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1、吉林省长春市五校2017-2018学年八年级英语上学期第二次月考(期中)试题 (满分100)题 号一 二 三 四 总 分得 分评卷人长春市第_中学姓名_ _年_班一、基础知识(共40分)i、在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确(10分)1he asked me to meet him in the park at 7:00, and i waited for a long time, but he didnt a_.2the rich should try to help the p_3why are you late for school again? tell me

2、 the r_.4the boy likes planes very much and he wants to be a p_ in the future.5mary is writing an a_ for a magazine.6tom was u_. his parents died when he was only 5 years old.7i want to learn a f_ language, for example, french8please pass me two pieces of p_9nowadays (现在)many kinds of wild animals a

3、re in great d_10we live on the e_ and it is our only home. ii、用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空(10分)11. he is the _ (famous) singer in europe.12.he plans _(have) a picnic in the park next sunday.13. jim is a _ (success) actor. he does very well in the movie. 14. there are many _ (factory) in the city. 15. they _(clea

4、n) the classroom tomorrow.16. tom is the_( tall) of the three.17.are you going to _ (keep) on writing stories?18some people enjoy_(plan) to do things before doing them.19my uncle _(become) very rich five years ago.20. what is your brother going to be when he _(grow) up?iii、单项选择(15分)( ) 21 i _ the sh

5、ops. can i get you anything?a. go to bwent to chave gone to dam going to ( ) 22my aunt _ me to europe for vacation next month. have a good time! atake btook cwill take d. takes( ) 23its one of the _ things in the world to stay with friends.i agree. it always makes us relaxed.aworst bhappiest cbusies

6、t dhardest( ) 24 john. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make. thanks, miss rose. athe more; the less bthe more; the fewer cthe less; the fewer dthe more; the more( ) 25a nice car! is it yours?no, it isnt. i _ it from a friend of mine two days ago.aborrow bhave borrowed cwill borrow dborrowed(

7、)26._ are you going to _ when you grow up?i want to be a pianist.awhat; be bwhat; doingchow; be dhow; doing( )27.how is your sister going to be a writer?shes going to keep on _ stories.awriting bwritecto write dwrote( )28.peter and kate went to the dancing party last night. they enjoyed _. amyself b

8、themselvescherself dhimself( )29.guilin is a beautiful city and it is famous _ its mountains and lakes. afor bofcas dwith( )30. my bag is old. lets go to the shop _ a new one.aboughtbbuycbuyingd. to buy 得 分评卷人二、交际运用(共10分)iv.选择合适的句子完成对话。有2项是多余的(10分)a: 31_b: im going to be a teacher when i grow up.a:

9、32. _b: in my hometown. i think i can help the kids there.a: sounds like a god idea.33._b: im going to work harder in school this year. and im going to get a part-time job.a: 34_b: i want to put some money in the bank. ill need money for college.35_a: i want to work with computers.b: cool! i hope yo

10、ur bream can come true!a: thank you!a. what are you going to do this year?b. what kind of job do you want?c. what are you going to be when you grow up?d. why?e. where do you expect to teach?f. do you want to save money?g. that sounds great!得 分评卷人三、阅读(共45分)v.完形填空(15分)jack36_ his job last week.it was

11、difficult for him to find another37_. 38_told him that it was possible to get a new one in a town two hundred kilometers39_. he decided to get there40_. so he went to the railway station and got 41_ a train.he was the42_ one in the car(车厢). the train 43_. suddenly a man came in44_ a gun and said to

12、him,“your money45_ your life!” jack sat there without 46_ up.“i 47_ any money.” jack answered.“then 48_ are you so afraid of me?”the man asked angrily. “because i 49_you were the conductor(售票员), and i didnt buy a 50_,”answered jack.( ) 36. a. lost b. found c. got d. expected( ) 37. a. work b. jobs c

13、. train d. one( ) 38. a. nobody b. somebody c. anybody d. no one( ) 39. a. from b. farther c. away d. off( ) 40. a. by bike b. on foot c. by train d. by bus( ) 41. a. off b. on c. up d. to( ) 42. a. quite b. pretty c. even d. only( ) 43.a. started b. reached c. broke d. played( ) 44. a. with b. has

14、c. have d. there was( ) 45. a. but b. and c. so d. or( ) 46.a. putting b. standing c. turning d. getting( ) 47.a.dont have b. have no c. didnt have d. had( ) 48.a.who b. where c. how d. why( ) 49.a.know b. didnt know c. think d. thought( ) 50.a.bag b. money c.ticket d. newsvi.阅读理解(30分)(a)alice,jane

15、and mark live in the same town.all of them enjoy going to the movies on weekends.now they are talking about the movie theaters in their town.i like going to town cinema because its the closest to my home.i often walk there with my cousins on weekends.it has the longest waiting line but the best serv

16、ice.it also has the biggest screens in town.its relaxing to spend an afternoon there.alicei like happy cinema.though its the most expensive in town,its the most popular.what is special about the cinema is that it sells the most delicious snacks and drinks.janemay cinema is my favorite place.its the

17、cheapest,and it has the most comfortable seats.its a little far from my home,so i often ride my bike there.on my way home,i often go to uncle bobs to eat a chicken hamburger.its delicious.mark根据短文内容,选择正确的答案(5分)( )51.alice often goes to the movies with her _.afriends bparents cbrothers dcousins( )52.

