



1、module 8 story timeunit 1 once upon a time学习目标能通过图片和对话理解金凤花姑娘的故事。重点和难点:可以通过图片复述故事情节。情感目标:通过阅读故事提高对英语的学习兴趣,感受学习英语的乐趣学习步骤一、自主学习:预习48页的课文找出下列短语并连线。1. onceuponatime a. 走失,迷路2. picksomeflowers b . 敲门3. belost c. 很久以前4. lookaround d. 急忙跑到某地5. hurrytowards+地点. e.环视,四下张望6. knockon/atthedoor f. 采花7. pushthed

2、oor g. 推门8. enterthehouse h. 进入房子9. pickup i. 端起10. intheforest j. 去散步11. allalone k. 在公园12. inthepark l. 刚刚好13. lookinto m. 独自一人14. justright n. 在森林里15. again and again o 一遍又一遍16. a girl with hair of gold p一个留着金色头发的女孩17. go for a walk q 向里面看去二、合作探究:1.listeningi(1)whatisdamingdoing? a.heisreadingast

3、ory.b.heiswritingastory.c.heislisteningtoastory.(2).howmanybearsinthestory?a.threeb.four c.five(3)whatsthenameofthestory?a.threelittlepigsb.goldilocksandthethreebears(4).whatwasthegirlsname?a.goldilocks b.snowwhitelistening iido activity i2.reading readandnumberthepicturesinthecorrectorderonpassage

4、48.3. readandfinishthem.(一)picked,dark,lost,walked(1).whatdidgoldilocksdo?1.she_intotheforest.2.she_someflowers3.itwasvery_soonshewas_.(二)pushed,hurried, looked,noticed, open, knockedon1.didshenoticealittlehouse?(1.)she_aroundherand_ahouse.she_towardsthehouse.2.wasthedooropen?she_thedoor.nobodyanswe

5、red.soshe_thedoor.itwas_.(三)whathappenednext?1)goldilocks_thehouse.2)therewerethree_.3)whichbowldidshechoose?why?4)shefinishedallthefoodinit.4. retell the story lookatthepicturesandretellthestory. (看图片复述故事).三讨论与小结1.这个对话时态是:_ 2.行为动词过去式的构成规则 1)一般动词词尾加-ed:walk _ , listen _ 2)以字母e结尾的词后加-d: live _ , noti

6、ce _ 3)以辅音字母加-y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加-ed: hurry _, carry _ 4)以元音字母加一辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed: stop _,step _ 练习:i写出下列动词的过去式。 1.live _ 2.pick _ 3. knock _ 4.finish _ 5.try _ 6. cry _ 7.jump_ 8.point_ 9. answer_ii. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. once upon a time, an old man _(live) in the forest. 2. he finished _(do) hi

7、s homework. 3. anns dog was _(lose). 4. we decided _ (go) to hainan. 5.tony _ (hurry)to the classroom to ask where tom was.四.课堂检测1.单项选择:1)the story often begins : _ upon a time a. one b. ones c. ones d. once2) if you are _ , dont worry and shout “ help !” a. hungry b. lost c. cold d. hot3) before yo

8、u enter the room , youd better knock _ the door .a. in b. into c. on d with 4) many years ago , there was a little girl _ goldilocka. call b. calls c. calling d. called2. 完成句子。1) _ _ _ _,there was a famous singer.(从前)2) tom _ _ in beijing yesterday morning.(迷路)3) he _ _ _ a train to qingdao for a tr

9、ip.(决定)4)lets _ _ _ _ this weekend.(骑车兜风)5)the little girl _ _ a bag yesterday.(捡到)3.completethepassagewiththecorrectform.around, bowl, dark, enter, knock, nobody, pick, push, towardsonedaygoldilockswalkedintotheforestand(1)someflowers.itwasvery(2)andsoonshewaslost.shelooked(3) her,andsawalittlehouse,andsh


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