等。2i can write.(我会写)(1)和交谈 talk_with_sb.(2)是空闲的 be_free(3)在周末 on_weekends(4)交朋友 make_friends(5)在某方面帮助某人 help_sb.with_sth.【学法指导】old peoples home敬老院english speaking students讲英语的学生teach music教音乐task 2【学习提示】1read the passage quickly and silently,then answer the questions.2look throug

4、h quickly to find the main idea.3underline the sentences you dont understand.task 3【学习提示】1intensive reading.2i can retell.【备注】3i can understand.(我会理解)(1)we need help at the old_peoples_home.我们敬老院需要帮助。(2)we need you to help_with sports for englishspeaking_students.我们需要你来帮助讲英语的学生做锻炼。(3)are you good_wi

5、th old people?你擅长和老年人打交道吗?task 2lets read 2a and understand it.fast reading.(快速阅读)answer the questions:见所赠光盘task 3intensive reading(精读)(1)自读课文,理解意思并把方框里的abc填到括号内。(2)细读课文,完成2c。(3)根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。见所赠光盘(4)i can retell(我会复述)用第三人称转述peter,ma huan,alan会和不会的事情。交流展示生成新知preshow:show in groups.(time: six min

6、utes)task 1:first,the students read the words and phrases in groups.then,read together and sum up the usage of the words.task 2:first,the teacher ask the students write the new words and phrases.then,mark the wrong words.task 3: first,students finish 2a,2b,2c and check the answers in groups.promotion show: class show.(time:sixteen minutes)task 1: 1.i can understand.(1)students translate the phrases into english by answering quickly;(2)read together.task 2: lets read 2a,2b and understand it.(1)fast reading.(2)read to


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