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1、无动词分句,无动词分句基本上属于SVC句型,只是动词不表示出来,主语也通常不表示出来. A)不带从属连词的无动词分句 Speechless, Victor Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat. B)带从属连词的无动词分句 Whatever the reason, his cordiality to her has won him a friend. C)带有自己主语的无动词分句,1,无动词分句,He looked up, annoyance on his face. 无动词分句在句中可作名词修饰语和状语。作状语,无动词分句可表示时间、地点、原因、条件、

2、让步、方式或伴随状况等。,2,关于“独立结构”,所谓“独立结构”实质上就是带有自己主语的非限定分句和无动词分句。它还是一种从属分句。 He went off, gun in hand. The meal over, prayers were read by Miss Miler. 作业: Exercise 32I,3,1. Playing the piano is my favorite pastime. 2. Is it worthwhile doing such experiments? 3. They insisted on holding a reception in our hono

3、r. 4. I have got used to doing this kind of work. 5. After booking the ticket, she began to pack her things.,4,6. Instead of criticizing him, we should praise him. 7. Have you any objection to carrying out this plan? 8. At the meeting he stressed the importance of following the mass line. 9. Rebuild

4、ing this canal has already brought many benefits to our national economy. 10. Seeing so many people before her, she felt very nervous.,5,11. Having lived in Sichuan for many years, I know that place very well. 12. Pointing at a new building, he said, “This is our club.” 13. We began to knock at the

5、door, thinking that was his home. 14. The river being too wide, we couldnt swim across. 15. Such being the case, I wont insist on your staying here.,6,16. The weather being so warm, someone suggested having the party in the open air. 17. Being so excited, he didnt know what to say. 18. She sat there

6、 silent, tears streaming down her cheeks. 19. When he got to the village, he found the girls picking cotton in the fields. 20. Yesterday afternoon the school master caught some pupils smoking cigarettes in the classroom.,7,1. Knowing that he was poor, I offered 2. Having barricaded the windows, we a

7、ssembled 3. Becoming tired of my complaints, she turned off 4. Finding/ Having found no one at home, he left 5. Hoping to find the will, she searched,8,6. Having removed all traces of his crime, the criminal left 7. Realizing that he had missed the last train, he began 8. Exhausted by his work, he t

8、hrew 9. Having spent all his money, he decided 10. Having escaped from prison, he looked,9,11. Having heard the story before, she didnt want 12. Having found the treasure, they began 13. Entering the room suddenly, she found 14. Turning/ Having turned on the light, I was 15. Having visited the museu

9、m, we decided,10,16. Thinking we were lost, he offered 17. Having found his revolver and loaded it, he sat 18. Realizing/ Having realized that she couldnt move it alone, she asked 19. Having fed the dog, he sat 20. Addressing the congregation, he said,11,21. the characters, lying face downwards in a

10、 sea of mud, have an unintelligible conversation. 22. Looking/ Having looked through the fashion magazines, I realize 23. The tree, uprooted by the gale, had fallen 24. People sleeping in the next room were 25. Knowing that the murderer was still at large, I was,12,26. Having been accommodated in an

11、 inn, he looked 27. Soaked to the skin, we reached 28. Sitting/ Seated in the front row and equipped with, I saw 29. Knowing that the bull was bad-tempered, I didnt like 30. Believing that she could trust him, she gave,13,31. Slates, ripped off by the gale, fell 32. The lion, finding his cage door o

12、pen and seeing no sign of his keeper, left 33. The government, trying to tax people according to the size of their houses, put a tax 34. Having heard that the caves were dangerous, I didnt like 35. Wearing extremely fashionable clothes and surrounded by photographers and pressmen, she swept,14,1. Sh

13、e stood back and looked at him, her face smiling radiantly. 2. His exam finished, Porter stumbled wearily out of the room. 3. Henry Adams ran from the room, cold shivers running down his spine. 4. The station wagon sped away, the taillights disappearing into the distance. 5. Dinner over, the family

14、scattered to their various haunts.,15,6. His opponent gaining a lead of almost 200,000 votes the senator publicly conceded that he had lost his election bid. 7. Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed. 8. There being no way for me to cross, I walked upstream on the south side. 9. James

15、 sat down, wiped his forehead and smiled complacently, his good humour quite restored. 10. Marie sat on the edge of a frail wooden chair in Kirbys suite, (the) champagne glass in her hand, (her) tears in her eyes.,16,11. All the money having been spent, Jack started looking for work. 12. A little gi

16、rl walked past, her doll dragging behind her on the pavement. 13. The guest having departed, Father kicked off his shoes and stretched out on the couch. 14. Hilda marched stiffly from the room, her face blazing with anger. 15. (With) the whole meeting in uproar, the chairman abandoned the attempt to

17、 take a vote.,17,16. Task completed, I went to bed. 17. In front of him stood a man, gun in hand. 18. The clock having struck twelve, we had to leave. 19. Walking into the room, I saw Grandpa sitting at the desk, newspaper spread before him. 20. The professor rested against the blackboard, chalk in

18、one hand, textbook in the other.,18,21. Jimmy walked slowly to the corner of the playground, face streaked with tears. 22. Stomachs crying for food, backs burning from too much sun, the two boys gathered their gear and headed for home. 23. packages under arm, maps in hand, I made my way to the Chevy pickup parked in front of the store.,19,24.


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