



1、辽宁省辽阳第九中学七年级英语下册unit2测试题(无答案) 牛津版(一) 选择题:(20个,20分)( )1._is the school library? its next to the bank. a .what b. where c. how d. when( )2.is there a bank _your neighborhood? a .in b. on c. with d. to( )3.its a place to get money. what is it? its a _. a. hotel b. bank c. home d. park( )4.is there a li

2、brary near your home? _.a. yes, there is b. no, there is c. yes, it is . d no, it isnt( )5.the hotel is _a park and a restaurant. a. between b. to c. in d. at( )6.this is the _of the story. a. beginning b. beginning c. begins d. begin( )7.can you tell _the way to the post office. a. his b. he c. him

3、 d. she( )8.welcome _ the garden district. a. to b. for c. in d. on( )9. i have a house _a small beautiful garden. a. on b. to c. of d. with( )10.bridge street is a good _to have fun. its a busy street. a. house b. garden c. bank d. place( )11. he enjoys_ when he is free. a. read b. reads c. reading

4、 d. is reading( )12. the boy writes_ his father a letter every week. a. with b. in c. at d. to( )13.take a walk through the park_ center avenue. a. to b .at c. on d. in( )14.this is the way _my school. we often _ a taxi to go to school. a .to; take b. to; make c. for ;drive d .for; turn( )15.there i

5、s a big table _the left side. a. in b. on c. at d. for( )16.you can post a letter in the _. a. library b. supermarket c. post office d. bank( )17.where is the rose hotel? its _a bank. a. across b.from c. across from d. through( ) 18._,is there a post office near here? _.i dont know.a.excuse me; im s

6、orry b.im sorry; excuse me c. excuse me; excuse me d. sorry; sorry( )19. go straight and turn_. you can see the school. a. the left b.to left c. for the left d. left( )20.between the post office and the library _a supermarket. a. is b.are c.have d.am(二)完型填空:(10个,10分)welcome to the xiangyang district

7、. its a good_31 to have fun. there_32 a new supermarket and a beautiful park there. there are some quiet avenues,_33. turn left on first avenue and go_34 long street, you can see a park_35 your right. its_36 a bank and a library. you can play_37 guitar and take a walk there. if you are hungry, you c

8、an buy _38 in the supermarket and_39your meal in the park. they are _40 each other (相互).31. a. street b. place c. parkd.way32. a. have b. are c. is d.has33. a. and b. too c. there d.but34. a. to b. on c. down d.in35. a.at b. in c. with d.on36. a. behind b. from c. between d.front37. a. an b. a c. d.

9、the38. a. some food b. lunch c. clothes39. a .like b. enjoy c. make d.do 40. a .across from b.in front of c. next to(三) 阅读理解:(5个, 5分)ees in the garden. next to the garden, there is an orange orchard (果园). you can hear birds singing everywhere. there is a river not far from our school. in summer, we

10、usually go swimming with our teachers in it. we study chinese, english, math and other subjects at school. the teachers are very nice. we love our school.41.the writer(作者)lives _. a. in a small town b. in the city of guilin c. in a village d. in a tall building 42.there is _in the front of our schoo

11、l. a. a river b. a tall building c. a playground d. a garden43.the students often _ in summer. a. play basket. b. plant trees. c. grow flowers . d.go swimming44.people can hear_ singing here and there. a. students b. birds c. cows d. teachers45.what is the best title(题目)of the passage? a. the garden

12、 b.a small town c.our school d.the best building(四)补全对话:从选项中选出合适的句子完成对话,有多余选项。(5个,5分)a. excuse me, _46a. its between the hotel and the bank.b. no, there isnt . _47b. wheres the restaurant?a. how can i get there?c. is there a restaurant around here?b. _48d. just go straight and turn left at the park.

13、b. no, it isnt. _49f. youre welcomea. thank you very much.b. _50(五)用所给介词填空:(10个,10分)a.in b.on c.at d.behind e.under f.cross from g.next to h.between i.in front of j.in the front of51.the library is _the video shop and the supermarket.52.where is my bag? its _the door.53.at the post office you can se

14、e a bank on the other side. the bank is _the post office.54.there is a map _the wall.55.is there a hotel _the neighborhood?56.we often see a pay phone _the post office.57.is the bike _the tree yours?58.many people like boating in the river _the village.59.turn left_ new park60.the driver(驾驶)is drivi

15、ng _the car.非选择题(六)根据句意及首字母完成单词。(10个10分)61.we can buy what we want in a big s_.62.a post o_ is a place to post letters, cards and so on.63.the pay phone is b_ the bank and the hotel.64.could you please show me the w_ you the post office.65.its far from here. you can t_ a taxi.66.a tall tree is in f_

16、 of our classroom.67.our classroom is very d_. please clean it after class.68.there are so many cars here and it is a b_ street.69.im so hungry, mom. please give me some to eat.70.its a q_ street. there are no people and buses here.(七)用所给词的正确形式填空。(10个10分)71.bridge street is a busy street. its a good

17、 place_(have)fun.72.we have two new _(library) in our school.73.our teacher often _(arrive) at school early in the school.74.this is the_(begin) of our tour.75.do you enjoy _(talk) with children in english?76.let her _(go) home with her good friend.77.the boy _(live) near the post office.78.jim can

18、_(sing) very well.79.please _(take)a walk after dinner.80.welcome_(to) our school.(八)句型转换。(每空1分共10分)81.can you tell me how i can get to the zoo? can you tell me _ _the zoo?(变为同义句)82.they live in shanghai._ _they live? (对划线部分提问)83.the street is clean.(用dirty变为选择疑问句)_ the street clean _ _?84.the hotel is next to a post office.(对划线部分提问)_ the hotel?85.the


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