18、town cinema has _.athe biggest screens bthe best servicecthe longest waiting line da,b and c( )53.may cinema _.ahas the most comfortable seatsbhas the most expensive ticketscis janes favorite placedis close to marks home( )54.mark often goes to may cinema _.aon foot bby bus cby bike dby car( )55.whi

19、ch of the following is not true?atown cinema is not far from alices home.bhappy cinema has the cheapest tickets in town.chappy cinema has the most delicious snacks and drinks.duncle bobs may be a fast food restaurant.根据海报内容,完成下列各题(5分)( ) 56.the new student talent show is on _. a. monday bthursday cf

20、riday dsunday( ) 57.how long will the show last(持续)? a. for an hour. bfor one and a half hours. c. for two hours. dfor two and a half hours.( ) 58.students can join the audition on _. a. september 16th,9:00 am bseptember 18th,1:30 pm c. september 17th,10:00 am dseptember 17th,4:00 pm( ) 59.which of

21、the following is true? a. students can watch the show on september 17th. b. students can call (028)4961420 to join the audition. c. wont answer questions about the show. d. there are two ways to get more information about the show.( ) 60.the passage is about a(n) _. a. school ac

22、tivity b. tv program c. singing competition d. dance party(c)host: welcome to 8 oclock face to face. tonight we are going to talk to linda, a 14 year-old girl. welcome to the show, linda.linda: thank you.host: do you like to watch tv?linda: yes, i like to watch tv very much.host: what do you think o

23、f soap operas ?linda: oh, i love them.host: me too. and how about sports shows?linda: i dont mind them.host: really? and what do you think of sitcoms?linda: i dont like them.host: and talk shows?linda: thats great! i like them.host: and what do you think of game shows? linda: oh, i cant stand them.

24、theyre so boring.host: ok! that was interesting. thanks for join us.根据短文内容,判断正(t)误(f)。(5分)( )61. linda doesnt like to watch tv.( )62. linda likes soap operas very much.( )63. linda doesn t mind sitcoms.( )64. linda also likes talk shows.( )65. linda cant stand game shows. (d)任务型阅读:从方框中选择合适的选项填到短文中,使

25、短文意思通顺、结构完整。(5分)robots are playing an important role in our life. 66_in factories, robots can help people do a lot of work. 67_ people will feel bored if they do the same job again and again, but robots will not. and they can work in some dangerous places. 68_in our homes, robots are useful, too. th

26、ey can help us do some cooking. they can help the blind(盲的)people read newspapers and help the old people move some heavy things. they can play chess with children. 69_they are our best friends. they are clean and do not need any food. they can become our best pets because they do not need feeding o

27、r cleaning.however, robots are not as clever as people. 70_ if we do not “teach” them how to do things first, they can do nothing.a. they cannot think like us.b. usually people cannot.c. they work faster and do not need a rest.d. they help us a lot.e. they can teach children english and other lesson

28、s.(e)what do you want to be in the future? do you have any ambitions(抱负)?everyone in our class has his own ambition. let me tell you about them. jim wants to be a lawyer(律师). he wants to be rich. he thinks lawyers are very rich. bob is good at helping others, so li ming thinks he might be a doctor.

29、but bob likes watching movies and he wants to be a movie star. many students likes to be teachers because they love children.last night i had a dream i was forty years old. i was sick in hospital. a lot of my classmates came to see me in the hospital. jim was a lawyer. he was very rich. bob become a

30、 famous actor. he made a lot of movies. and he sent us some of his wonderful dvds. krista become a famous doctor. she wore long and white clothes. she was helping the sick people. i dreamed of many other people. but i didnt remember all of them. it is an interesting dream.根据短文内容,回答下列各题。(10分)71. why

31、does jim want to be a lawyer?_72. what does bob like doing when he wants to be a movies star?_73. how old was the writer in the dream?_74. who was a doctor in the dream?_75. what do you think of the dream?_得 分评卷人vii. 书面表达(20分)(a) 根据短文内容,用适当的单词填空,使其内容完整。每空一词。(5分) lets do sportsi think its very important 76_ everyone to do sports. i like sports 77_ theyre not only good for my health but also good for my study. m favorite sport is swimming. whenever i am free, i will s


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